
A Chance Encounter


     Ryan Pitts was not having a good night. It was late when he left the church. Even though he had been to the church three times, he still wasn't used to the neighborhood. He took a wrong turn coming out of the parking lot and got lost in the neighborhood. The neighborhood had deteriorated, even though the church had thrived and grown. A year from now, the church would move into a vastly different neighborhood, but for now, it was still in the middle of a blighted area. Ryan had gone to the church because thousands attended the services there. He was hoping to improve his social life and romantic life. The church had an active singles organization that met on Saturday nights, but he had yet to find a way to meet a single female that wasn't completely engrossed in the bible that she was actually interesting to talk to. Ryan thought he recognized the name of the boulevard he was crossing, so he turned left. It was another day filled with danger for Kelly. The eleven year old had spent the day at the library. She had gone there after leaving the market. The cast out had learned that a couple of days a week, she could blend in with families at the market and grab a couple of grapes or other easily accessible fruit. That fruit had worked it's way through her system while she was at the library. When the library closed at four, her stomach was grumbling.

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   She knew she had to wait well after the drop of darkness to seek out food. Kelly hid out in her "hidey hole" as she called it to await the fall of night. She had made her hidey hole out of a tarp she had found in a dumpster. She had concealed it well in a wooded area, but every now and then she held her breath when she heard voices and footsteps nearby. She would wait for the persons to pass, then make sure she was still alone. It was about an hour after darkness and Kelly crawled out of her hole. She carefully checked the area, then made sure she kept a low profile and stepped carefully so as not to be noticed while she made her way to the street. Once at the street, she finally straightened and carefully crossed the street. It was two more blocks until she got to the fast food restaurant. It was operated by an organization that believed being family friendly meant closing early. Kelly slipped her thin frame past the gates in front of the dumpster. She then leaned into the dumpster and carefully opened a black plastic bag inside. She fished through the contents and found several sandwiches almost intact. She took a big bite, then stuffed the sandwiches into a paper bag she found in the plastic bag. Suddenly, she felt a tight grip on her right upper arm as a male voice said "Gotcha!".

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   "Leave me alone!" she screamed as she struggled to twist free. She twisted her shoulder into the dumpster as the teen male behind the dumpster emerged in an attempt to capture her. He lost his grip on her flesh and only held the fabric of her jacket as she leaned towards the dumpster gates. She slipped between the gates and dashed to freedom as he lost his grip. "SHIT!" he yelled as he slammed into the gates. She gathered precious lead time as he struggled to open the dumpster enclosure. He managed to get a gate open and ran after the terrified eleven year old. Kelly didn't know where she was going to go, but an instinct made her dash towards her hidey hole.
     Ryan suddenly saw a young girl run in front of his PT Cruiser. He slammed on the brakes in time to see and hear the yelling teen male run after her. Ryan turned his head to watch the pursuit. He saw the glint of metal in the teen's hand. He released his brake and floored the accelerator as he turned in the direction of the foot chase. The pursuit turned towards a wooded area. Ryan took the time to turn off his engine and lock his car before he joined the footchase.

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   He heard yells and screams that gave him a direction to run in after losing sight of the girl and boy. Then, he heard something that made his blood run cold. It was the scream of a terrified animal. He had heard a scream like that before in his teens. A friend had only winged a rabbit. The mortally wounded rabbit screamed from the pain of the bullet that didn't instantly kill it. This time, the scream came from the girl. Ryan hurried his pace and felt like he was running in slow motion. Ryan also heard several pops as flesh slammed into flesh. He ran closer to the direction of the noise. There was silence as he finally saw them. The girl was laying motionless on the ground. The teen had a knife out. He was using it to slice her top open. Ryan suddenly felt like he had grown twice his size as a massive dose of adrenaline shot through his arteries.

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   Like a charging linebacker, he ran full on towards the boy and hit him hard. Both males hit the ground, the boy much harder than the man. It was quick and brutal as Ryan pummeled the boy into unconciousness. Ryan only became self aware after thirty seconds as an animal instinct had taken over. Now back in charge of himself, Ryan checked his opponent. The boy was breathing, but his face was a bloody mess. Ryan saw a cell phone on the boy's belt. Using the boy's shirt, so as not to leave fingerprints, he took the cell phone off the belt. He activated the phone, dialed 911, and hit send. Then, he checked on the girl. Her face was a bloody mess. She was moaning and stirring. He picked her up in his arms and made his way to his car. He carefully placed her on the passenger seat, then went around to the driver's side. He climbed in, started the car, then turned to backtrack a bit.

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   He tried to orient himself and finally noticed a street sign that had the letters NW on it. From this, he got his bearings and turned towards what he knew was the freeway. The girl stirred and pulled some of her long brown hair from her face. "Where are you taking me?" she inquired in a weak voice. "To a hospital" Ryan answered. "No" the girl said as she gripped the car door, trying to find a way to open it. "What are you doing?" he half yelled as he braked to a stop. "No hospital, no hospital, please" the girl asked. "Why" Ryan asked, "why don't you want to go to a hospital?" "No hospital" the girl repeated. The girl still struggled with the door. He struggled with her a minute before saying "OK, I won't take you to a hospital, just tell me why". Kelly stopped struggling with the door. "No hospital" she repeated. "Damn" Ryan spit out. Ryan put the car back in motion as he considered his next move.

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   He could take her home, and clean her up, but that would create problems. He could lie and take her to a hospital, but he would need to do that quickly. He looked at the girl. Her T shirt was torn and filthy. Her pants were in good shape as were her shoes. Her hair was filthy and matted, not just with blood. He now smelled her and determined that perhaps she was a runaway, or she came from a screwed up home. "OK" he thought, "I'll take her home, clean her up, keep an eye on her and find a way to discretely get rid of her". He found the freeway five minutes later. He began the half hour trip he knew would take him home. He lived in a secluded area and knew he could take her inside without being watched. Still, he parked the car in the garage, waited for the garage door to close, then exited the car. He carried the girl inside and laid her on the couch. He went to the bathroom, retrieved a first aid kit, a wet washcloth, and a large bowl he used to soak his feet in. He took the bowel, filed with water, over to the barely concious girl.

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   He then began a careful process of cleaning her face, hair, and any wounds he found. A half hour later, he took the now bandaged girl to his bed. He laid her carefully on her side and looked at her. She looked tiny and weak. He curled up next to her and both drifted off to sleep. His sleep was a fitful slep as he woke up a dozen times to make sure she was still breathing. Satisfied she was, he drifted off for a little more sleep. The morning came as a rude surprise. He had a terrible taste in his mouth because he hadn't brushed his teeth the night before. He was still fully dressed, which made him feel even worse. He ached because he had slept on his side all night. He noticed the girl stretch out as he rubbed an aching shoulder. He staggered over to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He walked back to the bed and looked at the girl. She was small, just under five foot.

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   She had long brown hair and an angelic face, just now being stained by blood that had seeped under the skin and was now bruising. Her lips were swollen as was one eye. He shook his head and remembered the night before. Ryan was old school in his values. Hitting a girl or woman was the lowest of lows. He considered whether her attacker had lived or not, and he decided he didn't care. He walked off to the kitchen to start breakfast. His mother used to awaken him with the smell of bacon and eggs, so he took some out. He began frying the bacon and checked on the girl. She was still sleeping. He went back to the kitchen and continued cooking. When he finished cooking, he prepared two plates and took them in the bedroom. The girl opened her one good eye as he walked in. She rose to a half sitting direction and gripped her head, wincing in pain. "I'll get you some aspirin, but first, you should eat" he said.

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   The girl struggled to a sitting position. She accepted the plate and glass of orange juice. She chugged the orange juice in two gulps and handed the glass back to him. He handed her his glass and he went back to the kitchen for more juice. The girl was well into the meal when he returned. She ate wordlessly, as she kept an eye on him. He started eating as well. When she finally finished, she spoke: "What do you want with me?" she asked. "Your name, for starters". "Why?" "I should be asking the whys. Why did that boy attack you? Why didn't you want to go to a hospital?" She dropped her head and was silent for a minute. "What do you want with me?" she repeated. "Are you ok?" "I hurt". "What's your name?" She was silent a moment before answering "Kelly". "Why did that boy attack you?" She shrugged her shoulders.

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   "Why didn't you want to go to a hospital?" "Can I go now?" "I'm going to call the Police" "No" she begged, "please don't call the Police. . . . . . . . . . . . I'l tell you what you want". "Where's your parents?" She shrugged, looked at the floor, then answered "I don't know" in a weak voice. "Why not? Are you a runaway?" She looked at the floor.


   "My mom threw me out" she almost whispered. "Why?" "Can I go?" she softly asked. "I'm worried about you. I can't just let you walk out of here. I want to help you" "You shouldn't worry about me" "Why not?" "No one cares about me. You shouldn't" Ryan felt a terrible ache in his chest when she said that. His head started swimming with emotions. He noticed the girl spot the bathroom. "Can I take a shower?" she asked. "Yeah, sure" he immediately answered, then thinking more, he added, "your shirt is filthy, let me get you a new one" Kelly started to refuse, but let him get her a T shirt from his dresser.
     Kelly locked the bathroom door the second she closed the door. She checked the doorknob to make sure it was secure before she started to undress. She remembered the incident that had caused her to be a cast out. An uncle had come into the bathroom while she was bathing. At first he just washed her.

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   Then he washed her back. Then he started washing other parts of her. One thing led to another, and she found herself without a home. She considered the man in whose home she was in. He was older than her mother. He had been nice to her so far. Her uncle had been nice too, but he wanted things in return. Kelly removed her bandages, stepped into the shower, and kept an eye on the door.
     Ryan thought about the girl in his shower. She was definitely independent, and a little stubborn. It was dangerous being this generous to a child. Just an allegation could cause one to lose everything. Even if you were aquitted, you were still branded for life. Ryan didn't have to worry about work. He started wisely investing when he was seventeen.

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   He no longer had to work, but lawyers cost a lot of money and there was no point in losing his hard earned money. He considered a plan for when the girl, she said her name was Kelly, when Kelly would emerge from the bathroom. When Kelly came out, she noticed he was looking at her. She kept her distance. "What do you want? she asked. "I'll take you back where I found you, but I can't do it in the daylight. Can we just talk? Just talk-I'll keep my distance. He backed towards the bedroom door. He motioned to the bed. She sat down. "What do you want to know?" she asked. "Why did your mom throw you out?" "Why do you want to know?" Just appease me. After today, I won't see you again, just tell me". She took a deep breath, "Ok" she conceded, "I'll tell you. My mom likes to drink.

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   She would go out after work and come home with alcohol on her breath. She would be mean and nasty. Sometimes, we would argue. An uncle came by and asked if I wanted to stay with him. It seemed like a great idea. It was two years ago, I was nine. Right away, he started coming in when I was taking a bath. First, he just watched me. Then he wanted to wash my back. Then he started washing me all over. Then one night, he climbed into my bed. It hurt, really hurt, that first time. Every night, it was the same. He would wash me, then stick his thing in me. He kept telling me he would take me back to my mom.

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   Sometimes he would buy me things and be nice. Then, he started taking pictures of me, of us. Then he used a video machine. Then, one night he brought over a friend, and both of them did things to me. Finally, I went home. I talked to a teacher about what happened. The next thing I know, my uncle is in jail and I have to tell my story over and over. I didn't want that to happen. My mom was really pissed. Then, one night, I was touching myself in bed. My mom caught me and accused me of setting up my uncle-her brother. She threw me out. I stayed with a friend for a couple of days, then her mother told the school. I was put in a foster home. They put me with a black family, by mistake.

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   That only lasted a couple of days, but not before the kids there beat me up. Then, they put me with a woman who drinks. When she slapped me really hard one night, I left. I've been on my own since then". "How do you eat?" he asked. "Sometimes, I go to the market and eat fruit there. At night I would go to the Burger Barn and eat out of the dumpster". Ryan felt his eyes tear up. He excused himself from the room. He went in the kitchen and poured himself a glass of juice as he fought the urge to cry. He slammed his fist into the refrigerator as he considered Kelly's words. "That motherfucking system" he thought, "the one that just lets kids like Kelly just slide through the cracks". It was inexcuseable. He was going to do something about it. He considered a new line of thought.

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   He walked back into the bedroom. Kelly was looking over his dresser. She turned towards him. He sat on the bed. "I have a thought" he announced. She cocked her heads towards him. "It hurts me that you've had a hard life" he began. "I would like you to stay. I'll turn my office into your room. There's a lock on the door, and you can lock it whenever you want. Lock the bathroom too. I don't blame you for being leery of men. You need education. I'll home school you. You need a home, and good food.

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   Of course, you are welcome to leave anytime you want. Deal?" She looked at him oddly. "Why do you want to help me?" she asked. "Because you're a human being, you deserve to be treated like one" "OK, I'll stay, but only for a little bit".
     A couple of weeks later, the bruises and cuts healed. Kelly proved to be a bright student. Ryan had obtained a birth certificate for her and had taken her to a doctor and dentist. Kelly began to be happy. The ever present scowl the first couple of days with Ryan turned into a half grin. He had taken her to the movies several times. The first two times, sher sat a seat apart from him. The third time, she sat next to him. At home, she was more accepting. Once, she had forgotten to lock the bathroom door, then experimented by leaving it unlocked two days later. She even sat on the couch with him, not on a seperate piece of furniture as she had been doing.

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   She even began to laugh again. The big step came when she had been with him a month. He had carried some boxes from his office, freeing up the whole room for her. Then he bought her a box of books which he carried to her room. He had strained a shoulder during the passage. He was sitting in the easy chair rubbing the shoulder when she walked up. She took over rubbing the shoulder. They shared a smile. That night, she sat next to him on the couch when they watched TV. He considered putting his arm around her, but thought otherwise. A week later he was climbing into bed. She appeared at his bedside. "Is something wrong?" he asked. "I want to try an experiment" she said. "What kind of experiment?" "I want to know what it's like to spend a night in bed, with a man, and not have sex".

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   "You want to sleep with me?" "Not sexually, just share the bed" He slid over and offered her half of the bed. She slid into the empty half. She turned away from him, pulled the covers up, and laid her head on the pillow. He felt the bed responding to her breathing. He smelled her hair, and the lotion she had used. He fought an urge to touch her hair, turned away from her and eventually drifted off to sleep. In the morning, they were turned towards each other as they awoke. Their feet were touching. They smiled, and shared a "Good Morning". Minutes later, they started the routines they had developed. The shared bed, without sex, became a nightly ritual. Kelly had become a very happy girl. She had developed friendships with a couplke of kids down the street that were her age. She held Ryan's hand in public, smiled often, and looked forward to bike rides they shared everyday. A week later, Kelly took a very unexpected step.

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   When she climbed into bed with Ryan, she kissed him, giggled and dove under the covers. "What are you doing?" he asked seeing her fumbling around. A very muffled "You'll see" came from under the covers. A moment later, her head and bare shoulders appeared from under the covers. She tossed her nightgown and panties on the floor. "What are you doing?" he repeated. "Take your shorts off" she ordered "What are you doing?" he repeated again. "Giving myself to you" she answered. "Why?" he asked as she placed one of his hands on her bare bottom. "Because I love you". "You remember what happened last time you did this". "Last time, I was forced. Last time, I told someone. Last time, I lost my family. This time, I want to.


   This time I'll tell no one. This time, I'm giving my self to you. Take your shorts off Ryan". "Are you sure___" She cut him off by ordering him to take his shorts off again. He complied, staying under the covers as he worked his shorts off. He tossed them on the floor. She reached over and touched his semi hard dick. She worked it until it was hard. She slid under him and pulled him into her. They shared a lingering kiss. She broke the kiss by saying "Ryan?" "Yes" he answered. "Don't ever make me do this. We'll do this when I want to. OK?" "OK" he agreed. He took his time with long slow strokes.

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   He noticed she had forsaken foreplay, and he wondered if she knew what it was. They kissed and she ran her hands across his shoulders and through his hair. He increased the speed of his strokes. Both of them increased their breathing. She used her hands to feel the strokes and time her body movements. He felt his orgasm coming and he shot his full load in her. He laid his head next to hers and caught his breath. She felt his warm gooey fluid in her and felt happy. His semi hard dick popped out of her pussy. She gave him a lingering kiss and thanked him. She spooned into him and spent the night like that. Their lovemaking sessions became a weekly ritual. Eventually, he introduced her to foreplay. Her first orgasm was a body convulsing, clawing at the sheets, mind blowing adventure. She wondered why she had never felt such a sensation before.

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   She gave him a child at fourteen. They went to Mexico to have the baby. The birth certificate never listed the father's name, but Ryan and Kelly didn't need a piece of paper for that. Kelly graduated high school at 18, but learned about ecommerce so that all of Kelly's childhood miscues wouldn't be repeated. Kelly, Ryan, and Travis live together happily in Utah.



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