
Daughter Daughter Mom and me


People all over the world want this kind of love we had for each other, some would die to feel for a day like they where loved by someone like all four of us loved each other. Britt was right if this kind of love between people was wrong they could go fuck themselves. Britt in a loving and sensual voice said load enough for Tammy and Miranda could hear.
" Bill make love to your wife, make love to the women I love, make love to all of us tonight my husband. "
Tammies lips left mine just as Britt finnished. " Hon thank you for understanding what I am, what I need to be, thank you for helping me to be free after so many years, thank you for all the love you give me, make love to your wives tonight my husband, make love to the two women I love and want to be with, make love to me Bill "
Tammy and Britt never stoped stroking my cock against Miranda's now very wet pussy lips, then as one Britt and Tammy stoped my cock at Miranda's entrance, they both placed there free hands on my ass and started to push my hips forward. I thought there was no way Britt and Tammy could have planed this movement no way. I moved my hips and as my cock started to enter Miranda's pussy both Britt and Tammy watch it slowly dissappear, both holding me till there was not enough of my cock left outside Miranda for both there hands to hold.

Miranda looked in my eyes as I started to enter her and said. " I love you my husband and after we have made love, make love to the women I love. Make love to your wives. Make them as happy as you have made me. Give Britt your child so we can have your babies together. We can both feels your babies grow inside us together. "
I was fully inside Miranda now, I could feel her pussy muscles massages my cock, I was not moving I just kept myself up right, just letting my cock lay still deep in Miranda's wonderful pussy.
Britt and Tammy started to kiss right in front of my eyes.

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   It was a kiss like Tammy and I had just shared a slow sensous kiss, there tongues slowly dancing with each other, it was the kind of kiss lovers share. Britt was Tammy's daughter but now they where lovers in every sence of that word and also they where wives to each other not only married to me but to each other. Britt and Tammy lips softly seperated, they were both looking passionatly and so deep in each others eyes, they did not speak, all the words they need to speak where in each other eyes.
Britt turned her head and looked at Miranda and Miranda looked at Britt and Tammy, Britt bent down and moved up Miranda's body lightly kissing as she went stopping at one of Miranda's tits, started to suck and kiss all around her breast and then took Miranda's hard nipple in her mouth tenderly sucking on it. Tammy moved with Britt. Doing the same thing Britt was doing but on the other side of Miranda's body.
Britt and Tammy where softly sucking on Miranda's tits, Miranda was moaning and her arms where softly carressing Tammy's and Britts backs, Britt was the first to move up and start to kiss Miranda the same way Tammy and her had kissed. Britt lifter her head and brought Tammy's head up to Miranda's mouth then Tammy kissed Miranda in the same sensual way, Britt fingers runnning threw Miranda's and Tammy's blonde hair looking as her wives share this kiss.
I just watched as my wives became each others wife, I did not move my cock I did not move a muscle, I just watched my wives did what all they needed to do. To make each other feel safe and secure that they Daughter, Daughter and Mother really wanted to be together with me, they would and will share me and themselves with each other as Husband and wives and not a word needed to be spoken between any of us.
I started to move my cock that had been deep in Miranda's pussy all that time. Slowly so slowly I began to make love to Miranda. Miranda started to move her hips to my motion. Tammy's lips softly lifted from Miranda's lips and Tammy started to move down again and drew one of Miranda's breasts into her mouth just as slowly it seemed as my cock was going in out of of Miranda's pussy and started nibbel and tease Miranda's nipples.
Britt started to move down Miranda too but Miranda gently grabed her on her thigh and tried to move Britt's hip toward her head.

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   Britt understood what Miranda wanted. Britt got to her knees slide beside Miranda's face, turned to face me and gently lifted her one leg and moved to straddle Miranda, then slowly lowered her pussy to Miranda's waiting mouth.
Miranda lovingly started to please Britt with her mouth, Britt arched her back as Miranda's tongue slipped between her pussy lips and gently moved up towards Britts clit. With Britts tits jutting straight out, her hard nipples looking like mountian tops a soft moan escaped Britts mouth, after a few minites of enjoy Miranda kissing and carressing of her pussy and clit Britt leaned towards me, her tits lightly brushing the back of Tammy"s head, looking deep in my eyes and a tear of of joy running down her cheek she said.
" I love you my Darling, I am so happy now, I know now my dream has final come true, I am your wife, we can all live together and be happy and we will make each other happy, we all want that now, only one thing is left my love. You making me pregnant, me giving my loving husband a child, That will happen very soon I know it will my love. "
And then Brit and I where kissing the same slow passionate kiss shared between lovers between a husband and his wife. As I was kissing Britt I picked up my pace a little with Miranda. I thought Miranda's mouth had left Britts pussy when she move to kiss me but Miranda had grabed Britts hips and moved her head to keep Britts pussy on her mouth. I heard her muffled moans as she felt me slide in and out of her a little faster.
Tammy now left Miranda's tits and start down to my cock and Miranda's pussy. On her way down with Britts hugh tits hanging in front of her Tammy took one in her mouth and the other in her hand. When Britt felt her mothers mouth and hand on her breasts she started to moan again, which made me pick my pace which made Miranda moan more.
Tammy left Britts tits and moved right between Miranda's legs so she could see my hard cock slide inside her daughter, she watch us for a few seconds. It was her first time to see my cock inside one of her daughters, she moaned and I felt Tammy's tongue on the top of my cock as I slide in and out of Miranda.

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Tammy started licking as much of Miranda off my cock as she could each time my I came out of and back in Miranda.
Britt lips left mine, smiled at me, closed her eyes and move herself back so Miranda's neck would not break as her face was burried in Britts pussy.
I did have a little more room now to pick my pace up even more and as I did Miranda's muffled moans became more intense as my cock moved faster in and out of her. Miranda also increased her tongue action on Britts pussy, devouring Britts clit which made Britt moan loader and Tammy licking the top of my cock and Miranda's clit made me moan loader. Tammy started to moan loader now that I started to moan, it was something I thought I would never hear all my women moaning together with me rmoaning with them.
Britt spoke in that sexy sultry voice she has and knows turns me on. " Fill my wife with your wonderful come my love, fill her like you are going to make her pregnant again, fill her like you filled me today all those wonderful times, fill my wife so our slave can taste her mistress and master together for the first time, a taste I know so well. A Taste I LOVE as I made love to my wife so many times after you had filled her and I drank your wonderful come from her pussy as she is drinking your come right now from my pussy. Fill her my love go deep and fill her, PLEASE COME DEEP INSIDE MY WIFE! HUSBAND "
Tammy coming off Miranda clit for just a second said. " YES fill my mistress master fill her and I will clean you both with my mouth please master fill my MISTERESS, FILL MY WIFE!!! "
Miranda was already starting to come from Tammy sucking her clit my cock fucking her and hearing Britt and Tammys words, her muffled moans growing loader and loader with every stroke of my cock but Miranda's mouth never left Britt's clit. v I increased my pace looked in Britt's eyes and I started my final thrust into Miranda' spasming pussy. I arched my back as I my cock head hit the back of Miranda's pussy and I started to come deep inside.
Miranda felt me start to shoot in her and she really started to come hard a muffled OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH coming from her pussy covered mouth. Britt seeing me start to come arched her back her tits jutting out in front of her and both her hands started to pinch her rock hard nipples. Britt pushed her pussy into Miranda's mouth and started to come.

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Tammy also was coming as I notice just then she was fingerfucking herself as she was sucking Miranda's clit, a low MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM coming from her pussy covered mouth.
I slipped out of Miranda before I was finnished coming. I knew Tammy's mouth was waiting for me and she was. My cock was still shooting and Tammy's mouth replaced Miranda's pussy around me. Tammy's great mouth sucked my cock taking the last spasms of come and Miranda's juices that had covered my cock and drank greedly. Miranda was trying to keep my cock inside her, trying to move with my cock but with Britts pussy over her mouth she could not move at all.
After Tammy cleaned me off she looked at Miranda's pussy as my come started to appear between Miranda's very enlarged pussy lips, smiled to herself and then her mouth again covered Miranda's come soaked pussy. Tammy's tongue replacing my cock inside Miranda. Pushing herself against Tammy's mouth and tongue as best she could and another muffled MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM came from deep in her throat.
Britts eyes where still closed. I saw her flat stomach ripple every few seconds as she was still having orgasm after orgasm as Miranda continued to bring her off and drink my come from her pussy.
Britt was softly moaning almost to herself " Yes Yes Yes ".
I shuffled away from Miranda's spread legs to let Tammy have more room to enjoy Miranda's pussy, not to far but far enough to also have a better view of my three women now enjoying each other. I looked first at Tammy, my wife and lover for 20 years, a women till just today I thought would never even consider making love to any woman let alone her own daughter.

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   A women I thought would be disgusted at me if I even ask her to consider a threesome with a woman or a man. Disgusted at anything except good old fashion straight sex between just the two of us was know making love to her pregnant daughters, her pregnant WIFEs! come filled pussy and the come she was tasting, devouring and the child growing inside her daughter was her husband's of 18 years. She was making love to the daughter she gave me over 18 years ago! I would have never believed it ever.
My eyes them drifted up Miranda's body. I stop to gaze at her flat tummy, her heavy breathing moving her stomach up and down. I gazed at the womb my child was growing inside of. Miranda would start to show soon, our child gaining wieght and growing little by little with each day, making Miranda's stomach bulge out, making her look more beautifull with the glow that a pregnant happy women skin gives. I moved up and her large hard nipples stuck straight out. Miranda was turned on so much, her tits heaving with each deep breath. Miranda's breast, her gorgeous breast would grow too, filling with the milk that she would give or child. I could see Miranda in a chair nursing our child one day in my mind.
I started to smile to myself. Not a sly smile of a person who had did something he or she should not have done and nobody knew about, but like a man who was going to be a proud father again, a good husband to the woman and mother of his child he loved very much.
Then my eyes saw Miranda's mouth moving in circles around Britt's hard clit and pussy. Britt's hips and bent knees on either side of Miranda's face as she straddled Miranda.

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   Miranda's tongue darting inside Britt, drawing the come that I had left in Britt into her mouth. Tasting Britt and me together for the first time, tasting her husband and her WIFES mingled juices like Britt had tasted her and me so many times, she was devouring Britts pussy like her mother and her Wife was doing to her pussy. Miranda's one arm was draped around Britt's hip and ass check, carresing her ass but also helping to keep Britts pussy in her mouth. I knew Britt would not move her pussy away from Miranda's talented mouth any time soon. Miranda enjoyed pussy as much as her two wives did.
Miranda's other hand had found Tammy's pussy. Tammy without me noticing had move her lower body up, put one foot on top of her leg, her other leg was bent at the knee and raised in the air, exposing her pussy so Miranda could give her mother and wife a good fingerfucking.
My eyes then took in Britt, her slim hips moving slowly in a clock wise circle helping Miranda's tongue and mouth explore her pussy and take my come from her. Britt had no fear now that she would be deprived of the chance to have my baby. She knew we would be together and her wish to get pregnant was not going to disappear ever. Britt was enjoying Miranda's mouth and letting her have as much of my come as Miranda wanted to take from her pussy and Miranda was giving her a deep almost constant orgasm with her tatlented mouth.
As my eyes moved up Britts body, I saw her stomach rippling too with orgasm after orgasm that Miranda was giving her. I also gazed at her stomach for other reasons, I wondered if Britt was pregnant after making love to her all day. I know she said it was not exactly the best time for her to get pregnant but I hoped with all my heart I had made her pregnant.
I hoped Britt was carring my baby.

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   If she was not pregnant yet, when would my child be growing in Britts womb, when would I get to feel my Baby grow inside Britt like I would get to feel very soon with Miranda and our child, when would I get to run my hands softly over, while lightly kissing Britts growing stomach, get to softly talk to our child while he/she grew inside Britt's womb, just like I will do with Miranda and our child, just like I did when Tammy was pregnant with both Miranda and Britt.
When would Britt come to me with a smile as big as life itself on her beautifull face, when woulds she tell me what I think every man wants to hear from the woman he loves, from his wife he loves. My Love I'm pregnant, where going to have a baby! I wanted to hear those words from Britt. I wanted to have a baby with her as much as she wanted to give me a child, I wanted to give my WIFE a child.
I wanted to have a hugh familly with Miranda and Britt, I wanted to have more children with Tammy if it was possible but Tammy and I knew that was not going to happen. I moved my eyes up Britt's stomach to her heaving breasts. Britts fingers where pulling and pinching her hard hugh nipples. Then both her hands cupped those mamoth all natural 36D tits. Sqeezing and rubbing her tits together to add to the plessure she was getting from Miranda's mouth and tongue.
Britts head was moving slowly from side to side, up and down with her long blonde hair spilling everywhere over the top part of her amazing body. Britts eyes where closed, she was in that world she went to when she is experiencing sexual bliss, she looked like a greek love goddess, she was a goddess. ALL my wives where, each different in her own wonderful way but all just as sexy, just as hot to look at and be with.
Three women that wanted me, ME to be there husband and lover, father of there children. I won the best lottery there is. Love of three wonderful women, all intelligent, all three sexy and sensual, all three strong but tender and soft and loving, all three willing to make this crazy loving relationship of ours work.

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   I would never ever lose sight of the fact I was the luckiest man in the world!!!!!! NEVER!!!
Britt's eyes opened, she must have felt my eyes looking at her. In a voice so soft I could barely hear her she said.
" I Love you so much Bill. I love Miranda and Tammy so much. I never dreamed it could be this way. I never dreamed I would feel this much love. This much happiness. All that is happening is heaven on earth for me "
Britt was almost in tears again but they where tears of joy, tears of bliss that her life was at this moment. All our lives where.
" I love you my darling Husband. "
I love you so much too Britt. I love you ALL so much my WIVES! Tammy moved her head off Miranda glistening pussy. Tammy's mouth, cheaks and lips covered with Miranda's juices and some of my come that was still leaking from Miranda. Tammy licked her face of as much of the mixture she could reach with her tongue. Tammy then looked up at me.

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" I want to feel you inside me my love. I want "
Tammy fell silent for a few seconds then finnished her thought.
" I want you to make me your SLAVE " Tammy paused again " MASTER "
Tammy didn't give me time to say anything. Tammy's mouth took my semi soft cock in her mouth milaseconds after she finnished the word Master, still looking up at me, she started to suck me to rock hard again. Britt and Miranda where excellent cocksuckers. But Tammy with all those years of sucking my cock knew from experience exactly how I liked my cock sucked. Britt and Miranda would soon learn from Tammy what I liked I had no doudt of that. Tammy wraped two of her finger around the base of my cock making an O ring. Tammy started moving this O ring very fast back and forth in short strokes while her mouth was sucking me like a vacuum and her tongue was rubbing the bottom of my head up and down with alot of pressure with the top part of her tongue. I get hard fast and come fast when Tammy sucks me like this and she knew it. Tammy brought my cock out of her mouth but still kept jacking me off said.
" Fuck me Master. Fuck me like a Master should fuck his slave. Make me your slave Master like I have wanted you to do for many years. Please don't make me wait to give you my pussy for the first time as your slave Master please I am begging you.

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Tammy moved quickly on her back. Spread her long sexy legs exposing her pussy and ass that still had the small dildo deep inside. A pussy now shaved bare, no hair at all, I had never seen Tammy's pussy lips so exposed before. Tammy had always kept her pussy neatly trimed but she always had alot of light blonde pubic hair covering her pussy.
Tammy saw me looking at her bare pussy and smiled. " MY Mistress Miranda demands her slave have a bare pussy Master. My Mistress shaved me earlier today before she took her pussy for the second time and her slaves ass for the first time with my Mistress's strap on dildo Master. I will shave every day so I will always be baby smooth for my two Mistresses and my Master and I must never remove the dildo or the butt plug my mistress has promised to buy for me ever unless I am told to remove it so I may plessure all of you with my ass anytime you may wish Master and Misteress's. Does my Master like his slaves bare pussy? "
Tammy moved her hand down between her legs and then spread her pouty pussy lips apart with her fingers. Tammy's pussy and Miranda's looked exactly the same now that I could see Tammy's with out hair. Tammy was wetter than I had every seem her pussy with out my come dripping from her. She was so turned by the fact she was my slave and she was giving herself to me for the first time as my slave.
Yes I love your bare pussy!!
I stopped for a monent. It was going to take me awhile to get used to calling my wife of 18 years my slave but I knew it was what she wanted to hear come from my lips.


I love your bare pussy SLAVE! Wow she was even more sexy know, there is something about a bare hairless pussy that turms all men on I think, maybe I am wrong but it turns me on thats for sure.
Tammy moaned when she heard me say Slave to her.
" FUCK your Slave! Fuck your SUBMISSIVE BABY SMOOTH PUSSY MASTER! I am your submissive and need my masters large cock in his PUSSY AND ASS !
Tammy had NEVER asked me to fuck her in the ass and know she was screaming and begging me to do just that! Tammy did not use the word fuck often either, now she was talking like a dirty slut. I loved it. The change in Tammy was turning me on ! Tammy had turned into a sexy dirty slut like her daughter Britt like I suspected Miranda was too. To think your daughters and wife a slut was not something I thought I would think ever, but they where sluts, my sluts what else could I think. Its not like I was going to complain at all.
The bed had shifted while I gazed at Tammy's pussy and was talking about her desire to be fuck by her Master. Britt and Miranda had finnish there love making and now both where lying side by side carressing and hugging each other. Both watching and smilling, watching there mother give herself to me as a sex slave for the first time and smilling because there mother was becoming the good sluty sex slave they knew she would become, without either one of them telling there mother to give herself to me she had done it on her own and had ask Mistress Britt to take her tonight too.
I finally really realized my wife was a sex slave and wanted to be one for all of us. With Tammy still spreading her glistening pussy lips and her fingers covered with her pussy juices I slid between Tammy's legs, sitting the same way I did when I was fucking Miranda. I grabed my cock and placed my cock head at Tammy's entrance then lunged my hips forward forcing my cock to plunge into my slaves pussy, more forcefully than I had ever taken Tammy before.
Tammy moaned loadly and rolled her eyes as she felt how hard I plunged in her pussy. I layed my upper part of my body onto Tammy's chest, her arm pulled me hard on top of her, she opened her mouth and accepted my tongue.

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   I really wanted to fuck Tammy as hard as I had fuck Britt earlier today but even thow I loved Tammy's new slutty ways I still held back from making her my slave the way I knew she wanted. Tammy felt my hesitation, when you have been married to someone for so long there is an unspoken language between the two of us.
Tammy whispered in my ear " I want this my love I truly do "
I whispered in her ear. I know babe its just hard to think of you as my slave.
" I know it is but I do want it, I want you to take me as your slave Babe it's all right. "
Your not being replace you know that don't you Tammy?
" Yes I know don't worry. I wish I could get pregnant again you know that too "
I know me too and I smiled at her and then started to fuck her the way she wanted me too. Tammy closed her eyes and let me take her harder and harder. I really started to let myself go.
Tammy wrapped her legs around my ass to help me fuck her hard and I did. I was pounding my cock into Tammy's pussy harder than I ever had before.
I bent my neck down so I could take Tammy's firm tits and hard nipples into my mouth and started to bite them hard, not little lite bites but hard painfull bites I thought I was going to draw blood I was biting her tits and nipples so hard.
Wow Tammy really does like pain. I was amazed, then I remembered Britt telling me she also wanted to be choked while being fuck, well I have never tried that before but I thought tonights the night for first so I raised myself off Tammy's chest, still pounding my cock into her pussy hard enough I thought that her pussy would split apart.

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   There where deep teeth marks in Tammy tits, red bruising around my bite marks, god those must hurt like hell but Tammy was so excitted there no way she did not enjoy the pain. My hands rested on Tammy's shoulder for a second then I move them to her neck.
Tammy instantly open her eyes and look at me the second she felt my fingers going around her throat. I stop because I really did not know if it was something she wanted to have done to her but when she closed her eyes and lifted her chin so her throat was fully exposed I knew it was. I fully wraped my finger around Tammy's throat them stated to chock her just a little. I didn,t know how far Tammy wanted to take this.
Tammy whispered " Bill you can choke me harder, please I want you too. "
And I did till I was choking her enough to cut some of the air from going into her lungs. Tammy was moaning as hard as her constricted airway would ler her. Miranda and Britt had been just kissing and feeling each other up, every once and awhile they would look over to watch us fuck. Miranda saw my fingers around Tammy's throat and said.
Britt spoke before I could. " Its ok my love. Mom wants to be choked, she has wanted to try that for a long time while she is being fucked hard it's ok. "
" Really? " Miranda was stunned.

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" Really my love and I want Bill to choke me too tonight when he fucks me. I want to try it too "
Miranda looked at Britt and Britt smiled and said " Really I do. "
I had released my grip on Tammy's throat and stoped my hard fucking of her as soon as I heard Miranda scream Daddy.
Tammy said " It is ok Miranda I want Bill to choke me. Its really ok I have had this fantasy for a long time. Promise it is really ok. "
Miranda calmed down but I assume Tammy;s desire to be choked as she was being fucked was something Britt had not told her. We all still had alot to learn about each other and sometimes things where going to surprise each and everyone of us.
Tammy looked at me now. She knew I was startled by Miranda's fear at what I was doing to her. " I really am enjoying everything we are doing my love "
Tammy paused and then looking deep in my eyes said " EVERYTHING ! "
Tammy closed her eyes then lifted her chin again. I was still burried in Tammy's pussy, I had softened a little but when Tammy lifted her chin to expose her throat I got hard again in a instant. I didn't think this choking thing was turning me on all that much but my cocks reaction told me I did enjoy this feeling of power over her. I had to admit to myself this Master/Slave and the S&M was a turn on for me.
I drew my hips back and plunged as hard and with as much force as I could back into Tammy.

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   My fingers went back to Tammy's neck. We fucked hard like this for 5 minutes. Tammy at one point was really having a hard time getting enough air into her lungs with the pressure I was appling with my fingers on her airway. I thought she was going to passout so I backed the pressure off but Tammy shook her head and said.
" No please Master choke me harder make me passout if you want Master "
I wasn't comfortable at all with going that far so I just increased my finger pressure a little but not as much as I was doing. Tammy let out a long deep moan, her eyes rolling around inside her eye lids, her pussy clamping hard around my cock Tammy came hard, her body was shaking with her orgasm. She was coming harder than I had seen in 20 years of fucking her.
Miranda and Britt I saw out of the corner of my eyes where now on there knees, both of them had there fingers deep in there own pussies, they where watching Tammy and I fuck for the first time ever as far as I knew. Britt had seem Tammy giving me a BJ but not fucking. Miranda had never told me she had seen Tammy and I fuck so it must have really turned them both on watching us fuck.
Britt moved under my arm and started to bite and suck Tammy's left tit and nipple, Miranda move to the right side of us and took Tammy's tit and nipple in her mouth, biting and sucking hard on Tammy' small but great tits. Tammy feeling both her wives and mistresses biting and sucking her tits and me still pounding her pussy started to come hard again.
The bottom of my arms kept hitting Miranda and Britts heads as I lunged back and forth so I released my grip on Tammy's throat and straightened my back and raised the upper part of my body. In this position I could really pound Tammy and I did just that, faster and harder I went till I started to blow my 9th load of the day into Tammy's still pulsating pussy.
One load in Miranda's mouth early this morning, one in her pussy tonight, one in Britts mouth and five in her pussy and now one in Tammy's pussy, I could not believe my balls had not gone on strike.

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God I need a vacation after today.
I pulled out of Tammy after I emptied all my come in her, Britt and Miranda both started down Tammy's body. Britt was the first to get to Tammy's pussy. She is a come slut.
I moved back to let Britt and Miranda have what I knew they both wanted. There Mothers come soaked pussy. They both wanted to taste Tammy and I together for the first time.
Taste there wife and husband together for the first time! of part eight. . . . . . . .

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