Erotic Novels
In Search of the Final Freedom:
An Erotic Socio-Political Novel
By Pat Tomason
Pat_Tomason@hotmail. com
Chapter THIRTY
The next morning Misty and her mother took a “water taxi” to the boat. Honore’ had told her it was an 18 meter wooden schooner built in 1952. It was big, but not as big as the San Dinero had been. But, it, she was so pretty. All polished wood and brass. The decks positively glistened in the sun. She could tell the pride that Honore’ had in this vessel.
Once on board, the younger Corin peeled off his shirts and began what appeared to be a well practiced routine. “Make yourselves comfortable” Honore’ told Bonnie and Misty, it will take a few minutes to get underway.
For Misty yesterday had been a leap into the world of adults, and today appeared she would most certainly go deeper. She was treated not as a teen, but as real adult. And for her the fact she and her mom to be invited by two men for a sailing trip was still just a bit much. Not that she wasn’t’ enjoying the feeling of being grown-up and independent; but it was just the sudden shift that left her off balance. And, her mom, was treating her so different too. On one hand, she liked being more a friend to her mother, but there was a feeling that the safety net had been removed from her life.
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If Mom was a friend, then who would catch her if she fell?
Misty had never been on anything quite like this big boat. Yacht? Ship?While the two men got the boat going, she pulled her little camera from her purse and shot pics. This, her friends had to see this. The sails on the two masts were soon up and pushing the vessel forward. Honore’ changed course and the boat heeled and picked up speed.
The big boat moved out of the bay more rapidly than Bonnie would have guessed. Much more quickly than the San Dinero did from what she could remember. She also remembered how quite a sailboat was as it moved with the wind. She stood next to Honore’ as he guided the boat out to the open sea, the coast of the island spreading out to her left.
Looking forward, the cabin was low, low enough to see over while standing in the cockpit. Misty had moved toward the bow. She stood holding a ratline to the foremast. Her very light linen dress billowing in the wind. She had bought several of these during the week and found them perfect for wearing over her swim wear, however tiny that might be. Corin was doing something with the ropes, but Bonnie did not know what.
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The boat had a waist high gunnels running around the whole length. Running down both sides of both masts was a sort of rope ladder she knew to be called ratlines, and where the ratline met the gunnels was a small step. It was on this step, holding on to the rat lines, Misty was perched. Down below her was the water slipping past, above her the mast rose holding the taught sails.
A gust of wind caught Misty’s dress and almost pulled her from her perch on the side of the boat. Misty watched in with no surprise when Misty’s pulled the hem of the sundress over her head and jammed it between a cable and the hull. From the stern of the boat, the thin strips that made up the new micro thong was almost invisible, as were those of the top. The young body was fully on display for the Honore’. She was momentarily concerned that her daughters youthful beauty would make her look old and unattractive.
“Not shy as I would expect an American girl to be, is she?” Honore’ commented as they looked at Misty’s bare backside.
“No, not my Misty. ” She answered in a mocking tone “I just don’t know where she gets it?”
Bonnie was still wearing the button-up linen sundress, but it was very light weight, and given his height advantage. She knew full well Honore’ would have had a had a clear view of her bare breast under the billowing sundress since she had not worn the top to the bikini. She became concerned, no alarmed that Misty was now not just her daughter, but… a rival.
Her concerns about competing with Misty were allayed when Honore’ said “I think Corin likes her.
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But me, I prefer grown women. ”
Bonnie felt her tension ebb.
For Misty, holding on to the halyard, watching the water and feeling the wind across her body was exhilarating. She noticed when she looked down that her bikini bottom looked more like a neon yellow waist belt than a bikini bottom as the center string (which passed as the bulk of bikini’s supposed fabric) had pulled firmly up into the cleft of her labia. As the fabric was soft, it did not chafe, so she did not try to pull it out from it’s nesting place. In contrast the three ½” wide long strips that radiated from just above her round breasts, beautifully framed and accentuated her chest. She felt sexy.
By the time the island they had cleared the western tip of the island it was going on 11:00. The sun was high in the sky, yet when the boat turned to south to clear the headland, the sails still cast a shadow on Misty, so she promptly hopped down, and went to the other side of the boat to bask in the afternoon sun.
Misty couldn’t help noticing that she clearly had Corin’s attention, and she didn’t hesitate to play up her poses for him. Clearly they had paired off, mom with the mature Honore’ and she with hunky Corin. He looked to be like 25 or more. For all her precociousness, she had never been with anyone out of high school before this trip. He was hot, not in the Brad Pitt sort of perfection, but in the confident outdoorsman way. He was on the tall side, not muscle bound, but he was clearly in top shape.
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Though he spoke with a French accent, he was fluent in English.
The yacht continued around the western head, and began to sail southwest. Even with the steady breeze, it was getting a bit warm. At least that was Bonnie’s excuse to shed the sun dress and lay out on the cabin roof. Looking up at the mainsail was fascinating to her. From her vantage point it rose up in front of her, holding a firm wing shape as the yacht plowed through the 4-5 foot swells.
She was surprised that neither of the men had man any sexual advances. They had sailed around half the island. Misty and Corin were chatting up on the foredeck and she had been sunning for the best part of an hour and not even an attempted ass grab. Very surprising indeed.
Up front Misty was having a fine time. Corin was telling her of his life as a professional sailor. He worked for Honore’ when he was in the Caribbean and was also on the crew of a larger schooner that took groups for week long charter trips. She had abandoned the pseudo-bikini as it felt silly to wear such a thing when taking it off was more comfortable. Though he never made any come on comments, he was not very clever at hiding his appreciative looks at Misty’s naked body.
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Both Misty and Bonnie had hoped for a little more “action” but by 2:00 they were more interested in food. They had been gone all day with out a bite to eat and were beginning to think they would not eat until they got back to the Villa.
Bonnie sat up and looked across the water to St. Martin. She could tell they had passed the Villa some time ago and were still sailing northeast; away from St. Martin. She stood, using the boom to steady herself. Ducking under the sail she was surprised to see they were approaching an island. A small and evidently uninhabited island.
Honore’ watching her shouted “Tintamarre Island. We shall go ashore for a picnic lunch, it that’s acceptable to you. ”
Bonnie did not hesitate to agree. She was, by now, very focused on eating.
He shouted something to Corin in French. Abruptly the younger man ended his apparently cozy conversation with Misty and resumed his well practiced sailor skills.
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Misty, more slowly stood, picked up her dress (on which she had been sitting) and sandals in hand, made her way to the cockpit.
“I doubt you will see anyone on this end of the island” Honore’ said “So you can leave the dress here if you wish, but you most defiantly want to bring your shoes. There are some sharp rocks. ”
Misty said before pulling the sundress over her head. “It’s not being seen I’m worried about, it’s sitting on the bench of that little boat. My ass needs a little protection. ”Bonnieagreed and followed suit by putting on her sundress (and discreetly shed her micro-thong) before they climbed down into the yacht’s dingy.
They had sailed past a wide sandy beach with several boats anchored and continued around the north side of the island to a smaller, and significantly less inviting spot. The beach was small and rocky, with a steep rise behind. There were no other boats on this side. Corin had dropped anchor in the shelter of what could only be described as a cliff jutting out of islands side.
Unlike the San Dinero’s inflatable, the La Étole de Québec had beautifully crafted wooden tender with the same teak and brass make-up of the larger boat. Also evident was this one had no outboard motor; however, Corin’s pulling of the oars moved it smartly toward the shore.
The small boat beached in the only spot Bonnie saw that was not rock. Honore’ and Corin both pulled on back packs and up the rocky assent they went.
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Bonnie was winded when they reached the top, about 70 feet above the ocean. It was a beautiful view. One way the waves crashed on the cliff and the other was completely deserted grass and scrub. Behind them St. Martin was very visible but as they walked to their east there was nothing, perhaps until one reached Europe or Africa.
Bonnie couldn’t help but remember the other time she’d come aboard a small boat to a deserted island. As they walked east, toward their apparent destination, she began telling the story of the luau with the people from the San Dinero. She had only made a few vague references to the last sailing trip she had been on, but now, though she condensed the story a great deal, it was still abundantly obvious that the last trip had been, to use her word “free spirited”.
Misty, after her mom had concluded added “I think Corin may have crewed on a few trips like that, but he didn’t give me any juicy details. ”
Bonnie looked over at Corin, but he didn’t bite.
“So?” Bonnie pestered.
After a brief silence, Corin said “Yes, I’ve crewed on a couple of similar cruises. But of course, as a crew member, not a guest, I didn’t participate. ”
Bonnie snapped back, “Your telling me that you never did it with the guests on the cruises you worked?”
Again he paused “I didn’t say I had never been with a guest. ”
“Ah ha” Bonnie gloated “So?”
“It was always discreet.
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But, yes, some of the women have, what should I say? Sought out my affection. ”
“Now we are getting some answers”
They continued to walk at the top of the cliff overlooking the ocean.
“But usually not on the nude cruses. ” He continued “They tended to understand the difference between crew and guest. It is the more conservative women who have been the most persistently amorous. Again I say, very much out of the eye of the others and always when their husbands were not likely to show up”
Bonnie in triumph said, “So these the openly sexual cruses were better behaved than the stuffy ones?”
“Oh yes, most defiantly. And while I’m being forthright, I’ll say some of the most prim and proper women have come up with the most creative subterfuges to get me alone. And, if I yielded and they thought we would not be disturbed they are insatiable. They want all I can give and then some. ”
Misty moved closer to Corin as they walked and said “I’ll go easy on you. ”
Bonnie however, pushed the point “So tell us about it. ”
Corin, evidently unsure of what to do looked over to Honore’.
“Go ahead, you can use the story I know you are thinking of” Honore’ told him, though neither Bonnie nor Misty knew of what he was speaking. After a moment Misty, who was now holding Corin’s arm as they continued along the top of the cliff said “Now you got me curious. What is he talking about?”
Corin appeared to be getting his thoughts together before beginning.
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“You see Honore’ has another boat…”
Honore’ cut in “I’m only part owner, and I think it would classify as an authentic ship”
“The Belle De Jure, is a 112 foot brigantine based out of Nassau. ”
Again Honore’ cut in “That means that the fore mast is square sail rigged and the aft mast is fore and aft, ketch, rigged. It was built before Word War II, and she is quite a piece of Caribbean history in herself”
Corin continued “It’s quite a handful to sail in a stiff breeze. It takes a crew of 5 to sail her and when Honore’ has skippered in the past few years, I am his first mate. . ” He paused, “Here I should start at the beginning. I have been sailing since I was a child. My family has a farm on the Isle de Orleans, just north of Quebec City. In the summer I sailed nearly every day and by the time I was in high school I was sailing competitively. I received a scholarship to sail for Boston College, but after my second year, I decided that was just not the life for me. I moved around crewing on several maxi-boats before I met Honore’. ”
Honore’ added “A maxi-boat is a very large sea going racing sail boat. ”
Corin agreed “Oh, yes sorry I didn’t explain. I met Honore’ in Perth, and as two Quebecer’s we got on and he invited me to crew on the around the world trip. That was seven years ago, and I’ve been working full time for him since then.
I said all that to say that though I crew for him, he is off doing his money-making thing for weeks or sometimes for months on end. While he’s gone I captain day and overnight charters on the La Étole de Quebec, mate for his the other co-owners on the Belle De Jure, and maintain both of them. It’s a great life. Sun, sailing and …. “ giving a lecherous look over at Misty and Bonnie “. . the most amazing women in the world. ”
Misty just smiled but Bonnie said “Oh, do we qualify in that regard?”
Honore’ answered “I can assure you that you do. ”
Bonnie took Honore’’s hand “I’ll have to live up to the billing I guess”
Corin continued “Please understand that I was always very professional at work and even when women came on to me, I was polite, but refused. I did not want to jeopardize the best job in the world. ”
Bonnie looked to Honore’ who was standing at the edge of the highest cliff on the island. A hundred feet below the waves crashed on the rocks. “Don’t tell me I walked all this way just for cheese and crackers?”
“Ah, but I brought wine too?” Honore’ chided, before he leaned over and kissed her on the lips.
She said “And condoms I hope”
“Several” he replied.
They had arrived at the place Honore’ had evidently been making for.
Despite what she said, the view was amazing and the shore trip would have been more than worth the effort even if it were just she and her family.
Honore’ and Corin began unpacking the picnic. It was Misty who chided Corin “OK, you’ve told all this background stuff, but no story. ”
“You are so right Misty. As I was saying I worked for Honore’ for over two years, and though I never lacked for female company on my own, at work it was all work. It was on one of the marine research trips we do…. ”
Honore’e cut in again. I have a working relationship with the Marine Institute of the Memorial University of Newfoundland. We do a January trip every year with graduate students. As you can imagine most of their work is with cold water marine environments, here they are able to do close study of a warm water environment. ”
When Honore’ finished his explanation Corin continued. “Since I had been working for Honore’, women had been coming on to me, but I had politely but firmly declined. But on this University tour I spent a lot of time with a very beautiful graduate student, but had kept my distance. ”
Once again Honore’ interrupted “And I watched with amusement for several days before I told him that as Mate, he did not necessary have to reject all offers of company. Though I did make clear that that only meant if a guest pursued him, and he was discreet.
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So, I let the young tiger off his leash, and I can be sure we have had more than a few guests happy I did”
Bonnie burst out “Ohh, we have a Don Juan here do we?”
“No, no, nothing like that” Corin protested before continuing. “But we have several amours encounters before the end of the cruise. ”
“What kind of lame story is that” Misty protested “You got laid by some college chick, BORING!”
“Again, you get ahead of me. I was going to tell you of a charter cruise we did last spring, a couple of months after the study cruse of which I was speaking.
TheBelle De Jure had been charted though one of Honore’s partners for a family out of Ohio. There was an elderly couple, their son and daughter and their spouses the two college aged grand- daughters. ”
“They were pretty much your typical kind of rich family where the women looked great even into their 50’s due to what I could only guess what expensive medical work. So both the middle aged women and the two younger women looked pretty hot, but none of the three grown women wore a bikini, it was one piece suites for all. Pretty conservative bunch I figured. ”
“The first few days were just the routine, except that one of the middle aged women had begun to cling to me and when no one was around began to make, what I’m sure to her, were very sexual insinuations. Like I said, she was in like her early late 40’s or early 50’s but still looked very nice, so I flirted back. She was the daughter of the older couple and the two younger women were her daughters from a previous marriage. ”
“Our itinerary for these cruses tends to follow a regular routine. We sail north from Guadeloupe, where both the Belle De Jure and La Étole de Quebechave their berths, we sail up to St. Kitts and then back again, stopping at different spots depending on the interests of the clients.
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These clients wanted to see the Petite Terre Islands, which are a pair of naturue preserve islands. Jacque, Honore’s partner, was a friend of the family so he personally took all of the passengers except this one woman who claimed she was just too tired to go out on the launch to see the sites.
“So it’s just me and this women who’s been flirting with me. I figured from the start she had other reasons than feeling tired for staying back. As soon as the launch was out of site behind the island I found I was correct. I was taking the opportunity with the sails down to do a little routine maintace on the deck, when behind me I hear this woman. She’s wearing a towel wrapped arround her torso and she asks if I mind, while the others are away that she get some sun. Of course, I said that was fine. Though I could see full well she was shaking, she looked me in the eye while she let the towel slide down to reveal she had removed her swimsuit. I wasn’t surprised, given what she’d been up to, but this was surely the most brazen thing she had ever done. I wasn’t sure what she wanted me to do, I doubt she knew herself, but I could tell after a few moments of her standing on the deck, nude, looking at me that she was about to loose her nerve. I tell her that she looks great and quickly tell her that most women find the top of the cabin the best place to sun. She certinly was not the first woman who had their very first nude sun batihing experiece on the Belle De Jure and I’ve learned the easiest way to get them relaxed, and stay naked, is to give clear but mundane instructions. ”
As he had been speaking, the blanket was prepared for their picnic lunch,a baguette , a half wheel of cheese, a sausage, olives, a bunch of grapes and a bottle of wine. To Bonnie it seemed so very traditional and romantic.
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To Misty it was just another step out of her life as a rural Georgia high school kid to… well she wasn’t sure.
They sat and after they began to eat Corin concluded his story. “As I was saying, this woman lays out nude on the top of the cabin. She did look great. I would never have guessed that body to belong to a women with grown daughters, but I also wouldn’t have guessed that body to be under those dowdy clothes and maillot. ”
Bonnie interrupted him “So, women with grown daughters should be old and wrinkled? So am I that ugly or is Misty just a baby”
He was caught off guard “No, no – you are very beautiful and your daughter is very much a woman. I just meant before that time I had never thought of …. . uh… mature women…. Like her… as sex partners. But I was mistaken. I assure you”
Bonnie let him know she was only giving him a hard time and told him to go on.
“I went back to my work, but she kept talking to me, and making hints that prompted more compliments about her appearance. She tells me how her first husband had left her years ago and how her new husband was nice, but just such a cold fish. She told me how she had been imagining going naked at a beach for decades, but had never had the chance.
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After some time she worked up the nerve to ask me to join her sunning. Of course, the sunning turned to touching then to coitus. And she was voracious. We did it, then took a break then she was begging to go again. ”
“We almost got caught. I’d been keeping a look out, because I didn’t know how long Jacque and the launch would be gone. It had gotten hot on the top of the cabin, so we moved down to the cockpit where I’d rigged a sun tarp when we anchored. We were in round three and I’m stretched out on the deck and she’s riding me hard when she saw the launch, not a hundred yards away. I thought she’d have a stroke. She just laid down flat on me and kept saying “Oh my God, Oh my God”
“I get her to calm down, but not before the launch was close enough to hear. I got her to crawl around the wheel and down the companionway to the cabin. It was quite the experience. ”
Bonnie, was sipping the wine and asked “Did she corner you again?”
“Several times. When we get to St. Kitts we usually stay a day and a night for the clients to go shopping and clubbing.
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Bonnie cut in, “Let me guess she wasn’t’ feeling up to shopping”
“No she went and to be fair, she didn’t come back to the boat until past noon: with a headache. ”
Misty chimed in “Yea, an ache for your head”
“Something like that” Corin agreed. “The only thing was that Jacque was still on board. The first time she really surprised me was when after asking me if Jacquewould be discreet, she insisted we do it in the solon with the hatch open so Jacque would hear and when he came by the hatch he would see us. And like before we went several rounds before her daughter came back to check on her. She was so into it, her daughter was on deck talking to Jacque. He was stalling them, but it was like she wanted them to catch her cheating on their step dad. As it was I literally had to pull myself free and dive into the head just as they came down into the salon. ”
Bonnie was into this “Misty has caught me doing it with other men, I think it’s hot. So what happened?”
“Like I said, I got into the head just as they came down into the Solon, but she had no chance to get dressed. So I get as quite as I could and listen to how she will handle this. Remember, these aren’t Parisian sophisticate, these weren’t’ even New Yorkers, they were from Ohio. From the best I could figure it was the girl currently lived with her boyfriend in Ohio. She began laughing because it was obvious what her upstanding mother had been doing. After all she just covering herself with her discarded shirt.
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Her pants, bra and underwear were tossed around the room. The mother whom I had been with didn’t even try to deny it but just said for her she had never, never done something like this before and begged her not to tell her husband. The daughter tells her mom that her husband is a prick and was proud of her mom’s courage. Then became shocked again when she realized it had to be me with whom her mother was amorously engaged. The daughter pointed out that I was more her age than her mother’s, before congratulating her mom again. Then she insisted her mom tell her what we had done. I couldn’t believe it, but after hedging a bit and her daughter pushing she gave a quick but explicit overview of, not just what we had done that day, but the other time as well. ”
Misty asked “What did you do while they did that?”
“I stayed quite so the daughter wouldn’t know I was there. I thought I would get out with out having to parade naked in front of her daughter, but after the mom had given a rundown of both of our little trysts, she asks her mom where I had gone. The mom tells me to come out, and I, unusually shy about being naked, came out and grabbed my clothes before hiding in my bunk. ”
“Did you do it any more with her?” Bonnie asked.
“Twice before the week was out. The next day the same daughter quietly thanks me for helping her mom wake up to her feelings, and tells me that she would help her mom to get together with me again. So the next night, I’m on watch from until 0400 as we sailed south. It was about 0200 and out from the cabin comes the woman I’d been doing.
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She whispers to me that her daughter is keeping watch in the solon so no one would surprise us. As she is telling me how embarrassed that her daughter knows what she’s doing, she’s undoing my shorts. She gives me really good head while I kept one hand on the wheel. She kept it up for a long time. After a while I leaned over and told her that she’d better quit or she might get some in her mouth. She stops sucking to tell me she has never given a blow job until the man cum and she wanted to try it. So she did. ”
“And the other time?” Bonnie pestered.
“Oh, it was a quickie. We were on our last day, only a couple of hours from our berth. I was packing up the remaining food and supplies while Jacque had the wheel. Once again it was the same daughter, she comes down to use the head, but before going back up on deck, she again thanks me for making her mom’s trip special, and asked if I could go to the cabin that she and her boyfriend had been using because her mom wanted to say goodbye. It was fast and very quite, but knowing her husband was close by but had not a clue his wife and I were so engaged. It was a very intense few minutes. ”
Corin paused for a moment, and then asked Bonnie “Was that the kind of story you wanted to hear”
“Oh it was very good.
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Honore’, who had been mostly silent for quite some time, said “Now, Madam, we want to hear a story from you. ”
Bonnie thought that only fair and told the story of Miami Beach when she went upstairs and had sex, then came down and told the family what she had been doing, which was a segway to telling about her work with the FFF.
As her mother droned on, at least that’s what it seemed to Misty who had heard this a hundred times, Misty got upto look around. Just a few feet from where they had been eating, there was a sheer drop down to the ocean below. To her left, was the island of Anguilla just miles off. Directly in front of her the ocean beat at the bottom of the cliff with waves that had traveled the whole of the Atlantic. A steady breeze blew in from that direction, her hair danced in the currents.
She decided this was too good to do with the sun dress on so she pulled it over her head and held it in her hand to fly in the breeze. She was one with the forces of nature. She just stood there, arms extended feeling the wind blow across her bare skin, just like she’d done on the boat, but here at the edge of the cliff was different.
Bonnie like the two men had been watching Misty standing, hair and sundress blowing in the wind. She certainly wasn’t surprised to see Misty remove her dress. After all she had been naked on the beach, why not here.
Pretending to be unconcerned with the attention the men were now giving her, she stretched out on the blanket to bask in the sun, her head resting in Corin’s lap.
Though Misty was seeking Corin’s attention, and she was very aware of the life under the thin nylon shorts he wore was stirring, she primary was relaxing, enjoying the sun and breeze.
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As it seemed her mother went on, and on, and on, she snuggled her cheek right against the firm shaft under the nylon. There was no mistaking it he was fully endowed. She, as unobtrusively as possible, slowly moved her hand from it’s resting place bedside Corin’s leg, up his thigh. She waited for a few minutes just at the leg opening before moving in. As she has surmised back on the boat he wore nothing under his blue Umbro soccer shorts, but his erection.
Her hand came to rest draped over the shaft. Her heart was beating hard in her chest. He sat attentive to her mother’s discussion, not making the slightest acknowledgement of her actions.
Ever so slowly she began stroking the shaft. It jerked suddenly and gave her a start. Her sudden movement drew the eyes of her mother to her actions, but Bonnie gave no indication she had seen anything unusual. As her stealthy actions had been discovered,she brazenly used her wrist to push back the leg of the baggy shorts and pulled the organ out in the open.
It was every bit as tanned as the rest of him, and another first for Misty, he was uncircumcised. She investigated the difference in the feel and look of the extra skin of which she had no experience. She noticed that the head had more play and a bit more girth due to its natural state.
Misty was so intrigued with this new discovery she didn’t even notice her mom had finished her story and lecture.
Bonnie had pulled the small camera from her bag. “Misty…. . Earth to Misty”
Misty let go of the penis and rolled over the see her mother with the camera. She also noticed that her mother’s sun dress was completely unbuttoned to the hem, and as she saw her mother had, at some unknown point, removed her bikini, she was as exposed as Misty.
“Before we go, lets shoot some pictures up here. ” Bonnie said standing.
When Misty looked back to Corin, the penis had again been hidden under the shorts.
She stood and put back on her sandals before she began posing for a series ofphotos of along the top of the cliff. The backdrop was magnificent. The photos would be also.
After snapping a dozen or so photos, she put down the camera.
After some time Honore’ offered “Why don’t I make photographs of both of you?”
Though she pretended to think about it, she had been expecting he would ask.
“Thanks” Bonnie said before handing the camera to him.
She stood with her open sun dress blowing in the breeze. Though she had undressed for many men in the past years, it never failed to get her heart racing and as well as her libido.
Like her daughter, Bonnie found the steady warm breeze across her skin had a unexpected tactile feeling and the motion of her dress, added to the tactile pleasure. The mother and daughter stood at the edge of the precipice, their hair dancing in the wind. Honore’ clicked off shot after shot as he moved around them.
Bonnie followed Misty’s lead and they walked down the edge of the cliff and then back toward Honore’. They had to be careful for the nettles snapped at their bare ankles and sharp rocks challenged their footing. They circled around the picnic area, then Misty, followed by her mother ran directly into the wind back to Honore’ and the blanket.
“Mom, let him take some of just you” Misty said, waving to her mother to move down wind. Misty looked down at Corin as he lay propped on one elbow watching her. She walked over to him, stepped over his body and looked down at him between her legs. “And what are you looking at?” she said in a mock angry tone.
As she stood directly over him it was clear what he was looking at, but he said, none to meekly, “at a very beautiful woman. ”
She plopped down on him, the suddenness of her decent pushed him flat on his back. She sat on his shorts, beneath her, under the nylon, was the still very firmpenis.
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She shifted her hips forcing her lips to cover the shaft comfortably before leaning into his face and saying “you think so do you?”
His yes was drowned by her kiss. And such a kiss it became. He really knew how. His lips were full and soft. Passion and desire built rapidly. Her hips pressed down and began to undulate on the nylon clad organ.
Bonnie could not help but notice the heat building between the two younger people. She continued to pose, though she began to look for an excuse to do more.
Misty appreciated Corin’s kissing, he was very good. Without really thinking about it, her right hand freed the erection from the waistband and guided it up and into her. She was more than ready and she sunk down on him effortlessly.
Her daughter’s circularand up &down hip motion, like an erotic merry-go-round horse gave her the excuse to end the photography. It was one thing for her to, on occasion, have bareback sex, but for her fertile daughter it was not an option.
She strode over to the blanket, pulled a condom from her bag, removed it from it’s wrapper and stood over the, now disrupted couple “Do you want to put it on, or do you want me to do it for you?. ” She knew full well the almost comic juxtaposition for her playing mommy to her daughter while standing naked over them in the act of coitis.
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Misty gave her mother a sour glare, but quickly decided if she treated this like she was being chastised by her mother it would be most embarrassing. But, if she treated it like a friend being helpful. . . “Sure” Misty said working hard to seem appreciative for the offer “Go ahead” she continued as she sat up on her knees and moved back. The penis sprung forward in front of her.
Bonnie had not been expecting this response, but was attentive enough to realize what Misty was doing. This was a level of participation in her daughter’s erotic activities that she had not sought; but, she put on a front and pretended this was just routine. Which it most certainly was not.
She grasped the penis, slick with Misty’s fluids and positioned the blue ‘hat’ on the tip before rolling the sides all the way down. Later she would reproach herself for her next action. She gripped the base and told Misty “Saddle up” and held it, guiding it into her daughter.
After she stood back up, her heart racing, Bonnie moved back to where Honore’ had taken a seat a few feet away. She stumbled and half fell into his lap. His strong arms embraced her and his mouth covered hers.
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She was soon taken up into her own erotic experience. He was so firm, yet so gentle. His embrace was like being in a cocoon. She had no idea how he became naked, but when he lay her down she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him into her.
Misty watched all this from her position atop Corin. She was thoroughly enjoying riding him and it was especially kinky to watch her mother, not a few feet away, with her legs wrapped tightly taking and holding Honore’ deep in her as they kissed with passion. This was not the first time she had seen her mom having sex, but to be doing it beside her was just one more highlight of a trip full of new and adult experiences.
The little camera lay between Misty and her mother, with little difficulty she was able to reach it and in the fashion popular with her age group, held it at arms length and shot a photo of herself atop Corin, with her mom and Honore’ in the background.
‘This will be one to show the club’ she thought. Then another thought came to her. After interrupting her fun about putting on a condom, mom wasn’t using one either.
She leaned over and kissed Corin then said “Hang on” and got up.
“My turn” came Misty’s intrusion into Bonnie’s bliss. Condom in hand she repeated “My turn, come on Honore’, up, up. ”
He obliged and Misty repeated the process of putting the latex sheath on the shaft.
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It was oddly bent to the left. Something that she and her mother would discuss later. Once the condom was in place, she slapped him on the rear and said “OK, back to it old folks. ”
“Old folks!?” Bonnie sat up objecting
Honore’, took her hips and pulled her up on his lap, again filling her “We will” he said with his accent “show that age makes no difference at making love”
Back at the Villa, Cooper had been taking advantage of the quiet to work on a design for which he had been hired. He worked on the design for the new theater to be built for the Atlanta Ballet. He still had another month to get the plans to the different contractors bidding for the construction job, but he did not want the deadline that fell right when grades were due for his classes, to creep up on him.
Lamar did not move off the villa’s sleeper sofa until near noon. And when he did, he simply asked for money to buy lunch in town and if there were any more condoms in mom’s luggage. Cash and condoms in his pocket, he headed out not a half hour after crawling out of bed.
He made good progress in the hours he had peace and quiet.
About the time his wife and daughter were making their way back to the yacht from their frolics,he decided to knock it off for the day.
He didn’t have any particular plan, just thought it would be nice to take a walk all by himself. All by himself was a relative term. There did not seem to be anywhere on the island’s beach that wasn’t what one would call deserted, but he did enjoy the walk with out anyone vying for his attention.
The island was pretty.
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He took a cab over to the Dutch side of the island and the city of Phillipsburg. The colonial architecture was, for him, one of the best part of the trip. There were a number of buildings dating back to the 18th century.
He returned to the Villa and found Lamar napping and not long after a cab dropped off Bonnie and Misty. It was quickly ascertained that everyone was hungry, so back in a cab to Margiot for dinner.
“And how was the sail boat. ”
“Amazing” Misty gushed.
“It wasn’t as big as the one we were on last year, but much nicer. ”
“Did ya get laid” Lamar blurted out.
“Lamar” his dad corrected “If they want to talk about that kind of thing they will, but it’s not yours to demand they tell you. ”
His mother was more sympathetic “Yes, a matter of fact we did, but we’ll talk about that later”
His sister came back with a snide“What about you? Did you get laid? Can’t imagine anyone wanting to do it with you”
“Misty” her mom chided “I don’t’ want to hear bickering. ”
“For your information I did. But I will tell you about it when I get good and ready. ” He answered his sister in a superior voice.
The waitress interrupted the brewing fight when she arrived to take their orders.
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Which as none in the family spoke French or Dutch, was somewhat of a tricky business. All that derailed the discussion about who got laid, at least a while.
Bonnie and Misty told of the boat and the Island and such but when they got to the part “And mom took some nudes of me”,
Lamar went back to “Is that when you got laid?”
Cooper didn’t even object this time. Since Misty had offered about taking nudes in the presence of the two men with whom they had taken a sailing trip, he figured he had reason to ask. And thought Cooper would never admit it, he wanted to know too, at least about what Bonnie had done.
Bonnie told most of the story with commentary by Misty. “You should have seen her face when I tell him to get off of he so I can put a condom on him. ” Misty said with glee.
“I must admit” Bonnie agreed “I deserved it, but was a bit peeved by her nerve. “After her little comment about our age, I think we were on the receiving end of a virility contest. They both went on and on and on. ”
Misty added “I’ve never gotten tired of a guy doing me fast and hard, but this was a first for me. I thought he’d never get tired and let up. ”
“I didn’t get tired, though I could have used some Astroglide. I was afraid Honore’ would have a stroke.
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He had earlier told me he was fifty-eight years old, and he was competing agent this guy half his age, and keeping up. ”
Misty corrected “It wasn’t that I wanted him to quit, it was good, but I was getting a little numb. The up side was it was cool to have that going on and look over and watch you getting it too. ”
“It was a little weird for me. ” Bonnie said, “but I must admit it was weird in a hot kinky way. ”
Misty went on “You know you gotta take me to some of your speaking dates this summer. We’ll be the hit of any swingers party. You know that is what got them both over the top today. When we were side-by-side doing it doggie. That was all Honore’ could take. ”
Bonnie countered “I don’t know it was that, or it was an excuse save him from a heart attack. But either way that was then end of the little manhood contest. ”
Cooper joked “And what did the winner get?”
Bonnie promptly answered “Me. ”
Misty elaborated “I was numb so I suggested, when Honore’e rolled on his back half dead, that it was his turn with mom. So I got to rest and watch as the show played out.
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“all in all it was enough that I had trouble walking back to the boat when were done”
“You weren’t the only one. ” Misty commented “But I’m glad you pulled yourself together to get some pics of me on the boat. I’m sure they’ll be great for the new site. ”
Bonnie asked Misty “You do know why I had you put your suit back on for the last set of pictures?”
“Oh, I know, so the photo set will look like I was taking my cloths off as we sailed, instead of what was the opposite. I heard what Richard said. ”
They were half way through their meal when the story concluded.
“Between what we’ve been shooting and your big shoot on Wednesday, I Bonnie said“You’ll be set to open your site and have updates to send to Richard for a good while. ”
“Oh, Misty added, I forgot to mention, I have a date with Corin after my shoot. ”
“Busy girl” Her dad said.
Misty agreed then shifted the conversation “OK little perv. ” She said to her brother “And what have you done all day except jack off looking at naked girls on the beach. ”
“I didn’t’ have to jack off thank you!” he bit back “I’ll have you know the girls here really dig me. ”
“Really?” Misty said sarcastically.
“Really. Why do you think I used all the condoms I brought from home and had to get some of mom’s.
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This did impress Misty, though she tried not to show it. “So what did you do today”
“I met up with Collette and Odette down at the beach front café. They are from Reims in France, both very, very pretty. I think they are cousins but I’m not exactly sure what they said about that. ”
“So how much were you able to communicate?”
“Pretty good most of the time. But sometimes they talked to fast and their English got mixed up with French. After that we went down to the nude beach and messed around. Then we all came back to our Villa, dad was gone so we had the place to ourselves. We fucked around for a good while. And I mean we, fucked, good and hard; on the sofa, on the stairs, on the counter, on the floor. We just had a really good time messing around, being silly and stuff. I’m sure your old man didn’t have anything on Lamar Campbell today. After a while we hung out at the pool, then came in and did it again. They had to go back to meet Odette’s parents for dinner and I zonked out on the couch. Not a bad day for me either.
Lamar sat back in his seat and gloated.
“your still a perv. ” Misty sneered “But I guess you are a pretty good perv. ” She lightened up.
“And I just worked all morning and looked at architecture in the afternoon. Aren’t I the boring one. ”
Misty was up and dressed and a bag packed with all the outfits she thought could be used on a tropical shoot by 5:00 Wednesday morning. She went to the Villa’s office and waited. A cab pulled up and a young stocky, but not unattractive woman stepped out, the horizon showed sunrise was on its way.
“Misty Campbell?” she asked in an eastern European accent.
Misty introduced herself.
“I am Inna, Boris’s assistant.
Soon she was on her way.
She and her mom had talked and she said she wanted to do this on her own. Though Bonnie cringed inside, she did not protest, so Misty was out into the adult world: a business woman and a model.
But it was still dark, maybe she didn’t want to be an adult that bad.
The cab pulled onto a sand parking area, Inna lead Misty, struggling to keep up with her bag, to a dock what looked like a giant John boat was evidently waiting for them. The shirtless young man took her bag and helped her into the boat.
As she didn’t expect much from Inna, she asked the boat’s skipper “Where are we going?”
He pointed to a small island in the bay in front of them “Pinel Island”and as the boat pulled out it was clear they were going to a small island, very small, maybe a quarter the size or less of the island they had gone to with Honore’ and Corin.
The boat crossed the water in short order pulled up to a rickety looking pier.
“Come along. He’s waiting” Barked Inna.
Misty, helped by the boatman,was coming along as fast as she could. The beach was, not surprisingly, empty as it was now still not5:30 AM, the sun was just a crescent on the horizon.
In the dim light she could see a few closed cabana bars, but nothing was moving, but Inna. Between two buildings she disappeared. Misty struggled but kept pace. Though a copse of palm trees and up a scrubby hill, at the crest of which stood a man and a woman, in earnest discussion.
Misty had caught up to Inna, and together they closed on the pair at the top of the hill. It was steeper than she had thought and by the time they closed on them she was huffing and puffing.
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Evidently the man, hearing their approach turned, looked Misty over quickly and looked back to the rising sun.
Misty, unsure what to do just put down her bag and waited.
“What are you wearing under that dress?” came the man’s baritone Russian accentedvoice.
She wasn’t sure to whom he was speaking “Me?’
“Yes, If you are wearing panties, please remove them. ”
“No, I don’t’ have anything under the dress” she said referring to the linen button up sundress, the one her mother had worn on their sailing trip.
“Good, then lets get started before we loose the sunrise. ” He said in a commanding but not aggressive way.
She stepped around the man and up to the very crest of the hill which was about twenty feet further up the path.
Looking back the man stood in front of a medium format Hasselblad camera perched on a tripod. She had read about how top art photographers use these, but she’d never seen one used. The man was younger than she had expected, perhaps thirty. He had dark hair pulled into a pony tail. It seemed strange that he appeared to be wearing a dress shirt and slacks.
“Turn around, let me look at you”
She tried to do so as gracefully as she could.
He looked at her intently.
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“Unbutton the dress”
Again she did as she was told.
“Take it off”
He certainly didn’t warm up did he? But she did so. Dropping the dress to the ground she slowly turned around again.
“Good. Now put the dress back on. ” He told her. As she did so he said “Do you know why I agreed to shoot you?”
“As a favor to Richard?” she asked.
He laughed a big hearty laugh. It dispelled the formal air the had built. “A Favor for Richard? That Indian bean counter? You must not know him very well. ” He laughed again. “Just button one button at your waist, Richard doesn’t’ have friends young woman. ” He stepped in front of the camera, moved closer to her and said “I saw your photos. I liked your energy, your vitality. In this business models are so jaded, so hungry for fame.
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They are so wooden. But you, you seemed so alive. I thought I could capture that. ”
He stopped speaking and seemed to thing for a few moments. “Just be that same person you were in the photos I saw from the beach and we can do something special”
He stepped behind the camera and she began to walk along the ridgeline.
They shot on the hill in several different outfits as well as with no outfit at all until the sun was well up into the sky.
She had no idea of how many photos he had taken.
“We take a break now. ” He said.
All the while they were shooting Inna did nothing but look on, the other woman handled a large reflector, moving to Boris’s direction, while he gave Misty almost no directions at all.
They made there way back down the hill to the beach which by then had come to life. One of the café’s were open. The four ate bagels. She was introduced to his assistant, a Brit named Mary. She didn’t seem much older than Misty, and unlike Inna, pleasant and chatty.
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Boris too, once the shooting had stopped, was very personable.
He gave Misty a rundown of the second part of their shoot. While the first set had been very spontaneous, this part would be more scripted. He explained that Inna would do her hair and make-up before they began shooting again.
With ruthless efficacy Misty was painted and coiffed into being a model. As the island had no electric power, the work was done right on the beach under one of the tables with a large umbrella.
When they began shooting again, Misty guessed it to be around 9:30. The strip of sand that made up the east side of the island the prime tanning areas were filling up. Old people, families, young people, the people ran the gamete.
Inna finally finished, Boris looked though the bikini’s she brought and pulled out one out. “Try this one first” he said tossing it on the table.
Misty looked around. Only one girl was even topless from what she could see, but she also did not see any changing facilities. She’d been nude in public before, but in this clearly family place that did not appear to be clothing optional? She reasoned, this was a French family place, and pulled the dress she was wearing over her head.
She went through every suit she had, doing each with both the top and bottom before shedding the top, then the bottoms.
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She posed in the water, by a small sailboat on the beach, in and around the Tikki bars, on the dock and just about everywhere else on the beach. It was obvious to Misty that although only a few men gawked, they were getting quite a lot of looks as they proceeded on their shoot. If they moved where others might be in the shot, Mary or Inna would speak to those people. Sometimes they moved and others did not seem to mind being in the background.
It was tiring, but she loved every second. Boris was unrelenting in his directions, a complete reversal of his earlier style. Rather than the directions annoying her, it gave her comfort to know a serious pro was calling the shots. She was sure this would yield by and away the best photos she had ever had made.
Once finished and packed back up Boris confirmed her feelings about the shoot. “I believe these photos shall be very good indeed. I will mail Richard a set of the photographs for your site and some 8X10’s for him to forward to you for your portfolio. ”
She began to reach to shake his hand but he move to kiss her first. Not an erotic kiss, just a pleasant thank you kiss. With that she left Boris and his entourage on the beach and took the launch back to the main island.
Though she knew it to be a silly girlish idea, she could not but hope she would be “discovered” and have others want to shoot her photos.
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When she arrived back at the Villa no one was home, but a note to call Corin, and a number was left on the table.
She took the note but did not call, yet. Not until she had a good long nap did she call.
“Yes, Misty” Came the voice on the other end of the line. “I had a wonderful time yesterday. ”
They chatted to no purpose for a few minutes before he asked her to join him and some friend clubbing that night. He instinct was to say she was too young to go, but she knew here she was not. So plans were made and at 8:00 she met his cab outside the Villa.
Earlier Lamar had come and gone. He told her that the parents were out for the day.
The night was a whirlwind of excitement. One dance club after anther before they called it a night and Misty found herself at the boat, in his bed. After making love (the first time) Misty used Corin’s cell to call the Villa and let them know she would not be in until tomorrow. It was her first time to sleep over at a man’s place, even if it were a boat.
It was a late night for her and when she was awakened by Honore’ standing at the cabin door telling Corin to get topside it seemed like she hadn’t slept for an hour, though she could tell the sun was well up in the window.
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Honore’ spoke in French but she got the idea. With Corin out of the bed pulling on a pair of shorts Honore’ said in English “Glad to have you aboard again Misty. ”
Misty now awake, and fully aware that she was laying naked on the bunk sat up and said “Glad to be back”
In a more business like tone he said “We have a scuba cruise today. We’ll be taking six passengers to theH. M. S. Proselyte, an English frigate sunk in 1801. It’s a great place to dive. You are welcome to stay on as a temporary crew member, or you may go ashore with Corin. He’s pulling out in just a few minutes. ”
No thinking necessary “I think I be a crew member for the day if you will have me. ”
“Most certainly. Sadly, as much as l would love to see you all day dressed as you are, until we see if the passengers wish to be the clothing de’jur I must ask you to get dressed before they arrive. ”
And so began anther full day for Misty.
She found it even more fun to help sail the boat than it was to just sit back and watch as she had the pervious trip.
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Though the women in the chartered group did not do so initially, Honore’ asked if they objected to his crewmember going without her top. None did, and after some time the three women of the group (all in their 30’s or 40’s) shed theirs as well.
The scuba dive lasted just over an hour. Misty and Corin made love on the roof of the cabin nearly the entire time.
When the boat came back in to harbor at dusk, she and Corin had dinner ashore, before taking a finial swim and love making on the deserted Happy Bay beach on the north-west shore.