
Captured part 6


I watched as He slowly moved the glowing wand closer and closer towards my pussy. my body began to tremble as i lay there as still as possible so as not to anger Him.
"Whats wrong slut? Do you want me to stop?"
 Knowing if i answered wrong it would cause me even more pain i stuttered, "Nooo Sir please Sir. "
He laughed just as the wand lowered close enough to send a streak of electricity straight inside my clit causing me to arch up off the table. Gasping at the feel of currents running inside me i felt myself moving against it causing the intensity to grow.
 "Like that do you whore?"
i started nodding my head instead of speaking which caused Him to reach over upping the wattage coursing through me.
"bitch you will answer me when i ask you a question"
"Yes Sir" i cried out "i am sorry Sir". He took the wand away and picked up two thin wires which He wrapped around my nipples, He then picked up what looked like a small metal flogger. With the flogger in His right hand He reached over a flipped a couple switches with His left, suddenly i could feel pulsing currents running through each nipple causing them to harden even more, my breasts started feeling like they were swelling, the skin feeling to tight like they were going to burst. Just as i thought i could not handle the pressure building i felt the fingers of the flogger slapping against my pussy. Electric charges arking into my clit, lips, and pussy with each thud. my body jerked against the restraints with each surge of electricity, my pussy and tits aching and burning. As the pressure inside me started building.
He growled "Don't cum until i say you can slut. "
"Yes SIr, i mean no Sir i won't Sir" i panted out. i could feel my body trying to do exactly what i was told not to.


   The pressure was building with each jolt He sent through me, i could feel the difference as He turned the machine up even higher until i could not tell when one pulse of energy stopped and the next began. i started thrashing against the table, bucking hard, my head rocking from side to side as the need to cum over shadowed everything else.
"What do you want you nasty fucking whore?"
"Please Sir may i cum Sir please. . . oh please Sir" He slapped the flogger against me harder and faster, each hit sending wave after wave through my body, "Cum like the filthy slut you are girl"
Before i could speak my body took over and i began screaming as my body convulsed over and over as though it had been taken over, i could not stop cumming as He continued the assault on my body. "Don't stop till i say you can bitch" i heard Him demand. my body pulled and twisted against the restraints holding me as i tried to get away from the pressure inside myself that kept building and building on top of each other. i was so far gone that i did not realize He had stopped the mac hine and was not touching me any more. Finally He demanded that i stop and slapped me twice across the face to get me to hear Him from the tunnel i had fallen into.
"What do you say slut?"
Panting i replied "Thank You Sir" just before i slid off into deep space. The room came back into focus as i felt Him unhooking the restraints and picking me up off the table. He carried me over to my cage and laid me inside.
"Rest for a while whore. I have a big surprise in store for you later.

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  " i could still feel the electricity zinging through my body as i curled up falling into a deep sleep.
i don't know how long i slept but the sound of the lock being opened on my cage pulled me awake. He did not say a word as He swung the door open and walked across the room. i lay there for a moment before realizing He expected me to follow Him. i crawled out of the cage and started to stand.
 "No bitch, crawl to me like the bitch whore you are. " i dropped back to my knees and crawled across the room to where He stood. He reached down and patted my head, His fingers scratching behind my ear like i was dog. i was not sure how that made me feel, being treated like an animal instead of a person. Seeing the look on my face He grinned. "Whats wrong slut, you don't like being treated like the bitch you are?"
"i don't understand Sir" i whispered.
"you are such a stupid cunt. girl you are whatever i say you are understand me?" He tangled His hand in my hair yanking my head back so i was looking up at Him. Tears filled my eyes.
 "No Sir, i mean yes Sir.

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   No Master i don't understand Sir. " Shaking His head He bent down in front of me,"girl it is like this. If i say you are a slut then that is what you are. If i say you are a whore then you are. If i say you are a fucking bitch, then it means just that, you are nothing but a filthy bitch dog in heat. Do i make myself clear?"
He yanked even harder almost ripping the hair out of my head. i cried out "Yes Sir i am what You say i am Sir. " He stood back up releasing my hair and again patted the top of my head like one would a pet.
"Very good bitch. i am going to show you exactly how much of a dirty, filthy bitch you really are. " First He set a dog bowl of water on the floor and beside it a dog dish full of food. "If your hungry or thirsty then there is where you will get it from.
He then turned my head towards the corner. See the pads on the floor bitch? That is where you will relieve yourself if you need to use the bathroom. you are only to crawl and when i say you will only answer with sounds a true bitch would make.

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   Do i make myself clear?" i looked around before looking up at Him, my face burning with the humiliation i felt.
 "Yes Sir i understand Sir. "
"Very good bitch. Until i say otherwise you are now my bitch and you will act like it. " He then turned and walked over to the couch on the far side of the room and laid down seeming to ignore me. For a while i just sat there, my head hung low as i felt totally humiliated at being made to feel like nothing but a dog. Soon though the need for something to drink filled me to the point i crawled over and began lapping water from the bowl until my thirst was quinced.
"Come here bitch" He demanded of me. i crawled over to the couch and He panted for me to curl up on the floor beside it. His hand reached down scratching behind my ear, i surprisingly realized i was leaning my head against His hand as i relished the feel of His touch. After a few minutes i felt Him stop as He had fallen asleep. The first thought i had was how i could escape while He was asleep, but that was quickly followed by no only the fear of what He would do if He caught me, but somewhere deep inside i realized a big part of me did not want to leave. i instead laid my head down a drifted off to sleep to the sound of His even breathing.
When i awoke i felt the need to go to the bathroom strongly. i started to stand up to walk to the bathroom before i remembered i was not allowed to do so.

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   i looked up and realized He was still asleep but the thought of His punishment if i disobeyed outweighed the humiliation i felt at having to crawl over to the pads and use them to urinate on. Tears ran down my cheeks as shame started to feel me as i squatted there on the pads relieving myself. Not realizing He had awakened i jerked my head around as i heard Him speak
 "Good bitch". i started to thank Him before i realized i was not allowed to speak, instead i let out a small whimper to let Him know i understood Him. When i finished He snapped His fingers for me to return to Him. By the time i crawled back to Him He was sitting up with His feet on the floor. i crawled over to sit before Him and waited to see what He wanted.
His foot came out and kick me over "Bitch when i command you come to me you will come and heal by my right leg where i can reach you and not in front of me. " i scrambled back to my hands and knees and moved over to sit beside His right foot. "well bitch i have a surprise for you. I have someone who wants to come play with you. "
Fear of someone seeing me like i was scared me. i began to whimper before feeling His hand yanking my head back by my hair. "bitch don't make me mad. you will behave.

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   Understand?" i nodded my head as shame washed over me. "Listen to me and listen well bitch. you are mine to do with as i see fit. There is only one thing you need to remember and that is you are mine. i don't share my property, at least no other human male cock will ever be inside you but mine. Understand?"
As relief filled me i nodded my head. i did wonder why He worded it like He did but decided it was just how He talked as i still did not know Him very well. He suddenly let loose a loud whistle. Before i realized what was happening two huge dogs came racing down the stairs and over to where we were. He laughed as they began sniffing around me, "As I said no human cock but mine will be inside you. "
i looked up as understanding to just what He meant reached my brain. i started shaking my head as i realized what was going to happen. He yanked my head back with one hand while His other slapped hard against the side of my face. "Don't tell me no bitch. "

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