Chapter 49
When Michelle arrived home, there was a note by the phone for her to call Kristi. She went to her room and dialed the number.
“Hey, you called?”
“Michelle. ” There was a sense of relief in Kristi’s tone. “I’m glad you called. I really need to talk to you. It’s kind of important. ”
Michelle had a feeling she knew what it was, but didn‘t let on. “Sure, what’s up?”
“Can we get together? I’d rather do it in person. ”
Michelle’s mother wasn’t home so she invited Kristi over. Fifteen minutes later she was sitting beside her on her bed.
“I . . . I had sex with Jake today,” she admitted without preamble, staring at the floor. When Michelle didn’t respond right away, she turned to look at her.
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“It really hurt. ”
Michelle smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s supposed to the first time. ”
Kristi nodded, looking down again. “I know, but I’m still a little tender. ”
“You’ll feel better tomorrow. ” Michelle paused for a few seconds. “So, how was it, other than the pain?”
Kristi squirmed uncomfortably. “It was . . . ok. ” She looked up at Michelle briefly, then back down at her hands in her lap. “I mean, it sort of felt good, but it was over pretty quick. ”
Michelle nodded.
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So Jake wasn’t what you would call a stud. She decided to play it down.
“Well, it was his first time too, right?”
“I think so. ”
“Then don’t worry about it. It’ll get better. ”
Kristi looked up at her. “I hope so!” A glimmer of a smile appeared on her lips.
Michelle chuckled and leaned in to hug her. For a moment Kristi’s body tensed, then she relaxed and returned the hug. “It will. I promise. ”
They separated and Michelle met her eyes. “Did he do anything . . .
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to, you know, get you off?” Kristi’s face reddened and Michelle grinned. “Tell me!”
Kristi chuckled nervously. “Well, he . . . licked me . . . and I . . . ”
Her face reddened even more and she nodded, looking down. “Y . . .
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yeah. ”
“Did you like it?”
Kristi nodded. “Oh yes, it felt great!” She paused as if she wanted to say more and Michelle kept quiet. Finally she took a deep breath and released it. “When we kissed . . . afterward, I could taste . . . myself. ” Her fingers subconsciously touched her lips and she looked over at Michelle with a nervous smile. “It wasn’t that bad. ”
Michelle thought she could have been knocked over by a feather at that point. Kristi was telling her she didn’t mind the taste of pussy? She couldn’t think of anything to say in reply and Kristi continued.
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“I mean, I’m not saying I’d do that with another girl or anything . . . ” She looked up at the still silent Michelle. “ . . . but I guess I can see why you might like it. ”
Michelle found her voice and said the first thing that popped into her head. “You never know, you might just like it, too. ”
As soon as she said it she wished she could take it back, but Kristi’s response wasn’t what she expected. Instead of becoming defensive about her heterosexuality, she shrugged. “Maybe. ”
Michelle stared at her in stunned silence. Was this the same Kristi she had know most of her life? Kristi turned to her, a smile creasing her lips.
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“I bet you never expected me to say that, huh?”
Michelle shook her head. “I . . . uh, no. ” She quickly composed herself and smiled. This was definitely a good sign, but she didn’t want to push too hard, so she steered the conversation back to her and Jake. “So . . . are you and Jake going to do it again?”
Kristi waiting for several moments before replying. “I don’t know. I mean, it was nice, but . . .
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not great, you know?” Michelle nodded, trying to read her face. “I just wish . . . ” Her voice trailed off and she glanced up at Michelle. “I just wish it had been like what I saw with you guys. That looked amazing!”
Michelle didn’t respond for a moment, then said softly, “Give it some time, Kristi. The first time is never good. ” Then she thought back to her first time and smiled to herself. Ok, there were exceptions to every rule. “Don’t give up. ”
Kristi thought for a moment, then nodded.
“Ok, I’ll give it another chance. ”
Michelle decided this was a good time to bring up the camping trip. “Look, I don’t know if you’d be interested or not .
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. . ” Kristi looked up at her. “. . . but I was talking with Steve, Angie, and Artie tonight. We want to go on an overnight camping trip tomorrow. You know, get some booze, have a campfire . . . ” She grinned. “. . .
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and have a little fun. I was going to call you and ask if you wanted to come too. Steve’s calling Jake and I’m sure he’ll be up for it, especially if he knows you’re coming. ”
Kristi sat quietly for a few seconds, then looked up. “Would you guys be . . . doing stuff together?”
Michelle chuckled. “We’re not exhibitionists, Kristi, despite what you saw. That was an unusual situation. We’re normally a little more discreet. ”
Kristi nodded. “Oh, ok. ” Michelle thought she detected a hint of disappointment in her voice.
“So, what do you say? Are you going to come?”
“I’ll have to ask my parents,” she replied, standing, “but I’d like to.
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Michelle grinned and stood up, hugging her. “Great!”
The said goodnight and Michelle watched her roll away on her bicycle. If she was reading Kristi correctly, this might not be as difficult as they first thought.
Chapter 50
Angie and Steve made their way home, talking about what they would need for the overnight excursion. Suddenly Steve braked and Angie slid to a stop a few yards ahead of him, looking back.
“What’s wrong?”
“I just thought of something,” he said, easing up next to her. “If we both ask about going camping, our parents will know we plan on sleeping together. They’ll never allow it. ”
Angie grimaced. “Shit, you’re right. ”
He nodded grimly. “Exactly. We live in the same house so we can’t pull the old ‘sleeping over at a friend’s house’ routine. Dammit!”
Angie sighed and they began to pedal toward home again. “Let me give it some thought.
I may be able to come up with something. ” After a few minutes, she said, “You could say you’re going with Artie and Jake and I could sneak out after they go to bed. ”
He nodded. “Yeah, maybe. It would be a pain in the ass though. ”
They wheeled into the garage and parked their bikes. The Delaney’s minivan was there, but Steve’s parent’s car was missing. “Yeah, it would. But it would be better than nothing. ”
He pulled her to him and they kissed passionately. “Let’s call that Plan B,” he said after they pulled apart and were walking to the house. “I’ll give Jake a call and see what he says. ”
They went inside and started for the basement when Cathy’s voice halted them on the top steps.
Angie turned and poked her head around the corner. “Yes, Mom?”
Cathy took a few steps toward her as Steve came up behind her at the top of the stairs.
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“Could I talk to you for a few minutes?” Her eyes moved to Steve and he could read the look on her face.
“Uh . . . I’ll go call Jake,” he said, and descended the stairs.
Angie stepped up into the kitchen. “Sure, Mom. ”
Cathy leaned against the cupboards and gestured toward one of the stools at the breakfast counter. “Have a seat. ”
Angie went over and perched on the stool, her heart starting to beat faster. Her mother’s tone of voice and the look on her face told her this was something important. She hoped it wasn’t about her and Steve and the inevitable lecture on the dangers of teen sex.
Cathy folded her arms over her chest and waited long enough for Angie to begin squirming uncomfortably before speaking.
“I need to ask you something and I want you to be honest with me. I promise I won’t be mad.
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” She looked over at Angie, who had her hands clenched together between her knees, and took a deep breath. “Are you and Steve having sex?”
Angie felt her heart rate increase tenfold and her face seemed to heat up. Even if she lied, her body language would give her away. She looked down at her hands and nodded. “Yes,” she replied sheepishly.
Cathy sighed and gripped the edges of the counter. Even though she’d known it was happening, her daughter’s confirmation brought it all home. It took her a moment before she could continue.
“Are you at least being careful?”
Angie tried to keep her voice from wavering. “Mom . . . ”
“Angie, I’m sorry, but you are too young for sex and I don’t want to see you get pregnant at your age. ”
Angie looked down again. “I’m on the pill, remember?”
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“I know, but that isn’t a license to do it, and it isn’t foolproof. And you have to think about diseases too. ”
Angie couldn’t believe she was having this conversation. “He’s never been with anyone else, Mom. We don’t have to worry about that. ”
“Be that as it may, fifteen year olds aren’t ready for sex. ” She sat on the stool next to her and took her hand, her voice softening. “Angie, I know you’re growing up, but I still see that innocent little girl when I look at you. This is a little hard for me to accept. ”
Angie looked up at her, meeting her eyes. “I know, Mom. But this is more than just sex. I . . .
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I love him, and he loves me. ”
Cathy smiled despite herself. She remembered her first crush and what she believed was love. “It’s perfectly normal to feel that way about the first guy you . . . ” The words caught in her throat, “. . . sleep with. ”
Angie shook her head. “No, Mom, it isn’t like that. ” She hesitated and took a deep breath before continuing. “You see . .
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. Steve . . . wasn’t my first. ” She dropped her eyes, suddenly unable to look into her mother’s.
Cathy’s jaw dropped. “Pardon me?” She heard her clearly, but her mind couldn’t grasp what her fifteen year old daughter had just told her.
Angie didn’t look up, but repeated. “Steve wasn’t my first. Do you remember Jeremy back home?”
Cathy thought back, her mind still reeling from Angie’s revelation. Jeremy? But that was last summer when she was . . . fourteen! As she sat there stunned, Angie continued.
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“But I know what you mean by falling for your first though. I thought I was in love with him for a while, but that wasn’t love. ” She looked up, her eyes glistening. “With Steve it’s different. I’ve had a crush on him for years and when I saw him again for the first time this summer, I knew I loved him. ” She gripped her mother’s hand tighter and leaned forward. “We aren’t just having sex, Mom. We’re making love! And it’s the most thrilling . . . the most unbelievable feeling in the world!”
Cathy stared at her, her mind still trying to grasp the concept that her little girl had been having sex for a year. Finally, she found her voice.
“Angie, what were you thinking?” She shook her head. “You were only a child then! You still are!”
Angie sighed and nodded, looking down. She wisely decided not to comment on the child reference.
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“I know it was a mistake with Jeremy, and I wish I hadn’t done it. ” She looked back into her mother’s face, a tear spilling from one eye. “But not with Steve. I can’t explain it, but it just feels right with him. Do you know what I mean?”
Cathy didn’t respond for a moment. She knew exactly what she meant. She’d felt that way after sleeping with Mark for the first time. But she was in college then. True, he hadn’t been her first, and she felt like a hypocrite lecturing her daughter on pre-marital sex given her past and the relationship she and Mark shared with the O’Connells, but this was her teenaged daughter! Still, she knew the feeling and could read the heartfelt emotion in Angie’s eyes. She forced a smile.
“Ok, honey, I believe you. ” Angie broke into a smile. “But that doesn’t mean I’m condoning your actions. I still think you’re too young for the responsibilities of a sexual relationship. ” Angie’s expression became solemn once again.
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“I won’t waste my breath telling you not to do it because I’m not so old not to remember what it’s like to be a teenager in love. But I want you to promise me one thing. ” She paused and Angie waited. “Please, please, always use a condom. I’m too young to be a grandma. ”
Angie nodded. “Ok, Mom. We’ll be careful. ” She promised herself to at least try one with Steve, although she had hated the feel of it when her and Jeremy used one. She knew of other more interesting ways to prevent pregnancy, and was pretty sure you couldn’t get pregnant by swallowing.
Cathy forced another smile. “Ok, lecture over. I won’t tell your father about this right away. ” He was flying in tomorrow after wrapping up work and shipping all their furniture to a storage facility here in Mason. “He’ll have to be told eventually,” she added as she stood up, “but I’ll give him some time to get used to the two of you dating before I drop that bomb on him.
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Just then the phone rang but it was picked up on the second ring. Cathy started toward her bedroom when Angie was suddenly struck with a thought. This was as good a time as any to ask about the camping trip.
“Mom?” Her mother stopped and turned to her. “Um, Steve and the others are planning a camping trip to the creek tomorrow. Do you think I could go? It’s just for one night.
Cathy didn’t respond for a second, then slowly shook her head. “Angie, I don’t think that would be appropriate . . . ”
Angie stood up, her eyes pleading. “But, Mom, you said yourself you couldn’t keep us from doing it. And if not there, we’d just find some other place. What’s the harm?”
Cathy sighed. She was right, of course, but saying yes to this would be almost like giving her permission for them to have sex.
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When she told Angie that, she was adamant.
“Michelle and Kristi will be there, too. We’ll all be sleeping in the same tent. How are we going to do anything?”
“Are either of them having sex with their boyfriends?”
Angie shrugged. “Michelle doesn’t have a boyfriend and Kristi just started seeing Jake. I’m pretty sure they aren’t. ” White lies, but if she knew there were three couples going, she would say no for sure.
Cathy thought for a moment. “I’m not saying yes or no right now,” she said and Angie’s eyes lit up with hope. “But let me think about it, ok? I’ll give you my decision in the morning. ”
Just then they heard two car doors closing. The O’Connells were home.
“Ok, thanks Mom,” Angie said, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before running toward the steps.
“Good night!” Cathy called as she thumped down the stairs.
A moment later, Karen and Alan came in, each loaded down with bags of groceries.
Cathy went over to them and relieved Karen of one that she was losing her grip on.
“Thanks,” Karen said, dropping the rest to the counter. Alan set his down and went back out for another load. “Are the kids home?” Cathy nodded, staring blankly down at the bag of canned goods in front of her. Karen saw something was troubling her and went to her, placing a comforting hand on her arm. “Cathy? What’s wrong?”
Cathy sighed and looked sadly at her. “I talked to Angie a few minutes ago . . . about her and Steve. ”
“Oh,” Karen replied thoughtfully. “I take it she told you something you really didn’t want to hear. ”
A tear spilled down Cathy’s cheek as Alan came back in with another load. He looked up at the two women and as if sensing this was a man-free moment, dropped the bags on the counter and went back outside. Karen turned her attention back to her.
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“I know this is hard, and I’m sorry it’s my son, but this is what teenagers do, honey. ”
Cathy wiped away the tear and shook her head. “I know. And I’m not upset because it’s Steve,” she said. “If I were to pick someone for her, he’d be at the top of the list. It’s just . . . ” She choked back a sob. “. . . my baby’s growing up!”
Karen put her arm around her shoulders and hugged her. “I know, honey. This isn’t easy for me either.
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But look at the bright side; they’re two good kids and they’re happy. I’m not saying I’m all for what they’re doing, but it could be much worse. ” She gave her a hug. “Angie is a very beautiful girl and I suspect she’ll be very popular once school starts. And now that she’s seeing Steve, you won’t have someone different knocking on the door every weekend. Someone you don’t know. ”
Cathy nodded and tried to smile, wiping away her tears. “I guess you’re right. ” She kissed her quickly. “Thanks. I feel a little better. ” She gestured toward the door, attempting a grin as she wiped the remaining tears. “I think you should let your husband come inside now, don’t you?”
Steve went downstairs and placed the call to Jake. As expected, he was totally up for it and Steve had to endure the tale of how he and Kristi had finally done the deed, with a promise not to tell a soul, of course. Steve promised he wouldn’t say a word and agreed to meet him in the morning.
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He hung up and a few seconds later, the phone rang.
“Hey Steve. ” It was Artie.
“Hey Artie. I just spoke to Jake. He’s coming. ”
“Yeah, about that. ” He paused. “I can’t go. I have this family reunion thing that I totally forgot about. We’re leaving tomorrow afternoon for four days. ”
“Aw, shit,” Steve replied. “Can’t get out of it, huh?” He already knew the answer. Artie’s folks were big on family outings.
“Naw, I didn’t even bother to ask.
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They talked for a few minutes and Steve promised to watch out for Michelle. He sensed a hint of jealousy in Artie’s tone but dismissed it. If he was willing to share Angie with him, he shouldn’t be uptight about Michelle.
“Just make sure Jake isn’t a total dick with her, ok?” he asked.
Steve promised to take care of her, which is something he would have done anyway, and reassured him that it may not even come to that before he hung up. He went over to the couch and began sifting through the channels, wondering what Angie and her mom were talking about. He assumed that his mother had finally spilled the beans about them and they were having ‘the talk’. He wondered if he would ever be able to look her parents in the eye again with them knowing what he was doing with their daughter.
He was watching an episode of Family Guy a few minutes later when Angie came downstairs and plopped down next to him, her arms folded over her chest. She didn’t say anything for a few seconds, just staring unseeing at the TV. He was about to ask what happened when she turned to him.
“Well, Mom knows about us. ”
He sighed. So he was right.
“What did she say?”
“The usual - you’re too young, what if you get pregnant, you know.
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Steve glanced up the stairs. “Is she mad?”
Angie shook her head. “Surprisingly, no. ” She put her arms around him and hugged him. “I convinced her that we were in love and she seemed to ease up a little. ”
“Wow,” was all he could think of to say.
“There’s something else, too. ” She paused for a moment, her hand caressing his chest. “I . . . asked her about the camping trip. ” Steve tensed and she felt it. “Relax, she didn’t say no. ”
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“She didn’t exactly say yes either. She said she’d let me know after she gave it some thought. Oh, and she also said she wasn’t going to tell Daddy about us. Not yet anyway. ”
“Well that’s a relief,” he replied. At least he wouldn’t have both of them giving him the evil eye. Angie slapped him playfully.
“Oh, stop! Daddy likes you!”
Steve let out a short laugh. “Maybe not when he learns about this. ” He suddenly remembered Artie’s call. “Oh, I almost forgot. Artie called. He can’t come. ” He explained why.
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” Then she giggled. “I guess we’ll have to make sure Michelle’s well cared for!” Steve smiled and hugged her tighter. How lucky could one guy get?
Suddenly, Angie sat up and glanced up the stairs for a moment, her head cocked as if listening to something. Before Steve could ask her what she was doing, she jumped up and stood before him. She was wearing a pair of tight white shorts and a t-shirt that fell past her waist, almost covering them. She began to sway sexily, her hands moving along her hips and over her stomach. Steve looked toward the stairs, then back to her. His eyes were wide.
“Angie!” he whispered hoarsely, “You can’t . . . !”
His words were cut off when she lifted her t-shirt up and turned around, her hips still moving to some seductive music only she could hear. She bent over and ran a hand along her smooth ass and between her long legs. He sat there speechless while she did this a few times, then straightened up and turned back to face him. Her hands went under the hem of her t-shirt and he heard the telltale sound of a zipper being lowered.
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He swallowed hard and strained to hear any sounds of approaching parents while Angie tugged her shorts and panties down and off in one swift motion. She dropped them to the floor and raised her shirt slowly, still moving her body in that same sexy sway. Slowly, her pussy was revealed to him, the lips swollen and red, with just a glimmer of wetness on them.
Her eyes dropped to his shorts and the growing bulge in them. She looked back up at him and winked, her eyes sparkling, then dropped to her knees and began to undo his button and fly.
“Angie! Are you crazy?! We can’t do this now!”
She grinned up at him. “Why not? They won’t come down this late and even if they do, we’ll hear them in plenty of time. ” She pulled his stiff prick from his shorts and licked her lips. “Are you up for it?”
He closed his eyes groaned as her hand began to stroke his now fully hard cock. He wasn’t going to refuse her and she damn well knew it. After a few pumps, she released him and he opened his eyes in time to see her straddle his legs and poise her pussy over the tip of his cock. With a soft moan, she pushed down until he was completely buried inside her. They both remained still for a few seconds, just enjoying the wonderful warm sensations, ears tuned to the stairwell.
Angie began to move, slowly pumping his hard cock in and out. She leaned forward so that her lips touched his ear.
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“I’m going to fuck you until I cum all over you,” she whispered breathlessly.
He felt a surge of adrenalin course through his body at her words and hoped he’d be able to hold off long enough for that blessed event to take place. She rocked back and forth, then up and down, her tight pussy creating such wonderful sensations he thought he might pass out from pleasure overload.
It didn’t take long for Angie to climax. She was constantly whispering how hard he was, how much she liked fucking him, and other dirty little things that were driving him wild. It seemed to be having a similar effect on her. He almost forgot that their parents were just up the stairs and could come down at any time.
When she came, her body tensed, then jerked. She buried her face in his shoulder and he heard a small muffled cry escape her lips as his groin was flooded with her warm cum. She held him inside her for a long time before moving again, which was a good thing because her erotic gasps and the feel of her pussy as she orgasmed almost caused him to lose it too.
She finally relaxed and lay there with her head on his shoulder, her heavy breathing warm on his neck. After a moment, she sat up and inhaled a sharp breath as his cock shifted inside her sensitive vagina. She smiled down at him.
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. that was nice!” she whispered. He nodded in agreement. She looked back up the stairs and then extricated herself from his stiff prick, wincing as the object that she had come to love was removed from her wet pussy.
She knelt at his feet and took his wet cock in her hand, licking her lips. “Your turn,” she said in a low voice. “I want you to cum in my mouth, baby. Feed me that delicious cum!” Then she bent over and took almost his entire length into her hot little mouth.
He gasped and lay back, praying that they wouldn’t be interrupted. Angie’s mouth began to move and work its usual magic on his sensitive prick. Her tongue moved along it, causing his balls to tighten. It wouldn’t be long.
“Oh, fuck, Ang!” he gasped in a low voice.
She increased her motions, her head bobbing rapidly up and down. He felt his pleasure increase dramatically until he knew it would only be a matter of seconds before he erupted.
“Oh shit! Yess . . . I’m cumming . . . !”
Angie sucked harder, her head moving even faster until she felt his balls contract and the first shot exploded into her mouth. She eased up on her bobbing and concentrated on sucking all of his seed from his straining cock. She swallowed again and again until she felt his body relax and the shots diminished to a slow trickle. She made certain she got it all, then sat back, wiping the corners of her mouth. He looked down at her in disbelief.
“I can’t believe you did that!” he said.
She laughed. “I think it made it more exciting,” she said, reaching for her shorts and panties, “knowing we might get caught. ”
He couldn’t argue with that.
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It was a very intense orgasm.
Suddenly he heard the telltale creak of the kitchen floor and shot a warning look to Angie. But she was already moving. She grabbed her shorts and panties and ran into the bathroom, closing the door as he fastened up his pants, trying to make his still semi-hard cock as inconspicuous as possible.
“Yeah, Mom?” he called back just as he heard the shower start.
A few seconds later Karen was standing in front of him as he pretended to be watching TV. She glanced at the screen, then toward the bathroom.
“Angie’s in the I need to talk to you about something. ” She took a seat in one of the chairs. “Cathy tells me that you and Angie want to go camping tomorrow night. ”
“We were hoping we could,” he replied.
Karen stared at him until he looked away. “Who else is going?”
He shrugged. “Jake, Michelle, and maybe Kristi. We really aren’t sure yet.
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She nodded. “Not Artie?” He explained about his family commitment. “So, two guys and three girls?”
“I guess. Why?”
She didn’t answer him. Instead she thought for a moment. If there was an extra person, that may curtail much of the sexual activity. “I’ll tell you what,” she said. “You can go if Angie’s mother says she can . . . ” She paused. “. . . and if you only take two tents; one for the girls and one for you and Jake.
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Steve thought for a moment. At first her request seemed an odd one, then he realized what she was trying to do and smiled to himself. If she only knew the whole truth! He nodded. “Well, ok. I think we only have two anyway. Artie has one but he isn’t coming so . . . ”
Karen nodded and stood up. “Ok then. This will have to be on the honor system, and if I ever find out you lied and used more than two tents, you and Angie will start finding it very difficult to have any alone time. Do I make myself clear?”
He nodded. “Yes, Mom. I promise. Only two tents.
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Just then the shower stopped and Karen gave him a nod. “Ok. Good night. ”
“’Night Mom. ” He grinned as she disappeared up the stairs. Now if Angie’s mom came through, they’d be able to get some time together with Michelle. And possibly Kristi 51
Michelle awoke early, showered, and was out the door before eight o’clock. She wanted to give Artie a little taste of what he’d be missing that night and his parents were only working until noon when they would be leaving on their trip. As she rounded the corner and his house came into view, she noted the absence of a car in the driveway and smiled to herself. They would have a couple of hours together before Artie would have to start getting ready and she planned to make the most of it.
She leaned her bike against the fence and knocked on the door. A few minutes later she saw the curtains part in the kitchen window, then heard footsteps approaching the door.
Artie swung it open for her, a look of surprise on his face. His eyes quickly scanned her short cut-offs and tight halter top.
“Michelle! What are you doing here?”
She pushed inside and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply.
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At first he didn’t respond, her quick actions momentarily startling him. Then he began to return her passionate kiss and felt his cock start to grow as she ground her pelvis against his. Finally she pulled away and pushed the door firmly closed, a seductive smile on her pretty lips.
“Since you can’t make it tonight, I figured we could have a little fun before you left,” she said, her hands moving to his chest. Artie looked down at her hands then met her eyes. She smiled wider and raised her eyebrows suggestively. “What do you say?”
Less than a minute later they were in Artie’s bedroom, tearing one another’s clothes off while kissing and groping their way to the bed. Artie fell on his back, his shorts down to his knees and cock pointing proudly upward. Michelle grinned and pulled her panties off. Her shorts and top were lying somewhere between the bed and the back door. Completely naked, she pulled Artie’s shorts all the way off, then climbed onto him, moving up so that the base of his cock rubbed against her clit and the tip poked at her stomach. She began to move, rocking against him and stimulating her erect clit. His cock seeped precum, smearing it over her bare stomach. Michelle leaned over him, pushing her tongue deep into his throat and kissing him hungrily. She released his mouth and began to nibble on his ear, her breath hot and panting.
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“I want to fuck you so hard,” she breathed, “that you’ll remember this for the whole time you’re gone. ”
His hands moved down her back to her ass and he slapped it. She cried out.
“Oooo, yes, baby. . . again!”
He smacked her smooth ass again, this time a little more forcefully. She gasped in pleasure and leaned into his ear.
He kept this up for several loud smacks, her responses encouraging him to increase the strength of his slaps each time. She could feel her skin burning and tingling where his hand landed and it was turning her on like she never imagined. She wanted; no, needed his long, thick cock inside her. But she wanted this roughness to continue. Pulling back, she straightened up and reached for her breasts, kneading them roughly. Her eyes were wild as she looked down at him.
“I want you to fuck me hard,” she said huskily.
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He looked up into her face. “Like you’re . . . like you’re raping me . . . really hard and forceful. ”
He shot her a questioning look. “Really?”
She nodded, tugging at her nipples. “Yes, really. Remember when Steve was pounding Angie at the creek the other day?”
He thought back and did vaguely remember them being a little rough with one another. “Uh, yeah, I think so. Are you into that?”
She shrugged and rolled off of him, lying beside him on the bed. “I don’t know, but when you slap my ass, it makes me so hot.
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And it sounds exciting, don’t you think?”
He thought about that. While he didn’t exactly relish the idea of hurting her, if it was something she wanted him to do, he was willing to try it.
“Well, yeah, I guess it does . . . a little. ”
She snuggled in close. “If it gets too rough, I’ll say . . . ” she thought for a few seconds, then said, “I’ll say ‘too much’, ok? That’ll be the code to ease up. ” He nodded thoughtfully. “But unless I say that, anything goes, ok? Be as rough as you want to be. ”
He turned toward the pretty, naked girl lying next to him who had just basically asked him to rape her. “Are you sure about this?”
She grinned and nodded.
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“Fuck, yeah! I’m getting hot just talking about it. Now come here and fuck me, you bastard!” She opened her legs wide and pulled him over onto her, his long cock pressing against her wet lips. Unsure of exactly what she wanted him to do, he pushed into her slowly, like he always did, to allow her pussy time to adjust to his size. But she was having none of it.
“Come on, Artie! Hard!”
He met her eyes, now even wilder than before, and something inside him caught on to their little game. He grinned down at her maliciously.
“Ok, little girl, you want it hard?” He thrust deeper into her roughly and she cried out. “How’s that?”
Michelle felt a sudden twinge of pain as her tight little vaginal cavity was forced open to accept his thick meat. She moaned and pretended to struggle, but Artie was now getting into the role play and drove another few inches into her hot little box.
“Oh, fuck!” she gasped. “Talk to me! Tell me I’m a slut!”
This also came as a surprise to him, but he was getting into the act now and only hesitated a few seconds. He pulled back, then drove back into her. “Do you like my big cock, you little slut?” he gasped as she writhed under him.
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. !” Her voice took on a pleading tone and he slowed, thinking he was actually hurting her, but she pushed against him. “Don’t . . . stop! Remember the code!”
He nodded and began to pump in and out of her, sinking deeper each time. She cried out and made a very convincing act of the poor victim, pleading and begging him to stop. He continued his relentless pounding until he saw her eyes roll back in her head and felt her body stiffen under him. He knew her enough to know she was climaxing and a second later felt her already tight vagina squeezing his thick cock even tighter as she came hard.
“Oh, yeah,” he panted, his own orgasm very near, “You like that don’t you? You little slut! You’re my fucking whore, and don’t forget it!”
Michelle heard him through the waves of orgasmic pleasure that washed through her. She couldn’t believe how much this was turning her on! Artie, while a little reluctant at first, had quickly caught on and was playing his role wonderfully. He did hurt her a little because of the size of his cock and the forceful nature of their sex, but it seemed to increase her pleasure and when she finally came, all the pain seemed so worth it!
When her orgasm finally eased and he was once again able to move inside her tight cunt, he continued his rough assault.
“Now I’m going to cum . . .
” He thought for a moment. Where should he cum? Then he smiled to himself. Her face, of course. She wanted to be degraded and used, and that was the perfect way to end it. He thrust in and out a few more times, with her limp body quivering under him, then pulled out and grabbed her by the hair, tugging hard, but not enough to really hurt her.
“Come on, slut,” he panted. “I’m going to cum all over that pretty face!” Michelle pushed herself into a sitting position, while Artie held her face in place near the tip of his throbbing cock. “Suck it!”
She moved in and took his huge purple head into her mouth. His fierce orders were making her so hot she felt another orgasm building without him even touching her aching pussy. She could taste herself on him and slurped obediently on his drooling member until he pulled her free and held her face a few inches away. He grasped his shaft in his other hand and pumped it rapidly, aiming the tip at her face. “Open up, whore!”
She obediently opened her mouth and closed her eyes.
“Oh, fuck,” he groaned, his pumping motion becoming jerky. A second later, his cock erupted, spraying a thick creamy load across her forehead and down over her closed eye . A second shot hit her on the nose and across her open mouth.
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He pumped a couple of weaker dribbles into her mouth, then pushed his cock in. She happily sucked and slurped on the tip until she cleaned him thoroughly, then he released her hair and she leaned back, grinning up at him and wiping his cum from her eye.
“Holy fuck, Artie! That was so fucking hot!”
He smiled down at her. “You really liked it?” She nodded exuberantly and reached for a box of Kleenex on his night table. “I was afraid I went a little too far. ”
“No, not at all,” she exclaimed, wiping her face. “I came so hard I saw spots!” She finished cleaning her face and pulled him down so he was lying on top of her, his semi hard cock pressing against her swollen and tender pussy. “That was incredible, baby,” she whispered before she kissed him deeply. “You did a great job!”
They lay in bed for some time until Artie leaned over and looked at his alarm clock. “Shit, it’s almost 10:30,” he said, flopping back beside her. Michelle sighed and snuggled in closer.
“I know, I have to go. ”
He kissed her. “I’m really going to miss you, you know. ”
She planted several soft kisses on his bare chest.
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“I’m going to miss you too. ”
She got up and picked up her panties, slipped them on, and went out into the hall to collect the rest of her clothing. By the time Artie had pulled his shorts on and picked up his t-shirt, she was coming back in, pulling her top on. Her shorts were already on but unfastened.
“Michelle,” Artie began, then paused. She buttoned her shorts then came over and sat next to him on the bed.
“What is it?”
He looked into her eyes and suddenly Angie didn’t seem so intoxicating to him anymore. He sighed. “I . . . I really like you . . . a lot.
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” She sensed he wanted to say more so she didn’t say anything, giving him a moment to finish. It took almost a full minute before he spoke again. “I . . . Will you be . . . ?” he took a deep breath and gripped her hand. “I’m not sure I’m ok with you doing anything with Jake. ”
Michelle took a deep breath. She suspected this might happen. She stroked his cheek lovingly. “Artie, if anything were to happen, it won’t change the way I feel about you. ”
He gave her pained smile.
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“And how do you feel about me?”
She gave a short laugh to try and lighten the mood. “Well, I thought that was pretty obvious!” He smiled a little, but didn’t say anything, so she continued in a more serious tone.
“Artie, we have a very unusual thing happening between the four of us. I know I don’t have to tell you that. And it’s great. I mean, we’re having a great time and there is an element of . . . I don’t know, a relationship of some kind between all of us. Don’t you agree?” He nodded. “But when I think of someone as a boyfriend, it isn’t Steve or Jake that comes to mind. ” She turned his face to hers and met his eyes. “It’s you I think of Artie. ” She smiled. “I think we have something special happening between us.
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I really care for you. ”
He took a moment to absorb her words. “So, does that make me your . . . boyfriend?”
She smiled wider and nodded. “That’s the way I see it. ”
“You mean, we’ll hang out together at school? Do stuff?”
She laughed. “Of course! Did you think this was going to end when school started?”
He gave her a meek look. “Well, it’s just that you’re so beautiful and I’m . . . ” He shrugged.
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“And I’ll tell that to anyone who’ll listen. ”
He smiled and they kissed deeply. He had a girlfriend! He couldn’t wait to see the looks on everyone’s faces when he and Michelle walked down the halls, arm in arm. They would be a couple and everyone would know! He walked her to the door and watched as she pedaled away. His girlfriend!