
A Long Winter Night


Gloria looked at her watch as the meeting ended. She would have just enough time to catch a cab to O'Hare, and be home in time to tuck the kids in. As she collected her things from the front desk and completed her check out she went to the bell stand.
"I need a cab to O'Hare as fast as you can get me one. " she said to the bell captain.
The old man looked at her and pointed out the sliding doors. "Do ya see what its doing outside?" he asked. "You ain't gonna go nowhere once you get there. They just called off all the flights because of the storm. "
"Shit!" Gloria hissed under her breath. She had been staying in a $400 a night room thanks to her company, but did not have that kind of money to stay another night. It meant that other alternatives would have to be made.
"OK.   Thanks for the info. " She said and pressed a five dollar bill into his hand. "I might need that cab soon anyway.

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She went and sat in the overstuffed furniture of the hotel lobby. Pulling out her cell phone she punched the auto dial number for her brother.   On the second ring a voice answered.
"This is Dr. Jonas. "
"Alex? Gloria spoke into the phone. "I need a really big favor. I am snowed in here and was wondering if I can crash at your place until tomorrow? It should be cleared off by then. "
"Sure sis. You still have a key?Alex asked.
Gloria dug through her purse and found the key. "I still have it. "
"Great!" replied Alex. "Sorry I didn't make dinner last night. I have been on call all week.

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   Had a case last night and one now. I need a break. I am off call after this case. I will see you then. "
The phone clicked off and Gloria sighed. She loved her brother but did not like the jealousy that stirred in her when she would visit him. Here she is 38, six months out from the third (and last) kid. A husband that worked construction. A cramped small house with two vehicles that barely run, and her pulling extra shifts at the plant to try making ends meet.   At least this meeting was a perk, and a chance to get her some "me" time. Her brother was 36 and a neurosurgeon. He seemed to have it all. A huge loft apartment with a wonderful view of the city and lake.   Money, friends, and no obligations. "Must be nice.

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  "she muttered, and made her way to the bell stand.
"Ready for that cab now are ya?" asked the old man.
"I guess so if they are still running. " replied Gloria.
The old man chortled and blew a whistle from around his neck and a cab pulled up. Her luggage deposited in the back of the car, Gloria gave her brothers address, and they took off for his place.
"Nasty day out there today. " the turbaned driver stated.
Gloria said nothing as she looked out the window.   The snow was coming down in light flakes and the wind moved it around as though it had a special place to put it.   That special place was along every street and sidewalk in the city as far as Gloria could see.
The cab pulled up to what looked like an old warehouse one Southern Michigan Avenue.
"Is this where you wish to be going?" asked the driver.
"Yup.  This is it.

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  " replied Gloria.  
She picked up her luggage from the ground and dug out the key.   From the outside it looked like an old rundown building who had seen its best years. Gloria knew from all of her visits here, that looks were very decieving. She entered the elevator and pushed the button for the third floor. As she stepped out she had to laugh at how run down the hall looked.   She put her key into the lock and stepped through the door.
The place always took her breath away. With a total of 4800 square feet of space it was almost more than you could take in with one glance. From the platform the housed a hot tub by one set of windows to the platform that held the king size plus bed at another set the initial view never failed to impress her.   She left her luggage by the door and shut the door behind her. Throwing her coat over the bags, she headed for the bathroom. The coffee from the morning had run its course. She approached the bathroom and saw the glass blocks that formed a wall leading into the bathroom. Stepping into the bathroom she saw the huge walk in shower with nozzles on all sides.


   She sat on the stool and thought that a shower is what she needed.
After a quick call to her husband explaining about the weather and where she was, Gloria headed for the shower. She stripped off her clothes and while waiting for the water to heat up glanced at herself in the mirror. Three kids had changed her body no doubt about it. Her milk swollen breasts ached from a lack of nursing. The baby was six months old and it was time to wean him. All the overtime made it impossible to keep up with the nursing. It would be one less hassle. Her stomach was no longer flat and bore the stretch marks that came with three kids. She turned slightly and thought her ass and legs were good. She took her long brown hair up with one hand as if it were in a pony tail and thought she did not look half bad for an old woman.
Stepping into the water, the mutliple nozzles delivered the water in a soothing pulsation. It covered her body in warmth and she felt the tension of a mixed up travel schedule ease away. She soaped up her body and just let the shower take away the suds. The water on her nipples had made them hard and the tell tale drop of milk from the stimulation of the water appeared.

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   She flicked it away with her finger and watched her nipples grow even more. Dark brown, long, and very sensitive they were the spark that drove her sex drive. Neither her nipples or any other part of her body had received that kind of attention since the baby had been born.   Between work and the kids her husband had only had sex with her three times in the last six months. Her "me" time had her body realizing how much she missed it.   Her hand moved down her stomach and even further down feeling the trimmed patch of hair over her pussy. Lightly she rubbed her clit as her other hand rubbed her nipples. The water and stimulation from her finger brought her to climax quickly.
Gloria stayed under the water letting the feelings of the orgasm ebb away. She washed her hair and got out of the shower. She went to the cabinet where the towels were and pulled one off the shelf. A magazine came down with the towels. Fetish Sex in bold letters.   She opened the magazine and thumbed through the pages. Bondage, pregnant sex, watersports, latex were all covered.

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    She laughed and realized her brother was not that straight laced after all. She replaced the magazine on the shelf and went out to her suitcase. Shorts and a t-shirt for now to give the aching breasts some freedom from the confines of a bra, and something to fill her stomach.
She went into the kitchen area to the huge stainless steel refrigerator. Opening the door she looked for food. There was little in there to eat, but she did spy a carton of Chinese. Hoping it was not to old she, she opened it and found it to be edible. A Diet Pepsi was in the door so she took that and put the food in the microwave to heat.   Sitting at the bar that was a part of the kitchen she picked up an old newspaper to read as she ate.
Finishing her meal she made her way to the huge black leather couch in the living room area. Usually one could see all of the downtown area, but this afternoon the view was obliterated by a blanket of white. She found a remote and pointed it at the plasma TV and much to her amazement the TV turned on. It was CNN and she left it for noise as she laid down on the couch.
Gloria awoke with a start as she heard the door to the loft swing open. She looked back at the door as saw her brother come through. shemale germany rendez vous escort sweetest pussies escots ascort dubai shemale escorts 

   He turned back and saw her on the couch. Unshaven and dark circles under his eyes told the story of his last two days on call.
"Hi Alex. " said Gloria. "You look like shit. "
"Welcome to my world sis. " replied Alex. "Call usally sucks. "
Alex was wearing the scrub suit from the hospital under his full length leather coat. He threw the coat on top of his sisters by the door and headed for the kitchen. "I need a drink. " he said.
Getting out two wine glasses he opened a bottle of Merlot and filled each glass. His six foot four inch frame towered over his sister as he handed her a glass.
"Let me change and I will be right back.

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  " he said as he handed over the wine.
He headed to the area by the bed to a walk in closet. He entered it and shut the door. Gloria sipped the wine and loved the taste of the chilled liquid. It had been a while since she had any alcohol due to her breast feeding, and this was very good wine.
Alex reappeared and headed over to the hot tub. He punched a button on the wall near it, and the sounds of the tub springing to life could be heard. Alex was wearing a white robe that Gloria had seen him wear before. He picked up his glass of wine and headed for the hot tub.
"My feet, legs, and back are killing me. Gotta soak for a few. " Alex said over his shoulder.
Gloria drained her glass and followed him over to the tub. "You look like you could use a good soak. " she said.

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"Gee. Your glass have a hole in it sis?" asked Alex seeing her empty glass.
Gloria laughed and said "Have to admit it went down fast. "
Alex drained his glass and set it on the side of the hot tub as he got in. "Help yourself to more.   Might as well bring the bottle over so its close. " he said.
Gloria was impressed as the robe came off at how well her brother kept in shape. He was a runner and weight lifter and it showed on his lean body.   She returned with the bottle and filled the glasses.
"You going to stand there or get in?" Alex asked.
"I don't have anything to wear in there. " Gloria replied.
"I don't know if I have anything you can wear either. I think it would all be too big.


  " said Alex. "What is wrong with what you have on?"
"It's all I have to sleep in so I don't want to get it wet. " Gloria responded.
Alex shrugged and eased into the water. He drained his wine glass and reclined back. Gloria too emptied her glass and filled them both.
"Well, one dead soldier. " Gloria said.
"Grab another out of the fridge.   I think there is more in there. " said Alex.
Gloria found the wine and opened it. She returned to the hot tub and decided she could put her feet in without getting wet. She sat on the side as the brother and sister visited about a wide range of topics. Work, their parents, growing up, current events, and other light topics.

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   Gloria could feel the effects of the wine. She had not been so relaxed in months. It felt great.
"What the hell did you spill on your shirt?" asked Alex.
"What do you mean spill on my shirt?" said Gloria.
She looked down and saw wet spots on her shirt directly over her breasts. "Oh that? Sorry. Picked this week to stop breast feeding the baby. Wine has me relaxed and, well. . . . . this sometimes happens. "
Alex could not believe what he was seeing.

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   Here were a perfect set of breasts with huge nipples poking through the shirt and they had to belong to his sister. "No problem here. Just couldn't figure out what it was. "
"God they are so tender. " Gloria said. "This wine is better than Motrin for that. "
Alex was harder than a rock and was thankful his lower body was under water. His own sister had him turned on. He was having a hard time managing all the thoughts racing through his head.
"Poor kid he probably is going through withdrawl. " was all Alex could say.
"Not as hard a time as these are having. " said Gloria pointing to her chest.
She finished another glass of wine and filled both glasses again. Alex watched her move and was becoming increasingly turned on.

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"I always wondered what the milk tasted like. Your kids sure liked it. " said Alex.   His voice was wavering as he struggled to keep it in control.
"It is kind of sweet actually. I guess that helps them like it. " Gloria responded.
Alex talked about all the studies on the benefit of breast milk on child development, and as he ended his talk he said "I have always wanted to taste some to see what it was like. "
Gloria laughed " I always knew you were a big baby. Maybe I should ring out the shirt for you into a glass. "
"I am serious sis. " said Alex.
Images of the magazine flooded into Gloria's head. There were several of lactating women in there, and she knew Alex must have looked at them. Her nipples were rubbing against the wet shirt and it was making her horny.

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   She knew she had to snap out of it or something wrong could happen. Yet little sex over the past few months and stimulated nipples were moving her in another direction.  
"Serious huh? asked Gloria.
"Extremely. " answered Alex.
"Well since I didn't get you much for your birthday, let me do this for you. " she said.
With that she placed her hand under her shirt and squeezed her nipple. The milk flowed out onto her hand.  She removed the hand from under the shirt and offered a dripping finger to her brothers mouth. His tongue flicked over the finger and then he took it into his mouth and licked it clean.
"Tastes better than I thought. " Alex said. "Let me have another taste. "
He stood up and moved toward her.


   Gloria saw the bulge in his swim trunks and knew he was as turned on as she was. She put her hand under her shirt, but was stopped by her brothers hand.
"Let me get a taste myself. " he said.
He lifted her shirt up and the fabric rubbed her nipples all the way up. Alex leaned down and stared at the huge nipples with the white fluid on them.
"They are the most beautiful tits I have ever seen. " he said.
Gloria said nothing,as she was not sure what to do. Alex leaned down taking the left one into his mouth. The gentle sucking of her brother sent her over the edge. She placed her hand behind his head and held him there to her breast. The pressure in her breast eased with each suck, and her clit was throbbing.
"The other one. Do the other one.

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  " Gloria panted.
Alex shifted to the right nipple.   Gloria slid her hand down into the waistband of her shorts. She started to rub her clit slowly with a finger. Putting it in her dripping pussy and then back up over the clit. Straight up and down.
"Suck it harder. " Gloria moaned.
Alex obliged. His mouth filling with the warm sweet thick fluid. Gloria sped up the rubbing of her throbbing clit. Soon she came. Moaning, lifting her hips, and pulling her brother even closer to her.
"Oh fuck! Yes!" said Gloria.
Alex pulled back.

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   Milk was on the corners of his lips. "That was the most erotic thing ever. " he said.
Gloria was still very turned on. She looked down at her brothers trunks. "You have seen me. Now you show me yours. "
Alex looked at his sister. "You sure?"
"Yes. Now. I want to see it now. " she demanded.
Alex slid his trunks down.   His 8 inch cock was hard, and the pre-cum was dripping from the tip.   Gloria took it in her hand. shemale germany rendez vous escort sweetest pussies escots ascort dubai shemale escorts 

   Slowly she started stroking the shaft as she looked in her brothers eyes.
"You like this?" she asked.
"Yes. Faster. " Alex replied.
Gloria started stroking faster and watched her brother respond. His eyes closed, and his breathing became more rapid.
"God sis. I am gonna cum. " he moaned.
Gloria kept rubbing and felt the spurts shoot over her hand and arm. She reached down with her other hand and gently squeezed his balls. When she could no longer feel the shaft pulse, she put her hand to her mouth and began licking up her brothers cum. Sucking her fingers and licking her hand she soon had it cleaned up.

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