Topic: Princess Princess ll By A. G. Thomas Though Finduilas didn't understand it she didn't think that she could take another day of it. Why did he not use her as she, for some inexplicable reason that was beyond her understanding, wished him to do? Had not she for the last three nights welcomed and encouraged his large rough hands upon her. More then that though, and again with an unreasoning and unfathomable need that she didn't understand, willingly surrendered every curve and swell of her tall lithe body to his slobbering mouth and thick probing tongue? Later, warm in the after glow that his mouth and tongue had inducted, but yet wanting and praying for more, had not she guided him between her legs. With whimpering sounds of need hadn't she snuggled against his large hideous bulk as indication of her desire. Yet he denied her. Why? Her desire, her need to again have, to again feel his almost wrist thick rod thrusting into her as it had twice before was driving her mad and such should not be the case. Her need for him was unfathomable and beyond reason for she was a high born elf and he a hated orc. He was little more then an animal and mating with him was like that of mating with the ravenous wild dogs loosed from Angband. And yet the mad desire to take him to mate was there. So strong was that feeling that her dreams were not of Gwindor and home but of her pleasuring the grotesque beast in what so ever manner he wished. Why? Looking back over her shoulder at the orc she silently appraised a being that until her capture she had only wished to kill. What was it about the hideous creature that made her want him so she wondered as her eyes traveled over him. There was a lot of him to see and appraise since he had long ago stripped down to his loin cloth. They could be the last two beings in the world and yet he insisted on covering himself.
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Why? She almost burst out laughing at the modesty such implied. Or was it modesty? Might it not yet be another way of tormenting her? She, except for the strips of cloth about arms and legs naked for all the world to see while he hid himself beneath a loin cloth. It wasn't as if she hadn't seen him, hadn't felt him, hadn't kissed him. So why did he insist on covering himself? Turning her face to the sky she saw that there was still several hours before he usually called a halt to their days march. Enough. I've had enough she silently screamed as abruptly turning about she strode back to him not stopping until her body was against his. For a moment except for a slight cocking of his head to look down at her neither of them moved. Then raising to her tiptoes she wrapped her arms about his thick neck pulling his hideous face down to hers. As his wide mouth touched hers her lips parted in invitation. The banked heat between her legs flared to a roaring inferno spreading upward and outward as his thick pointed tongue slipped between her lips. As her tongue met and dueled with his, even though she knew he couldn't understand her, she murmured her want into his hungry mouth. Reluctantly she broke the kiss. Her hands slipped from around his thick neck moving lightly across his shoulders before almost lovingly caressing his huge biceps. But it wasn't just her hands that paid homage to his massive bulk for at the same time her hands moved so too did her lips. With a lightness like that of a warm breeze her lips moved down to his massive chest.
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Soft pleasurable purrs vibrated in her throat as her lips and nipping teeth concentrated on his nipples. For long immeasurable minutes she worshiped him thus, before, with the lightness of butterfly wings, her lips moved to his protruding belly. Lower her lips moved until unable to continue kissing him without dropping to her knees before him she did so. As her soft lips moved over the bulge barely constrained by his loin cloth Moglig's already hard cock twitched and jerked like an injured snake in anticipation of what was to come. Before he could think to encompass her head she began tearing at his loin cloth. That her unreasoning desire to have her lips on him, to kiss and take him into her mouth should never be never entered her mind. All Finduilas knew, all that she cared about was in freeing him and after freeing him take him into her mouth. When at last her fevered task was accomplished she wrapped her long thin fingers about him with an eagerness that was unexplainable. Her fingers tingled as if awakening from a long sleep as they squeezed and moved over him like a farmer milking his favorite heifer. With a fascination that was unexplainable her eyes took in every bump, ridge and throbbing vein of his thick organ. Unheedful of the enormity of what was about to happen her lips parted and her tongue flicked out. Almost sobbing with want together with wet kisses she began running her tongue over and along his rigid thick cock. For several long minutes she continued to worship him thus, before with a last kiss to the bulbous crown of his cock she slid her lips over him. Her fingers tightened on his thighs as together with opening her mouth wider she leaned into him. Her brain protested as the sensation of forcing ones own fist into ones mouth reached it and yet she persisted.
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Like the talons of the mighty eagles her fingers dug into his thighs as the thrill of both the bulbous head along with no less then three inches of his massive rigidity pushed past her lips. The sensation of her teeth scraping over his pebbly rigidity thrilled each for a different reason and the pleasure that each received from it would have been obvious to anyone lucky enough to have been watching. Along with Moglig's hands completely enclosing her head and his hips jerking spastically a howl of pure animal lust exploded from his chest. How it was that he resisted the urge to ram himself fully and deeply into the hot moist cavern of her mouth was a mystery. As for Finduilas, despite honestly feeling as if she were choking never the less she tried vainly to take even more of him into the hot slobbering moistness of her mouth. That she cared less if she did choke to death would again have been obvious to an onlooker as her shapely body vibrated like a released bow string. Her only thought, her only desire was to pleasure him, and if her choking to death would have assured his pleasure she would have gladly done so. Together with her tongue slithering along the underside of his cock and her saliva coating the bulbous crown she began to ravenously suck on him as one possessed. Moglig could hardly believe it. The voice had been right. She had come to him of her own free will. Many long pleasurable minutes later, regrettably and with no small measure of difficulty Moglig pulled from between her tightly clasping lips. Sinking to his knees, just as he had the second time that he had taken her, he gripped her small waist and without the slightest of effort lifted and turned her about. As she fell on hands and knees before him he released her but she did not stay stationary. Along with wiggling back against him she spread her legs to near shoulder width.
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Her actions an unspoken invitation for him to take her. Placing his left hand on the small of her back his other gripped his cock guiding it to the bubbling cauldron between her legs. As the large blunt head of his cock touched her a scream for him to take her, to make her his in a mixture of her own tongue and that of the wild men of the north burst from her throat. Her garbled plea in a language he understood almost made him loose control. With supreme effort he stopped himself from lunging fully and deeply into her. Slowly, ever so slowly and with difficulty he pushed into her. An inch then four and finally seven rock hard inches slipped into her willing shivering body before he paused. For countless thudding heartbeats he held himself as immobile as a statue before nearly withdrawing from her. She, believing he either thought her to small and unable to take him, or for whatever other reason had decided not to use her as she wished gave her cause for panic. An almost animal like growl tore from her throat as together with locking her arms she pushed back in an effort to recapture him even as he pushed forward. With the force of a sword blow slamming into her stomach his cock hammered into her womb rocking her forward. The pain that shot through her from having so much of his almost wrist thick cock drive into her at one time was even greater then that of her wedding night when she had lost her virginity. As one her arms and legs buckled and her cheek scraped over the hard ground. For long minutes neither moved. Or at least so it would have appeared to someone if they had been fortunate enough to witness her surrender.
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Yet if they had been close enough they would have heard her breath come in huge gulping sobs. They might even have seen the tears streaming from her tightly closed eyes. What they wouldn't have seen, though such might have been fantasized upon, was Moglig's huge cock twitch and jerk like a live entity as he gloried in the warmth and tightness of her cunt. Nor would they have been privy to her cuntial muscles rippling caressingly along the monstrous length of his cock. Moments later though, and to Moglig's astonishment, along with opening her legs wider and with an arching of her back, she levered herself upright. With his large hands about her waist, his fingers nearly touching, he held her stationery while slowly yet methodically he began pumping into her. For long minutes caught in his tight grasp and unable to move as he rhythmically and deeply sawed in and out of her she could but verbally encourage him. At times her warbling pleas to be used, to be bred, were in a mixture of her own tongue and that of the northmen. Most often though the whimpering pleas were in her own tongue, which though he understood but little there was no mistaking her terrible need. Though his pace never varied from their slow womb deep thrust as the minutes dragged on his hold about her waist loosened. No longer constrained by his guiding hands her movements became almost frantic in their urgency. Her body trembling, her buttocks moving in small tight circles she began rocking back against him ever faster and harder. When it was that she realized that the orc understood and more pleasurably, at least to her, responded to the guttural language of the northmen she didn't know. But more and more often, in-between the times that her mind wasn't exploding with climatic pleasure, her soul filled begging pleas to be used, to be possessed by him were in that of the wild men from the north. Time had no meaning for her.
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The sun might have risen and set a dozen times for all she knew or cared. Only the mind expanding explosions, more beautiful then the heavenly firmaments, from his masterful use of her held sway as she masochistically met his every deep thrust. How long he continued to use her, how long she willingly, eagerly accepted and wanted him neither knew or cared. An hour, a lifetime later though, her constantly pleading voice began to grow horse and her mad, sometimes hurtful, masochistic lunges began to slow when at long last Moglig's cock begin to expand and twitch. With a last hard deep thrust which sent his massive cock into her birth cannel his seed, with the viscosity and heat like that of molten rock, flowed into her. But he was not the only one to have moved, for as his madly vibrating cock signaled his release with the last ounce of energy she had she pushed back to meet his bone jarring deep thrust. A high, undulating, inhuman shriek, it would have raised the hackles of a werewolf. Such a scream as might have wavered through the night when Death rode the wind and a banshee on the battlements heralded the fall of an ancient house was her response as her mind and lithe body exploded in orgasmic rapture. Sedated and pleased as never before Moglig nearly collapsed atop her. At the last possible second though, he regained enough presence of mind to not only wrap his arms about her but fall sideways. Moments later, and with his cock still buried deeply inside her, he joined her in exhausted slumber. Hours later he was awakened by her soft meows of pleasure as well as her slow but forcible undulations against him. The next day, after taking her for a third time and with the sun almost at its zenith they started out. The next several days were very much of a repeat of their fourth day together. Not only did they stop early but they started late, and in between those times it was always she that came to him.
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She was like a virgin bride who after having been introduced to sex became obsessed with the act. More then once during that first week they were together, she was so desirous to have his large cock thrusting powerfully into her that even during their mid day pause she came to him. Because of her near insatiable hunger, not to mention his willingness to accommodate her, a trek that should have taken no more then eighteen days stretched beyond. It was during the early afternoon of their thirty third day that the forward scout of a band of marauding orcs almost came upon them. But even as the thought of hailing the scout entered Moglig's brain the ever present voice whispered not yet Moglig. With a sweetness like that of honey the voice whispered did I not promise you that of her own free will she would willingly come to you? Heed me then, for I again speak of things to come. Though it is decreed that she will become the pleasure receptacle for uncountable others of my creation and that from those unions she will bare many offspring that time is not yet at hand. Before what has been ordained comes to fruition though it shall be as I have promised. By your seed from her womb she will present to you a male child. And that child will be the catalyst for the ruination of his people? Go then to Minas Morgal and await. You shall not want for nourishment for I have caused the store rooms to be filled. Though parties of raiding orcs and northmen will stop by from time to time to replenish their supplies they will not linger. For they are a weak and superstitious lot and will think her screams of pleasure as you repeatedly breed her are the wails of tormented souls. Six moons will light the night and then wain as you await the catalyst that will strengthen your seed and swell her belly. As you await that time pleasure yourself with her as you will.
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Instruct her well in all the many ways of accommodating and pleasuring those who will breed her in the future. Make her as receptive to those who will breed her in the future as she now is with you. Instill in her not only the desire and willingness, but the righteousness of pleasuring my many and varied creations for as I have said their numbers will be legend. Do not fail me in this Moglig, for if you do you shall suffer torment greater then any you can imagine. Thus it was that even as the syrupy sweet voice faded he pulled her behind an outcropping of rocks. Finduilas, not having seen the scout and knowing nothing about the ever present voice that guided and instructed Moglig, nor of the future that was ordained for her offered no resistance. Indeed, she believed that at long last it was he that was taking the initiative in their relationship and her heart thumped crazily with the thought of it. Like a traveler dying of thirst when together with his squatting down and pulling her to him her soul sang to the heavens in anticipation of what she knew would be his masterful use of her. Without thought as his hands gripped her naked buttocks pulling her against him so tightly that she feared he would squash her never the less she had the presence of mind to react. As one, together with turning her face up to his and raining kisses upon his hideous face her long slim fingers caressingly stroked his semi hard hunk of male flesh. Like a living thing his organ twitched and grew under her administration The veins running through it swelling with arousal until they stood out like the outcroppings of mountain ranges. Her soft lips glided feather like over every inch of his body as like a snake slithering down a tree she slipped from between his arms and moved downward. Her fingers continued to squeeze and stroke him lovingly encouraging him to ever stiffer hardness even as at long last she squatted between his tree trunk thick legs. A rumbling growl erupted from Moglig's throat as while continuing to stroke him her lips closed about the bulbous head of his blood engorged cock. Like a leach sucking blood from its victim she hungrily sucked on the head of his cock while her tongue teased at the underside of his rigidity.
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Moglig's head drooped and slobber dripped from his wide mouth coating her midnight dark hair making it glisten. Taunts that he hadn't spoken since her capture flowed from his mouth. Her ears burned and shame filled her at his chokingly stuttered words. And yet the promises that soon, very soon the smaller, the weaker of his kind would breed her sent an unfathomable shiver of longing through her. Her right hand fell between her legs to rub over her moistened slit sending even more powerful shivers through her as flashes of her lying on her back as one after another small yet powerfully built orcs climbed atop her. Vivid images of their many knobby cocks repeatedly thrusting into her filled her brain short circuiting nerve endings causing brilliant explosions like that of exploding stars. Mixed with such images were others that were less clear and quickly viewed. Yet they were not so faint or rapid in passing that she could not see herself kneeling in the midst of a pack of werebeast. Neither were they so indistinct that she could not see the large slathering animals one after another and repeatedly thrust into her all to willing and accepting body. Moglig though was oblivious to the many and varied perverse Images that flashed upon her brain.
Images that even as she hungrily, greedily sucked on his cock caused her to twitch and moan as one who had been disemboweled by a sword thrust. Ignorant of all this his large hands cupped her head guiding her actions as spittle and pre cum filled her mouth to overflowing. And she to keep from choking greedily swallowed his offering thus opening her throat to him and he took advantage of it. Never before had his massive cock felt her throat but the danger of discovery combined with her slavishly ravenous sucking caused him to loose control. Whatever the cause for her acceptance of his cock in her throat he welcomed it.
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The feel of her throat upon him was like nothing he had ever felt before and he gloried in the velvety feel of it. At first he paid little heed to her hacking gags but then the words of his master took precedence and reluctantly he pulled free of the clinging tightness of her throat. In the ensuing pause as she fought to breathe he raised his head and looked about for the scout. But before his brain registered the fact that he was moving away his attention was drawn back to Finduilas for her lips were again about the bulbous head of his cock and she was sucking furiously. As she slavishly paid homage to the bulbous head of his cock taunts of her future rumbled from his chest. His continuing taunts and the vivid images that they caused filled her brain sending orgasm upon orgasm flowing through her. Unable to control himself Moglig again wrapped his hands about her head in an effort to hold her steady even as she fought to once more take him into her throat. Like a volcano erupting his cum bubbled up from his egg size balls flowing upward through his blood engorged cock like a raging river. Despite her best effort to swallow his offering his pungent cum flowed from between her tightly clasping lips as well as from her nostrils. With supreme effort he pulled from her hungrily sucking mouth. His last weak ejaculation spraying over her face as he did so. Lifting her up he pulled her onto his lap. Her scream of rapture was like that of a mating mare as his cock drilled into her. And like a mare who had been coupled to a stallion she shivered uncontrollably. Forgotten was the danger of discovery as her chortling screams of rapture echoed from the rocks as again and again he lifted and dropped her down onto his iron hard cock.
The already short circuiting pleasure center of her brain imploded and orgasm after orgasm slammed into her brain with the force of a charging elephant each time his massive organ slammed into her womb. Before her screams of rapture and bliss turned to garbled incoherent mutterings they were occasionally interrupted when while licking his cum from her face his tongue entered her open gasping mouth. How long she bounced atop him she neither knew or cared as all that mattered to her was the rapturous bliss that she felt each time his pleasure giving rod hit her womb. Long unmeasurable minutes later she was beyond even that as with her mind and body exhausted from repeated orgasms she became like a rag doll unable to move except by his guidance. Yet still and repeatedly he continued to thrust into her with the force and intensity of one possessed. Immeasurable long minutes later and with a last upward heave of his loins that sent his cock into her birth canal he ejaculated. Shadows lengthened and still he held her limp unresponsive form in his lap before finally with a gentleness that others of his kind would not have thought possible, yet without pulling from her, he pulled her head to his chest. Thus it was that with her head cradled against him he whispered to her of her future. Though in an exhausted stupor from time to time she listlessly squirmed and soft pleasurable purrs vibrated in her throat in response to his soft words. Words of how after she had given birth to his child she would be the brood bitch for his masters various and assorted creations. Throughout the long night he continued to whisper to her of her new life. Of the pleasure that she would not only receive but give when laying with other orcs. But it wasn't only the various and numerous orcs that she would pleasure and receive pleasure from that he taunted her with. There were also whispered promises of her mating with the huge ferocious wolfs and boars upon which orcs were known to ride. His verbal descriptives were such that even as, or perhaps a catalyst for, his twitching cock bathed in the damp warmth of her cunt her dreams were filled with alluring and vivid images.
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So much so, that instead of something he but taunted her with and that might never be, it was as if she were actually living them. In the morning, her all to vivid dreams but a faint memory, they veered off to the east. And though she wondered why such was the case she never asked and he offered no explanation. It wasn't until five days later as the towers of Minas Morgal appeared on the horizon that Finduilas realized that Moglig wasn't taking her to Angband. With the realization also came a flood of understanding. He was tired of her. He had gotten what he'd wanted from her and now he didn't want her anymore. He was going to do just as he had often taunted her with. He was going to give her to whoever was behind those massive walls. Yet if such was his intention why Minas Morgal and not Angband? Surely there couldn't be more then a company stationed there at any one time since it was where raiding parties set out from. No. She mustn't think such thoughts, she mustn't. He cared for her, he had protected her. He'd hidden her from the few roaming orcs patrols they had seen. No.
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There must be another reason that he had brought her to this place. Another reason other then giving her to countless orcs to use how so ever and as many times as they willed. There must be. But what? A child. He had said she was to give him a child. But such had never happened before. At least not to her knowledge. At the thought of giving birth her hand unconsciously went to her belly. Could she give him a child, and if so, what would he or she look like? Would the creation of their joining look like him or her. Or would their child, and this she prayed would be the case, possess the best attributes of both races. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that not until they were standing before the massive gates did she realize that they had not been challenged. How she wondered did he plan on entering when the gates were closed and no one was there to open them. But even as she turned to ask he was turning from the massive gate and moving down along the tall thick walls. Twenty paces later he stopped, and when she looked at him askance together with smiling down at her he pushed against a stone that was head high. To her surprise to the accompaniment of grinding stone a hidden door opened.
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She couldn't help but laugh as after motioning her through the opening he barely squeezed through. The door certainly hadn't been constructed with him in mind and neither had the room in which they stood. Without an utterance from her companion she reached for and lit a torch as the massive three foot thick door closed behind them. Slipping around her he led her through the winding passage. At the end of the passage was a door that she instinctively knew led into the depths of Minas Morgal. She had little doubt that it was every bit as thick as the other had been. Neither did she doubt that if other orcs had been in residence that it would have been heavily guarded. No body of elves lucky enough to have made it this far would have progressed further without great loose. Instead of Moglig passing through the door as she had suspected he ignored it. Instead, facing what appeared to be a solid wall and a dead end, he reached above his head. Again he pressed on a stone that to her looked no different then the others and just as before the wall slid aside. This time though instead of another passage there was a flight of stairs at the top of which was a lavish suite of rooms. Though she had never imagined orcs living in such splendor she unquestioningly accepted that which she saw. Though she knew that such could not be the case she could not shake the feeling that the rooms had been prepared with her in mind. She found it both intoxicating and yet a little unsettling that she would be living in the midst of such richness.
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With a squeal of delight she threw herself into Moglig's arms raining kisses upon his ugly face. Just as certainly as she knew that these apartments were to be her new home she also knew that Moglig would let no other orc possess her. His taunts of sharing her with countless other orcs were just that. And yet strangely in her inner most being she felt a measure of disappointed that such was not to be. Why that was she couldn't say. Yet as quickly as her disappointment had been that dozens, perhaps even hundreds of orcs would not pleasure themselves with her flitted through her mind it was forgotten as Moglig's arms encircled her. Moments later they were in the huge bed and she was astraddle his massive bulk. Days, weeks, months flew by, and with each taking of her Finduilas slipped ever more willingly into the role that without her knowledge had been ordained. Moglig, always conscious and obedient to the instructive voice, used her in varied and assorted ways. Her every orifice became as familiar and accepting of his almost wrist thick foot long cock as her lungs were to oxygen. Without shame or hesitation she accepted him in which so ever manner and as often as he wished. Finduilas was in a seemingly perpetual state of arousal and wantonness. She could not seem to get enough of the huge hideous orc. The more often that he used her, the more often she wanted him. And always with each taking of her Moglig taunted her with the prospect that after she gave birth to his child other orcs and creatures of Angband would breed her.
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Her wails for Moglig to use not only her cunt but ass were like those of a tormented soul and mistaken for such by other orcs and northmen that at times passed through the gates of Minas Morgal. Several times a few of the braver orcs climbed the tower stairs to investigate the wailing moans. But none had been brave enough to enter the tower proper. It was during times such as that when both knew that other orcs were only steps away that his taunts became even more explicate. More then once while thrusting deeply and powerfully into her he would tease her with letting the orcs into the tower. In teasing whispers he would taunt her with letting them watch while he bred her. With syrupy sweet tongue, and while other orcs were just beyond the door to the apartments, he told of how he would first give her to the bravest and then all the others in turn. Like a branding iron searing flesh his all to vivid descriptives of how one after the other and repeatedly they would thrust their better then elf size cock's into her various holes emblazoned themselves upon her brain. The first time it had happened she had not answered his taunts yet her response to his powerful deep thrust as he had taunted her had spoke volumes. Days later though as she had stood on the balcony watching the orcs march from Minas Morgal Moglig had bent her over. Only seconds after without a word he had thrust fully and deeply into her anus and while her eyes were still locked on the departing orcs it was she that had begged him to let other orcs use her. From that moment on with ever more regularity and vehemence she pleaded with him to let others use her. Her pleas to be bred, to be used by other orcs for their pleasure were especially soulful when they were in residence though. It was at the start of their seventh month together when Moglig was awakened from a deep and satisfying slumber by a strange sound. For several moments he lay thinking about the night before.
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Their mating had been especially eventful. Unseen and unawares by those that they were watching they had been on the rampart looking down at what might have been almost a full company of orcs. Her fingers had been slowly stroking his cock while he had gleefully pointed out several that he would like to see her be breed with. Less then a heartbeat after he had pointed out a particularly grotesque and muscular orc with simpering meows of pleasure she had dropped to her knees before him. But even as her lips and tongue began to pay him homage Moglig lifted and turned her about. With her again looking down at the gathered orcs he repeated his wish to see her bred by others while bending her over. Finduilas, her eyes locked on the hideous orc in question, together with grasping the edge of the parapet eagerly splayed her legs in anticipation. A long stuttering moan of pleasure and hurt burst from her throat as none to gently Moglig after grabbing her waist and pulling her backwards thrust fully and deeply into her. Impaled as she was she could but stare down at the raised faces of the orcs as like the savage he was Moglig time and again guided her movements. With Moglig's guttural derision's that the orcs below could see her. That they would soon burst into the tower and then one after the other use her like the brood bitch she was ringing in her ears Finduilas's lithe body vibrated in orgasmic pleasure. As orgasm after orgasm slammed into her brain a part of it wished that what her lover was taunting her with would became reality. Her wailing moans, her simpering pleas to be allowed to pleasure the others became louder, more soulful. But such was not to be for as one those below fled toward the gates screaming in fear. Yes.
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That had indeed been a memorable occasion and he had little doubt that if instead of them fleeing toward the gates the scum had instead burst into the tower the elf bitch would have fucked all seven score of them. Untangling himself from her clinging arms and legs he slipped from the bed. As his feet hit the floor the voice slammed into his brain with such force that he swayed drunkenly. "It is time Moglig. You have prepared the princess for her role as brood bitch for my assorted creations more then I had hoped and now you shall be rewarded. Even now your seed is in her womb and needs but a catalyst to grow. That catalyst now awaits outside on the parapet. Awake her. She must couple with and his seed must join yours in her womb as the sun rises. Just as the sun creates a new day so to shall your combined seeds create that which you desire. " Before the voice had died Moglig roused Finduilas. Though her eyes were heavy with sleep she unquestioningly walked beside him out onto the balcony. If her lover and master wished to again pleasure himself as he had the night before who was she to question him. But as she stepped out into the cool night air she froze in horror for there before her was a dragon. Instinctively, though how she had no ideal, she knew that he was the offspring of the great dragon.
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His reddish bronze coloring as well as the shape of his head indicated such. As the huge nearly forty foot beast eyes locked on and held hers her fear that he had come to kill and possibly eat her vanished. A feeling of peacefulness and lassitude washed over her as like a warm spring breeze a soft pleasing voice repeatedly and enticingly whispered to her. Come princess, come to Orodruin and I the offspring of the first wyrm will give you pleasure such as not even Moglig has shown you. Like one in a dream and with her heart beating as loudly and rapidly as a war drum of the orcs she stepped to the beast. Without conscious thought or hesitation she placed her hand against its scaly chest as the soft pleasing voice whispered feel my heart princess. Does it not beat as strongly and with the intensity of yours in anticipation of our mating? Come then and let my seed mix with that of your orc lover so that the child you pray for will be conceived. She knew that what the terrible wyrm was proposing was wrong and yet if coupling with him would give her the child that she and Moglig longed for then why not. This was but a dream though. A dream brought on by her own desire to give her lover a child as well as his taunts of her being bred with the many and varied creatures spewed from the bowels of Angband.
Dream it might very well be but if in her dream joining with the first born of the great wyrm gave her the child that she wanted, then she would willingly couple with him a hundred, a thousand times. She knew neither fear or panic as the beast long tail after worming between her legs slid up her back and around her shoulders. Without forethought she fell back against the scaly appendage letting it cradle and hold her in a semi upright position. Her legs, which were straddling the tree trunk thick base of the wyrms tail, of their own accord rose then draped over the shoulders of the beast rear legs. Whether her next actions were because of instinct or in obedience to the soft but persistent voice in her head she couldn't say.
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Whatever the reason though and with her eyes still locked on those of the wyrms, she eagerly wiggled downwards until she was almost against the wyrms belly. Never before in any of her dreams, not in those about her husband and more recently those in which her Master Moglig played a prominent part, had the sensations that were flowing through her been so realistic. So intense and vivid were those feelings that as the mighty wyrms head lowered and his huge maw opened she imagined she could actually feel his hot raspy tongue touching her sweating flesh. Mewing hisses of pleasure vibrated in her throat as in a near stupor of orgasmic bliss and in response to the wyrms rough tongue slithering over first one then the other of her taunt breast her head flailed from side to side. For long unmeasurable minutes he teased her thus before with a last rasping rake over her aroused nipples his long tongue slithered upward over her throat to her face. Her cheeks, her forehead, her eyes, her nose and finally her lips felt and gloried in the searing touch of the wyrms tongue. Her mouth opened and against all odds somehow captured and held the hot appendage between her lips even as the wyrms massive wrist thick organ sought entrance. Tighter her lips clamped about the beast tongue as together with splaying her legs wider she wiggled deeper into the wyrms belly. Her desperate effort to hold and suck on the beast tongue was for naught though when the engorged pointed head of his organ pushed its way into her. Her mouth flew open. A gurgling raspy groan welled from her chest and her slight frame shuddered as if from a terrible fever as first the head then four, six and finally nine inches of thick animal organ drove into her. For several heartbeats neither animal or Finduilas moved then with a twist of his loins the wyrm pulled all but the head of his organ from her hot needy cunt. Soft pleading whimpers hissed from Finduilas's lips as with a rolling twist of her hips she tried to squirm down onto the thick iron hard organ of the beast. But except for allowing four maybe five inches of thick animal cock into the seething bubbling cauldron between her legs he gainsaid her efforts. Time and again along with his hot breath washing her face and his rough tongue stabbing between her lips the mighty wyrm teased her thus.
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In desperation Finduilas together with moaning soulfully and undulating like a snake pushed down onto the pleasure giving organ teasing her. In compliance, not only to her efforts but her whimpering pleas to be bred Orodruin, with a powerful rolling push of his lower extremity drove fully and deeply into her. A scream, both of mind exploding pain and exquisite pleasure burst from her throat as fourteen inches of nearly wrist thick animal cock bored into her. Several inches of which, like a red hot poker, wormed through her birth cannel and into her womb. For several moments it was as if each had turned to stone before, with one hand upon the mighty wyrms breast and the other mauling her own, her lower body again began a snake like undulating. Whimpers of pleasure and pleas to be bred as well as spittle spilled from her quivering lips as again and again and ever faster her body slid up and down on the huge animal cock. Moglig, though the inner voice of his Master had assured him that he had prepared the elf princess well, stared disbelievingly at the sight before him. The astonishment that he had felt the first time she had willingly and without inhibition came to him was as nothing to that which he now felt. Never had he seen a female captive take so readily to a life as a brood bitch to his Masters creations. Neither had his cock ever been so hard or had he yearned for relief as now. The perverse desire for her to suck his cock even as she rode the dragons cock was overpowering. Yet he knew if he were to be so bold as to attempt such that if the dragon who seemed to be leering at him didn't bite his head off his Master would kill him. Hardly had the depraved thought wove through his lust aroused brain though when together with Finduilas reaching out to and pulling him to her the always present voice whispered its blessing. As her lips closed about his granite hard cock and she sought to take him as deeply as she was taking the mighty wyrms cock the voice hissed mockingly. Such will be her life from now on Moglig.
Her every longing and desire will be to pleasure my creations as she now pleasures you and Orodruin. Though at times only one at a time may use her she will only know true joy when two and three of my lesser orcs, wild dogs and other creations use her for their pleasure. She will be the brood bitch of Angband and though she will birth many offspring none shall be the equal of that which she will bare you. Moglig though hardly heard the last for with a roar like that of a wounded beast his seed spilled into her throat even as the mighty wyrms own roar signaled his release. Like a traveler upon the desert dying of thirst Finduilas greedily drank of Moglig's offering even as her womb lovingly welcomed Orodruin's seed. As the scalding hot and capacious jets of sperm from both orc and dragon almost as one flooded not only her throat but womb Finduilas convulsed and writhed as one in the throes of an epileptic seizure. Even as Moglig pulled from her still sucking mouth and collapsed to the walkway Finduilas's cuntial muscles continued to squeeze and massage the dragons organ in a greedy attempt to milk him of every last drop of his scalding hot sperm. Seven more times, both singularly and simultaneously during that long day and the night that followed the dragon and orc satisfied themselves with the elf princess body. Five of those times it was while she knelt between them. Though Moglig's large hands were about her waist supporting her as he took her from behind she still had enough strength to hurtfully skewer herself upon his rigidity. In such a position Moglig was not the only one to enjoy her though. For even as he assured her pregnancy she lovingly sucked on the pointed head of the dragons massive crimson colored cock. It was while the mighty wyrm, with little heed to her languid state, was thrusting savagely into her badly stretched and flooded cunt for the third time that Moglig collapsed. He was oblivious when the dragon, after satiating his lust as well as fulfilling his Master command, lifted into the dawn sky. For nearly eighteen hours Moglig slept as if in a coma.
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Yet when he was awakened by the feel of her lips upon him he somehow knew that better then a whole day had gone by. Hardly had his eyes opened to the glare of a bright mid day sun and his body signaled his awareness before Finduilas without taking her lips from him shifted about. For a moment he stared up into her cum drenched cunt marveling that despite her rough usage not only by him but by the dragon that she was no longer obscenely stretched. As his tongue delved into her and he tasted the combined residue of their breeding her he couldn't help but wonder why it was that she wasn't badly stretched. But that wasn't the only thing he wondered. He also wondered if she remembered any of it. The answer to his second silent inquiry came when after her drinking her fill of his seed and while she feed him she told him of her dream. In vivid detail she told how she had pleasured him as well as the great wyrm Orodruin. Not just once but several times. Nor, except for the last time when she had been nearly comatose and when only the wyrm had enjoyed her, had her pleasuring of them been singular. His only rejoinder as he pulled her into his lap was that he wished it hadn't been a dream, for he would have liked to have participated in such a breeding of her. It was but a moment later as he entered her unbelievingly tight cunt and while she continued to tell him of her supposed dream that the answer to his first silent wonderment dawned. If Orodruin's seed had been what was needed for her to present him with child then magic must be involved. If such was the case that would explain why instead of her being obscenely stretched, as by rights she should have been, she was instead as tight or tighter then she had been the first time she had come to him. It was three weeks later when, just as was her usually habit in awakening him, as her lips encircled and she began to lovingly suck on him a multitude of surreal images flitted rapidly through his brain.
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Caught between sleep and wakefulness he tried to focus on the indistinct images but found the task impossible. Then as quickly as the images had come to him blackness so deep that no light could penetrate it engulfed his brain. With a start, and heedless of the princess's teeth raking his cock he rolled from the bed. For several minutes he stood breathing heavily oblivious to the fact that Finduilas had climbed to her knees and was once again hungrily sucking on his cock. Death. Death was coming for him and the voice hadn't warned him. Why? Was his death to be at his Masters bidding. Or was it possible that someone else, her kinsmen or their cursedly man allies suspected that the princess was here at Minas Morgal. But if that was the case then why hadn't the Master warned him? After all he had plans for the princess. Hadn't he whispered to him often enough that he intended to make her the brood bitch for his assorted creations. Whichever the case might be he and the princess had to leave, and they had to leave now. Clothes. He had to find her something to wear in case it wasn't his Master that wanted him dead. Better to have her looking none the worse for wear in case they were set upon. Being a prisoner was so much more preferable to being dead.
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An all to familiar shiver surged upwards from his loins shattering his panicked thoughts. What might have passed for a mirth filled chuckle echoed in his throat as he looked down at the elf princess ravenously sucking his cock. He had been panic stricken and trying to figure a way out and from the way she was gobbling on his cock her only thought had been in pleasure him. Well maybe another hour or so wouldn't make all that much difference he mused as together with turning her about he guided his rigidity to her moistened slit. Five hours later, after a visit to the store room where to his surprise he had found a gown that looked and fit as if it had been made for her they were making their way through the forest that bordered Minas Morgal. His delay in getting away, the better part of which had been spent in breeding the princess, proved costly. The first warning that he had as to just how costly that delay was to prove was the elf princess's blood curdling scream. The dull throbbing pain in his chest didn't prevent him from drawing his sword and turning on the four score men, who by their crest, were of the house of Beor. Without thinking he lunged toward the princess and those with which she was struggling. Two, three more times pain that would have felled a lesser orc slammed into his chest. But he was not a lesser orc, he was Moglig, he was commander of the feared Nurgluc the bravest and most fearsome orc regiment of the Dark Lords mighty army. The increasing pain in his chest though caused him to stagger and drop to his knees several feet short of his goal. For several ever increasing painful heartbeats his clouding eyes looked into those of the struggling princess then with a roar of hate and bloodlust he staggered upright. Even as he raised his broadsword and lurched toward the struggling mother of his child the dream that had awakened him that morning came back to him. How could his Master who had guided his every movement all these long months not have warned him of his death? Six, eight a dozen times his mighty sword meet soft yielding flesh.
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Yet for every Beor kinsman that he struck down two others took their place forming an even more impenetrable wall between him and the elf princess. Another stab of pain even greater then that which he had been feeling slammed into his chest. His sword slipped from his nerveless fingers as like a giant oak buffeted by a mighty wind he stood swaying. Uncomprehendingly he starred down at the five closely grouped feathered shafts protruding from his heaving chest. He felt himself falling sideways and though he tried to remain standing not even his mighty strength could accomplish the impossible. He never felt the ground as it rushed up to meet him. Yet through ever deadening senses he heard the princess screaming he saved me, he protected me, he cared for me. His head felt as if it were floating and then it came to rest on something soft. With tremendous effort he managed to open his eyes. At first he saw nothing and then through a thick fog he made out the beautiful face of the elf princess. Tears fell freely from her eyes to land on and soothe his fevered ugly face. With his last ounce of strength he managed to raise his hand and brush at the tears staining her cheeks. As his hand fell away and his eyes closed for a last time his final thought before impenetrable darkness closed in was my son, our son, will avenge me. Less then a week later to great fanfare Finduilas was reunited with her husband Gwindor. Almost nine months to the day later, she gave birth to a son which she called Anor.
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Though he was not as fair as his parents and in fact some called him swarthy he was greatly loved by his parents. His mother especially doted on him. As the years slipped by his renown as a fearless warrior and leader of men grew. Even the three elf kings took him into their confidence. He fought and led an ever increasing number of elf and man into battle. Some battles were lost, but more often then not the orc armies and their allies were routed. Yet with every battle the numbers of elves and their friends lessened. Two of the three elf kings along with a great many of those that they led perished. The day finally came though when against the advice of the remaining king and his consul Anor traveled to the very borders of Angband. Often his pleas for a final and decisive battle were eagerly received but when they weren't he used intimidation. More then once he was known to rant that if they did not join him that after he defeated the Dark Lord he would turn his armies on those to timid to fight. So it came to pass that at the age of three hundred and seventy two Anor, upon his midnight black charger and with the lone remaining elf king beside him, sat looking at the massive walls of Angband. Behind them in numbers never before seen were arrayed the total sum that were the flower of middle earth. Unlike as was usually the case there was no division of the armies. Man stood beside elf who stood beside dwarf and amongst their ranks to numerous to count stood their women folk.
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Each was clothed in the dwarf armor mithril and when the sun shown upon their breast it was like looking directly into the sun itself. On that day, though Angband puked forth every creature within its bowels as well as called upon those subservient to the Dark Lord the armies of elf dwarf and man were victorious. On that day it was Anor, who after the last elf king had fallen, stood alone before the gates of Angband. In a fearsome voice he called the Dark Lord to single combat. But Melkor was loathsome to leave his throne for he recognized Anor the son of Moglig for what he was. Only then did he realize that the prophecy he had so sweetly whispered to Moglig was upon him and the proof was the annihilation of his vast armies. In his arrogance he had not foreseen that Anor, being the son of Moglig was kin to his fathers kind. And that being kin he would be the destroyer of them. The pitiful wails of the few that remained around him as well as the hope that in defeating Anor victory could still be achieved drew him forth. Throughout the long afternoon the two cleaved at each other. A dozen times Melkor's shape was sorely hewed, but it wasn't until Anor was brought to his knees the second time that it looked as if victory would be snatched from elf and allies. On bended knee, weary, his chest heaving from the strain of mortal combat seven times Anor blocked the Dark Lords attempt to end the struggle. With each arm numbing block though Anor's reactions slowed. Grinning malevolently down at the usurper the Dark Lord raised his sword for yet an eighth time. But the killing blow never came for Melkor's eye was drawn to an elf female, clothed in shimmering white robes slowly riding from amongst the elf host.
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Straight and proud she rode through the elf host and all who looked upon her serene continuance stilled their murmurs of discord. Not once as she rode toward the combatants did her eyes ever leave those of him that her kind had feared since the beginning. Melkor could hardly believe what he was seeing. Here only yards from him sitting silent and still upon her horse was the elf slut whom he had groomed to be the brood bitch of his minions. In his terrible rage and knowing Finduilas not just as the mother of the destroyer but as the fornicator of orc and beast he turned on her. But even as he lunged toward her and as his mighty sword swung downward Anor regained his feet. Leaping in front of his mother he blocked the killing blow. With a look of hatred and loathing that would have stilled the heart of both mortal and elf he looked into the Dark Lords hate filled red rimmed eyes. Then with a cry of his fathers name upon his lips. A name that his mother and the Dark Lord knew well, he drove the broadsword that had served him well, the broadsword that his mother had lain beside him on the day he was born, into the Dark Lords heart. Thus it was, that with the destruction of the orc host, their allies and with the passing of Melkor like a huge black cloud, the prophecy that had ages ago been foretold came to pass. .