Keiko and Yuki woke up before anyone else Sunday morning, followedshortly by Mrs. Johannson. They stood in the kitchen and chattedbefore Mr. Johannson walked in. The three women immediately went totheir knees and Mrs. Johannson raised her hand. "Yes sweethole?""Good morning Master. What would you like us to prepare forbreakfast this morning?" "Hmmm. . . what do they have for breakfast inJapan, breedinghole?" Yuki giggled. "Master Ryan, a Japanesebreakfast is a little odd for Americans. Often it's rice, fish andpickles or something," she informed him. Ryan laughed. "Yeah, Idon't think that's gonna get it. Just bacon and eggs is finesweethole.
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" "Yes Master. " Yuki and Keiko woke their masters up andhelped Mrs. Johannson make breakfast and clean up. They showered andthen phoned Aya to invite her to go to the beach with them, Eddieand Dalton. Aya then rang Ethan to get him on board and the six ofthem took the bus to their destination.
Eddie was so proud to be parading the statuesque Yuki around. Hehad her buy a new bikini the previous day that just barely coveredher nipples. Then after one gets a look see at that, there is herthin, flat stomach that flares out to her wide hips and her long,toned legs. She also had quite the wiggle in her walk. Her bottomswere about the same size as regular ones because Eddie didn't wantMr . Yamanori angered if he thought Eddie was irresponsibly showingoff too much of his daughter's goodies.
Keiko appeared to be losing some of her puppy fat as she was growingup. She was also now 5'4" and would be 5'5" by the end of the comingschool year and put on another ten pounds plus she would begin usingb cup bras. Dalton asked her if she had been working out They wereso used to seeing all three girls naked so much that they didn'tnotice some of the more subtle effects of getting older without theframing clothing can provide the human body. .
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The trip to the beach reinforced their tans and Eddie loved thewhite areas around Yuki's nipples. It was like a sign flashing,"SUCK THESE. " When they were walking home from the bus stop neartheir block, the six kids noticed about a dozen people on the AlanPerlis lawn just hanging out. They got called over and the usualround of high fives and hugs ensued. Aoi and Tomiko were there withtheir masters as was Yumi and this was the first time Aya, Keiko andYuki got a chance to really talk to them. There were a lot ofremarks about Yuki's bikini. "Wow Master Eddie, breedinghole istotally babelicious," Jeff commented. Yuki giggled in embarrassmentas she laid on the grass in Eddie's lap.
"Hey Yuki, have you guys met Mrs. Westfield yet?" Aaron asked. "Idon't think so I think someone pointed her out to me and Keikoduring the welcome party, but that was probably it," she guessed. "They told you about going over to Mrs. Westfield's after school,right?" "Yeah, somebody mentioned that," she responded. Aaron gotout his cellphone and pressed his speed dial. "Hiya Mistress Lisa,this is Aaron.
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How are ya?" "Oh hi Aaron. What can I do to you(cackles)?" "Is Mistress Lori busy right now?" "I don't think so,Aaron. Let me check. " Lisa went into the living room, where Mrs. Westfield was being given a foot massage by her husband. "Mom,Master Aaron is on the phone for you. Do you want to talk to him?""Sure honey. " She took the phone from Lisa. "Hello?" "Hi MistressLori. How are you today?" "Very comfortable right now," she giggled. "I'm glad Mistress Lori. The reason I'm calling is that the newadditions to the alumni association need to meet with you aboutgoing to your place after school. " "Okay sweety. I can't meet withthem right now because I'm in the middle of a session with Jake, buthave them come over tomorrow at 18 a. m.
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and I'll give them theorientation. " "Spectacular as always Mistress Lori. Say hi to toJake for me. " "I will Master Aaron. Bye sweety. "
The next day, just before ten in the morning, Eddie, Yuki, Dalton,Keiko, Aya, Akihiro, Melinda and Noriko were at Mrs. Westfield's. Mrs. Westfield welcomed them into her home. Noriko brought theWestfields a cake as a gesture of friendship while Melinda giftedthem with a batch of chocolate chip cookies she made. The girlsbegan to strip, but Mrs. Westfield stopped them, saying thatwouldn't be necessary at the moment. She gave everybody the rundownon how she operates her after school homework sessions and thebehavioral expectations for both masters and slaves and thepunishment she would hand out if anyone got out of line. Melinda andNoriko signed a legal document giving Mrs. Westfield every right topunish their children as she saw fit if they became defiant or lied.
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Mrs. Westfield remarked to Noriko about the prim comportment of herdaughters, who sat attentively with their hands folded over eachother in their laps, which made Noriko smile, but still modestlyprotest, "no no, they are actually very noisy. ".
When the orientation was over and they departed, Ethan interceptedthem and told them Daniel and Dante needed to talk to them. So theyheaded to the Troy Perlis household to see what was up. After thegirls all disrobed, they went to Dante's bedroom, where he wassitting on his bed with Cheryl. Daniel was with Aoi. The brothersPerlis warned the newcomers about pissing Mrs. Westfield off. "Sheis totally serious business you guys. I snarked off to her once whenI was in seventh grade and I soon found myself being bent over thedining room table and given 25 hard shots with her cane.
Then whenmy dad came home from work and found out, he matched that. Icouldn't sit down for three days afterward. "Wow, that's a trip,"Eddie said. "My thing is that I don't want to embarrass Yuki, soMrs.
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Westfield can keep her cane holstered in my case," he said. "Yeah, I don't think Mrs. Yamanori would be too thrilled if herdaughter was being mastered by a douchebag," Dalton added. "No way amI going to risk having Keiko taken from me. " Aya then told Eddie,Dalton, Daniel and Dante what Mr . Yamanori had said about what hewould do if any of his kids rocked the boat and how he demonstratedhow serious he was. "Man, Aya, Master Koji doesn't fuck around, doeshe?" Dante asked rhetorically.
Keiko and Yuki were glad to hear their masters talking the way theydid. They were nervous about going to new schools but having thatstability and support from so many people everyday imbued them withsome sense of security. Yuki was a year ahead of Eddie, though, andso they weren't able to get any of their classes together. Aya andEthan were able to get four of their's together at their middleschool while Keiko and Dalton finagled three at their new highschool.
The following weekend, all the kids assembled on the lawn of theAlan Perlis household and they compared notes as to who was going tobe in what classes. There would be at least one other South MarlinCircle member or associate in each of Keiko's classes while Tomikoand Prentice were in two of Yuki's.
Yumi was also going to be new to the local high school, so her andJeff got five of their classes together. They all agreed to meet atAlan Perlis' household the first day of school and go en masse.
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Thenthey would get together by the flagpole after school and walk homethe same way.
Eddie had Yuki go shopping to put together outfits he wanted to seeher in. She only had three knee length skirts and, before she mether master, usually wore pants. He had her get a couple body huggingmini dresses, one black, one red, that she absolutely would have towear panties with, so he had her buy matching lacy underwear forthem. He had her pick up a black cheongsam that was slit up to thetop of her thigh with black thigh high stockings, a pink mini skirtwith white thigh high stockings and four inch heels for all of them. Dalton liked what he saw when Yuki modeled the outfits for hisbrother at his house, so he had Keiko obtain the same ones.
Nevertheless, Eddie didn't want to increase Yuki's nervousness bymaking her wear something uber risque, so he told her she could dona jean skirt, a top of her choice, ankle socks and tennis shoes. Keiko was told to wear a pink knee length skirt she owned, whiteblouse and white heels. Both would still have to go without panties,though. All the other girls were, so they couldn't deviate from thatdictum.
The final weekend before school started again, Keiko and Yuki stayedwith Eddie and Dalton. Noriko thought it would be a good idea sothat being in the care of their masters would help feel better abouttheir debuts at a new school, especially as their masters were inthe same boat. Saturday night at around 3 a. m. , Yuki was awakened bythe sensation of Eddie, who had just come back from the bathroom,pulling on her left breast and rubbing her clit.
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He did it longenough to get her lubricated and then pushed his quickly hardeningcock into her pussy while she was still on her side. He grabbed herhips and thrust his missile into its target at a relatively languidpace. She sighed as the friction inside of her spurred thesensations she was experiencing onward and upward. She suppressedher moans so that she wouldn't wake anyone else in the house up. Eddie loved the way her vaginal muscles caressed his flesh tube andhe was trying to hold off filling her hot box while her breathingbecame more erratic, which told him that she was just about there. Staying inside of her, he slowly rolled her on to her stomach andbegan spearing her downward, his cock pressing against an areainside of her near her g spot. Five minutes later, she was shaken bythe ecstatic tremors of an orgasm. He then released his built upsperm into her. "Thank you Yuki," Eddie said to her softly as heendeavored to recover from the exercise he had just gotten. "Ienjoyed it, too, Eddie," she retorted.
He flipped her on her back and climbed on top of her and kissed her. "Yuki, you're so special to me. I'd marry you right now if I could. When I fuck up, give me chance to make it up to you before you thinkabout dumping me, okay?" "Eddie, I love you. I totally want to beyour wife.
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You would have to go a pretty long way to repel me," shesaid. He hugged her tight and she reciprocated. They both had smileson their faces when they went back to sleep.
Following breakfast, Eddie had her stand for inspection. He peepedher freshly manicured finger and toenails. He bent his head down andkissed her. "Breedinghole will note that her Master believes she isthe greatest woman in the world. " She giggled and thanked him. "Tohelp you relax before we go to school tomorrow, you are dismissedfrom your service today except with regard to helping mom with lunchand dinner. " "Thank you Master. But may your breedinghole have thehonor of her Master's arms while she watches tv?" "Absolutelybreedinghole. " They went to his bedroom and he sat upright againstthe headboard of his bed and held her naked body while he let herwatch anything she wanted. She held on to his arms tightly. as shereclined her head against his chest. They remained that way untilnoon, when she went to help Mrs.
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Johannson with lunch. After theyate, they went for a walk to the park and just kicked back on abench for a while with her in his lap. They cooed at each otherbefore he offloaded her and had her climb on his back.
He hauled heraround to an area with a bunch of shade trees and gently let her offof him. She sat against the tree with her legs straight and he laidhis head on her left thigh. They stayed that way for an hour or soand then Yuki asked, "Eddie, would you please take me back to yourbed and make love to me?" "Not going to turn down an offer likethat, Yuki," he grinned. She giggled as they rose hand in hand andheaded back to his home.
Before they reached the door, he told her to not to remove herclothes when they crossed the threshold. They entered his bedroomand he stood and faced her. He leaned over as he began cradling hercheek and kissed her slowly and softly, Eddie relishing thetenderness of her lips. He broke it for just a few seconds to gazeinto her twinkling brown eyes before leisurely laying another seriesof smooches on her. He pulled her top off and unhooked her bra. Shelet it slide off her arms and on to the floor. He drank in thecontours of her body before embracing her once more and pushing hislips heatedly at hers, his hands exploring the topography of herslim back while her arms, which encircled his back as well, ran overthe top half of his 200 pound body. He squatted down and picked herup with his arms around her knees and gradually lowered her on tothe bed.
He climbed on top of her and they hugged and kissed. Shepulled his t-shirt off and then he slid down to lick and suck hernipples, his tongue gliding up and down the length of her prominentteats, teasing them. His righthand slid up her right thigh and underher skirt and encountered her moist snatch while he focused a lot ofattention on her milk ducts. His hand repeatedly grazed her clit andslit as she moaned. His mouth traveled lower to her navel and histongue darted in and out of it and he even sucked on it, causing herto giggle. He straddled her and unzipped her skirt and tossed itaway, leaving her stark naked. He kissed her all over her hip linehoping he could find some new erogenous zone but nonetheless sendingher the signal that he loved all of her body, not just her tits andpussy.
His mouth sank lower and arrived at her dripping cunt. He lapped atthe folds and tasted her juiciness before he went after her clitwhile he jammed two fingers into her and strummed her g spot. Forthe next 45 minutes, he brought her to orgasm after orgasm, stoppingonly because the soreness in his jaw became more than he couldhandle. Her heartbeat increased even after the orgasms as sheanticipated feeling his cock inside of her while she saw him movinghis body up on her. She felt her vaginal walls being pushed apart ashis dick burrowed into her. She wrapped her legs around hisshoulders to take him as deep as she could as he began to ream. Shepulled him down to her. "I love you Yuki," he whispered.
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"I loveyou, too, Eddie," she echoed. His hips propelled his battering raminto her without cessation and the room resounded with her moan. "OhGod babe, that's it, yes, like that, oh my God," she panted. As shegot closer, he pistoned his rhythm stick into her harder and shewrithed under him while the pleasure attained its apogee. She leftdents in his skin with her fingernails, the kind of battle scar anyman loves to have. Her pussy was hot as hell and her face and bodyflushed red. His penis continued surging and withdrawing deep insideher and she was soon spiked by lightning-like electrical sparks ofecstasy, making her feel high. She gasped huskily into his ears asshe accepted every inch of him gratefully. He was grunting andrasping with more of an edge now and she knew he was about tounburden himself between her sugar walls. He subconsciously huggedher with all of his strength, causing her back to crack pleasantlywhile he ejected plume after plume of his sperm against her cervix.
When he was completely emptied out, he kissed her passionately, herlove for him filling her entire being and making her glad to bealive. He was feeling likewise, as he was permitted entrance intothis beautiful and sweet creature and enjoyed her musicalindications of feeling pleasure. He rolled off of her and jerked heron to his shoulder and held her head in the crook of his left arm. Her face was only a couple of inches from hers as he smiled, hiseyes once again taking in her facial features. They smiled at eachother and kissed gently for the next 18 minutes.
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They were both socontent that they fell asleep and didn't wake up until his momfetched them for dinner. .