Is it a cruel joke from God? Like the forbidden apple that Adam and Eve just could not get their hands off of. It makes sense to me, God did it to Adam and Eve, why not us? The fact is the deeper and darker the sexual act we preform is, the greater and funner it is. Why? As a nonreligous person I don't seek my answers from a higher power, after all a nine-year study just proved prayer does not work. Then again, maybe im missing somthing. It was the first day of school. Dark, wet, moist, and mysterious. Not uncommon in the great city of Chicago, I wouldn't be shocked if it snowed one day in the Summer. Although the day seemed dreary, one thing I picked up from the opening lines of Macbeth is "fair is foul, and foul is fair". Oh what a fair thing caming walking in from the foul outside. Never had I seen such a figure, a girl . . . a woman. The summer proved to be quite the period of change in most of my school's females. Girls that didnt get a second look from me now owned my eyes during class. With my eyes in their possession, they treated them well, as if to repay me for the 2 previous years of being kind to them.
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I thank myself to this day, that i did not mistreat the ugly girls in my school they way most of my friends did. God or whomever greatly repaid my kindness, especially now, as i gaze upon the glowing girl in front of me. She would turn back to look at me, commit the cutest smile and turn back to pay attension. Acts like this only serve to melt a mails heart. Along with hair flicks, pouty faces and of course, the cute whiney voice. I like to call them, Gods forbidden apples. What inside us takes the cutest face from a girl and interprets it in such a way that makes us hard. When shes standing right infront of you, that question has no signficance. "Hey Alex, I wish i had you number over the summer, we could have hung out for at least a day""Sorry, I was just hanging out with people from school. I guess we just never crossed paths. And now I completely regret not taking your number down Jane""Ha, this is why i love you! Honest till you die. Well here let me put it on your phone and call me over the weekend" God. . . she was being a bitch.
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She didnt wait for me to take my phone out of my pocket to give it to her, she gave me a little frisk untill she found the pocket with the phone and reach in and grabbed it. Now who does that? I know. . . apples from God. This girl is just begging to me taken advantage of. This was my first encounter with a girl like this. For once, i didnt have to make the first move, it had been 2 minutes and already she was fumbling around my crouch. Fortunetly for me, we were assigned the same lunch periods. Talked more, got to know eachother, you know, the boring stuff. I like to call it "The calm before the storm. . . or more accurately, before the impending sex fest". Of course at my innexperienced level i had no idea this was going to lead anywhere.
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Up until this point talkign with girls really never went anywhere. It takes hard work for to get a girl into bed, specially at this age with all that propaganda from sex ed classes. Also, doctors in congress saying things about how it possible to contract aids via tears. With just Jane having lunch with me for the next 40 weeks, I knew this was going to be a great year. The next day was just beautiful. The sun was out, not a cloud in the sky, and the wind was combing my hair. It was just perfect until class started and my eye candy Jane was no where to be found. After school I called to see if she was alright. Turns out her mom's tired had a flat and since it was just the second day of school they didnt make a real effort to get here. Since it was Friday i ended up meeting Jane at this hot dog stand. A girl with that figure was able to down 2 Chiago style hot dog's.
. . NO KATCHUP!!! It came complete with fries. Anyway we ended up on the roof of the condo i live in, laying on a crappy blow up sofa my up stairs neighbor put up there.
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I had my head on the arm rest laying long ways with her next to me slightly on top of me with her back to my chest. I was just holding her, cuddling, look up at the cloudy polluted sky, that in no way revealed any stars. Right then her phone buzzed, it was her mom looking for her daughter. "I am at Katie's house" Jane said without any trace of the lie. I guess her mom knew Katie, and also trusted Jane since that was pretty much the end of the convo. "Ever wonder why were here Alex" Jane said randomly" I used to, but I have just accepted were a collection of dust and some shit happened and were here""Well then you believe we have no purpose in life-""So, doesnt mean i can't enjoy life, enjoy being here with you, enjoying the feeling of your body warming me up fromt he cool air" I had never seen a bigger smile. So gorgeous, so full, her eyes just looking into mine as if i had made her world, as if i had fulfilled her purpose. I could no longer just stare at her, I knew i had to do something so i just kissed her. I kissed her, and kissed her and kissed her. It seemed like hours but only minutes. Only minutes till i felt my pants being to unzip and slide off. Only minutes untill her shirt was getting blown on the floor from the wind. Only minutes untill i had kissed the entire length of her body up and down. Now her head was agaisnt the head rest. I with just boxers and her with a bra and her swet pants.
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She'd wrapped her legs around me and held me tight while kissing me passionately gently grinding her pelvis into mine. What a great feeling, I had done this before but it was different. I dont know what was different but it was and it always will be. I managed to unhook her bra, and i put it on the ground next to our flapping clothes. We never leg go of eachother, no clouds in the sky, no heaters, nothing to warm us up but eachother. This kiss just wouldnt end, no matter what he felt we needed to take off or when we need to change possitions. She unwrapped her legs and shimmeyed out of her sweat pants. Now there was only millimeters of fabrins seperating her gradually moistening cunt and my hard cock. My feet froze yet i managed to produce a drop of sweat with rolled down my face. Our griding motion, already slow, gradually became inexistent. This was it, the final articles had to come off. She removed my boxers and i removed her pink thong. For awhile we just held eachother close, kissing, grinding, keeping warm, and feeling pleasure. We were unsure of what to do. Neither of us had been to this point in such a passionate matter.
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We had both preformed our share of oral acts over the summer, but of course with the wind blowing and cool air passing in, around, and through our bodies, it seemed inevitible that i was going to be inside her in the next few moments. She took hold of my cock and placed it at her enterance. She told me to be gentle, and i held what she said as gospel. I must have pushed in centimeter by centimeter. Everything little push in reminded me how dumb i was for not wearing a condom. What i felt for her and what she felt for me at this moment in time surpassed any logical thought by now. With the final push breaking her hymen i was inside of her. I was actualy one with Jane. We just laid their for awhile. I knew she was in pain but she seemed to be getting more and more relaxed from what i felt was happening around my cock. I slowly began to take my dick out and of course, i just as slowly would push it back in. All i could hear was the wind passing next to my ears and little high pitch short squels coming from her wide open mouth. Here eyes were closed devoting all her attension to the feeling of my cock penatrating her repeatedly. As i was getting continually colder, i was humping her faster. I was getting no complaints so i continued untill we were now fucking at a steady face.
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After awhile of the pain, i guess she was getting used to it forcing her eye open to meet mine. With the same look of when i had told her how she make my life more enjoyable to live. Finally we started to warm up. The production of sweat causes us to slide on the plastic couch. All i could feel was how she was grasping my cock with her cunt tighter. . . and tighter. . . and tigher. I knew she was cumming. Just the fact that she was cumming due to my actions turned me on so much that I too was starting to feel my orgasm building up. Continuing the steady pace we fucked, we fucked for wat felt like hours but, life before, were only minutes. These minutes rapidly decreasing into seconds, until i was releasling my awaiting sperm into Jane's pussy, who was now trying to catch her breath over her explosive orgasm.
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She used her panties to clean up the escaping sperm from her pussy. We put on our outter wear and went down stairs. We were still warm from our first sexual experiences. We walked down the dimly lit hallway to my room, she stood their, dark, wet, moist, and mysterious. We took a shower and ended up yet again in eachother arms in my bed. All i wanted to do was talk about what had just happened. But i couldn't tell if she was enoyed the silence we had been enduring since I fill her with my sperm. Finally i heard what sounded like begining of worded but ended in a sigh. I just couldnt understand what she was going through. Maybe she was scared about getting pregnant but i had already planned to get a day after pill or if nesseccary an abortion. I had the money, if it was nesseccary. Finally she spoke!"Alex?""Whats wrong Jane, why are you so quiet""I have just met you yet i love you more than any guy i have ever met before you. And i really dont know how to say this but ever since I saw you in class I've known that were actually cousins. ""Wha-""Before you say anything i didnt want to tell you becuase i was afraid you wouldnt like me anymore. And i just hope this doesnt chang-" I began to kiss her passionatly.
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Just the idea that i had sex with a relative began to fuel my lust for her but also at the same time i had feelings for her. I continued to kiss her untill once again i was inside her, fucking her, this time it being even more pleasurable, possibly due to God's apple installed in all of us that makes the forbidden more pleasureable than what is accepted. By the time we drifted into our sleep, I'd had fucked her two seperate times, and the only thing i would have changed, would have been the sex on the roof, I'd change the fact that i didnt know she was my cousin. If i would have known then who knows how much better it would have been. To this day my cousin and I still see eachother. She loves me and I believe from the moment i saw her walk in on that foul day, I've loved her. And that is what lovers do. I find it to be a bonus that she is my cousin. Even though im not religous, in this case, i thank God for this apple, for i have never eaten one so sweet. .