
My Girls Chapter 19


Chapter 19 Our lives slowly returned to normal over the next few weeks. Or as normal as we were likely to ever get. How normal could it be, knowing you were married to your twin sister? That you were going to adopt your sister as your daughter? You understand what I mean. Strangely enough, it did not seem to really bother any of us much. I guess Victoria was right — after 18 years of loving someone, it really didn't matter who it turned out that they really were. You still felt the same.
I would be lying if I said that I was instantly ok after I woke up. I still felt guilty about Cindi's death. But Victoria and the girls were determined that I was not going to go too far with it again. Over the next few days, I was never alone, with usually two or more of them with me all the time. They babied and pampered me like I was some kind of royalty. I guess they had been really scared and were determined that I was never going to be in doubt as to how much I was truly loved. Not that that had ever been the problem anyway, but I guess they were not in the mood for taking chances. I sure wasn't complaining!
I was rather surprised the first night when it came time to go to sleep that I ended up sandwiched between Victoria and Amy for the night. I thought after me being out for several days that Victoria would want a night of passion to make up for the time we had missed. Besides, I knew she would be on the road again soon.

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   It was not that I was disappointed; being cuddled by Victoria and Amy was almost as good as sex any day anyway. After a while of cuddling and whispering by these two almost identical twin beauties, Amy went to sleep. I was just starting to doze off when I felt Victoria turn around to face me in the bed. I wasn't too surprised when she started kissing me, nudging my mouth open and playing with my tongue. When she slipped her hand down into my underwear, I was suddenly wide awake. This was interesting! How far was she going to go with our daughter lying right beside me, cuddled up as close as she could possibly get?
Victoria answered the question of how far she was planning to go when she began to slowly work my underwear down my legs, finally getting them off without waking up Amy. Then she started slowly jacking me off, while moving my hand over to show me exactly where she wanted me to touch her. Ok, a little weird, but nice. I started to panic a little, however, when she scooted right up to me, front to front, and slipped my cock right up inside her.
"Um. . . honey, did you forget that Amy is cuddled up sleeping right next to me?" I whispered desperately. She raised herself up on her elbow, looked across me at Amy, and giggled softly.
"Nope!" She declared softly but emphatically.

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   "I didn't forget. She's still there! Why? Did you want me to wake her up?" She giggled again.
Had she gone crazy?!? This was Amy we were talking about — sweet, innocent Amy! I was definitely not ready for this!
"No! Are you crazy?!? That's what I am afraid of, that she is going to wake up! What are we going to do if she wakes up?" I was panicking! This was Amy we were talking about, for heaven's sake!
"Well," she giggled again," I guess you are just going to have to be careful not to make any noise, aren't you? Hmm. That will be an interesting game. How noisy can I make you be?" What was with all these giggles?
She began to play the game in earnest. First, she kissed me while she rubbed my chest and my balls and cock softly, all at the same time. Then she started to kiss her way down my body, scrunching herself down in the bed to reach me. Finally, she got far enough down that she took me into her mouth, continuing to rub my balls as she swallowed me all the way. I tried my best to keep quiet, but I could not suppress completely a little moan.
"Victoria! Please!" I whispered.
"Ah! Good! He's begging! He wants more!" She chuckled. What a brat! She knew full well that was not what I was saying 'please' for. Well, not exactly. I mean. .

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  . by this time, I wasn't sure I knew what I meant.
"Honey, please, I am going to be so embarrassed if she wakes up!"
"Wouldn't that be fun, if she woke up? Maybe she would want to help! Just think about it honey, Amy's cute little hands on you, rubbing you, her soft little mouth sucking on your nipples and then playing with your tongue as she kisses you. Maybe I would even let her help me rub your cock and balls. Can you imagine what her warm, soft, wet little mouth would feel like, engulfing your cock, licking your balls? Do you think she could take you all the way inside, like I can? Can you imagine how wet she would be? What her little clit would feel like? Pretend I am her, sweetheart. Make love to your little girl for her first time. Please, Daddy, I want you so bad!" She was laughing softly as she moved back up and took me up inside her again, as she knew she was driving me crazy. She could feel how hard I was inside her. I knew I was not going to last very long! "Come on, Daddy, come inside me. Please Daddy. Your little girl is going to come for you. Come with me, Daddy!" Victoria and I exploded together, trying our best to keep quiet as she slowly pumped me inside her, milking me with walls of her canal.
I guess we didn't sound like a thunderstorm, because Amy did not wake up. We both lay there, trying to remember how to breathe, basking in the afterglow of tremendous orgasms. Finally, I got up enough strength to smack her butt softly.

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"What has gotten into you? That was mean! I never knew you were so kinky!" I laughed softly.
"Are you complaining? You seemed to have a good time. So, how long have you been fantasizing about little Amy?" She grinned impishly.
"Victoria! Please! This is too embarrassing to talk about!"
"Ok. Poor baby! I'll behave. Well, mostly. Think you can handle being by yourself for a while? I have to go to the bathroom. Try not to ravage poor Amy while I am gone!"
"You are incorrigible! What am I going to do with you?" I groaned.
"Fuck me again?" She giggled, as she got out of the bed.
I lay there, after she left, trying to calm myself down. That had been hot. Somewhat uncomfortable, embarrassing, but hot. That was when I felt a soft little kiss on my neck and a little, soft hand very lightly brush across my cock and balls! Oh no! Amy!
"Shh. It's ok. Turn around and face me.

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  " She whispered, her breathe hot on my ear.
I turned slowly around. I'm sure my face was bright red.
"Amy, sweetheart, how long have you been awake? I am so sorry, honey!" I was chagrined.
"I was awake all the time. I'm not sorry. " She kissed me, softly, passionately, slipping her little tongue into my mouth. She continued to slowly, softly run her fingertips across my cock and balls. "Does this feel good? Am I doing it right?"
"Honey, please stop. If you keep that up any longer, I don't know that I will be able to stop. " I begged her.
"I know," she whispered. "I just wanted to tease you a little bit. You two got me so hot. " She looked at me with a little grin.

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   "What will you do if I sneak into your bed some night and rape you?"
Oh God! I love her so much! Such a brat, just like her mother!
"What will you do if I sneak into your bed some night and take you?" I whispered back. I couldn't believe I said that! I ran my fingers lightly between her legs, and grinned when she gasped.
"I guess you'll just have to try it and find out!" She giggled, nervously. "Seriously, Daddy, I don't know how I feel about this. I just know I love you so much, more than anyone else in the world. " She bit her lower lip in frustration.
"I know, sweetie. Me too. But if you don't stop what you are doing, we are going to find out before either of us is ready to. Besides, I hear your mother coming back. I'm going to turn over now and act innocent!"
I turned over the other way. She giggled, as she ran her hand softly over me one more time.
"Yeah. Right! As if you could look innocent with that sticking out!"
Victoria came into the room, and slipped into the bed next to me, cuddling up facing me. She looked at me, and then her eyes widened briefly.

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   She kissed me, and then whispered softly into my ear.
"I can leave the room again for a while if you want. I'm sure Katie would love to snuggle with Mommy tonight. " She smiled softly. How does she always know these things?
"No. Please don't go. Stay here and protect me. "
She started to laugh, and then realized I was serious. She kissed me softly.
"It's ok. Really. I'll behave. Go to sleep sweetie. " She leaned away from me, to arrange the covers. I felt a soft little hand gently slide up my cock and balls one more time, and I felt a soft little kiss on my neck and heard a quiet, nervous little giggle in my ear as we all settled down to go to sleep.

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   It took me a long time to get to sleep that night.
The next morning I woke up with two pretty, identical looking young ladies cuddled up to me, one on each side. I kissed their foreheads softly, and left the room before they started teasing me again. Amy spent a lot of time that day sitting on my lap, cuddling with me, smiling and giggling at me. I think the others just thought she was so happy to have me back. That too. I caught Katie several times looking at us, head tilted slightly to the side, a curious look on her face. Later, Katie and I were alone together. I walked up to her and gave her a big kiss. She sighed happily and put her arms around my neck, holding me close.
"I understand I have you to thank for my recovery, Golden Girl," I teased, referring to her yellow glow. She blushed and smiled shyly, looking down at her toes.
"No, it was really Amy. She knew what to do, and did most of it. I just joined in to make sure.

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   She really wasn't expecting that. I really mainly caused some other, unforeseen effects. "
"What unforeseen effects are you referring to?" I asked. Other than the yellow flecks in her eyes, which seemed to have grown and gotten more numerous in just two days, I had not noticed any effects. Except being awake of course. I wondered if her eyes would turn completely yellow eventually. That would be so cool! My little kitten. Katie looked at me hesitantly, biting her lower lip as she apparently debated whether to tell me or not.
"Well, I guess you are going to have to know eventually. " She tilted her head slightly, and seemed to be concentrating briefly. I always assumed this was when they were communicating. Suddenly I heard two giggling teenage voices echo in my mind.
'Hi Daddy!' Katie.
'Hi Daddy!' Amy. What? Amy wasn't even in the room! And I heard them only in my mind.

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   I was stunned.
"Hi girls. How did you do that? When did this start?"
'No, Daddy. Answer us in your mind. Just think of us, and then think what you want to say. '
I tried it. 'Hi girls. ' It worked. But I heard a lot of other things, too. I'm sure Amy was deliberately thinking nasty thoughts just to embarrass me. Katie seemed to notice.
'Daddy, I can show you how to selectively receive or transmit thoughts, so Amy can't tease you like that, ' she giggled. 'Also, I was helping you there a little. I can help you do it by yourself, but I have to have your permission to do that. I think we should sit down and talk.


The next two hours was an enlightening period. Apparently Katie's joining in had magnified things, to where some powers that we all had, some of us latently, were beginning to express themselves, or strengthen themselves in some cases where they already existed. We now had some thought transfer abilities (slightly different than mind reading). Then Katie dropped the real bombshell.
"Daddy, I can help you do this, clean it up, show you how. But I have to have permission to go into your mind. I won't do it if you say no. "
"I don't understand, Katie. You can actually change my mind?" I was flabbergasted.
"Not exactly. I can't put anything there that was not at least latently there before. I can modify or improve what is there. Like giving you more control. I can't make you do or implant anything that would be against what you would choose to do. "
"How do you know it will work on me?" I asked.

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"It will work on anyone. " She looked really embarrassed. "Besides, I already know it will work on you, because I have already done it once. I'm sorry, Daddy, I had to. It was really necessary. I hope you know I would never hurt you. " She looked about ready to cry.
'Katie, honey, I trust you with my life. I believe you when you say it was necessary. You may do whatever you need to. Will this allow me to communicate with anyone?" I tried to set her at ease. She looked relieved.
"No, it doesn't work that way. You can only communicate with people you have talked to or have communicated with you," Katie explained. "We noticed this morning that you were 'on line', so to speak.

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   We would not be sharing this with you if we hadn't figured out how to filter and somewhat control it. Believe me, this ability is not nice if you can't control it; I know. "
"Does Victoria know about this?" I asked. Katie looked uncomfortable again.
"Not yet. We're not sure yet that we can teach her to control it. If we can't, I don't think it's fair to open it up to her and enhance it. It would cause pain. I'm sure we can do it — we just have to figure it out. There are some. . . peculiar and dangerous areas in her mind we have to figure a way around. " Katie explained.
I was amazed! I had no idea that what Amy and Katie could do could be taught, or somehow acquired.

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   They did not seem to be aware that previously it could be either. Or indeed, if it even could be. Maybe we all already had it and she was just waking it up, refining it. The question was, previous to what? I felt the answer was previous to Katie. I wasn't sure we had any idea yet what this wonderful little girl could do. How long had she been carrying this knowledge, this ability around, unable to tell anyone except Becky? Then Becky was gone. No wonder Katie had wanted to kill herself. Or was she just learning herself? No wonder she cried so much! She concentrated for a few minutes, and then said she was done. I didn't feel any different. She had reduced my sensitivity. It could mean that sometimes it wouldn't work. But I didn't have to listen to anybody I didn't want to now. I could now block sending if I wanted to, for any reason. I hoped nobody noticed Katie blushing. I asked them if that was how Cindi had blocked some emotions.

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   They said they didn't know but it was likely.
It was just Victoria and me in bed that night. I guess the girls were finally convinced that I wasn't going to disappear or anything like that. That also could mean she was leaving town again.
We had a wonderful night. I took it slow and gentle with her, to make it last. After kissing her and paying attention to her nipples, I began to slowly lick her pussy, suck on, and lick her clit. I concentrated on going very slow, moving my tongue around in little small circles, very slowly. She really likes that, but it also drives her crazy. I kept it up slowly, until her hips were gyrating all over the place. Then, I decided to tease her, as she has so often to me, and stopped. She whimpered in frustration as I turned my attention to her breasts and then kissed her deeply. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore.
"Please! Do it some more! It felt so good!" She begged.
I never could resist her begging.

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   I went back to working on her clit and pussy some more, alternating this time between fast and slow circles, and back and forth. Finally, she exploded in her first orgasm of the night. Then, I simply kept working on her without stopping. Now she was begging me to stop, as I continued to stimulate her, holding her to keep her from moving away. Eventually, she just lay there, not responding anymore. That is when I moved up, and inserted myself up inside her.
Victoria always responds well to sex, sometimes very vocally. On rare occasions, she simply goes crazy. This was one of those times. She reacted so well that I noticed the girls peeking in the door to make sure everything was ok. I thrust up into her deeply and slowly, pulling almost all the way out before thrusting again. This was a new sensation from the previous tongue action, and so she quickly became very alert and active again. She was so excited she didn't know what she wanted. She would beg me to stop, yet thrust up against me when I slowed down or stopped. Finally, we both exploded together, and collapsed, falling asleep.

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When I woke up in the morning, the bed was crowded. The girls had joined us during the night. Katie was, of course, sleeping stretched out on top of me. Both Cindi and she loved to do that. I liked it too. Amy and Victoria were cuddled up together, arms around each other. It was hard to tell where one stopped and the other started. I felt a little sad, because I knew the girls, joining us in bed, meant Victoria was leaving town that day. Somehow, they always knew, and slept with us the last night. Sure enough, she left that afternoon.
We had an interesting little teenage crisis that evening. Katie, Amy and I were sitting on the couch, watching TV and cuddling, as usual. Katie received a phone call on her cell phone, and left the room to take it. She was gone for quite a while. When she came back, she was crying her eyes out, big sobs wracking her little body.

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   Both Amy and I were very concerned.
"What's wrong, Katie?" we both asked at the same time. We set her down on the couch between us and tried to find out what the problem was.
"H. . . h. . . he left m. . . m. . .

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   me. He b. . . b. . . broke up with me. " She sobbed.
"Who?" We asked.
"My b. . . b. .

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  . boyfriend. He doesn't want to go out with me anymore. Some crap about us being too young. He just doesn't want to go out anymore because I don't want to be the school slut anymore. I'm only good enough for sex, not for love!" She sobbed.
Amy and I did our best to console her. We assured her that she was a very sweet, wonderful, pretty young girl that anyone would be lucky to have. I told her that if he dumped her, it was his loss. Neither Amy nor I felt we were getting anywhere with her.
When it was time to go to bed, Amy and Katie went into the same room. Good. Amy would be good for her. I went to bed alone for a change. Had the whole bed to myself.

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   No fighting over covers. I should have been happy, but I missed the little twerps.
I was not quite asleep yet when I felt Amy slide into bed with me, and cuddle up. You know how a guy can always tell when a female wants something? Well, Amy is not even very subtle most of the time. She wanted something.
"Daddy?" Yep. The Amy 'I am just too cute for words and you can't resist giving me anything I ask for' voice. The pity is, she's right!
"Hmmm?" Maybe if I act asleep, she'll go away and leave me alone.
"Daddy. I know you're not asleep. Please, Daddy, it's important. "
I sighed. If Amy said it was important, it was. She didn't (usually) dramatize things.


   Hell, I'm too old to need sleep anyway. What is it, pretty girl?"
"Flattering me is not going to get you out of this!" she teased. Then she turned serious.
"Daddy. Katie needs your help. She really liked this guy. He was Becky and her friend for years. She's really hurting bad. Daddy, could you go in with her and sleep with her tonight? I know you can make her feel better. She's just crazy about you. Please? I can't stand to see her miserable. "
"Amy, honey, you know how Katie feels about me. You know I love her to pieces too. You know how I react to crying girls. Amy, can you live with what might happen if I go in there tonight?" Amy didn't know that Katie and I had already been together that way.

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"Daddy, Katie needs you tonight. If that is what she needs, then give it to her. It will be our secret; I won't tell Mom. " Her eyes widened briefly. "Although it wouldn't make any difference, would it? Mom has already given her permission, hasn't she?" She whispered.
Damn! Certifiable genius. How could she know that?
"Ok, Amy, you have to tell me where you came up with that wild conclusion. "
"Dad, you are a lousy actor, especially when you are trying to act shocked. It's easy. You wouldn't even be asking me if I could live with it if you didn't already know that it was ok with Mom. The idea of you cheating on Mom is an idea that even my genius mind can't fathom. " She giggled impishly. "So, has she given you permission for me too yet?"
"AMY! You are such a brat! I refuse to even respond to such a ludicrous question!"
"Good! That means yes! Now all we have to do is decide if we want to!" Can a teenager die of excess giggling?
"Amy! You are a bad girl. Are you sure you want me to go in with Katie?" I asked, changing the subject delicately. I'm sure I just fooled her so bad with that one.

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"Yes. Please. She needs you. If it happens, Daddy, it happens. I will turn off my sensing, so you don't have to worry about corrupting your precious, innocent, virginal daughter. Whatever she needs, Daddy. She is too precious to be hurting like this. " Amy said seriously.
"Hmmm. I'm going to have to ask Victoria where she is hiding this other daughter of ours. " Amy looked at me, confused. "You know, the precious, innocent, virginal one!" I dived out of bed to avoid her punch. I reached over and kissed her. "Amy, you are just so precious. Katie is so lucky to have a friend like you.

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   I love you, sweetie. " Wow! Amy blushed!
When I walked into Katie/Cindi's room, Katie was laying on the bed, crying softly. I quietly walked up to her, reached over, and kissed her softly on the neck, while running a hand softly up her pretty little leg. She jumped, and looked up at me as I slid into bed beside her and kissed her again, this time much more passionately. I slowly slid my hand inside her nightgown and softly rubbed her cute little breast. She looked at me in shock.
"Patrick!" She whispered. "We can't do this now! Amy is going to catch us!"
"Who do you think sent me in here to make you happy, Little One? She has turned off her sensing and told me I am to do whatever I need to make you happy again. And yes, she knows what the possibilities are. " I loved the look on her face.
"She. . . she knows about us?" She stammered.

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   She is just expecting it tonight. And it does not bother her. "
"Oh boy! This is going to be a fun night! I guess I should get back to crying and being upset so you can console me, huh?" She smiled sadly.
"Well, it would help, so I don't waste my time. Seriously, Katie, I know how this has upset you. If you want to just cuddle, that's ok too. We just love you and don't want to see you hurting. " I kissed her gently.
So, we cuddled. Naked. For a long time. Eventually, I knew we would go to other things, and we did. We made love like a spring shower. It felt just like with Cindi. It was so sad and so wonderful.

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   Katie understood completely, and held me as I cried afterwards. As we were cuddling, I heard a soft noise at the door. We watched as Amy came in, naked, and stretched out on the bed with us. She cuddled up to me on the other side from Katie.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to come in. " She noticed I was crying. "What's wrong, Daddy? I thought you were consoling Katie?" She looked concerned.
"I'm sorry, sweetie. She just looks so much like Cindi. It just was too much. " I lay my head on her chest and had a good cry. They both held me.
"It's ok, Daddy.

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   Let it out. We understand. We do it too, almost every night. You can always come in and cry with us if you need to. " Amy stoked my hair as she held me.
I kissed her. It was not a daughterly kiss. She kissed me back, as we played with each other's tongues. I gasped as she ran her hand lightly down my stomach, trailing her fingers lightly across my cock and balls. She gasped as I played with her sparse pubic hair. We played lightly with each other, driving each other crazy, as Katie looked on, grinning. Finally, we stopped and hugged and cuddled, knowing we could go no farther without losing control.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. " Amy half sobbed. "I'm just not ready for this yet.

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  " I saw Katie roll her eyes. She didn't understand what the big deal was. To her, it was a no brainer — we were made for each other.
"It's ok, Amy. You don't ever have to be ready for me. I love you anyway. Besides, if we ever go all the way, I want it to be when you are ready and willing and have no doubts. I couldn't stand the thought of hurting you. "
"You could never hurt me, Daddy. Someday, maybe. . . I can't promise. However, I could never think of anyone better than you. If we never do it, I think I will always wish we had.

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   I just don't know. "
"There's no hurry, honey. You are young. Don't rush it. I'll be here in any way you want me, whenever. "
We all cuddled together in a big glob and went to sleep. All the hands and legs looked like a nest of snakes.
The next day, we decided to plan a camping and float trip for the following weekend. The girls called Victoria to see if she could come with us. I was hoping she could, as she was the one that really knew about floating on a raft. The girls leaped into planning the event with their usual efficiency. As the big day approached, we got more and more excited. Finally, it was Thursday evening. We were going to leave Friday evening so we could start early Saturday. Just before bedtime Thursday evening, we got a phone call from Victoria.

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   I answered the phone. After exchanging pleasantries, she got to the point.
"I'm sorry, honey, I just am not going to be able to make the float trip. I am just not going to be able to make it out of here on time. Maybe I could join you Sunday, but that may not even be worth it for one day. "
"Well, I am going to let you tell the girls. They are going to be disappointed. They were really looking forward to it. "
"I know. I'm really sorry. Are you mad at me?" She sounded concerned.
"No. I understand. We knew it was only 50:50 that you could make it anyway. I just hope we don't all drown without your rafting ability.

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   Here, talk to the girls. "
The girls were disappointed, of course, but it was not the first time this had happened, so they dealt with it pretty well. Besides, we were still going. We just would be minus one.
The float part turned out to be a disaster all the way around. None of us knew what we were doing. Towards the end of the first day, we tipped the raft over, and we all ended up in the water. We were all soaked, and the girls lost their sleeping bags and change of clothes. Fortunately, I did not lose mine. We decided to make camp early, to try to dry things out.
We found a good place to camp, set up the tent, and made a fire. By this time, the girls were shivering. I t was warm, but they were soaked. We decided to camp out under the stars instead of in the tent, but first I had to take care of the wet clothes problem.
"Ok, girls, strip.


   Get those wet clothes off," I ordered.
Katie grinned real big, and proceeded to take them off. Katie was always ready to take her clothes off; this was a great excuse. Amy was not so happy about it. She turned red and looked at me as if I was kidding.
"C'mon, Amy. Get them off. I'm not going to explain to your mother how you caught pneumonia. "
"Dad! I can't take my clothes off. I don't have anything to wear. I can't go naked!" Amy was horrified.
"C'mon, Amy. This isn't the first time I've seen you naked. Shuck 'em. " I was enjoying this.

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   The teenage smart-ass genius embarrassed about something. Poor little thing!
"But Dad! This is in public! Someone could come by and see us! I can't do that!"
"Amy. Take them off, or I'll take them off for you. " I started to move towards her. That got her moving. She slowly took all her clothes off except her bra and underwear, casting dagger-like looks at me the whole time. I don't think she was very happy with me! Too bad, little girl. She stopped at her undergarments. I guess she thought I didn't mean those.
"All of it, Amy. Don't make me come over there, or I will take them off and paddle your cute little butt too. " I grinned at her.
She glared at me as she took them off.
"Sometimes, I just don't like you very much," she stated emphatically.
"I'm a parent.

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   You're not supposed to like me all that much anyway. Be happy we get along as well as we do. " I smiled sweetly at her. I was trying to get as much fun out of this as I could, because I knew I was going to pay for it later.
We put a foam mattress and the sleeping bag on the ground for a soft mattress, and had a light blanket for a cover if needed. I lay down in the middle, with a pretty little girl on either side of me, cuddling up close to keep warm. It wasn't long before Katie decided things were not even.
"How come you have clothes on and we're naked?" Katie whined. "That's not fair!"
"Because I have a dry change of clothes. Hey, life isn't fair, Katie. What are you going to do?"
You have to get up pretty early in the morning (figuratively; noon is early enough literally) to get ahead of Katie. She had figured out by this time that I was having fun messing with them. So, she showed me what she was going to do. She started unbuttoning my shirt, and started taking my clothes off.
Amy was staring at her with huge eyes.

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   Giving me her ok to do things to help her depressed best friend was one thing; having that same best friend apparently seducing her father in front of her was apparently another thing altogether. She continued to stare as Katie took all my clothes off, but didn't say anything. That ended when Katie got them all off, lay down next to me, and proceeded to begin kissing me. And boy, do I mean kissing me!
"Katie! What are you doing?!" Poor Amy was in danger of hyperventilating. This was the first time she had ever had direct experience with the wild Katie.
"Duh! I'm taking his clothes off. Now I'm kissing him. I thought you were the smart one!" Katie decided she was going to have some fun with Amy too.
"But. . . but. . . he's my Daddy!" Amy was shocked.

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"Well, he's not MY Daddy. Not yet, anyway. " Katie was trying to keep from giggling. She was not very successful at it.
"You know, Katie, I could get in a lot of trouble if anyone found out about this," I deadpanned. Like I wouldn't be in trouble before this!
"Well, I'm not going to tell. Amy, are you going to tell anyone?" We were having so much fun with her!
Amy paused as if thinking really hard.
"Let's see. I'm laying here naked, cuddled up against my Daddy, who is naked also, with my best naked friend making out with him. . . Duh! I don't think I am going to be telling anyone about this!" She rolled her eyes at us.
"See? You're safe," Katie giggled, as she continued to kiss me.
Amy became increasingly alarmed as Katie worked her way down my body. She softly kissed my face, then my neck, then kissed, licked and sucked on my nipples.

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   Amy didn't know what to do. She was getting cold, so she snuggled up close to me. She watched with big eyes as Katie kissed her way down my stomach. Her eyes about popped out of her head when Katie started playing with me cock and balls.
"Katie!" She whispered.
"Oh shush. Close your eyes if you want to. " Katie was not about to give up on a great chance like this. Amy kept her eyes open.
I put my arm around Amy and pulled her in tighter to snuggle with me. She was trembling all over. I didn't think it was due to cold, but I wasn't taking any chances. She laid her head on my shoulder and watched everything Katie did. She didn't even notice that she had put her hand on my chest and was softly rubbing it. Occasionally she would snuggle closer and softly kiss my neck; I don't think she realized she was doing that either.

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   My little girl was getting turned on!
I think Katie got tired of watching Amy and I dance around each other on the subject of sex. She decided that we were right for each other, and she was going to bring it about, with or without our help. When Katie decides she wants something, she usually gets her way. She reached up, took Amy's hand in hers, and started moving it down my chest towards my cock.
"Amy, you have just GOT to feel this. It is just so neat you won't believe it!" Amy tried to pull her hand back.
"No! He's my Daddy! I can't do that!" She resisted half-heartedly. She apparently didn't remember she had touched me there before. Katie was having none of that.
"Amy, stop being a big baby and give me your hand!" She grabbed her hand, and put it on my cock, laying her hand on top of Amy's to guide her and keep her from moving it away. Poor Amy's face was beet red as she rubbed her Daddy's cock and balls. She buried her face in my shoulder.
"I cannot believe I am doing this! I am so embarrassed!" After a few minutes, Katie removed her hand. Amy left hers on me, rubbing and stroking gently. I couldn't believe it! It was so hot!
Since Amy was taking care of the rubbing part, quite well in fact, Katie decided to move on to more interesting things.

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   She slid down a little farther, and sucked my cock into her mouth. I thought Amy was going to freak out.
"Daddy! She's. . . she's putting it in her mouth. And sucking on it!" She stared at Katie for a while. Then she cuddled up to me again, trying to hide her face. "Does it feel good?" she whispered in a tiny voice. Then, so softly I almost didn't hear it, she said, "I wish I could do that!"
I put my arm around her, pulled her close, and with my other hand, I raised up her chin and kissed her. Her eyes flew open when I did that, and she almost pulled away for a second, then she gave a little whimper and kissed me back. She was the one that opened her mouth first. We played with each other's tongues as she melted against me. I stroked her hair and kissed her, as she touched my face with her hand, and rubbed my chest. When we finally broke our kiss, she hid her face in my neck again.

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   All this time she was still rubbing my balls, having moved her hand down there to give Katie room to suck me. I heard her whisper softly.
"I can't believe I'm touching you down there. Oh, Daddy, I've wanted to for so long. " Then she quickly moved her head up and started kissing me again. Her kisses were getting hotter by the minute, as she whimpered softly into my mouth.
Katie stopped working on me, and moved up above me. She gave Amy a little smile, and then slowly lowered herself down onto me, taking me all the way up inside her. I thought poor Amy was going to pass out; her eyes were huge and she seemed to be having breathing problems!
"Daddy! She's got you inside her!" She gasped. "Does it feel good? Is Katie good?" She was talking in a whisper. I don't know who she thought was going to hear us!
"Katie is very good, honey. She feels wonderful. " Amy sighed softly, and started kissing my neck softly. I whispered softly to her. "It's ok, Amy.

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   We don't have to do anything you don't want to. It's ok. "
"She is so lucky!" She whispered. Katie decided it was time to have some more fun.
"Amy. . . I want you to do something. You will love it, I promise. Move up here and kneel down over your Daddy's face. Just like that. Now, lower yourself down onto his face. "
"EWWWW! He's not going to like that!" Amy exclaimed, reluctant to do what Katie told her.
"Yes, he will. I guarantee it.

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   Go ahead, you'll really like it, and so will he. " She reached up and pushed Amy down onto me at the same time I reached up and put my hands on her hips, pulling her down on me. I reached up and ran my tongue quickly all the way up her little slit, ending on her little clit. She shrieked, and all resistance suddenly ended.
I proceeded to introduce little Amy to the pleasures of oral sex. I licked her pussy, then sucked her clit into my mouth and started tonguing it. I alternated speeds, directions, and moved periodically to her pussy and to her cute little asshole. At first, she resisted that, moaning that it was gross and dirty, but after a few seconds of me tonguing it, she quickly forgot those ideas and just cried out softly every time I touched it. Her breathing was becoming very rapid and ragged. When I moved back to her clit, she cried out and started to tremble all over.
"Oh, God, Daddy! What are you doing to me? Please stop! No, please don't stop! I feel funny, Daddy! I feel like I am going to pee! Oh, God!" My little girl tipped over into her first real orgasm as I pushed one finger up into her tight little pussy and fingered her little asshole. Katie and I held her down on me as she tried to pull away, and I just continued to work on her clit, licking and sucking it. She started to scream. Katie pulled her back against her, and started to rub her nipples. I don't think Amy even realized she was doing that.


   I remembered Victoria holding Cindi in a similar way long time ago. That thought brought me to my own peak as I began to empty myself up into Katie. She began to come also as we all cried out together.
We all just lay against each other as we recovered. Katie and Amy leaned against each other, holding each other up. Poor Amy was just a boneless mass as she was barely conscious from the intensity of her first orgasm. Katie and I gently moved her onto her back on the sleeping bag. We lay down next to her and cuddled with her. I could feel her use all her energy to wrap her arms loosely around me. Occasionally she would barely move her fingers against my back as she rested. Finally, she started to revive.
"Hey sleepyhead. You ok?" I teased her.
She whimpered weakly as she replied to me.
"Is it always like that? That was so incredible.

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  " Obviously, Amy had a good time.
"Not always, although it may be with you, you are so sexy!" She smiled sweetly at me.
I moved closer to her, and leaned over her, kissing her. She found the energy to open her mouth and kiss me back. She gasped as I ran my hand slowly down her body, across her stomach, and down the insides of her legs. Then I slowly ran it back up, and gently stroked her wet pussy and clit. She cried out softly every time I touched her, she was so sensitive. Her eyes opened when I moved over on top of her, holding my weight up off her.
"Are we going to make love now, Daddy?" She asked in a tiny little voice. I could see excitement and a little fear in her eyes.
"We're not going to do anything you don't want to do, sweetheart. Do you want to make love?" I kissed her tenderly as I awaited her answer. Katie jumped in to help.
"Oh, Amy, say yes! You will love it! I promise!" She was so excited; you would have thought it was her first time.
"Will it really be better than what we just did, Daddy? I don't know that I could stand anything more intense than that!" She giggled softly.

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   Then she looked serious. "Will it hurt?"
"It will be different, honey, but yes, it is better in some ways. " I tried to reassure her.
"It will hurt a little at first, but then it will be wonderful!" Katie was trying to help again.
"It's whatever you want, Amy; you don't have to. " I wanted it to be just perfect for her.
"I want to. I do. " She wrapped her arms around me. "Make love to me, Daddy. Please. "
I was mean. I couldn't help it. Before I entered her, I ate her out again and made her scream again. I thought it would help with the hurt.

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Finally, I slowly pushed my cock up inside her. I heard a sharp intake of breathe, so I stopped for a little while. When I felt her legs wrap around my waist and try to pull me in, and her hips pushing up against me, I started moving in again. I kept pushing in slowly, waiting for the pain, but it never came. I don't know why, but the random thought entered my mind that maybe she had done this before. Amy smacked my butt playfully and grinned.
"No, I haven't. You are the first. I saved myself for you. I've never even kissed anybody but you before. " Before I could say anything, she kissed me. Then she reassured me it was ok, she wasn't mad for me thinking that.
Finally, I was all the way in. I just lay there, enjoying the incredible feeling of being inside her. I had dreamed of this.

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"Me too," she said. Finally, she must have been ready, because she wrapped her legs and arms tight around me, holding me close. She kissed my neck, and then whispered in my ear.
"Make love to me. Fuck me, Daddy!" She giggled as I gasped when she said that. I didn't know she knew that word. For some reason it really turned me on to hear sweet little Amy, who never said bad words, asking me to fuck her. "Katie taught me that word. She's a bad, bad influence on me. She didn't tech me what it means. You'll have to do that!" Gladly, sweet Amy!
As I started to move inside her, Katie moved up and lay beside us. She held Amy, whispering in her ear how much she was going to love it, and that it was ok. She stroked her hair, and kissed her cheek.
"I love you, Becky. " She whispered.

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"I love you too, Cindi. " Amy whispered back. I got a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes at the sweetness of that. That was the last coherent words Amy said for quite some time.
I took my time with her, making it last, making her enjoy it fully. When I finally came inside her, she had her head buried in my shoulder, trying to keep from screaming her brains out again. We came together, with Katie holding us both. I felt like we were all together in one mind; I could feel them with me. It is hard to explain, but it was an incredible feeling.
We didn't get much sleep that night. Amy had dreamed about this so much, so long, that she didn't want to stop. Every time she woke up, she wanted to do it again. She rode me while Katie sat on my face, the opposite positions as the first time. Katie showed her how to suck cock. She is really good at that!
When I finally woke up the next morning, I had two cute little nymphs draped all over me.

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   I just held them and kissed them, making them smile and whimper in their sleep, as I just looked at how pretty they were, and thought of how much I loved them. When Amy woke up, she wanted to start all over. She stuck her tongue out at me and pouted when I stopped her. I convinced them that we should just cancel the rest of the float trip, and go to a motel where we could get cleaned up. Their clothes were dry, but they kind of stunk (the clothes, not the girls. I liked the girls' smell!)
When we walked into the room, Amy and Katie immediately started arguing over who got the shower first. I settled that argument.
"Why don't we just all take a bath together?" I asked. Katie immediately started jumping up and down, clapping her hands. Amy looked horrified.
"We can't do that! You're my Daddy!" I just rolled my eyes at Katie. She couldn't be serious! I wasn't even going to get into how many times I had seen her in the tub, or everything we had done last night. I just picked her up and carried her, squealing, into the bathroom. I held her over my shoulder, with her beating her little fists on my back, as Katie ran the water. We were having fun.

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   If Amy really wanted loose, I would be on the floor by now. Probably bleeding. While the tub was filling, Katie helped me strip Amy's clothes off, while I still held her. After making her promise to be a good girl, I let her down. Apparently, her idea of being a good girl was to strip Katie's and my clothes off. Guess I can't argue with that.
I got into the tub. Amy got in, her back to my front, between my legs, and snuggled as close as she could. Then Katie got between Amy's legs, and we all lay back and relaxed. For a while. It didn't take too long, however, before I started playing with Amy's cute little body. She sighed happily and snuggled into me, closing her eyes. They popped back open briefly, however, when I started rubbing her little nipples gently. Then I slid a hand down her stomach. I could feel it quivering.

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   She screeched softly when I put my hand in between her legs and started rubbing her. It didn't take too long before she shuddered in another orgasm. Katie had turned around to watch. Then I lifted Amy up, slid her up and onto my lap, and inserted myself inside her.
"Again? Don't you ever get tired?" She said with mock resignation.
"I can stop if you want," I teased her.
"No. Please don't. I love you inside me. Why did I wait so long for this?"
Then Katie surprised me. She had been watching Amy and me. She had a dreamy look on her face. Then she leaned forward, and kissed Amy. On the lips. And put her tongue in her mouth.

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   Amy's eyes flew open. She had a scared and confused look on her face.
"No, Katie. Please don't. " Katie kissed her again. Amy sighed and closed her eyes, and hesitatingly kissed her back. All the while, I was stroking slowly in and out of Amy. Amy cried out softly when Katie moved down and sucked a nipple in her mouth. "Katie? What are you doing?"
Amy really freaked when Katie moved down even farther and sucked her clit into her mouth. She shrieked, and started to tremble.
"Please, Katie, don't do this. Please. Oh, God, it feels so good. Katie? Please?" She finally had to stop talking. I put my hand over her mouth as she screamed out her orgasm.

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   I didn't want the neighbors to think someone was being killed. Katie continued licking and sucking her until she finally collapsed in my arms, unable to move. Katie moved back and started behaving herself again, while I gently stroked her hair and kissed her neck.
"Why did you do that, Katie?" Amy asked when she rejoined the living.
"I don't know. I've never done that before. I guess I just wanted to all of a sudden. " She looked as confused as Amy did.
"So, how was it, Katie?" I asked. I was really curious. I am not a big fan of girl-girl action, but I had to admit that was hot!
"It was ok. I like guys better," she said, leering at me. "It was fun watching Amy get off from what I was doing to her, but" she turned to look at Amy, "I don't think you have to worry about it. " Amy relaxed visibly.
After a little while, we exchanged positions.


   I put Katie on my lap, and inserted myself up inside her. She whimpered softly as I stroked slowly in and out of her. I saw Amy give me an impish grin, and then she leaned forward and kissed Katie. Katie just melted into me. When Amy moved down and sucked Katie's clit into her mouth, Katie came immediately, screeching softly. Amy kept sucking on her until she seemed to pass out. We all lay there together, resting. Finally, Katie looked at Amy.
"That wasn't nice! You're a bad girl, Amy!" She didn't look too displeased.
"So, what did you think, Amy?" I asked. She had really surprised me when she did that.
"I agree with Katie. Fun to watch her go crazy, but I prefer you. Kind of like. .

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  . I don't know, licking myself sort of. Kind of like EWWWW. I'm sorry Katie. "
Katie laughed. "It's ok. You're right; it was kind of like licking myself. EWWWW! I love you, Amy, but I don't want to make love to you. " They both giggled and hugged each other.
We spent the rest of the day in the bed, wearing each other out. Katie asked me to take her in the ass. Not my favorite, but I like Katie any way I can get her. She tried to talk Amy into doing anal too, but Amy had had enough new things for the weekend. She did hold Katie, and kissed her while we were doing it. They repeated the touching little scene from before.

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"I love you, Becky. " "I love you too, Cindi. " It brought tears to my eyes. I wished I had known Becky.
We finally made it home late Sunday night. Victoria was home when we came in. We unloaded the car, and collapsed on the couch in the living room. Victoria watched us for a minute, and then her eyes opened a little wider as she looked at us. She gave me a smile that would have lit up New York for a day. Then she took me by the hand, pulled me up, and started walking towards the bedroom.
"Come on. I want to hear all about your. . . float trip!" She giggled, then smiled lovingly at Amy and me.

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   Amy blushed. I gulped. It was going to be a long night. How does she always know these things?
The next few days were uneventful. Tuesday Victoria left again. Wednesday and Thursday were normal days. It had been some time since I started looking into Cindi's death and Amy's attempted murder. So far, nothing had turned up, but I knew these things sometimes took a while. It was just a matter of time. I was a little surprised however, when Thursday evening all hell broke loose.





