Once Maki and Haruko had regained their composure, Steven raised hishand and then asked why the two of them were weeping. "For me,"Haruko started, "it's my sister finding some happiness. For my mom,while she shares my sentiment, I also think it's another sign forher that she's getting older because it was what, 30 years ago itwas her serving up her virginity to my father. I wonder how she'llreact when you and I have our first child and she gets called"grandma" for the first time. "
"By the way Stephanie, tomorrow we're going to Ms. McMullen's to getyour nails done and she is going to have your body hair waxed off. ""Yes Mistress. " "Also, the day after we get back from Arisa's swimmeet, you're going to cook dinner for my family. The day after that,you're going to do it for your parents. " "Yes Mistress. " "You willhave to decide what the menu is, too, so that you will learn how toput meals together properly. Afterward, at least after you serve myfamily, we will critique the meal. You did a good job at theChristmas party, so it's getting time to where your service needs totake another step forward. " "Yes Mistress. " Also, you won't beallowed to use anything that is canned or pre-packaged. " "YesMistress.
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"One more thing: I don't know how practical this is, but I want youto work on acquiring a more feminine voice, too. Explore the subjecton the net or elsewhere and see if you can find a method that willwork for you. You will have to be able to do it where you can easilygo back and forth between your regular voice and your feminine one. I'm not going to make this a hard and fast order, but I woulddefinitely appreciate it if you can have a convincing girl's voiceto use. At some point down the road, I would like to begin takingyou out as a woman like when we go shopping or go out to eat orwhatever. " "Yes Mistress. " "And about your hair: "I want you to keepletting it grow out and then Ms. McMullen will style it so that youcan change between a feminine style and a manly style with just theturn of a brush. " "Yes Mistress. "
"So does this excite you?" "Yes Mistress. Very much. Of course, italso fills me with some trepidation. " "Well, it would be a sign ofthe depth of your devotion to me if you could do that. That is stilla ways off, but you should look at it as a goal. Eventually, you'llbe going to bed in lingerie every night with the mindset that a manwill want to fuck you if he saw you dressed like that.
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"YesMistress. "
So have you masturbated lately?" No Mistress. Of course I've wantedto, but when you said that masturbating without permission is achoice between playing with myself and you the playing with myselfloses every time. " "Good girl, Stephanie. How about looking atporn?" "I no longer look at it, Mistress. I believe it would be aninsult to you if I did and it would take some of the focus away fromserving you exclusively. Plus it just wastes too much time. ""Excellent! Good girl Stephanie! And this was even though I didn'tdemand you refrain from viewing it. You're definitely growing inyour attitude toward service to your Mistress. " "Thank youMistress. " "Your Mistress is really turned on now, so eat my pussy. ""Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress. " "Why did you thank meStephanie?" Mistress, the chance to eat your beautiful pussy is aprivilege I crave every day and I am grateful because you are such agorgeous, intelligent and talented woman and nothing makes mehappier than bringing you to orgasm. Also, it brings a smile to yourface and I live for that smile.
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" "I am genuinely moved by what yousaid, Stephanie. You made me feel loved so much. Thank you mydarling. " "You're welcome Mistress. I'm glad you find happiness inmy love for you. "
Haruko took her clothes off and laid in bed. Steven then performedoral sex on her for the next 45 minutes, giving her eight orgasms. She rested in bed under the influence of the endorphins, feelinghappy and content. "Come here and cuddle me," she directed. "Thatwas outstanding Stephanie. " "Mistress, your juices are heaven sent. I have to keep drinking them and then provoke the music that is thesound of your voice in the midst of climax. " "Oh, look at the time!Stephanie, go help my mom fix dinner. Don't forget to tell yourparents you're spending the night with me, too. " "Yes Mistress.
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"So how did Stephanie do tonight mom?" Haruko asked after finishingdinner. "Oh, she's doing good. She can chop vegetables as well as Ican now and she has a much better feel for seasoning and cookingmeat than she did when he first started learning how to cook. Plus Ilove it when she does the dishes. " Everyone at the dinner tablelaughed. "It's nice to take some of the burden off of you Mrs. Eklund. You're already very busy. " "She's such a good girl, Haruko. I wonder what you two will do, though, when you begin havingchildren. " "Fortunately, okaasan, that is at least a decade off, sowe'll worry about that later. " "That outfit really fits you well,Stephanie. " "It's too bad he is so tall and heavy, mom. It would beneat if he could share clothes with me. " "Haruko, are you doing thisto him so that you can have another sister?" "No mom.
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I do itbecause I want him to not just understand my life as a woman, but totame some of his male aggression and channel it so that it benefitsme. " "Okay, just making sure, Haruko. " "Do you think my daughter isselfish Stephanie?" "No Ma'am. She has done me the favor of allowingme to express a part of my personality I had kept hidden for a whiledue to trust issues. Now is she using me for her benefit orentertainment? Yes, but I like it when she does it. " "Yeah, he'sdefinitely a sub," Rie asserted. "Because I'm the same way withBrandon. I love it when he uses me for his pleasure. " "Are you goingto submit to Matt Shiho?" Maki wondered. "If he asks me to, mom. ""Are you sore sweety?" Erik asked. "Yeah, I am daddy. His cock is sothick. I'll probably we walking a little bowlegged tomorrow. " "Iwish I had lost my virginity to Stephanie," Haruko said.
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"What hehas made me realize about myself and the way we communicate makes mefeel incredibly close to him. When I make love with him it's sofulfilling. " "Thanks for saying that Mistress. "
"You want to know what's funny, though? I almost didn't ask herout," Steven began. She's the kind of girl that is usually way outof my league, but there just seemed to be some weird x-factor thatcompelled me to do it. Usually women like her laugh at me when I tryto take them out. " "This should be a lesson to you, Stephanie, toalways keep taking a shot no matter how much you get knocked down. ""Yes Master Erik, you're right. Look at Einstein. He felt like sucha loser in the early part of his life that he contemplated suicide. And now I can't wait to get out of bed so that I can be withMistress. I mean, my God, what a blessing THAT is!"
"If I may Master Erik, how did you meet Mrs. Eklund?" "There's nogreat story there, unfortunately, Stephanie. I was teaching englishin Japan and she was one of my students. She wanted to maintain herenglish speaking skills by taking occasional classes in addition tothe work she was doing in college.
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She was just absolutelybreathtaking and I knew that a lot of Japanese women like Nordiclooking men, so once we had established some kind of rapport on ateacher-student level, it was a pretty easy step to then take herout.
She's also the most focused person I have ever met in my life. That's how she was able to get her doctorate despite raising apassel of kids at the time. And even with age and the stress ofhaving six kids and the rigors of postgraduate education andteaching her seminars and dealing with students, not to mentionalready having a black belt by the time I met her, her looks haven'tchanged much at all since she was 20. She's still the same weightnow she was back then. She's a remarkable woman and nobody else cantouch her. I mean, the difference between Maki and the other girls Iwas with when I was young was like the difference between PrinceMetternich and a four year old. "
"Yeah daddy. I am feeling the same way with Stephanie. She's likefrom another planet compared to the other guys I've met. You shouldsee the way he explains math and physics concepts to the other kidsover at Mistress Lori's. Even Mistress Lori went, 'whoa!'
"So why do you think it took you so long to wake up to the fact thatyou were a domina, oneechan?" Rie asked. "I have no idea, Rie. Itwas like Stephanie just opened that door and I walked through it. ""Actually, sweety,, I have a theory about that.
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" "What's that,daddy?" "Well honey, when Haruko was in elementary school, she waskind of an ugly duckling. She even got bullied a bit about herlooks. But then when she got into seventh grade, it was likesomebody pushed a button and bam! she lost that puppy fat, she grewlike four inches in a year, her boobs came in and her hair got evenlighter and longer and before you know it, half the boys at herjunior high where showing up at our door wanting to be her friend orboyfriend. The problem, though, is that I think she still didn'thave enough confidence in herself to manifest her dominance. Whenpeople badly want to be popular but aren't, it often makes themrigid and conservative because they are trying too hard to be likethe members of the so-called "in crowd. ". And it could be thatHaruko shut her kink side off in order to try to be like everybodyelse. But when she met Stephanie, she saw in him as kind of a fellowtraveler who accepted her for what she was in a really broad senseand it made her comfortable enough to begin expressing her dominantcharacter. "
"As a contrast, look at Rie and Shiho, who have always beenbeautiful. They haven't felt the need to hide any part of theirpersonalities because they were both having their asses kissed allover the place all the time. Plus it's more socially acceptable forwomen to be submissives rather than dominants and Rie and Shiho hadplenty of socially acceptable avenues to express their need tosurrender while Haruko didn't with her need to dominate. Rie andShiho, though, quickly got bored with the guys around them untilthey moved here because, in this era of pussified guys, theyintuited that those boys weren't what they actually needed. Beinghere, though, they get the type of boys they need in their liveslike Brandon and Matt. " "I'm so glad we moved here, daddy. I reallyfeel like I belong here," Rie averred.
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"So how are things with Mina Robbie?" "Kick ass, dad. She's fun tobe around and she's really smart. Even though I can't take her for acouple of years, she's already pretty obedient. I think she's goingto be around for a while. " "She's a real sweetheart Robbie. Don't betoo hard on her, okay?" "Don't worry, dad. I got all kinds of advicefrom the other kids in the neighborhood on how to talk to her. Haruko has helped me out, too. " "Good stuff, son. Tell her she isalways welcome here. I want the two of you to really give it a fairshot. " "Thanks dad. Having three sisters still here I think makes itcomfortable for her as a girl. "
After Steven did the dishes, he rejoined Haruko in her bedroom andby her order, he gave her a full body massage, including rubbing herclit to a convulsive orgasm. As she laid on her stomach on a towelon the floor after the massage, she told him to fuck her.
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He removedhis panties and leaned his stomach over her ass and knifed his dickinto her slick rut and began to thrust. With her head on a pillowand her eyes closed, his cock glided between her vaginal walls. "Oooh yeah baby. God, that feels amazing," she approved, the path ofhis thrusting slightly downward into her hallowed hall. He graduallybuilt a rhythm and, as he spurred her heat upward and onward, hebegan to plunder her poon with his meat sword and she was protestinghow good it was for her loudly before her ardor spiked right throughher body's tolerance level, inducing a quivering orgasm for her and,later, a flood of semen spilling into her pussy for him.
She continued to lay there and told him to do his core exercisesbefore they showered together and then went to sleep.
Sunday morning, she took him to Mrs. McMullen's beauty shop, wherehe had a manipedi and then was subjected to a full body wax. Whenthe technician was finished with the waxing, there wasn't a singlehair on his arms, torso or legs, though his skin was prettyirritated. Haruko looked him over carefully and slapped him on theass before she let him get dressed. She took him home and had himshower and then, after he had toweled off, he stood for inspection. "I should have had you do this last September," she estimated. "Herebaby, bend over the bed and show me your pussy. " She then reamed hisass with her strap on, getting him to declare loudly that he lovedtaking her cock and having his ass reddened by a dozen or so hardslaps before he spurted a ropey load into her bedspread. He wassubsequently ordered to eat her and he also fingered her, bringingher to nearly a dozen orgasms.
"Oh fuck, I'm so relaxed now," shesaid. She dismissed Steven for the day and sparred with Rie, Makiand Robbie.
Monday night, both Haruko's and Steven's lives would begin to changeremarkably. At 8 p. m. , Haruko received a phone call. It wasn't fromanyone she had a preset ringtone for, so she had no idea who it was. "Hello?" "Hi Mistress Haruko. It's Arlene Stevenson. How are youtonight?" "Oh Hi Arlene! I'm doing great sweety! How are you?""Really good!" "So what's up?" "Mistress Haruko, my daddy wants youand Steven to come to our house right now if you can. He has somethings he wants to talk to you guys about. " "Wow Arlene, can yougive me a hint what this is about?" "I could Mistress Haruko, butthen my dad would have me killed *giggle. " "Okay sweety, we'll beover in about ten minutes. " "That's great Mistress Haruko. I'lltell daddy.
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" "Okay Arlene. See ya in a bit. " "Bye!"
"Stephanie, we're going over to the Stevensons. So go check yourselfin the mirror to make sure you're looking decent and fix your makeupif you need to. " "Yes Mistress. " They got themselves ready and a fewminutes later, they were at the Stevensons' doorstep. Mr. Stevensonanswered the door. "Hi kids! Mistress Haruko, sorry to bother you sosuddenly. " "Not a problem Master Rich. I have to say I'm intriguedby the sudden phone call. " "Well, let's go upstairs to my office andI'll let you know what's what. " "They went up to Rich's plushlyappointed office and had a seat on leather chairs on the other sideof his desk. "Mistress Haruko, may I address your property?" "Yesyou may Master Rich. " "Okay, so here is what this is about.
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Arlenehas a sharp eye for good people and is usually pretty adept atsorting the wheat from the chaff. Last month, she came to me andasked me to talk to Stephanie. I was very busy at the time and kindaput it off, but over the weekend, she came to me again afterStephanie helped her with a school project. " "Oh yeah, I rememberthem talking about that at lunch," Haruko recalled. " "And I have tosay Mistress Haruko, I was incredibly impressed with the way heconceptualized the project and then told her how she couldlogistically go about completing it. It played to Arlene'sorganizational strengths, too, so it will impress her teacher andyet won't overwhelm her. Then Arlene told me about how he had donethis for other kids and then the stuff he did at Mrs. Westfield'shouse. Then she told me that he was probably headed back east forcollege and that kinda put a more urgent shade on this, so that iswhy we're all here tonight. "
"So here's the deal: tomorrow, Stephanie, I want you to take the dayoff school and come to my company's building and talk to you furtherabout some things we're working on. Can I get your permission fromyou Mistress Haruko to allow that?" "Yes you may Master Rich. " "I'malso thinking about having him intern with us over the summer, butI'm not going to make a firm commitment on that until I have achance to discuss things with him a little further. "
"By the way, Stephanie, what does your dad do? I'm curious about theguy who raised you. " "Master Rich, my dad works for a job shop thatdoes a lot of defense related work. He programs and runs thecomputers that produce a lot of the shops products.
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" "I'll tell youwhat, Stephanie. Bring your dad, too. In fact, let me call him. What's your number?"
Steven told him. Rich punched the number. "Hello?" "Hi Mr. Morris,This is Rich Stevenson from Stevenson Avionics. How are you tonightSir? Steven's father Tim's knees just about buckled. "Why is a bigdeal like Richard Stevenson calling me? Is this a prank?" he thoughtto himself. "I'm doing okay. But I'm kind of surprised to be gettinga call from you. " "Yeah, sorry about disturbing the peace and quietof your household there. Anyway, I got your boy in front of me rightnow and I'm going to bring him in tomorrow to hang out for a whileat my company and I want you to come with him. " "May I ask what thisis about?" "Mr. Morris, for now, let's call that proprietaryinformation.
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So can I count on you guys to be there at 8 a. m. sharp?" "Well, I'll have to take the day off of work, but we'll bethere," he promised. "Outstanding! See you then!" "Thanks Mr. Stevenson. "
'So Steven, what universities are you looking at?" "MIT, Harvard, UCBerkeley, Cal Tech and Mrs. Westfield has offered to write a letterof recommendation if I decide to apply to Princeton, too. " "Yeah,both her and Jake are Princeton alumni and Lisa and Marshall arethere now. I'm a Stanford guy myself and my wife went to Berkeley. . I met her in line at a concession stand at a Stanford-Cal footballgame. Total love at first sight and we married after we finished ourdegrees before I went to grad school. " "Oh, so you're DoctorStevenson?" "Nah. Just a Masters in electrical engineering. ""Nice!"
The next morning, Steven and his father Reed, who was dressed in asuit for the first time since he had been married, were goingthrough the doors at Rich's firm feeling like burglars, they feltthat out of place.
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They told the receptionist who they were and weretold to have a seat. About two minutes later, a man approached. "HiMr. Morris. This is Steven, right? My name is Strom Willis and I'mRich Stevenson's assistant. Please come with me. " They followed theman in the charcoal gray suit and were ushered into a conferenceroom on the top floor. Rich Stevenson walked in shortly after. "HiMr. Morris. Nice to see you again Steven! "Hi Mr. Stevenson," Reedsaid as they all shook hands. They sat down and then explained tothe elder Morris why they were there that morning. Then Mr. Stevenson pulled a piece of equipment out of his brief case.
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"OkaySteven, this is one of our best selling products. Let's see what youcan do with this. We already undid the screws so that you can accessthe works. " With that, Mr. Stevenson turned on his heels and wentback to the rest of his duties.
Steven took it apart and he and his dad examined it. The ideas beganto flow in the back of Steven's head and his dad began to fill himin on the production challenges of some of those ideas and thepractical implications for implementation. This went on for a coupleof hours. Mr. Stevenson returned. "So what do you have for me boys?"Steven began laying out his thoughts as to how the device could beimproved and his dad discussed the retooling and production costs. "Holy fucking shit!" Mr. Stevenson blurted. "Why didn't we think ofthat? Oh my God, we're going to be able to buy Lockheed after this!"Mr. Stevenson got on a phone in the office, opened it to the publicaddress.
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"Ladies and gentlemen, we got ourselves a convoy!" Thatphrase was a code word for everybody to drop what they are doingright at that moment, "even if you're in the middle of a piss," asRich once cracked, and hotfoot it up to the penthouse conferenceroom. The phrase arose after one of the department heads, nowretired, saw people streaming into that room one day and it remindedhim of the old 70's hit.
Everyone sat down. Also there was the company's CEO and Rich'sbrother Philip. Philip was a great schmoozer and so was put in frontof the company's machinery for sake of press and promotionopportunities and relating to the board of directors, but the actualday to day business was managed by the more rough hewn and somewhatcut throat Rich. The executives looked at the piece of dismantledequipment that was in front of Steven and Reed. "Ladies andgentlemen, what you are seeing today is an example of genius atwork," he began and then after finishing his opening remarks, turnedthe floor over to Steven and Reed. When their presentation wasfinished, everybody was high fiving each other and the energy in theroom was palpable. Mr. Stevenson spoke again. "Okay Cyril, it's yourresponsibility to shepherd this thing through production andmarketing. Of course, I will be expecting the utmost secrecy. I willpersonally put a bullet in the head of anyone who leaks anyinformation about this. You aren't to discuss it with anyone, be ityour wife, your pastor or God. Do you understand?" he asked, withfire and brimstone burning in his eyes.
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They all answeredaffirmatively. "Okay, get to work on this NOW!"
"Steven, Mr. Morris, please come to my office. " Rich commanded. Theyfollowed behind him and everyone sat down. He got on the phone. "Annette darling, please get legal up here. "Yes Mr. Stevenson. ""You're the greatest, babe. " Two of the company's lawyers walked in. "Steven, I could be a total asshole since we had no pre-existingcontract I could have just left you without compensation for yourideas. However, you will get a 5% royalty on the wholesale price ofeach unit sold. That's pretty standard. You good with that?" "I'mdefinitely good with that," Reed replied.
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With the stroke of a pen,the financial worries of both of the Morrises were effectivelyover.
"Okay, now we need to talk about your future, Steven. Yours, too,Mr. Morris. " "Mr. Stevenson, please call me Reed. I'm not aformalities kind of guy. " "Me neither Reed. The name's Rich. " "Okay,first you, Steven. I will pay both you and your father $100,000 ayear to consult for my company plus you will get royalties on anyproducts or discoveries you come up with. " "Mr. Stevenson, I reallyneed to finish college first. " "Steven, you can go to college for aslong as you want. But I need to keep you away from any other companyonce you finish your education.
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That is why I am effectively willingto pay you to go to college, Steven, and do some consulting work forus on the side. I'm sure Haruko would be pleased by thisarrangement," he said. Wry smiles broke out on the faces of Stevenand Rich. "Okay Mr. Stevenson, here is what I'll do: give me a $1million signing bonus plus the $100,000 salary for both my dad andme. Once I graduate, I get $500,000 a year or a salary congruentwith my position in the company, whichever is more. You can keeppaying my dad the hundred grand plus cost of living increases and aretirement package that would include $50,000 a year for theremainder of his life. " Also, I need letters of recommendation. Notonly will you write one for me and one for Haruko, but I assume yourcompany also contributes money to to various causes anduniversities. I want letters of recommendation from the people whorun those entities. "
"Steven, you have me by the balls, son. You got yourself a deal. ""They all shook on it and the lawyers drew up the agreement, whichwas signed at the end of the week. When Steven told Haruko about it,she screamed and jumped up and down. Mr.
Soramino was pleased, too,because his company was going to to a lot of the manufacturing workfor the new design features that Steven proposed. Tuesday, after Mr. Soramino had concluded the new contract with Stevenson Avionics theprevious day, Arisa gave Steven and Haruko big hugs and thanked himfor helping to make the new contract possible while Takashi gave hima fist bump.
With the bonus check from Mr. Stevenson's company, Steven went downto a jewelry store and bought Haruko an engagement ring. He thentold everybody he was going to pop the question to her at the partyafter Arisa's swim meet. Of course, the denizens of the communityall already knew that he was going to be collared that day, so thiswas not an event to be missed. He also paid off his parentsmortgage.