
The Beginning


The Beginning Vol. 1 of the Road Home Andre had left her small home of Kirdish over three months ago. It was just a small town surrounded by cattle farms. She sighed, as she thought of her families small home. It had been just her and her father for several years now. Her mother had died of a fever laving her and her two brothers to help her father. When her oldest brother had told her father he was leaving to explore the world, her father had been devastated. That had been four years ago. Then barely a month later her younger brother disappeared. He had left a note for them saying he would be back ‘someday’. Therefore, for the past four years she had been her fathers’ only help. Now he was gone and she had left home herself shortly there after. Andre had headed towards the capital. She had decided that if her brothers could explore the world so could she. That had three long sad months ago. She had intended to stay and take on the farm when her father died but things did not work out that way.

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   She took another deep breath as she thought about the day her father died. She quickly pushed the memories away and looked to the road in front of her. She had decided with winter on her heels that she would veer south of the capital and head back north after spring had arrived. Right now, she sat outside of the gate of a huge strange town. She waited in line to be admitted to the city. As she waited she noticed the richly detail carvings on the gates and walls. On each gate there was a beautiful woman carved in exquisite detail. In one carving, she was dressed all in blue and surrounded by rings of varied colors. In yet another one, animals that seemed to be listening to every word she was portrayed to speak surrounded her. The carvings entranced Andre. She was jerk out of her musings by the gate guard. He was tugging on her pants leg. “Miss? Are you all right?” She felt her face turn red and smiled at the young man, “Yes. I’m sorry. These carvings are amazing.

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   Is this a ruler or a goddess or what?” “That is the goddess Lady Luth. Have you never heard of her?” The young man was very friendly. “No. The only gods we had in my hometown were Firth the god of fruitful harvest. What is she goddess over? She is beautiful. ” Andre felt something in her mind pull her toward this deity. “She rules over the mages and telepaths. This is where people that are blessed with gifts from the gods come to train. Welcome to the great city of Virgash. Now on to formalities. What is your business here and how long do you plan on being town?” “I am just traveling. Trying to avoid the colder weather before venturing to the capital. I am from Kirdish. Is there any work for a farmer around here?” “Not really. They always need a helping hand at the temple if you can handle a broom and a mop.

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   That’s about it unless you already have a trade. Go to the north end of town. The temple takes up the entire north wall. You can’t miss it. Tell them Jerick sent you ok? Maybe I’ll see you around. ” He handed her a rolled parchments and opened the gate. She smiled and nodded her thanks. He wasn’t kidding when he said that you couldn’t miss it. Her entire town square would fit in there with room to spare. She was once again drawn to the carvings on the walls and doors. She tore her gaze away long enough to knock on the door. She was staring once again when a young girl answered the door. Andre jumped slightly startled. “Yes?” “A young man at the gate, Jerick, said for me to come her to look for employment. Can I speak to someone about it please?” “Of course! Master Stuart will be glad to see you.

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   Follow me. ” The girl was exceedingly happy. Almost too happy, “My name is Gabriel. What’s yours?” “Andre. Nice to meet you. Do you work here?” Andre was trying to carry on a conversation and still see all the wonderful carvings around her. She had never seen such beauty in all of her life. “No I’m a student. I work in town after my classes are over. I am a healer. I’ve only been here about two months. OH! I almost forgot that was my brother at the gate. Ain’t he wonderful?” Gabriel practically glowed with happiness. It was about to get annoying when she told Andre to wait and disappeared. Andre was getting antsy when Gabriel stuck her head around the door and waved her into the office beyond.

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   The room was ornately decorated with dark colors and heavy materials. The man seated behind the desk was old. Not just old physically but like he had all the knowledge in the world behind his eyes. Those same eyes crinkled as he smiled at her. “Welcome, Andre. Gabriel tells me you seek employment. Are you a follower of Luth?” “No sir. However, I would still like a job if that’s all right? I’ll do whatever you need done. I’ve mostly worked on a farm, but I catch on quick. ” Andre felt like she was begging but she didn’t have much choice in the matter. She had to have a job and somewhere to live. “Of course child. I wouldn’t turn you away. So I assume you had animals on this farm of yours. I have need of a stable hand.

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   Will that suit you?” “Oh, very much sir. May I ask where I might find lodging?” “If you are going to work for me you will stay at the temple. I will pay you half silver a week plus room and board. Agreed?” “Agreed!” It was better then she had hoped for. Not only did she get room and board she got to save some money for her trip north when the weather improved. “Well then, welcome to the Virgash temple of Luth. May her guiding light always shine on your path. Gabriel will show you to your room. Report to the stables after breakfast. Redalic will get you started. Sleep well Andre. ” He smiled and went back to his paperwork. .



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