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this woman is the one in the photos, just with a lot of filters and edited photos, she has no idea what she is offering, she is just doing it to take your money and in 10 minutes she starts and tells you that time is running out
and she has to do a lot of operations because her whole body has lines, personally, she is completely irrelevant to the services she offers, they are all fake, she just uses her lips and her tits to attract men for me, stay away from this woman
Emma: First of all you are a crazy guy who wait for me outside and don’t want to go.. ask for service without pay… And please tell me wtf it s wrong to have surgery? It s said anywhere that I have natural body ? No I write in description that I have silicone and everything.. who it’s smart enough it’s see that I have .. and also the clients they can look at what video I have on website, the video can’t have editing sorry my dear, but you are a little bit crazy.. 😘
kostasfffff: first, when the other person pays, he wants to have the right things, you serve, my lady, you have neither one nor the other, what I was expecting, it doesn't happen that I was waiting for you, because first of all, you are not a person who deserves to be waited on, but I was waiting for my friend to come, let's go, you stupid girl as for the video you say it's all with clothes or underwear and when he takes it off it looks like the photos are edited,
She is one of the most beautiful women so far
I have ever seen escort web
she is professional and very kind women for me she is very good
at everything she knows what she is doing and you respect the customer
now for the money it's worth it, the girl is a model