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can you fart in my mouth please?
Hi dear. in your other profile you write on service rimming / allowe video .so are you ok with rimming?
Naya VIP: Hello. I'm so sorry but no. I'm not doing rimming
Hey miss. Can you come to istanbul? For 1D?
Laura: Yes dear , 2 weeks later I come in Istanbul for 1 weeks) welcome
Hi can you tell the rate for 1H and extras?????
Hi miss . is rimming include the price? ❤️
xbabe: yes.
hey dear are you ok with rimming? active
Hello can you tell your rate for 1H? and rimming is include or extra?
Hi rimming include or extra?
Hi can you tell the rate for 1H please? and rimming include or extra?
Hi most of your girls dont have service list. can you add please?
i want a girl who do rimming but i dont know which one of them do this