
The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 33


"Thanks for booking that private plane, Stephanie. I can't evenbegin to imagine how uncomfortable flying with an airline would havebeen. " "I'm glad you're pleased Mistress," he replied as he kneeledon the floor fully dressed in female garb while she stood over himstroking his head like he was her pet dog. Haruko compelled Stevento fly to Japan wearing panties and a bra. He slipped a one piececocktail dress on as soon as they got to their hotel room and madehimself up before slipping his feet into four inch black heels. Haruko then ordered him to go on a walk around the area that thehotel was situated in with her, which was embarrassing since he wasin a foreign country and he couldn't predict how people would reactif they sussed him out. But it was also nightfall and thus nobodyapparently noticed. Or they just didn't bother to say anything. Hewas actually glad to be in a dress in one sense: June in Japan is ahot sticky affair and it rains a lot. That extra bit of airconditioning up his dress helped keep him cool.   Haruko walked himup to a streetside stall to buy some boxed sushi. He wondered if thetwo elderly women working it could figure out if this tall foreignwoman was actually a male.

They returned to their hotel room, showered and went to bed naked. "Did those women say anything about me?" Steven asked Haruko. "Notto my face. I can't guarantee, though, that they didn't talk aboutit after we left," she giggled.

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The next morning, they assembled in the hotel's lobby and wentsightseeing. "Thank God your mom's here," Steven said to Haruko. "Otherwise, we would be really lost. " "Yeah, the way the streets arelaid out and numbered here is really confusing," she agreed. Maki,though, was also marveling about how much some areas had changedsince she had last been in her native land and Erik remarked on it,too. "The girls no longer cover their mouths when they laugh," henoticed.

They went back to their hotel rooms, showered, put on their Sundaybest and then took a taxi to one of the finest purveyors of Japanesecuisine in that nation. When they got there, Haruko reminded Stevenabout his table manners, The truth was, though, that for the firsttime in his life Steven felt stupid. He couldn't speak the languageand the kanji characters were used in a different way than theChinese used them and often looked different. He also just didn'tknow that much about the customs while Haruko and the other Japanesein his group were having a good old time running around andconversing freely with the inhabitants, though the natural blondehair, Japanese faces and native level speaking ability of Haruko andher siblings made some Japanese scratch their heads. The meal at therestaurant had his Mistress and her family as well as Brandon andMatt raving. "This is the best Japanese food ever!" Haruko enthused. Steven thought to himself, "it better be considering what I'm payingfor it. "

"So how does it feel to be a minority?" Haruko teased as they walkedto their hotel. Steven laughed.

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   "I'm glad I did this if, foranything else, it made me realize how hard it is for immigrants toadjust to living in their new country. ," he told the others. "Noshit, man" Matt echoed. "I'd be flailing if Shiho and her parentsweren't here. "

The following day, they went to Maki's sister Mari's house, whichwas in an adjoining prefecture, and spent the day with her, herhusband and their kids. Again, Matt, Steven and Brandon couldn'tunderstand what anyone else was saying, so they whiled away the timetalking to each other while Mari caught up with her sister and herfamily. Mari was also a terrific cook and the boys definitelyenjoyed that.

That  night, Steven, Matt and Brandon were all allowed to sleep withtheir significant others in the same room and all three girls wereon their backs being plowed in front of one another. This wasn't thefirst time that the sisters had seen their siblings being fucked,but it was the first time they had all done it in the same spacetogether. Mari didn't mind, though, since at the same time she wason her hands and knees getting the bejesus drilled out of her by herhusband.

Maki, meanwhile, was up against a wall with her legs wrapped aroundErik's hips as he slammed his cock into her from a standingposition. Maki loved it when Erik did this because it put her intouch with how much smaller and weaker she was than her Master,which then compounded her feelings of submission to him. And, withall the moaning and groaning reverberating throughout the house,Mari's kids were masturbating up a storm. With all the sexual energybeing expended, everyone subsequently slept deeply and woke up thenext morning refreshed and in a good mood.

This was a good thing since they spent the entire day hiking up anddown Mt.

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   Fuji after having taken the train there. They returned toMari's and then spent the ensuing three days in Osaka while alsotaking day tours of Nara and Kyoto, both of which were the country'scapitol centuries ago. Steven bought two guitars in Osaka, both madeby ESP, as well, before they headed back to Tokyo, where they againate at a couple of very expensive restaurants and shopped andexplored. Steven geeked hard in Akihabara, the electronics districtin Tokyo, while Maki stocked up on used books in Kanda.

Even with the steamy weather, everyone had a ball. However, theywere also glad to finally be heading back to California and theirhomes after being away for the two weeks, especially Brandon andMatt. Steven boarded the jet with their friends and changed into awhite cheongsam with white thigh high stockings, pink bikini stylepanties, a pink bra and white heels before they took off. "God, itfeels good to be in a skirt again," Steven remarked, which madeHaruko and some of the others giggle. "Pants just seem sorestrictive to me now," he elaborated. "Hey Stephanie, thanks fortaking me on this trip with everyone. I'll  never forget this," Mattsaid to Steven. "Yeah, this was a killer experience and I didn'thave to be without my Rie," Brandon added. "You're welcome, guys. Itwas certainly a great learning experience for me, too, and I hope myMistress had a good time. " "Stephanie, your Mistress is very pleasedwith your decision to take us on this trip," Haruko informed him.

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   "Iknow you did it in large part for me, so thank you," she said,leaning over and kissing him.

They stayed up this time during the flight because they were goingto get back to Haruko's parents house around 9 p. m. PST and theycould just go immediately to bed when they got there and thus avoidjet lag. Erik told the flight attendant who was on the plane withthem to turn out the cabin lights and that she might want to hangout in the small galley for the next couple of hours and maybelisten to her IPod, too. Everyone pulled the beds hidden in theseats ringing the inside of the plane out and joined the mile highclub, the atmosphere at that juncture a cacophony of moans, sighs,grunts and declarations of the degree of pleasure they were feelingat that moment. Brandon spanked the hell out of Rie while heplundered her pussy doggy style. Haruko rode Steven's dick from ontop. Erik splashed his spunk all over Maki's face after he pulledout of her asshole and Matt had Shiho's legs over his shoulders incoring her humid tunnel before flooding it with his cum. Thus, thepassenger cabin smelled like sex the remainder of the flight and itwas a passionate conclusion to what had been a fun excursion acrossthe Pacific.

By the time the limo had arrived at the Eklund residence, everyonewas spent and ready to crash. They all showered and went to bed,Steven and Haruko sleeping on the floor on a bunch of blankets inher now empty former bedroom. In the morning, Erik drove hisdaughter and her husband to their house in Brentwood. Steven andHaruko then piled into their own car and went shopping for furniturefor their living room and bedroom as well as some home electronics. When they got back home, they took delivery of the furniture andthen went online to order more stuff they would need, including BDSMgear that Haruko could use to torment Steven with.

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   Steven, withHaruko's permission, decided to use one of the spare bedrooms as amusic room.

When they went to pick up their withheld mail Monday, Stevenreceived a $103,000 royalty check and he took it to their new bankto deposit it. They frittered the rest of that day away drivingaround the area checking out routes to their schools and to get abetter grasp of the general vicinity they were now ensconced in. "SoI guess we're officially adults now, huh Mistress?" Steven chuckled. Haruko smiled and rejoindered, "well, I'm an adult, but you're justa slave, Stephanie. " "Yes Mistress," Steven heeded.

In fact, when they drove back to their house, Haruko made anappointment at a local beauty salon to get Steven a manipedi. Thisembarrassed him because it was one thing to have that done by Thuyat Ms. McMullen's shop, but another by ostensibly regularbeauticians he didn't know. "They'll probably think I'm ametrosexual at best and secretly gay at worst," he anticipated.

Steven was also expected by her to do all the housework and cookingfrom now on and she threatened to cane him to within an inch of hislife ala Mrs. Westfield if she was unhappy at how well he kept theirhome. She instructed him on  how exactly she wanted the bathroomscleaned, the rugs vacuumed, the laundry done and put away, the carscared for, the way they stocked up and stored food and the windowswashed. "You're going to be doing this for the rest of your life,Stephanie, since you were put on this earth to serve me and make mecomfortable and happy.   I also suggest that you read up on childhoodnutrition in preparation for when we can finally have children.

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  ""Yes Mistress. " "Every fault in the upkeep of this house willreflect ill on the reputation of your Mistress, so you will beseverely punished when your performance isn't up to standard," shetold him. "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress. "

Steven privately thought what a pain in the ass this all was, butthere was something in the steely look Haruko gave him when she waslecturing him on the manner in which he was to maintain herhousehold that he nonetheless found erotic. He had never seen thatin her eyes before and this conveyed to him that she was stillgrowing in her dominance over him. That made his heart race and hiscock harden. Haruko had been pretty freeform about the way shehandled him before that day, but now she was demanding morediscipline from him and he began to think of his responsibilities inthe framework of a job. He had known what paces Lisa put Marshallthrough and Mrs. Westfield had expected from her husband Jake. NowSteven was joining that club.

He composed a list of scheduled chores to do, some daily, some everyfew days and so on. He also started laying out their meals a week inadvance so that he could get her approval and input on them. Harukothen took him down to the local mall to have his ears pierced. Shehad put that off because she thought it might be too much for him tohandle since it was such an outward sign of his feminization.

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   Butnow she felt it was time. Once the piercing was completed, and ithurt a lot to Steven, they went to a jewelry store to purchase someearrings and diamond studs to put in the holes that had been openedin the bottom of his ear lobes.

Even as Haruko was becoming more demanding, though, at least shewasn't really denying him sexually. She just enjoyed the feel of hiscock inside of her and the intimacy of having him discharge hissemen into her too much to limit his ability to orgasm as long as hewas still not masturbating. She made it clear to him that his cumwas for her only and he couldn't let any leave his body without herexplicitly directing where it would end up. If he went rogue on thatissue, she would make him wear a chastity belt as Marshall and Jakeboth had to. That disincentive for spontaneously shooting his wadkept him on the straight and narrow.

She devised a morning ritual for him, too: when she arose, he was tokiss her feet and thank her for being allowed to serve her foranother day. He was then to immediately make their bed beforecooking breakfast. Once he had done the dishes, he was to retrievethe clothes she wanted him to wear and put them on and then standfor inspection. "Anything out of place reflects badly on yourMistress, so you will be attentive to how you attire yourself," shewarned him. At that time, she would issue any special orders she hadfor him that day. , too

Then there was a nightly ritual as well: once both of them hadshowered, he was to massage and kiss her feet and thank her forbeing allowed to serve her that day and ask if there was anythingmore he could have done to make her happier with his performance. Inaddition, he was to beseech the honor of sleeping alongside of herthat night. She never said no to the latter because she enjoyedbeing curled up in his arms too much.

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   But it was to put in the backof his mind that there might come a day when he would piss her offenough to make him sleep on the floor at the foot of the bed like adog. So this commandment was to ensure that punishment would neverneed to come to pass.

A week later, a bondage rack and other BDSM gear arrived via a majorpackage delivery firm at the Morris residence and, after Steven putthe rack together, she bound him to it and sodomized him with astrap on, stimulating him enough to make him expel his ball cream. "God Stephanie, you're such a slut," Haruko teased. "You can't getenough cock, can you?" she insinuated. "No Mistress. Your slut lovesMistress' cock anytime she can get it," he proclaimed. "Oh really?You like having a cock rammed up your butt, huh? Maybe I ought totake you down to Santa Monica Blvd this weekend and let the boys atthe clubs have at you," she threatened. "Sorry Mistress, but yourslut only loves your cock in her butt," he asserted. "But if I toldyou to take another man's dick in your ass you would, wouldn't you?""Yes Mistress," he confessed. "Do you secretly wish you had avagina, Stephanie?" "Mistress, I am curious as to what it would feellike if I did, but I like being a guy and serving at the feet of thebeauty and intelligence that you are imbued with. If I had a vagina,I would probably be serving a Master and therefore I would bedeprived of the honor and grace of your company. " "Well put,Stephanie. You're a good girl. " "Thank you Mistress.

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The next morning, Steven awoke a few minutes ahead of Haruko. Hetook care of his grooming and, when he re-entered their bedroom, shewas waking up. "Good morning Mistress!" "Good morning Stephanie,"she muttered as she got out of bed. Steven kneeled at her feet andkissed them. "Thank you for the honor of being allowed to serve youagain today Mistress," he enthused. She stroked his head. "You'rewelcome, Stephanie," she retorted and then headed for the bathroom. Steven made the bed and then kneeled to await her return. Harukowent into their walk in closet and chose his outfit for the day,which was a little white top with a pale blue skirt that was to beworn with ankle socks and tennis shoes. He put it on and went tomake  breakfast. After they ate and he cleaned up, he set about hischores for the day, which were to dust and vacuum. Following lunch,she went out shopping and later came back with four frilly maid'suniforms like you would see in a Japanese maid fetish video, oneblack, one white and one red and he was now going to wear themfulltime while he was at home. All three outfits were to be wornwith white thigh high stockings and white four inch heels. When hemodeled them for her, Haruko giggled, but nonetheless believed theylooked cute on him and the earrings she bought for him proved to bea nice touch, too.

Once his chores were finished, Haruko excused him for two hours sothat he could play guitar.

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   When that time period elapsed, he madedinner. Just after he finished with washing the dishes, Donnycalled. "Hi Mistress Haruko. May I please speak to your property?""Yes you may, Master Donny. " She handed her cellphone to Steven. Donny had some ideas on the solar project. Steven excused himselfand went into his music room so that Haruko could read in peace. They went back and forth and then the ideas began to flow from theback of Steven's mind. "Holy shit Steven, that may be it!" Donnyburbled. The discussion had led to a way to amplify the output of asolar cell 50 times from within the cell itself. This would allow ahuge reduction in the footprint of solar panels, but they were stillgoing to have to test it to make sure.

When he hung up the phone, Steven scribbled furiously on a legal padto not just recall everything that he and Donny discussed, but toencapsulate further ideas he was coming up with. Once he finishedthat, the went back out to the living room and kneeled before Harukoand raised his hand. "Yes Stephanie?" she recognized. "Mistress, wemay have finally done it.


   Your slave may soon be the richest man inthe world," he anticipated. He then explained the technological insand outs of what he and Donny were going to work on with the grouphe had formed at Cal Tech. "Wow Steven, that's amazing! My littlesissy might change the world!" she predicted.

The next morning, he got up early to complete his chores. At 1 p. m. ,Donny, Tim and the Cal Tech group met at Steven's house. Steven andTim were each going to put $5 million into the initial productionand testing costs. Steven would file the patent applications thefollowing day. They agreed to form a company called Solar ReachResearch Inc. Steven retained a couple of corporate attorneys andthey filed the incorporation papers. Steven would be CEO, Donnywould be CTO, Tim would become project manager and oversee theproduction of the new generation of solar cells. The Cal Tech groupwere also given responsibilities and shares in the concern.

Steven then got on the phone to Mr. Stevenson and had him come downto his house along with his daughter Arlene.

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   Steven explained whathe had in mind. "Here is the deal Mr. Stevenson," he began. "If youinvest $5 million in this, we'll give you a 5% stake. Also, I'mgoing to hire your daughter as our personnel director for $1 milliona year. " Mr. Stevenson was incredulous. "Boys, boys, if you want meto give up that kind of money I want majority ownership, at least60%. " "With all due respect,   Mr. Stevenson, we don't need yourmoney. What we need from you is other things. For one, I want to useyour company as a guinea pig for our technology. If you allow me todo that and give us the $5 million, we'll up our offer to 10%, butthat also comes with the string of Arlene has to absolutely be onboard with our company. " "This is insane, Steven. If you made thisoffer to a VC guy he would laugh at you.

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  " "Mr. Stevenson, peoplehave been laughing at me for most of my life. I'm used to it. Andthose people are all working at McDonald's or some other dead endjob now. When this technology explodes, you could very well join me,Donny and the others on the list of the world's richest men. It's upto you. Take it or leave it," Steven demanded. "Daddy," Arleneinterjected, "you're nuts if you don't take this offer. And yesSteven, I'm on board. Tell me when you want me to start. " "Thank youArlene. There will be bonuses for you, too, so your compensationwon't be limited to your salary, which is already ten times morethan what most HR heads make anyway. " "Well then," Mr. Stevensonconcluded, "if my little girl says it's a good deal I guess I haveto take it. " "Glad to have you on board, too, Mr.

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   Stevenson. " Theyall went out to a restaurant to celebrate and then went back toSteven's, where they spent the next few hours tossing ideas aroundon how to market their product.

When they had all finally departed to go home, Steven turned toHaruko. "Sorry to bore you with all this, Mistress. " "That's okay,Stephanie. You're just trying to assure your Mistress' future, soyou will carry on. " "Thank you, Mistress. Thank you for the honor ofbeing permitted to serve you again today. Is there anything yourhumble servant could have done to make your day better Mistress?""No, Stephanie. You have fulfilled your duty to me very nicely. ""Thank you Mistress. " They showered and he gave her a foot massagebefore they went to sleep.

Steven rented a facility in an industrial park that had fallen onhard times and began bringing in the equipment they would need tobegin production on their new solar cell. Tim and Steven explainedto Arlene what they needed talent wise and she began casting a netaround the California university system, choosing to do herinterviews on campus for the sake of security. By the end of August,she had assembled a team of some of the brightest and most drivenyoung minds in the region.

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   "For a 19 year old Arlene, you sure did agreat job finding these people," Tim told her. "We want to hoard thetalent, too, so if you run across anyone, just hire them and we'llfigure out what to do with them later. " "Yes Mr. Morris. Thank you,Sir. "

Also by the time Steven and some of the others had started a newquarter at school, Mr. Stevenson called Steven,  Haruko and Tim intohis office. "Boys, you remember how I quoted that marketing analysisof $1. 6 billion in orders for the new project? It was actually $2. 2billion. So I got some checks for you," he announced and opened adesk drawer and handed Steven and Tim checks for $180 millionapiece. Both Steven and his father did double takes at what they sawwritten on those financial instruments and Haruko just about pissedher panties when Steven displayed the long rack of zeros followingthe other numbers on his. "I'll have our security people accompanyyou guys to your banks, Mr. Stevenson informed them. He called uptwo huge security guards and once the meeting ended Steven and Timnervously deposited the money into their accounts.

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   Steven then setup a separate account for Haruko and transferred $25 million intoit. Haruko's head was spinning at all this. Her father was rich, butthe numbers now being bandied about her husband were just insane toher. `Haruko wondered if her and Steven should go to school withbodyguards. "That will only draw even more attention to us, so Idon't think that's a good idea," Steven advocated. To make Harukofeel better, though, he hired a Wackenhut guard to take her to andfrom school everyday.

But that would pale in comparison to the  money she would see a yearfrom then. In November, Steven and Donny announced to Mr. Stevensonthat the prototype solar cell was ready  They had arrays installedboth on the office building of Mr. Stevenson's company as well ashis company's factory. Everything went smoothly and Mr. Stevensonwas delighted that not only were they saving thousands each month inutility costs, but Southern California Edison was now sending themsizable checks for the money that Steven's solar cells weregenerating. Steven also cajoled the owner of the industrial parkwhere he had his office and production facility to use histechnology, and that drew tremendous results. With the testimonialsprovided by the park's owner and Mr. Stevenson, Solar Reach Researchwas able to get more building owners to use their product.

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   By thefollowing June, the city of L. A. installed SRR's cells on all theirbuildings. Then school districts began to buy in and it continued tosnowball. Steven also devised a product that could be used forelectric cars that wouldn't require heavy batteries because of theamount of output and installed them in his and Haruko's cars, whichprovided the test case to Detroit to use his technology in theirproducts. Everyone in the South Marlin Circle neighborhood boughtin, too. The word of mouth generated extended to the home market. Bythe end of the year,  the San Onofre nuclear generating station wasdecommissioned  since it was no longer needed.

The media, of course, noticed and Steven was being hailed as  "thenew Tesla. " Because his company had started early enough on theirtechnology, it cleaned up and he had $14 billion in personal assetsby the time he graduated college. He also seeded his firm with SouthMarlin Circle residents or members where he could and where Arlenethought it practicable. Arlene was given $50 million in bonuses forher acquiring the brilliant personnel that made the company'sprogress possible.  

At age 23, he, Tim, Arlene, Mr. Stevenson and the Cal Tech group that had founded SRR were all bestowed with the presidential Medalof Freedom for getting the U. S.

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   off of foreign oil, though the solartechnology also resulted in major layoffs in the electrical utility,coal and oil industries.  

Haruko, who was still in law school at that juncture, was alsopregnant with their first child after snagging her undergraduatedegree a year earlier. Of course, with her bank accounts now showingan aggregate $1 billion balance, she didn't need to work ever again,but she thought that her getting her JD would provide a good exampleto their children like Maki's attaining her doctorate did for herand her siblings.

Unfortunately, the idea for the pod planes didn't prove to beworkable and was ultimately abandoned. But what did prove to beviable was moving back to the South Marlin Circle neighborhood. Ahouse became available on South Dolphin Circle and they bought it,tore it down and built a tasteful custom home on the lot. OnceHaruko had her baby, a son they named Isaac Steven, he hung up hiscorporate shoes and devoted himself to serving Haruko and raisinghis son fulltime. Donny, who was also already a billionaire, wasnamed CEO. Donny's slave Yoriko was pregnant with their third childwhen Steven resigned.

"God Stephanie, it's been such an adventure being with and owningyou. Just look at where we were only five years ago and where we arenow. " "Yes Mistress, it's funny how many people were calling me aloser in high school and I had never even had a girlfriend before Imet you and now we're on top of the world. I wonder how thoseassholes feel now," he gloated. "By the way, how many monthspregnant is Rie now?" "Three, I think. Brandon is so hot for her.

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  Their wedding was beautiful, wasn't it?" "She looked amazing in thatwedding kimono, Mistress. Oh, there goes Isaac again Mistress," hesaid, as he got up to attend to their crying infant.

"So I wonder what will happen with the culture here, Mistress," heremarked to Haruko as he changed his baby's diaper. "Everybody whois young is either out of college, in college or about to finishhigh school. " "Well, we came back, Stephanie and so did Donny andYoriko and I hope we won't be the last. " "Me, too, Mistress. " "Bythe way, Stephanie, you know Yuki is pregnant again, too. " "Yeah,Eddie really proved to be quite the marketing weasel, didn't he? Hemoved a lot of product for our company," Steven noted. "I initiallythought Arlene was nuts when she hired him, but, as usual, she wasright on the nose. " Steven finished diapering Isaac and Harukopulled her shirt and bra off and reached for him. She cuddled him ashe suckled on her nipple. Once Isaac was sated, they laid him downin his crib.

"Here Stephanie, pull your skirt up," Haruko ordered. He did so andthen she pulled his panties down and fondled his cock. "So how longwill it be before you want to get pregnant again Mistress?" "As soonas I can, Stephanie.

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   It's a shame to waste all this perfectly goodsperm. I would rather have it in me than in my mouth, but oh well,"she smiled as her lips surrounded his dick. She was still sore fromgiving birth and wouldn't e able to have sex for another few months. Steven's face contorted rapturously as her moist, slippery lipsglided up and down his stiff shaft. "Oh God Mistress, that feelsincredible," he said. She tasted his precum while her tongue pushedand scraped his increasingly sensitive phallus until he gave heradvance warning of his release. She bobbed her head faster andfaster, causing him to explode into her yapper. She swallowed it ashe pulled his panties back up and dropped his skirt back over them. He then looked forward to creating more of the next generation ofSouth Marlin Circle neighborhood inhabitants.

The End.



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