“Hey, dad,” She cried from the bathroom, “Where is the laundry basket?” Looking at the computer screen, I had to blink several times before I looked at the ceiling. Did she seriously just ask me that question? After a few minutes, I realized that she did, in fact, ask possibly one of the dumbest questions ever. Sometimes I think they did this on purpose, both of my kids asking me where things were, even after naming the place the article usually was. “Could it be in the laundry… room?” I called back, staring at the ceiling. I heard a thud through the ceiling, which I knew to be her stamping her foot angrily at me. “That’s where I’d look,” I answered once again, knowing I was probably irritating her to no end now. At least things had gotten more normal. I almost forgot just what I had done yesterday, and the thoughts of suicide were gone once again. It only lasted for the remainder of that day, apparently, and I was glad. After thinking about it for a while, I discovered that dying wasn’t something I was interested in. “Dad!” she shouted at me, and I stood up from the keyboard. The laundry room was in the basement, and luckily for her, I didn’t hear whatever she had called me when I went down the stairs, though I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t complimentary. I got the basket, and climbed the stairs once more, only to see Julie standing at the doorway half way in her robe. It might as well have been completely off; it showed everything it was meant to cover. “I was going to get it,” she smirked, putting her hands on her hips. “But thank you anyway.
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” She descended the stairs and hugged me, pressing my face between her breasts. It took all my willpower, and even a little I didn’t know I still had, not to take her right there. “Julie,” I said, and pushed her back at arms length, taking a step down on the stairs to avoid knocking her down. I closed her robe, and bound the sash at her waist, before looking up to her as sternly as possible. “This has to stop. I know that I gave you the idea that it could continue yesterday, but you must know that it can’t. I’m sorry I led you on, but it won’t work. It’s illegal for one thing, and just plain creepy. ” Saying that at last gave me the shivers, but I held them back to keep from making her cry. Instead of crying, she simply leaned down, completely negating the purpose of me tying her sash, and kissed me on the lips, the kiss of a lover once more. I had just made an ass of myself, both by telling her we couldn’t do this, and then by not fighting the kiss and giving her free reign to do what she wanted to me. She saw it as an invitation, and I had a hard time making it seem anything else, so I just gave it up. I wrapped my arms around her waist, and was about to pull her to me, when I realized something. I could hear the sounds of Nintendo up stairs. Jimmy was here, and, though he was probably engrossed in the sounds of one of the hundreds of games we had amassed, he would hear Julie moaning.
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She had been rather loud yesterday, and I would be an idiot to think he wouldn’t hear. Thanking Jimmy for saving my life, I pushed her back again, “Jimmy’s home. We can’t do this with him here. I’ve screwed up your life all ready, would you really want us to screw Jim’s up to?”She pouted, then turned and went back to her room. I sighed in relief, and immediately collapsed onto the stairs, groaning. Life had returned to my cock, and I fought the urge to stroke it. I knew that would be inviting trouble. I had conveniently forgotten that trouble seemed to have taken residence in my life since yesterday. The day passed, and luckily, I managed to keep from fucking my daughter. The temptation, however, was constantly there. “Dad, can Kristin stay the night tonight?” I heard as a b cup crashed into the back of my head, and Julie’s arms wrapped around my neck, cutting off the air supply to the rest of my body. I coughed, and then turned around in the chair, giving Julie the opportunity to sit on my lap and put on her best, “I want money,” face. I looked her in the eyes just to catch the full force of a “Please?” My defenses were completely obliterated again, and I didn’t cave, simply because there was nothing there to fall in on itself. “Of course she can,” I said, relieved. With Kristin in the house, I wouldn’t be tempted to do anything with Julie.
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I would be as safe as possible. I didn’t know, however, that there was a larger plot at work here. It was scary, almost, when I finally found out the details. (The following conversation is secondhand, as I’m very big on privacy, and would never listen in to one of my daughter’s conversations, though I’m beginning to think that maybe I should to keep me out of trouble. )Julie’s smile was as broad as could be as she stood from my lap and ran up the stairs. She entered her room, and threw herself on the bed, grabbing her phone at the same time. She dialed the number, and Kristin answered. “He said yes!” She squealed into the phone. It would have deafened any normal person, but teenage girls seem to get used to it. “He did? I thought he’d be busy with you, instead of wanting someone else to come over,” Kristin laughed into the phone. “How did you get him to agree to it? Blow job?” She laughed into the phone, laughing which was infectious as Julie immediately started to laugh too. “No, he’s so scared of me right now he’d agree to anything. ” Julie admitted, and then rolled over onto her bed. “I think he’s regretting what he did, this isn’t turning out how you said it would. ”“Listen, Julie,” Kristin admonished, “I have read enough stories to know that after the dad fucks his daughter, he’s okay with it forever.
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” She acted as if this was the ultimate truth. “And of course, all those stories are the god honest truth. ” Julie shot back at her. “Don’t you think that maybe, just maybe, they take some poetic license when writing them?”“Oh, go fuck yourself…” then she thought about it, and change it to, “Or your dad. ” This sent her into gales of laughter. “Shut up and get your ass over here,” Julie said, and then they said their goodbyes and hung up the phone. Now, during all this, I was sitting in my room, my head in my hands, tying to replenish the willpower I had lost while trying to fight off my daughter’s blatant advances in the laundry room. It would take a while, and I refrained from having a stiff drink, even though I knew I wanted one badly. But then again, we didn’t keep alcohol in the house, and I never went out to bars. I just thought it was quite bad enough that drinking could make me violent and unhappy. If it’s something I didn’t want to experience myself, why would I subject my kids to it? Unfortunately, that sort of logic didn’t help at all with Julie. The whole time I was thinking about having sex with her, I realized that sex was something I enjoyed, and part of me wanted to share that with Julie. But then that other part, the sane, rational part, I named it, told me that, as good as it felt, it was still illegal. Two realizations surfaced; the first being that the rational part was right. The second realization was that I would be much happier if I simply let that rationale go.
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Not just the rationale that incest was wrong, but the entire thing. Going mad would have made things so much easier. But sadly enough, sane I stayed, and my being unhappy was the end result. I watched the backs of my eyelids for what seemed like twenty minutes. I felt a hand on my shoulder, a small hand, belonging to an eight year old boy. I opened my eyes, and found that twenty minutes was something like two hours. Jimmy immediately jumped from the bed, where he was sitting, and with a giggle, he mounted my chest and sat down hard. “When’s dinner?” he asked, putting his forehead to mine. I silently thanked whatever higher power was listening that Jim was here. With him in the room, I had no capacity for sexual thought. Luckily for me, I had found out in college through events that I’m still not quite clear on, that I was completely straight, and though I didn’t know it yet, Jimmy was too. Though were events which happened in the future that led me to find this out. “What time is dinner time, Jim?” I asked. He liked to irritate me with questions that he knew the answer to. I had done it to my parents, it was only fair.
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“Six thirty,” he said, and opened his green eyes wide as he touched his nose to mine. I kissed him, and then grabbed him by the waist and threw him higher on the bed. “And what time is it now?” I looked at the clock. “Oh shit, it’s six forty five. ” I said without thinking. Profanity always sent Jim rocketing into laughter. I grabbed him around the waist with my arm, and lifted him, feigning a hernia when I lifted him. “What have I been feeding you, lead?” I asked, and lugged him into the kitchen, where Julie and Kristin were sitting around the table, giggling in low tones as soon as I came into the room. “Hello…” I muttered as Jimmy wormed his way out of my arm lock. I watched them carefully, and they watched me just as intently. I looked at Kristin and frowned thoughtfully. It was either my imagination, or the smirk on her face was a little too mischievous. Now, a teenage girl with a mischievous smirk is not normally something that would attract the kind of nervous attention I was giving her. I wanted to know both what she was up to, and if she knew what I had been up to. These thoughts would kill me the rest of the night.
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“What’s up, daddy?” Julie asked as innocently as she could. I knew that tone of voice. She was up to something. Or maybe she wanted me to think she was up to something. The detective in my mind started working overtime. After a few minutes of working things out, looking at the two girls suspiciously, I gave him the day off, and went to the phone to start making dinner. Pizza ordered, then it arrived, and the night went much like a normal family night. Kristin was over here enough that she was considered family. I even tried to give her away at stores like I did with my biological kids. We’d rented some movies, some for me and the girls, and another for Jimmie, and when he started to nod off, we put the movies away, and I set everyone up for bed. “Now,” I ordered, and they all went off which was lucky for me for me. I didn’t know how many more chick flicks I could sit through. They had the girls almost crying from the romance and sadness. I was getting a bit sick to the stomach from all the sappy, overdone acting. Call me insensitive, but I couldn’t take much more of it.
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Later that night, I was watching the tube, Letterman or something, I don’t remember, when I heard someone creeping downstairs. Parental instinct made sure I felt every step the intruder took, and I rightly identified the offender because my kids knew to be quieter on the third stair. It was the one that creaked. “Yes, Kristin?” I asked, and turned around, seeing her dressed in something I wouldn’t let my daughter wear in the house. She only wore a short pair of powder blue boxers, and a light pink tank top that covered only what it was supposed to, and left little to the imagination. I felt myself stiffen, both back and cock, when she approached the couch. “Hey, Mr. McDowell,” she said. I’d told her so many times to call me Greg, but with the way kids listen it was almost asking for too much. Her parents were Nazis or something, and made her act all prim and proper. I couldn’t handle all that, it gave me the creeps. “I couldn’t sleep, I was just wandering down here to get me a drink,” and with that, she sat on the couch, and put her legs over mine. I watched her for a moment, wondering what she was really up to.
She didn’t look guilty, so I ruled out the possibility of her having ulterior motives, and placed it instead in the inevitability of her being up to something. “The kitchen,” I said, and then pointed to the opening of the kitchen, “is over there.
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” I waved my pointing finger toward where I had spoken of. I continued to eye her as she failed to get up and get a drink, and really failed to do anything but look at me in the eyes. The change was so gradual that I didn’t even notice it at first. She was moving ever so much closer to me, and when I finally noticed, she was barely an inch from my face. Maybe I was willing myself not to notice, but it wasn’t until the mutual leaning began. I was completely taken off guard when we both leaned toward the arm of the couch, she toward me, and I away. “Wait a minute, here. What’s going on?”“Well, Julie told me about your little games the other day,” she grinned, and kissed my cheek. I was shocked into silence and immobility. “And I just wanted in on it. ” She didn’t let her grin fade, but it changed when she saw my face tighten, and red creep into my cheeks and forehead. “She did what?” I asked through clenched teeth, and then I gripped Kristin’s legs firmly, but not hard, and placed them on the floor. I was using all the self control I had not to fly into a horribly destructive rage. I walked slowly, calmly up the stairs, all the while I was tearing up the house in my mind. I envisioned everything coming down to my bare hands, the walls falling as I pummeled them with my bare fists, and the whole mess of things crumbling to my overpowering will.
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But instead, I opened the door to Julie’s room. She was confused when I entered. None of my children had ever seen me anywhere close to angry. Right now, I was insane with rage, but I kept a hold of myself. Kristin snuck in the room behind me, and closed the door. Luckily, she and Jimmie were at opposite ends of the house, and the walls were thick. “Daddy?” she asked, and I took a breath to calm myself. It didn’t work. “Jewels, baby,” I said in my calmest daddy voice, looking at her, but the rage was there. I was quiet up until I said, “What the fuck were you thinking telling someone about what we did? I told you it couldn’t continue, and you go and invite someone else to join in?” I ranted for a while, telling her how dangerous it was to do that. I never once implied it was stupid, I knew better than that, but I told her everything but, I told her how I could go to jail if anyone found out. By the end she was in tears, and the sight of her got the waterworks going for me too. I sighed and composed myself. My face was calm, but a single tear worked itself free, followed by friends. My face screwed up in sadness, and I wrapped Julie up in the biggest hug she’d ever gotten, which coming from quite an affectionate family, was saying something.
“I’m so sorry, daddy,” she cried into my chest, and wrapped her arms around her shoulders. “I’m not going to tell anyone else, or ever do it again. ” The words were what I wanted to hear. But not like this. I wanted her to understand how it would screw her life up; I didn’t want her to think I didn’t want to do this with her. I did want to, but I couldn’t tell her that. But then again, if I didn’t tell her that, she would grow up scarred by the experience. “Baby, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you, I was just…” I couldn’t say afraid. I was scared out of my mind and enraged, and a myriad of other emotions, but I couldn’t tell her that. Fear had motivated the outburst; anger had seen it through to completion, but telling her that would earn me a ticket to being the worst dad ever. “I wasn’t thinking, Jewels. ” I kissed her head, “It’s not that I don’t want to… it’s that we can’t. ” That made sense. I knew I was deluding myself, but I tried to make it work. “I love you, and I don’t want you to promise me not to try this again, just because I got angry.
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I want you to realize it would mess your life up really badly if we were to do this. ”Kristin had climbed on the bed, and I pulled her into the hug as well, holding the only two women to be consistent in my life. “What if…” Kristin started to say, then fell silent out of fear. “What is it, hon?” I asked, and then looked into her blue eyes. Something was there, some sort of emotion, like we had formed a connection, the three of us. Things managed to go from bad to worse (or, depending on how this is viewed, from good to better, as I now realize. )“If it didn’t screw her life up… it would be okay, wouldn’t it?” I looked at her in horror as she made this revelation. I would have the toughest time rationalizing how it would be bad. I couldn’t tell her it was bad for me, which would be selfish. It started to sound like I was trying to rationalize the fucking of my daughter, and now her best friend. I couldn’t be doing this. Religion was my one last resort, and that failed me. Being an agnostic was starting to suck. “I guess,” I said in resignation. Was I really quitting after the fight was almost won? It couldn’t be that bad, I mean, I loved my daughter, and I loved Kristin.
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Was I doing any damage? And Kristin wasn’t even really mine, so I wasn’t going to do any real damage. Hell, in five years she’d be legal. What was half a decade when compared to, say, twelve years of having sex with my hand? It wasn’t that much of a difference. I was only Twenty three years older than them. Both perked up immediately, and threw me back onto Julie’s bed. I was about to protest when the shirts came off, and I was stunned into silence. Julie’s breasts were, in my estimation, perfect. Kristin’s breasts were equally stunning, though they looked a little difference. Her nipples were darker, and her breasts a little larger, but no less perfect than my daughter’s perky pink nipples. Two pairs of the perfect breasts coming toward a man is usually enough to quiet them. In this case, it was quite enough. “Get his shirt off,” one of them said, and I had trouble working out which one was manipulating my shirt, and which one was feeling through my jeans to find out if I was hard or not. Needless to say, I very quickly was, and it was discovered. My zipper was taken down, and I was pulled free of my pants. They were soon unbuttoned, and removed along with my shirt.
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It was amazing how fast they managed to get me out of my clothes. When I looked next, they, too, were out of their clothes, what little they had on to begin with. “Wha. . ?” I asked, but was pushed back again, and my face was mounted by who I now identified as Kristin, for her complete lack of pubic hair. Looking up between her legs, I found I was correct in my assumption. A bald pussy is one of the greatest sights a man could ever set his eyes on. A straight man, anyway. “Okay, fun time,” said Kristin, and slowly lowered her pussy to my mouth, even as I felt something warm, wet, and with a tongue, descend over my cock. I didn’t know she was any good at it, and, though I could tell it was her first cock, I knew she was a natural. I moaned into the pussy in my mouth, and started licking quickly, taking her clit between my lips. I knew what I was doing; the transformation into the pleasure giving man didn’t take place, simply because he wasn’t needed. I knew what to do. My tongue danced as the one on my cock did, mimicking what I had done to Julie’s pussy the first time we’d been in a situation like this. Kristin was wriggling about on my face, causing her pussy to slide all over my mouth and chin, soaking me with her leaking juices.
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I lapped them up like they were divine ambrosia, and indeed it seemed like it to me. My tongue darted this way and that, trying to get as much of her fluid into my mouth as I could. I felt Julie’s mouth leave my cock, and Kristin lean forward to brace on the wall, but didn’t make the connection before I felt a tongue joining mine. "Holy shit," was my initial reaction, and then the both of us redoubled our efforts, and had Kristin whimpering like a puppy in no time. When she exploded, I almost got my tongue ripped off while Julie fought me for the juices flowing from her friend’s cunt. “Julie,” Kristin groaned, and fell against me, planting her breasts right on my face. She reached behind her to slap Julie away, but instead managed only to put her hand on Julie’s face and keep her there. Julie’s tongue kept lapping at Kristin’s juices, and Kristin kept looking as if she wanted Julie to stop, while moaning and pulling Julie’s face into her cunt. I felt her body tighten again, and she let out a short scream, before falling limp, panting on my chest.
“Why the hell did you do that?” she asked through half lidded eyes, and turned over, falling off of me, and onto the bed. “Just wanted to see if you tasted better than me,” Julie giggled, and straddled my stomach, putting her arms around my neck. “I think she does, daddy, what do you think?” Julie kissed me on the lips, and I got more of the flavor of Kristin’s cunt in my mouth. I wasn’t much for words right then, but I knew that I had to answer. “I don’t rightly know, Jewels, you’re both so delicious. ” I realized afterward that I sounded like I was dodging the question, but they seemed happy with the answer.
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I stayed still for a while, after answering, as Julie reached over, and planted her lips on Kristin’s nipple; sucking it into her mouth and making it shine with her saliva. Kristin, needless to say, began moaning again. The thick walls were serving their purpose now, and I was grateful for them once again. My cock had since wilted from the lack of attention it received, and the fatigue that had crept into my body after the sweat and heat that had been created, by the three of us. But the sight of my daughter’s red head descending on Kristin’s breast was enough to set me going once more, Little Greg (I choose the name), rose once more, and started poking Julie in the thigh. Julie grinned at me, and slid down my body till my cock was resting against the lips of her pussy. She sat up, and then rested on her knees. Apparently, she had been watching porno movies, and got an idea. She let her pussy touch the end of my cock, and then, let her legs fall out from under her. I had seen what she was trying to do before, and, luckily, I had time to stop her. As soon as she started to fall, my arms went under her, and with a burst of adrenaline, I kept her from falling too hard. My arms wouldn’t support her, and she slid down easily, getting lower as the pleasure weakened my muscles. Her head was thrown back, and she was whimpering, though her mouth never closed. It took all my willpower to keep from cumming deep in her tight, slick pussy. Kristin, still recovering, snaked her hand down my body, and grabbed onto the base of my cock, sticking out of Julie’s pussy.
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Julie began to move slowly, and Kristin’s finger slid back and forth between Julie’s clit and my cock, causing a sensation I’ve not actually felt before, seeing as how most of the women I’ve ever slept with have had no trouble taking all of my cock. I’ve never really had the feeling of someone wrapping a hand around my cock and someone else fucking it at the same time. Not to mention, it was the first time I’d ever had two women, so that was something new too. “Daddy,” Julie moaned, and fell down, planting her hands on my chest, and closing her eyes as she started to buck her hips faster against mine. My thrusts rose to meet her, and, with my eyes closed, I was only vaguely aware of a pair of breasts hanging over my head. I lifted my head to kiss Julie, but found there was another mouth there. I joined in none the less, and my tongue got confused as to which mouth it was currently in. Finally, I opened my eyes, and saw two faces up close, both sets of eyes closed in ecstasy. My thrusts didn’t falter, but I lay back, and watched my two girls kissing each other with a passion I thought I would never see again after losing Rachael so many years ago. Only this time, it was my daughter and her best friend, as opposed to my wife and me. Still, it almost brought a tear to my eye. She looked so much like Rachael that I couldn’t help but notice. This time my thrusts did falter, but Julie picked up the slack, and bucked harder against me. Eventually, I picked up my own slack, and, though I expected the balance to be created once more, the harder I thrust into Julie, the harder she thrust back at me. I could tell she was getting very close by the way she was clutching Kristin’s shoulders in an effort to keep herself upright.
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I pounded into her, and though she knew she would be sore, she met my thrusts, and each time upped the speed and power, pushing me off the bed. Eventually she couldn’t hold on any more, and placed her hands back on my chest. Her hips began to vibrate almost, though each time she came off of me she came all the way off, and pounded me back onto the bed. “Daddy, daddy, daddy,” she whimpered over and over again, and when I looked into her face, I saw pure pleasure in her strained expression, before a pair of thighs obscured my vision. Kristin and Julie hugged each other, and Julie’s body began to shudder as her orgasm washed over her. The feeling of Julie’s all ready tight cunt crushing my cock in its vice-like grip, and then rippling upward had me ready to fire off inside her. I groaned into Kristin’s pussy as I wrapped my lips around her clit, and pushed my cock all the way inside Julie. From my loins came a torrent of cum, blasting her insides with such volume that it leaked out of the seal made by our joined parts before I even stopped pumping into her. She shuddered once last time, and then fell forward onto Kristin, who had just started her ride on my lips again. She bucked against my face as she kissed Julie, and finally, when Julie dismounted, Kristin wasted no time in falling forward and descending on my softening cock. “Don’t you die on me,” she said, and began performing a sort of backward CPR on me. I almost laughed, but her cunt muffled any sounds, and simply caused her to moan against my cock. It was sort of a circular effect, every time I moaned, she would, and that would cause me to moan again. It was evoking quite the sensation, and before long, I was hard as a rock once more. Kristin seemed a little more adept at oral sex, and it made me wonder just where she’d learned it.
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Right this second, however, it didn’t matter. “All right, I’m ready,” she said, and slowly removed her body from mine. She turned around, and placed her cunt over my cock, and pushed down. Her lips parted, both top and bottom, and as her cunt was filled, her mouth expelled a groan that almost had me cumming right there. She sank completely down onto my cock, pressing her bald pussy against my hairy crotch. This was something else that amazed me, for Kristin could take all of me, and my daughter, though she was a little older, couldn’t take but six inches, leaving me with about an inch and a half out. “Oh, you’re much bigger than daddy,” she said, and, had I not been lying down, I would have fallen on my ass. Still, I was floored. Then realization dawned on me. That’s where Julie had gotten the idea from. Son of a bitch, I thought, and smiled as Julie laid a hand across my chest, and smiled at me. She either didn’t notice the slip, or she was glad I had caught on finally. I wasn’t one to just jump on a band wagon, but this seemed to make things okay. I didn’t quite know why, but it made everything okay. Kristin slowly began to grind her way up and down my rock hard shaft, he body shuddering and her head thrown back in a silent scream of ecstasy.
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Just watching her almost had me cumming in her tight pussy. My mind was whirling, and so far, my ego had been fed quite enough to keep me happy for a while. My hips started pumping almost of their own volition, and when she came down onto me, I ground myself into her, sending a shiver up and down my spine, and from the way she reacted, hers too. Our groins started to meet more and more violently as she rode me, Julie watching us from the side, one arm wrapped around mine, and the other taking hold of my hand and guiding it down her body, over her smooth, though wet, skin, and into the damp, sparse hair of her cunt. Julie did all the work as I thrust up into Kristin’s body, using my hand in the way she would her own. My fingers were guided along her lips, over her slit, and even once down into her puckered little asshole, the lubricant created by her pussy easing the passage of my finger. Julie’s body began to buck and shudder as she worked herself to a quick orgasm, the thought of her best friend and her father fucking each other hard on her bed. Rational thought had stopped for me, and I simply reacted, the feeling of Kristin’s cunt wrapped around my cock sending me rocketing toward an orgasm, and the feeling of Julie’s cunt wrapped around my fingers nearly made me shoot immediately. Kristin’s body went rigid. For a moment she didn’t move, simply holding her self up, a little off of my cock, and as her body started descending; her cunt began to spasm around my cock, and when she reached the bottom, I couldn’t take any more, and I went off. I jammed the remainder of my cock into her tight body, and blasted her walls with my cum. It seemed as if I wanted to get my entire body into her warm tunnel, starting with my cock, but after a few minutes, in which Julie had yet another orgasm, I settled down, and lay on the bed, Julie’s body on top of mine, and Kristin’s fast descending. I remember looking at Julie’s alarm clock. It was only ten fifty. I sighed, laid my head on the pillow, and closed my eyes in contentment.
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“I could get used to this,” I said. Confusion hit me, however, when I looked at the clock again, and it read eight thirty five. “Holy shit,” I muttered, and sighed, “The baby sitter is going to be here any…” and the rest of that sentence was cut off by the door bell ringing, then a quick rap at the door. “Oh goodie!” I growled sarcastically, and pulled myself from bed. I had to get dressed, or at least mask the smell from Mrs. Reed. I’d have a good job explaining how I smelled like sex, but was only in a house with two girls, one my daughter, the other her friend, neither of them of legal age to have sex with anyone, much less me. “This should be good,” I said, and then went about making myself resemble something that was alive. Opening the door, I greeted her, “Mrs. Reed, please come in. ”(Could turn into a Three or more part story, depending on how the reactions to it are. Sorry it took so long, but an artist must be allowed time to work… at least that’s the excuse I’m using. Any spelling I probably know about all ready, and frankly, if it’s spelled wrong, I don’t care. As long as it reads good, I’m happy. ).