
Bay Pharmaceuticals: Melissa Patterson


Bay Pharmaceuticals: Melissa PattersonBy: SXCamaro“This is getting out of hand. The sixth girl in the past year that has been assigned to a project and then suddenly gone M. I. A. ” said the board. “Brennan is due back anytime now and this board will be getting answers about this latest debacle. Yes we sent the girls there willingly to gather information but we are starting to take heat from the feds. ” Chairman Green paced nervously in the dim and smoky conference room. The board loudly debated what to do next. Their research was coming along so perfectly and they only needed a few months before they would be able to begin laboratory testing and then move on to marketing. The occupational hazards had lead to investigations by various organizations at federal, state, and foreign levels. “Green. We need answers. Why is this becoming such a problem? Brennan has all but kept us in the dark about these female assistants. We give the man a thirty million dollar loan on a supposed tropical plant that has some sort of regenerative quality” said a board member. “It comes down to what exactly is going on.

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   Did we loan some psychopath money to torture and kill women in the Amazon? We know that you are withholding information, Green. It is time you come clean and disclose the nature of this research and the casualties. ”Green continued his nervous pacing. He pauses for a moment mid stride and opens the blinds in the room sending in piercing beams of bright sunlight into the dim room. The board members cover their eyes and groan at the intruding light. Green turns toward the men and begins to address them in a serious tone.  “Gentlemen. As you know the researchers were selected for various reasons to participate in our project. The project as you know involves are rare tropical plant that requires the nutrients of supple adult human females to produce a serum that can regenerate damaged tissue and reverse aging. What you were not told is that the females selected were sent to their deaths. The plant needed their bodies to grow. ”“Whoa! Wait a minute” shouted a member of the board. “You deceived us and made us trust some lunatic with an exorbitant amount of capital and killed women to give us a miracle plant that no one in this room has ever seen? Are you out of your fucking mind! You are committing multiple capital offenses! No wonder the feds have been questioning our workers and corporate office. You have out rightly desecrated…”“You are as guilty as I am!” Shouts Green at the board member abruptly. “You entrusted a man with money and voted to allow him to go.

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   You heard the reports and went forward without any thought! Now please allow me to finish talking. The problem we have run into is one with the federal agency. Our men in the field made some errors with paper work in filing claims on the accidents. The idiots filed the wrong forms and the six women were listed as dead. The problem is the cause of death was listed stating ‘death by natural causes’. The embassy demanded that the bodies be released by the foreign government to be shipped home. However, their were no bodies available because they had been used in the research. So the red flags went up and we have feds crawling out of our ass now. ”“So we are fucked. We are going to jail” said a board member. “Dear god! Who trusted this psychopath anyway!? What a dip shit this guy. He hires dumb sons of bitches to file crucial paper work!” shouts another member. A knock on the door sounds through the room. Green looks over and smiles. He walks to the door and lets Brennan enter the room and greets him warmly.

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   Brennan lazily walks over to a chair and plops down tired and annoyed. “Gentlemen” says Green. “I would like you to introduce your so called ‘dip shit’ that got us into the trouble we are in. I would also like to inform all board members that I do not appreciate you insulting my son with vulgar names. ” The board members gasped. Silence settled in the board room. Green gently patted his son on the shoulder and motioned him to address the board. The tall glassy dark skyscraper loomed in front of the Yankee Run River. So majestic, a triumph of technology and innovation, yet filled with the darkest secrets of humanity. Once a booming steel town that saw prosperous times until the eighties when the mills closed and labor went over seas. Bay Pharm moved in three decades later overtaking what was largely considered to be an industrial void, a barren wasteland. The changes enacted by the company turned the dead rotting landscape into a sprawling city of life. Towns popped up overnight and the surrounding areas became the new hot spots for suburban life. “Excuse me” said the guard. “This area is reserved for Bay Pharm employees only.

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   If you would like a tour please schedule one Monday thru Friday at the guest relations office. If you have lost your tour I will reunite you with them immediately. If you are trespassing I will remove you to the appropriate area. ”Melissa stared at the guard for a moment. He seemed agitated at her and she could not understand why. She had merely stopped for a moment to look at the building in front of her the HQ of Bay Pharm and admire the history of the place. She noticed the lines on the mans face as she looked at him. He was young maybe in his late thirties but he had an age to his face that gave one the impression he was much older. “Ehem!” The guard coughed annoyed. “Oh, I’m sorry I drifted off for a moment. ” Melissa stated to the guard. “I am Melissa Patterson and I am reporting for assignment effective today. Could you point me in the direction of Research Department. I am the new Head Advisor of Field Research Productions and Logistics and I…. ”“Yeah whatever, lady.

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   Go through the doors ahead talk to the receptionist and no snooping. Got it?!” Said the guard. “Well I beg pardon!“ Said Melissa. “Your rudeness is unnecessary and unwarranted! I am the Head Advis…”The guard interrupting Melissa says, “Yeah, I know the last couple of girls said the same thing. Seems every few months I have to tell some other big breasted bimbo where to go for her first day as the Head Advisor to the Logical Produc-thingy place. Just save me some time and keep going or I’ll toss you out. Now move along. ”Melissa felt her face flush as she rushed along. She felt thoroughly hated and she had not ever begun her job. The comment about her breast also made her feel self-conscious. She had decent sized breasts for her figure but not what the guard had referred to. Large B cups had often made her feel inadequate next to women with double D’s and large curvy figures. Maybe this company only wanted eye candy for their projects. The job sounded too good to be true. Starting salary of fifty thousand a year plus a five percent raise every year and complete room/board for all employees.

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   She would kill for a job like this. As she entered the door and moved forward to the receptionist’s desk she thought to herself about the guards comments. She felt a little hope when the secretary was about mid twenties and had a smaller bust than herself. This small reassurance led her to believe she may have a fair shot at having an intellectually and physically challenging job she had searched for. “Okay…Melissa Patterson. You have a meeting with the board of directors, the board chair, and project specialist. I will ring the room and see if they are ready. Please be seated and I will send you when they are ready. ” Said the secretary. “Members of the board and Dad. ” Began Brennan. “I want you all to know that my research is coming along well and I will report back when I have something to tell you. ”The board members still mostly in shock were rattled by the brash nature of the comment made by Brennan. Did he assume he was the supreme ruler of the company?“Brennan. It appears you are under the pretense that you are able to do as you wish when you wish.

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  ” Stated a board member. “ We have become a target of many federal groups due to you negligence and disregard for procedure. This board is motioning to remove you and your father from this board and company due to contractual breachments that are stacking up quite high. If you think you can play god then we will break you and bury you. You are nothing but a stinking piece of shit! Do you understand me!? Nothing!” Shouted the enraged board member. Brennan laughed lightly at the remarks and whispered to his father. His father looked surprised and whispered back eagerly. Nodding his head Mr. Green began to speak. “Board members I would like to take this time to grant Brennan full access to funds for the coming year and unlimited resources. ”The board yelled back, “Over our dead body you old fool!”Brennan addressed the board again, “ I can see that you board members are firms believers in what you see. I know these deaths have brought much pressure onto the company but trust me when I say it is worth it. I have a miracle serum here that can rejuvenate tissue and repair damage to organic tissue. With this drug it may be possible to offer immortality. When we can offer something as sought for as eternal life we will become wealthy beyond imagination.

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  ” Brennan reaches into his coat and produces a vile of light green liquid. Shaking it gently in the light in front of his eyes. “A load of horse shit!” Shouted a board member. “ That vile is filed with pond scum or your piss you half witted twit! We will not stand for this mockery! You are dragging this company into a downfall and you cannot prove that you have discovered proof of any scientific worth!”Mr. Green sitting quietly in his chair observing butts in. “Son, perhaps it is best that you demonstrate to these non-believers the power of our new found plant. ”A wicked smile crosses Brennan’s face and he calls for the man who challenged his scientific credibility to stand. The elderly man not wishing to back down stands quickly and steadfastly. Brennan begins, “My how brave you look. I am glad you volunteered for this quick demonstration. It will be a revelation to all in this room. ” Brennan pulls out a pistol and fires three times into the chest of the board member. The board members stumbles forward crumpling on the table as he gasps for air. Blood begins to pour from his tightly grouped wounds. The other board members freeze in fear as their associate withers in pain on the board table.

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   Green motions to Brennan and he again addresses the room. “My research” Brennan states, “Involves regeneration and regret. I shot this man three times in the chest and that is almost always a fatal thing to do. How silly of me. In your world this man has to die. Watching people die is a common thing in the world today. However, it is unnecessary and can be part of the past. You see, dear board members, that over the years I have researched mythology and ancient medicine and my studies have given me a insight into a plant that grows only in Southern America and gives off a regenerative serum in exchange for female sacrifices… Still don’t believe do you guys? Well here is proof of my serum and research. ”Brennan uncaps the vile and pulls the board members shirt open and spills some of the serum into the wounds. Brennan proceeds to wipe the chest of the board member clean with a rag. Seconds later the wounds miraculously begin to close and the gasping man begins to breathe normally. All is silent as the dieing board members sits up and returns to a normal state. The silence is broken by a telephone ringing. Mr. Green answers the phone as the board room collects itself in discussion of the new wonder serum.

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   “Hello. Oh, good. Good. Okay. Well send her up and tell her we are in the board room. Thank you, Sharon. Good bye. ” Said Mr. Green. “Gentle men. ” Brennan says. “It appears that our next batch of serum is coming through the door in just a few moments and I am going to require your full participation and support from this moment forward. ”The board nods in agreement and a Green pats his son on the back as they begin to stare out the window. Their operation was running smoothly and soon they would be one step closer to achieving their goal. Melissa had received the orders to proceed up to the board room and rode the elevator to the top floor.


   Quite a lengthy trip in reality maybe twenty floors, but it seemed like an eternity. She proceeded through the elevator doors as they opened. An all glass walkway surrounded her that provided a breathtaking view of the surrounding area. A golf course in the distance, small home developments, and trees as far as the eye could see. She barely noticed the conference room door as she moved down the hallway. She jumped suddenly as it seemed to appear in front of her. She felt vertigo for a moment. She steadied herself and pulled herself together. She needed this, she wanted this. She reached for the handle and felt a rush of energy. Strange, the moment she grasped the handle she heard several feminine voices cry out to her and plead her to turn around. She ignored the voices and opened the door which led to another small lobby area that connected to the conference room. As she moved forward the smell of cigar smoke came to her nose and she became aware of voices beyond the heavy doors. She took a deep breath and tried to move forward. She immediately felt pressure on her body.

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   It seemed as if she couldn’t move. Something was pushing against her body as she advanced. Melissa shook her head and took one last deep breath. She exhaled deeply and moved to the conference room and opened the doors in one graceful and confident motion. The boat zoomed down the river to the campsite. Melissa Patterson felt exhilarated to be doing something she loved. The interview had done excellent and even though the board was suspiciously quiet and did not seem interested in her, she got the job. Mr. Green and Brennan seemed more than excited and interested in her. “How strange. ” She thought to herself.   “Not a man in the room except for those two asked her a single question. They were interested in me but they seemed apprehensive about the whole thing. Like they had no choice. ” She pondered everything momentarily as the boat glided towards the camp destination.

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   The whole situation while a dream come true just felt strange. Something was pushing her away but something stronger pulled her forward. “Alright, Ms. Patterson. We are about three kilometers from the camp. Please gather your things so we can setup quickly and get you acquainted with the area. “ Brennan began. “We have a few personnel in the area that have kept the base camp functional and prepared for you arrival. When we land you will meet your assistant and I expect you to start researching immediately. We have a strict time schedule. At most two weeks before we will be required to return to HQ and reapply for permits. ”Melissa looked nervous and began, “I um…. I will try to do the best I can…” “Ms. Patterson. Melissa.

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   I need you to do this and do it right. ” Brennan stated. “This is a delicate operation and a certain degree of danger and priority is involved. You were selected because we believe that you have what it takes. Do you want to return to Bay Pharm HQ and tell the board you choked due to your nerves? I think not. Now we are coming up on the landing zone, gather your things and mobilize. ”Melissa did as she was told and felt embarrassed. She wanted to tell Brennan she would do what was needed of her but she felt defeated. She knew that she would have to push herself and jump into her work and prove herself. As the boat touched the shore Brennan jumped off and began tossing bags to the workers. They quickly unloaded the boat and Melissa made her way into camp. As she proceeded towards the small tent village she decided this was her chance to make an impression and she would due just that. “Patterson!” Shouted Brennan. “What I was just…” She began as she spun around. The boat trip had made her knees weak and she still was adjusting to the land.

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   As she turned she unfortunately lost her balance and fell forward into a mud puddle. Thwap! She hit the mud with a decent amount of force and laid their for a moment. She gently pushed herself up from the mud doing an awkward push-up struggling under her gear. She hoped no one noticed and felt like slinking under a rock when laughter bounded towards her from every direction. “Great” she thought, “I wanted to make an impression but not this kind. ”“Need some help there mate?” Called a kind voice from above Melissa. “Yeah” She replied reaching her hand towards the voice. She looked upwards and saw a woman dressed in jeans and a white cotton blouse in front of her. She was of Latin decent and had a phenomenal body. Her breasts were at least DD and her hips formed a hourglass that would make any woman feel inferior. “Thanks. I uh just fell… still feeling that boat ride I guess. ” “Don’t you worry bout that little tuss. My name is Angela Suarez and you must be…” Angela asked. “I am Melissa Patterson.

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   Head Researcher for this expedition. Angela I assume that you will be assisting me on my ventures. Can you tell me what experience you have and about yourself?” Melissa inquired. “Well I have a P. H. D. in Molecular Biology and I hold Masters in Zoology and Botany. I understand every facet of this jungle as I studied her for the last three years and I currently am working on synthesizing proteins and chemical compounds. Your company Bay Pharmaceutical hired me to assist you in the areas you lack skill in. I am also a Virgo, I enjoy taking trips, I am twenty-seven, five foot six, double d breasts and weigh one thirty. ” Angela said in a catty tone. Melissa felt her face flush again as another person seemed to put me down. She glanced behind her and saw Brennan was making his way towards the jungle with a group of men. Turning my attention back to Angela she managed to crack a smile and found a little courage. “Well Angela it is nice to meet you and I look forward to working with you.

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   Oh and maybe next time you can ‘take a trip’ for me since you enjoy them so much. ” Melissa said giggling slightly. Angela looked at me slightly surprised with a smile on her face. She giggled at my feeble attempt at a pun and asked me to follow her to the tents. Melissa followed her and we talked about girl things and it seemed I had a friend in this lonely green jungle. -------------------------About noon of the next day we were finally cleared to begin doing research in the nearby jungle. At the briefing Melissa and Angela were shown a aerial map of the area. Nothing special large blobs of green and a little river running through. Overall a waste of a few hundred dollars from our budget. Brennan stood up and addressed the small group that they were to report all findings and activities to him immediately. The area was inhabited by natives, animals, plants, and mineral resources that could all be of value to the organization. After this initial briefing the fifty or so research scientist were cleared from the area and Melissa was given orders to remain behind with Angela for special instructions. “ Suarez and Patterson. ” Brennan called. “ I have a very special assignment for you two.

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   Bay Pharm has given the orders to continue research on the X-12 plant. Previous excursions have revealed a large plant in a pit approximately five kilometers from here. The X-12 produced white flowers on the outside of its entire structure that eventually turned a crimson red color. The flowers of the X-12 hold regenerative powers and have a certain pheromone property to them. It is going to be your job to discover the whereabouts of the X-12 and do preliminary work on serum development. ”Melissa felt uneasy. Why were we searching? “Brennan” she started. “Why are we looking for a little plant in the middle of the jungle when you just told us it is in a pit a few kilometers away? It would be impossible to find such a thing and I doubt heavily that a simple plant can provide regenerative…”“Patterson! Did I ask you to think for yourself?!” Brennan yelled. “Well I just thought that a flower full bush would. . ” Melissa started but again was cut off. “Well you just thought alright. You assume that you are looking for a small plant in the large jungle. ” Brennan said. “You see this map? Well it appears to the naked eye that it is useless.

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   I kept a thermal signature copy for Suarez and yourself to use. The copy shows the signs of the X-12 across the way. ” Brennan pulled out a thermal image of the area and the differences were apparent immediately. “You see Patterson. We are this reddish/orange spot here. If you go to your left you reach the known X-12 sitting in a pit. A nice white/pink splotch in the middle of no other thermal signature in the area. Now can somebody please tell me where I am going?”“You plan to use the X-12 thermal signature to find other plants like it. ” Suarez said in a sure tone. “Very good Suarez. Now, Patterson. If we can find more signature like this one we can do more research and collect more specimens. On this map we have five potential hot spots for X-12 activity. These two smaller ones are about a five hundred feet outside of camp and we have already eliminated them as X-12 sites. ” Brennan said.

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   “We need to find as many of these plants as possible so we are sending you two to this larger splotch on the map. About six kilos North of camp it is approximately seven times the size of the original X-12 spot. If there is a spot that is likely to have life this is it. ”“Alright sir. ” Melissa began. “If we find the X-12 then what are we going to do? Collect samples, call you, and play house?”Suarez giggled at my comment but Brennan turned to her with a fiery look in his eyes. “Yes Patterson play fucking house with Suarez and bake a fucking cake! You are a scientist must I wipe your ass the whole time?!” Brennan yelled at her as if she were a child. “You honestly need to grow up and commit to this mission. We need someone responsible and if you think you cannot do this then we will ship you back stateside and replace you! Understood?”“Yes” Melissa said sheepishly. “I was just curious and inexperienced sir. Suarez and I will bring back the X-12 in one piece. ”“Ha. Patterson, have you any idea of the X-12’s dimensions?” Brennan asked. “Well I just thought that…” She trailed off as Brennan began his attack again. “Their you go thinking again.

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   Quite dangerous thinking can be. The X-12 we know of isfive and a half feet in diameter and twelve feet tall. We figure it ways half a ton easily, has an extensive root network above and below the soil. The X-12 seem to be self sufficient growing only flowers and is hard to find. If you and Suarez suddenly  become Hulk and She-Hulk while playing fucking house please feel free to bring all the X-12 samples you can find while you are out. ” Brennan said. Suarez and Melissa finished their briefing and began to packing. Light hiking gear and supplies for a few days. By twelve thirty they were ready to depart and Melissa left to inform Brennan they were on their way to the “thermal hotspot”. As she approached his tent she heard him speaking on the phone. “Look Dad. They don’t know what going on! I know that the incident with the last one may have permanently affected the original X-12. Bringing local in was a mistake. Lee and Wilson were trying to help and they accidentally were killed in the process. Who knew they had guns!? Just don’t worry they’ll find a new source and…” Brennan glanced up at Melissa as he saw her standing outside his tent.


   “Yeah, anyway I’m sure their work will soon ‘consume’ them, if you know what I mean. I have to go. ” Brennan hung up the phone and looked at Melissa in a strange way. She informed him of their plans and he gave her a video camera and a 35mm camera to take some pictures of the findings. It seemed eerie. The video equipment was slightly battered and it seemed to call out to her as she walked back to Suarez. She ran her fingers over the camcorders worn edge and it seem to speak. A flash of light came over Melissa and a voice seemed to cry out. Why did the air have this strange feeling? Everything here seemed so fake and Brennan seemed to have some hidden agenda. Melissa decided to put a strong foot forward and talk about this later with Angela. She was the only person she felt wasn’t in on something. -------------------------The hike proved to be challenging. Melissa felt her chest burn the entire time. The humid thick air made the sweat cling to every inch of her body. Even though the sun was far above the thick jungle canopy She felt like it was barring down specifically on her.

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   Melissa could only marvel at how much stamina and endurance Angela had. Gentle beads of sweat ran down her dark black hair and a small patch of sweat was visible on her back forming a small triangle that ran down towards her shapely bottom. She couldn’t help but marvel at her body. Melissa felt a sexual pull being exerted by her body towards Angela. Melissa kept thinking how beautiful she was and then tried to dismiss the feelings because she was not and never had been a lesbian. The entire hike left her confused and weary. Angela sensed a certain frustration and came to talk to Melissa as they took a break a few kilos from the target area. “Hey, Melissa. I just want to tell you whatever you have on your mind you can tell me. I just want you to know if something is bothering you it is only the right thing to do. If you are holding back you could potentially damage the research and alter the data. So please lets just talk. The whole hike you’ve been quite and lagged behind me. ” Angela said soothingly to Melissa. It felt awkward.

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   What would she think of her if she told Angela she had a crush on her. Here she stood, young, confused, and under a tremendous amount of stress. Maybe if she told Angela she would understand. She just longed to reach out and hug Angela. Angela was the only friend she had and she wanted to pull her and her huge breasts towards herself and lay her head on them and hear her heart beating. Melissa opened her mouth but couldn’t find the words to tell her how I felt. A lump in her throat the size of a grapefruit held the words back. “I uh. I just don’t feel well. The water hasn’t agreed with me so far…I uh…I need to take a break and rest…” Melissa said trailing off defeated. Angela looked at her disappointed as if she knew it was a lie. She shook her head gently and brushed a loose wisp of hair off Melissa’s face. Angela looked at Melissa in the eyes and began to speak softly“Listen. I know those guys at the camp go to you. You can’t let that happen.

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   You are a smart, sexy, educated, and young lady. You need to be strong and do what you came here for. Trust me. Let’s rest here for a few moments and then get to the site and find this X-12 plant. Just believe in yourself. I can help you if you let me but, first you need to help yourself. ”Melissa felt tears well up in her eyes but he refused to let them out. She was right about everything. She felt nervous and uneasy since she came here because she did not believe in herself. Melissa sat for a few moments and then began to pack her stuff. She needed to get moving and do this for herself and Angela. She refused to be the victim that plays the injured and weak card all her life. Melissa was determined to out shine the expectations everyone had. Angela looked at her surprised as she moved on ahead of her. “Wait, where are you going?” Angela called.

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  “I’m going to find the X-12 and you better hurry up or you’ll get left behind, sweet cheeks. ” Melissa retorted. She felt a smile come over her face and looked back to find Angela grinning as she hurried to catch up. Maybe this was finally her chance to turn things around. ---------------------------As the two neared the site a sweet scent hung in the air. The jungle thus far had smelled of wet rotting vegetation and musty earthen odors. This part though had suddenly began to smell of some sweet honey dew. It was the most amazing thing. The entire area was also relatively free of trees. It seemed as if something had killed the vegetation minus some small shrubs and vines clinging to the ground and growing a couple of feet tall. The area also became increasingly devoid of animal life. The noisy jungle with its thousands of animals grew ever so faint in the distance. Angela and Melissa took the time to pitch their tent in the edge of the clearing and establish a basic camp site. By the time the campsite had been established the sun had begun to sink over the tree line. They had not realized how late it was, maybe six p.

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  m. by the time they had finished. Melissa and Angela decided now would be an excellent time to make some preliminary observations of the area and possibly find the X-12. Angela decided to head to the North West area and search while Melissa opted for the North East direction to ensure all areas were covered quickly. As the pair departed they agreed to meet back in the camp by night fall due to the dangers of the jungle at night time. They had been warned heavily at the camp of Jaguar and giant anacondas that roam the jungle during the night and were in no mood to become someone’s meal. They waved goodbye, to each other, and set out on their separate ways. Melissa noticed that the area they were searching was probably one or two kilos long and about the same wide, so she made haste to cover a solid part of her area. Melissa decided to walk along the edge of her ‘territory’ and then explore it in tight rows up and down searching through the brush and vines for the X-12. She walked maybe two hundred feet when she began to notice the most unusual plants. The vegetation seemed to mutate into vine thick plants that had a light purple hue and the sweet scent of the area became extremely strong. She bent down to examine the vine vegetation and noticed that every twenty or so feet a small “Egg plant” type of structure grew. Dark purple with green leaves extending out of the top and they seemed to connect to the series of roots that were independent to each plant. “How odd. ” Melissa thought.

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   “These things, whatever they are, are connected to roots and look like egg plants. Hmmmm. ” She decided to make note of the egg plant structures and the root system. She took a few photos of the plants and moved onwards. As Melissa walked forward, the greenery extended for what seemed miles. She started to shiver as the sun set further. She would have to turn around soon if she would make it back to camp before dark. Melissa felt disappointed. The mutant-egg plants all but disappeared from the ground floor. The roots just seem to drop off into the ground and disappear. Melissa stopped walking and looked forward and saw a tree line about  a half kilo in the distance and decided to continue forward and mark the tree with a small orange tape to allow her to mark her progress. As she walked forward on the squishy ground she suddenly began to hear branches cracking. Melissa paused sensing the whole floor was moving. “What the hell is go…” Melissa started to say aloud when the floor beneath her gave way and she fell  for what seemed to be forever down until she hit ground. Melissa looked around dazed, “Where am I?!” She panicked and began crawling out of the thick brush that had broken her fall.

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   A hole had opened up and was now visible above her head extending nine or ten feet around. “Jesus!” She shouted thinking of how close a call she just had. “Way to go Melissa. Walk onto brush and not even notice and nearly get yourself killed. ” Melissa thought aloud. The brush ceiling seemed to be made of thick roots and allowed little amount of sunlight to come through creating a very dimly lit cave feel. For the first time she began looking around at the area she had fallen into. Melissa pulled out a flashlight and began waving the beam back and forth as a she stood up. She began to notice that the egg plant structures from above all were present around her except they were twenty times the size of the ones she had seen before. She walked towards one a few feet from her position and observed it. The more mature plants had shed their leaves and now seemed firmly attached to the ground. “Where did those leaves go little guy?”  Melissa asked aloud to the plant. She examined the base and found that the roots had become more prominent and less numerous. They were a becoming thick structures that  seemed to had evolved from holding the young plant up and now were becoming secondary structures. But what for? The plant in front of her, she also noticed, was much deeper green in color than the others.

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   It seemed as if it was maturing and it changed to a deeper green color to help hide it amongst the jungle foliage. Truly marvelous she thought. “How can you be growing down here thought? You are alone in this area with a few of your family members and you do not receive adequate sunlight. ” Melissa pondered this question as she explored further along the bottom of this pit and found that the farther she traveled the bigger these things got. Melissa had spotted a total of twenty or so of these strange plants. They must be the X-12. They looked just like the description but they were so diminutive in comparison to the other one. Possibly due to the position of these X-12’s they were inversely affected by nutrition. She wondered this for a few moments as she collected my notes by the light of her flashlight not realizing that darkness had descended above her. Melissa glanced up momentarily as she heard rustling and she realized that night had fallen. “Shit! I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere with the X-12 and possibly a huge fucking snake. Great Melissa. Well if Angela finds my body at least  she will find the X-12 too. ” The rustling above her head grew ever greater and she heard some cracking noises. Before she knew it a small area above her gave loose and something came crashing to the floor.

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   Melissa nervously pointed her flashlight towards the mass but the beam had grown so dim it was all but useless. The moonlight had begun to bask the area in an eerie light that illuminated the underbrush area in an excellent light. Unfortunately, the light also enabled me to see that tangled in the roots and vines was a juvenile, probably two hundred some pounds and nearly full height, Jaguar. She froze and felt a cold sweat break over her. The ground beneath her began pulse as she stood transfixed. Melissa looked around as the two hundred pound Jaguar ceased its growling. “What the fuck is going on here?” She thought to herself. “The ground is moving and the air smells like some fruit cocktail. ” She looked around and noticed the X-12 near her that was about two feet wide and five feet tall began to pulse as the other smaller ones around her did. Oddly enough this taller X-12 exhibited white flowers all over its structure, resembling and odd flower covered tree with vines. As she moved closer she felt a strong feeling of lust penetrate her body. Her loins were aching for sexual gratification. Her nipples ached and grew rock hard poking through her heavy work shirt and Melissa could feel the heat and wetness between her legs growing. She barely noticed as the Jaguar walked past her and began licking the flowers of the tree. The animal seemed completely absorbed in the flowers.

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   Melissa had never seen anything like this in her life and she felt so incredibly turned on at the same time. She took out the camera and snapped a couple of quick shots and saw the vine/root structures begin to encircle the Jaguar and stimulate its sexual organ. The Jaguar responded by climbing up the tree and standing on two feet and planting its face directly into a flower. The Jaguar let out what could be considered panting moans of joy as the flower stimulate and sucked on the various parts of the animal. Melissa couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She began feverishly clicking photos off of this complete and utter botanical phenomenon. As this exchange continued new vines appeared and began secreting fluids onto the Jaguar as the Jaguar climbed higher onto the flowers and plant trying to expose itself to more pleasure. Suddenly the top of the plant opened and stretched itself. Almost instinctively, the vines wrapped around the Jaguar and without hesitation guided the Jaguar, head first into the plants opening. The Jaguar was being consumed by a plant! The X-12 was a carnivorous plant similar to Pitcher plants and Venus Fly Traps. She could not help but take as many photos as possible. The Jaguar disappeared slowly into the maw and soon became a large bulge near the bottom of the plant. Melissa was stunned at what she had seen take place. How could a plant be carnivorous and be this size?! “Well I see that you are certainly an oddity and that Jaguar cooperated fairly easily. ” Melissa thought for a few moments.


   “Brennan said something about pheromones back at camp. Hmm. Probably the scent I smelled in the air was a stimuli that lures prey in. Then from the looks of it the plant secrets more pheromones over the body if its prey and slowly draws it into the plant. ” She thought for a moment longer. “Well that does make sense if we consider their size. The X-12 would have to have developed a pheromone type drug that lures in prey and reduces them to nothing but helpless victims. ” Melissa took down her notes carefully and thoroughly as she viewed the plant. Suddenly, she heard more movement over head. “Shit!” Melissa thought. “This plant already ate one Jaguar I don’t think it can take another. ”“Hello!? Melissa!? Where are you!?” Angela called from above as she walked. “Melissa, you were supposed to be back an hour ago! If you got your ass eaten I’m going to be pissed!”  Before Melissa could answer she heard a familiar creaking sound followed by a snap and a short fall and crash fifteen feet away. She quietly got up and walked over and pulled Angela up. “Melissa, what the fuck are you doing down here!” Angela yelled.

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   “We agreed on fucking sunset before it got dark and look how dark it is now!”“Sorry, Angela. I fell down here and couldn’t get out. Good news though, I found the X-12 plant. We are in a ‘den’ of them. They are all around us and this one over here just swallowed a whole Jaguar!” Melissa said. “Whoa. Wait. That can’t be right. ” Angela said. “I know plants and there are no carnivorous plants over maybe eleven inches. ”Melissa handed her video camera to Angela and she stared with disbelief at the footage. “What the fuck are these things doing here? It just seems odd to have so many in one area. Thank god none of these are big enough to eat us. The Jaguar proves that these are hungry and hostile plants. Let’s try to find a way out of here.

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  ” Angela said to Melissa. The two began walking away from the larger X-12 that swallowed the Jaguar observing that the plants seemed to be getting smaller. As they continued the X-12 they were walking amongst disappeared. Angela and Melissa considered this to be a good sign and rushed forward. As they moved forward they noticed a large tree seemed to be poking through the opening of a very large hole above. The hole appeared to be at least twenty feet in diameter. The two girls felt relieved as they moved closer to freedom. Melissa sat down for a moment as she took a quick break to recoup her energy. Angela boldly moved forward and started scouting a way up the tree. Angela placed a hand on the tree and began to speak. “Wow this thing is pretty big but we can make it up it no sweat. ” Angela said confidently. “Okay…I wasn’t going to say anything but do you feel incredibly turned on Melissa. Be serious because ever since I fell into this place I feel like I want to fuck you and everything in my path. My nipples ache, my body trembles, and my little buddy is dripping wet.

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  ”“Angela” Melissa began. “The plants down here all secrete pheromones in the air. I think Bay Pharm is after them. The plants use these pheromones to attract prey and then lull them into a near comatose state and gratifies them sexually to impair their abilities to escape. ”Angela looked unnerved as if her suspicions had been confirmed. She opened her mouth to talk as the moon above her came into a full view. “A full moon. So beautiful out here. Nothing like…. ” Angela trailed off. The tree she was touching suddenly began to pulsate. “AHHH!” She screamed. “Melissa this thing just moved and the vines on the floor are wrapping around me! What the fuck is going on!”“You have just become part of the rain forests favorite game show Survivor: Carnivorous Plant Island!” Said a loud voice over a radio. Melissa and Angela spun around as florescent lighting came on in all directions. The entire area was now illuminated by artificial lighting and a crew of men stood a few feet away holding cameras.

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   Then Brennan walked out of the darkness and displayed a huge smile on his face. “Ladies, thank you for joining us tonight. ” Brennan said. “I am so excited you found the X-12 and I can’t wait for you to meet your dinner partner. Please say hello to X-12 number 2 or as I like to call it ’Hungry’. ” Brennan said stirring laughter from all the men present. “Wait you mean to say we are on some kind of game show!?” Melissa shouted. “Oh Melissa, you are just as dumb as you always have been. This is not a game show. If it was you could win. This is a documentation of X-12’s eating habits. You will be consumed by the plant and the footage will be sold to black market customers and Bay Pharm laboratories for future testing. ” Brennan said snidely. “But Mr. Green and the board assured me that I would be safe.

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  ” Melissa complained. “What happened to my safety and research. I thought I was needed. ”“Well you thought wrong. Green is in with me on this. He is also my father if you are interested. The board is also behind out decisions and realize the vast amounts of money that can be made off your deaths. ” Brennan said. “Just let us fucking go!” Angela shouted squirming as roots pulled tightly at the skin on her legs. “I think not my precious flower. Soon you will see what is to become of you and you won’t be arguing anymore. ” Brennan said. Almost as if on queue the X-12 began pulsating and the floor became alive with vine activity. The air filled with the familiar sweet smell and the two females began to feel the effects of the powerful pheromones. Brennan pulled Melissa back to the camera area and told her plainly to watch.

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   She observed the vines on the ground completely snare Angela. She struggled against the attackers but she was losing fast. The vines pulled her arms and legs apart and ripped the clothing off her body. She screamed as the plant pulled her towards it. As she was pulled into an upright position the tree bound Angela’s wrists together above her head and her legs forced apart. The vines proceeded to subdue her as the juvenile X-12 had done to the Jaguar. Angela fought back with slightly less spirit as the vines secreted their pheromones cocktail over her body and squeezed her massive breasts. Her struggles lessened even more as a vine penetrated her gushing slit and began to pound in and out of her. Moaning came from Angela’s mouth and the tree slowly pulled her upwards. She lost her senses and glistened with the pheromone juices in the artificial light. “She’s the X-12’s now Melissa. Look at your beautiful Latin friend. Those huge breasts, nice ass, and that Latin flavor is all the X-12’s. Soon she will be digesting in the plant and you will join her. Her mind is corrupted by the X-12’s chemicals and she only cares to receive sexual gratification now.

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  ” Brennan said matter of fact manner. Angela increased her movements. She wildly bucked her gorgeous Latin body up and down on the root that pierced her vagina. She barely even noticed as ones entered her anus and mouth and began pumping her with more pheromones. Even with her orifices filled with the thick brown vines she continued to fuck and moan as the tree raised her to its maw. The tree had pulled Angela to the top of its maw, an astounding seventeen feet in the air. Angela seemed like a dwarf hanging in the air above this six foot thick carnivorous plant. Her feet were pulled into the air above her body and she seemed to realize the fate in store for her. She tried to fight but her arms were lowered into the maw. The plant gripped her arms and began pulling her into it. As her head entered the body she shouted one final thing to Melissa, “I’m sorry Melissa, that I didn’t get us out of this! It doesn’t hurt it feel great!” I jus…. ” She trailed off as the plant pulled her head into its maw and forced her down further into it. The plant pulled her huge double d breasts in with a nice plop, slid her tan smooth stomach in with no resistance, squeezed in her curvy hips with a loud plopping sound, and then eased her legs into its maw. All that remained were Angela’s tiny tan feet twitching in the light as they slowly too slid into the plants maw to the stem of the plant. The lady shaped lump descended into the stem and down into the ground.

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  “Alright. She made it to the stomach lets get this bitch ready I want this one to be good. ” Brennan told his men. The men stripped Melissa’s clothes off and pushed her forward completely naked. She tripped and hit the ground. The vines quickly surrounded her body and began to caress every inch of her womanly figure. As if her body couldn’t be turned on more she felt herself become even more aroused as the plant touched her body. The touch was soft and lovely. It felt like a thousand soft, squishy, and perfect hands were touching her in every imaginable way. Vines attached to her breasts and began squeezing them causing her to moan in pleasure. Her nipples were also being played with. Engorged and erect they were squeezed and massaged by the plant giving Melissa one of the strongest orgasms she had ever received and the only one she had ever had without clitoral stimulation. She watched as the plant ignored her crotch and it began to squirt its pheromones all over her delicate white chest. She felt pure ecstasy as her back arched on the verge of another orgasm. The vines began pulling her towards the X-12’s base.

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   She barely even noticed lost in waves of pure bliss. She looked down to see the plant’s vines actually position themselves in front of her nipples and latch onto her aching breasts. She shuddered as the vines began pumping its fluids onto her nipples and all over her smaller B cup breasts. As this took place her legs were spread and vines began exploring her woman hood and her delicate virgin anus. The vines wasted no time in secreting their pheromones and began inserting themselves into her swollen vagina and virgin anus. She could only moan and shout in ecstasy as she felt another orgasm roll over her body. She looked up to see that she had been pulled about a quarter of the way up the tree but did not seem to mind. She screamed in delight as she viewed her breasts. The pheromones from the vines that had been pumped onto her nipples had also managed to not only arouse her but made her breasts swell up. She now sported breasts that appeared to be in the H cup size. She felt the vines wrap around her and caress her face. She immediately understood the plant gave her these new breasts as a present. The X-12 wanted her to be fulfilled and become part of it and be happy. She smiled as her new breasts flopped around under the touches of the vines. She saw a vine come towards her mouth and eagerly accepted it.

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   The sweet nectar of the plant filled her mouth and she greedily swallowed every bit of it. She bucked her legs together in an effort to fit more vine into her swollen orifices that burned with desire. She has lost count of the orgasms but was up to at least fifteen. The ecstasy of the stimulation she was receiving was almost too much. She felt carefree and complete. No one left to judge her. The X-12 was liberating her mind and body from the constraints of human society. She opened her eyes as she reached the top of the plant. The plant lifted her hands above her head over the maw. For whatever reason the plan decided to take her feet first in contrast to Angela going in head first. She did not care as long as she could join the plant. The vines retracted from her body and the maw of the plant accepted her delicate pale white feet into it. The inside was a beautiful pink and orange color and felt warm and soft like velvet. The plant gripped her feet and pulled down in a peristaltic motion like the muscles of the human throat. The plant pulled her all the way down to her feet and she quivered with excitement.


   Closing her eyes she felt the plant pull her down to her hips. The plant struggled for a moment but pulled her down like it had Angela. A nice loud plop accompanied the hips movement and Melissa found herself consumed half way to her breasts. She moaned as she felt the plant pull her legs and dripping vagina into its stem. The walls sent chills up her body and gave her sharp tings of pleasure through her whole body. She screamed out in pure pleasure as the plant tried to pull her gigantic breasts into its maw. They were forced tightly against her body and finally pulled into the maw with another loud plop. Her head and hands were the only parts of her left out of the maw. The vines released her hands and she opened her eyes to see Brennan standing about ten feet from the plant. “Well Melissa I must say you exceeded every expectation I had for you. I thought you were going to be just some pretty eye candy to feed my plant. You proved me wrong though. You fucked the X-12 and gave us one of the best shows I have ever seen. The guys could barely keep their dicks in their pants with you putting on that act. Well your research has been valuable.

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   This X-12 seems to have more abilities than the first one we discovered. The X-12 number 2 seems to read the subconscious of its victims and provide stimuli accordingly. This is why your breasts swelled up like beach balls. Anyway, we appreciate your sacrifice and tell Angela Bay Pharmaceuticals thanks her for her services if you see her. Hahaha. Yes you two are the final steps in understanding the actions of the X-12 and we plan to bring samples back to grow at Bay Pharm HQ where lots of tasty girls await.   Alright guys lets get some good final shots and we are out of here. ” Brennan said. Melissa was then pulled into the maw completely she felt the top close over her hands and the walls push against her face. Her hands being free moved to her crotch and breasts and feverishly worked themselves all over causing her to climax yet again. She began to notice a slight burning sensation as she saw tiny little needle like hair piercing her skin every time the walls squeezed. As they exited her skin she noticed beads of whitish fluid came from the tips. Her skin became slightly puffy and warm. Her higher brain functions told her to fight and leave the X-12 while she still could. She knew the X-12 was putting digestive fluids into her body to speed up the process of breaking her down.

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   She also knew she was stuck in the plant and found it easier to spend her final moments in ecstasy than complicated thought. She felt her body fall and land in a giant floppy sac that was quite dark. She looked up to see a ring close above her. She knew she was now in the stomach and she would be digested soon. “Melissa? Is that you?” Angela called. “Yes, Angela. The plant has taken me too and I am here. ” Melissa replied as she reached out to touch Angela. She accidentally touched Angela’s large breast and instead of correcting her mistake began to rub her breast. Angela moaned in excitement and ecstasy as Melissa began to kiss her and passionately make love to her. The two eagerly rubbed, sucked, and fucked each other. They were so involved in their sexual gratification they did not even notice as the plant’s stomach filled with acid. The two women slowly became exhausted and then finally stopped and began to hug and lie together in the pool of acid around them. They kissed passionately one last time as they surrendered to their master and slipped into a deep sleep. They felt complete, whole, and reborn.

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   The plant had brought them into eternity and given them absolute peace of mind. Melissa and Angela slowly dissolved into a protein goop that the plant absorbed and used to produce the sought after flowers that Bay Pharm needed to successfully produce their new miracle drugs. Brennan sighed. Such a shame that two beautiful girls had to go that way. He wished fifty girls could go that way He was happy the flowers came in quickly though. He gathered them up and packed the gear as he headed to the boat. Soon the X-12 would be grown back at HQ and he would be needing many more volunteers. He decided the first order of business when he returned back to Bay Pharm was to discuss a date for hiring several new test subjects for Bay Pharm’s new X-12 project division. He glanced back one last time and marveled at the beauty of the landscape. He felt lonely every time he left the land. He could feel the love for this land and that he had for the X-12. He would do anything and everything he could to protect his beloved X-12. He would kill anyone that dared step in the path of the X-12. Or so the X-12 told him… To be continued.





