Saphira lay in bed, the cool summer air blowing in from the window toher left like an angel's breath, thinking about Janie. Their firstmeeting is tomorrow, and Saphira is still unsure of what to expect. Janie had said their meeting would exceed expectation, but what did thatmean? Something raunchy, to be sure.
Realizing her bladder to befull, Saphira pulled herself out of bed, stepped to the pleasently coolhardwood floor and began searching under her bed. Finding what shewanted, Saphira pulled a small bedpan out from under the bed and lay iton the floor. Crouching over it, all the while constantly thinking aboutJanie, about her short, blonde hair, her supple tits, her thick thighsand absolutely incredible ass, Saphira began to piss. The wine she haddrank earlier ensured that her urine waspractically clear, but not entirely devoid of aroma and flavor. Herbladder finally empty, she shook the last few drops of pee from hersnatch and ran a finger up her mound, picking up a few drops of goldenliquid. Slowly, Saphira brought her hand to her mouth, drawing herfinger across her lips, wetting them with urine. A small shock struckdown from the top of Saphira's spine, slowly crawling all the way downto her tiny, soft feet. Standing, she brought the bedpan, now full tothe brim with her sweet, sweet pee, to the bedside table and emptied its contents into a wine glassthat lay next to a needle, a spoon, and a small plastic baggie. Saphiraeyed those objects with the same glance a lioness would eye anunsuspecting next meal.
Sitting back down on the bed, she tookthe glass and sipped from it, savoring the taste of her own urine beforeswallowing, picking up the baggie and the spoon to prepare her nextvice. Tying a smallstrip of red velvet over her upper arm, the needle entered her vein,blood entering the syringe. Pushing the plunger down slowly, Saphirasighed heavily with pleasure, slumping back down into bed. Once handwent immediately to her glass of liquid gold, another slowly found itsway down to her clit after first softly brushing its way down her neck,over her soft, large tits, down her trim navel, to her mound.
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As shebegan gently playing with her pussy, she allowed herself another sip ofher glass of golden nectar, her ambroisa of the gods, her water of life. Her urine was slightly salty, mildly musky, but nothing too strong. Thetaste of her own piss on her lips and tongue sent a spasm down herthighs, her cunt jerked, lighting bolts of pleasure bursting through hersex.
Her fingers moving faster now, she took the perogative toslide two fingers slowly into her dripping, slippery pussy. A moanescaped her lips, which she again wetwith a drink of her delectable pee, her eyes rolling back into herhead. Saphira's breath quickened, her tits shaking as her chest heaved. Now greedily slurping up her piss, she crassly stuffed two more of herfingers into her slimy gash, while another finger found its way to hertiny, tight asshole, lightly caressing the soft, puckered skin.
And then it started to happen.
All this time, Saphira had been ignoring the throes of nausea that camewith her love, the opiate. Only thinking of what could be possible withher Janie, lost in an excess of pleasure, Saphira suddenly started toretch.
"Oh God, not now"
Saphira tried to get out of bedto move to the bathroom, but, tangled in her sheets, she tripped,falling on her ass, all the while coughing and gagging, thick dribblesof spit falling from her mouth onto her chest and breasts. Once she hittheground, her stomach had had it, and she gagged again, this timevomiting straight down her front. The hot mass hit her tits and stomach,slowly sliding down her chest, still slick with her spit, rivuletsrunning down her thighs to her feet. She stared at herself for a moment,and then heaved again. The sound of splatter filled her room as pukehit the floor, and her feet.
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However something was different.
Saphira felt no disgust at what had just happened. On the contrary, thefeeling of the warm puke running down her tits to her pussy had gottenher so wet that she was literally dripping on the floor, a small puddleof vomit and cunt slime forming at her feet.
Frozen for a moment,spitting out the puke that remained in her mouth, Saphira finally movedher hands to her chest, sifting through the small chunks of fruit thatshe had eaten a few hours previously. And then, slowly, very slowly,but surely, her hands moved to her pussy, pushing the mass of puke onher stomach to her cunt.
Saphira began to move her hand slowlyover her clit, grinding the vomit into her snatch. Faster and faster andfaster she began to move her fingers, until she was masturbatingfeverishly, as if her life depended on it. Her free hand moved to hertits, scooping up a small handful of vomit. As if unconsciously, shestarted to move her hand to her mouth. At first she only tasted alittle, but she could no longer help herself, lost in the depths ofdepravity. She started to shovel her own vomit back into her mouth asshe forced her whole fist into her pussy, complete with a handful ofpuke. After swallowing most of her spew, she groped for her glass ofpiss and drained it in one gulp, and then began to eat more handfuls ofpuke. Her fist rushing in and out of her cunt, she got on her hands andknees and shoved her face into the puddle ofpussy juice and puke, slurping up all of it she could get. There wassomething amazing about the taste of vomit and her snatch together, andSaphira finally came, came harder than she had ever cum before, herentire body spasming, out of breath, to the point of unconsciousness.
When she awoke, she was covered in dried puke with her fist still inher cunt, which was sorer than it had ever been before.
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Still windedfrom her incredible orgasm, Saphira wondered if Janie would be willingfor this sort of play.
There was only one way to find out, she thought. .