
Investigative Reporting


Letting her gaze wander back to her monitor, Judy sighed with frustration. An idiot complaining about unfair treatment from the parking wardens. As if that was something new. She’d been stuck with this sort of petty stories for the past month. And all because of that pompous prick Trenchard. Judy had been sent out by Mitchell, her editor, to get an interview with a man named Trenchard, who had the inside story about a corruption scandal in the city council. They’d been at his home, the interview well underway, when he’d put his hand on her thigh. At first she’d brushed him off lightly, politely, afraid to antagonise him. However, he became more insistent, and eventually sat next to her on the sofa and stated fondling her tits. That had been it for Judy, and she’d slapped him so hard her hand still stung. He’d started huffing and puffing, but Judy was a professional reporter who’d been around the block a few times, not some easily intimidated trainee, and she’d told him exactly what she thought of him. He, being a little shit, had stormed off in a snit, and the interview never happened. Needless to say, Mitchell wasn’t happy about this, especially after a competing newspaper got hold of the story and ran with it. She’d tried explaining, but to no avail; Mitchell was old school, the type who’d bleed himself half to death without complaint to get a story, and ever since, she’d been out of his good graces. It was bloody unfair, and she knew it; she was a good reporter, who’d paid her dues, and shouldn’t have to put up with that sort of thing just because she was a woman. But nevertheless, here she was, stuck covering dog exhibitions and people who were angry because they’d gotten parking tickets.

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   Judy was still fuming over the injustice of it all when her phone rang. Two short rings; that meant it was internal. She picked it up. “Judy Merrick,” she said. “Judy, I’d like to see you in my office,” the voice of Brett Mitchell, her editor, said. “Right away,” Judy replied, and hung up. Then she got up, smoothed down her pants over her hips, and walked to the glass-walled office of the editor. “Close the door behind you,” Mitchell said when Judy entered. She did, and stood in front of his desk, waiting. Mitchell was on the phone, making notes with one hand on a notepad. “Yeah, mm-hm. Right. I’ll do that. Right away,” he said into the phone, before hanging up and focusing his attention on her. Mitchell was a man in his late fifties, balding and developing a paunch from the inactivity of his desk job.

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   His eyes, though, were those of a 30-years-in-the-business newspaperman: sharp, cynical and missing nothing. “Judy, I have a job for you,” he said without preamble. “What, someone’s exhibiting a particularly nice Pekingese?” Judy replied, unable to keep the bitter sarcasm out of her voice. Mitchell ignored it. “You screwed up that time. Fine. I’m giving you a chance to make it right. ” Judy was fuming at the remark, but deep down she knew he was right. She had screwed up. The thing that kept her from taking it out on Mitchell was that she knew he didn’t treat her like this because she was a woman; if she’d been a man, and she’d been sent to interview a homosexual man who’d come on to her, she’d have gotten exactly the same reaction from Mitchell. He was the ultimate unprejudiced person; he didn’t care about your gender, religion, race or politics. The only thing that mattered to him was that his reporters got the story. If not, they’d screwed up, and he wasn’t shy about letting them know it. “Here’s the story,” Mitchell went on. “Rumour has it that someone is aiming to buy their way into Dunne Technologies.

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   Apparently, this someone has a couple of representatives in town. They’re registered at the Marriott, under the names Hunt and Richardson. ” He looked at her over the top of his glasses. “I want you to get down there and see if you can get these people to talk to you. ” “If they’re representing a buyer, they won’t want to…” Judy began. Mitchell raised a hand to stop her. “I know it’s not easy, but someone’s got to try,” he said. “And besides, you’re motivated. If you can pull something out of this, you’ll be officially back in my good graces. ” A lopsided grin. “Just don’t mess up. ” “And what if I do?” Judy asked, mostly just to say something. “There’s a dog show on the West Side this Saturday,” Mitchell replied, his face and voice expressionless. Judy nodded, mostly to herself. “I’ll get right on it,” she said with a confidence she didn’t quite feel.

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  # # #In their suite at the Marriott, John Hunt and Evan Richardson were getting fed up with waiting. They’d been sitting in the damned hotel for three days, waiting to be contacted. They’d been given strict orders to remain at the hotel at all times; this was a business trip, not sightseeing. For three days they’d waited, and they were now getting thoroughly sick with it. Today they’d finally gotten the phone call they’d been waiting for, only to be told that nothing would happen until later that evening, and that they had to remain in the hotel and wait for further instruction. John Hunt was the negotiator. He was tall and in good shape, with black hair, brown eyes, movie-star good looks and a presence that could charm or dominate a room full of execs. Evan Richardson was the numbers man, who would make sure no one tried to pull a fast one just before the papers were signed. He was a little shorter and skinnier than his partner, with brown hair and eyes, and a narrow, clean-shaven face and round glasses that made him look like a student. Although they looked different, the two men, both in their early thirties, had worked together for years, and made a formidable team. “God, I’m so sick of this place,” fumed John Hunt. He was pacing up and down the floor, burning off nervous energy. Evan Richardson looked up from the sheaf of papers he’d been studying, and pushed his glasses further up on his nose. He was just as annoyed as his partner, but concealed it better. “I know what you mean.

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  ” He shrugged. “Maybe there will be some good-looking ladies in the hotel bar later on,” he said wistfully. Hunt shrugged. “If nothing else, there should be a classy hooker or two,” he said. “At least that means we’re sure to be getting some. ” Richardson dropped the papers. “On the other hand, why wait?” he asked rhetorically. “What do you mean?” Hunt asked. “There should be plenty of escort agencies in any men’s magazine,” Richardson said. “Why don’t we call one?” Hunt had stopped pacing. A grin spread slowly across his handsome face. “Now why didn’t I think of that?” he grinned. “Because you’re slow,” his partner quipped. “All you dealmakers are like that. ” Hunt just flashed him a grin, already pulling out his suitcase from under the bed.

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   “I picked this up at the airport,” he said by way of explanation as he held up a magazine with a sexy young woman on the glossy cover. He flipped through the pages. “I’ll just pick one at random,” he said. He squinted at a number, then picked up the phone and dialled. “Do we get one or two?” he asked as the phone rang at the other end. Richardson thought about it. “Let’s settle for one,” he said after a brief pause. “We’ll do her real good, like the stripper in Houston last spring. Remember?” Hunt just had time to grin wickedly as the phone was picked up at the other end. “Well, that was it,” he said as he hung up a minute later. “They’d send someone over; she’ll be here in an hour or so. ”# # #Judy was standing in the elevator, on her way up to Hunt and Richardson’s suite. She was surprised at how easy it had been; the concierge had given her the room number without any discussion. It was almost too easy, she thought. She looked herself over in the elevator’s mirror wall.

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   She tucked a few strands of blonde hair back behind an ear, and straightened her horn-rimmed glasses on her nose. She’d touched up her makeup before leaving the car, and now she took the opportunity to straighten her clothes. She smoothed down her pants over her round hips and thighs, feeling the smoothness of her stockings underneath. She undid the top button of her blouse, and tugged at her jacket. Her breasts bulged enticingly under her jacket, but not in an obvious manner. The elevator stopped on the right floor, and she got out. A quick look at the sequence of the room numbers led her to the right one. She knocked on the door, and it was opened almost immediately. The man in the doorway was tall and very good-looking, with an easy, roguish grin. He was in his shirtsleeves, no tie, with the top button undone and his cuffs rolled up. “Ah, come in, come in,” he said affably and held the door for him. Judy, somewhat confused by this congeniality, didn’t have to be asked twice. In her current situation, she needed as much luck as she possibly could get. “I’m John,” the handsome man introduced himself. That smile is really something else, Judy thought to herself.

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   There was a quality to it that almost made her blush like a schoolgirl. She could feel the force of his personality like heat from a bonfire. “And this is Evan,” the man continued, and indicated an equally informally dressed man who was sitting on the sofa, legs crossed and with an easy grin across his narrow face. “And you are…?” “Judy,” Judy replied. “My name is Judy. ” “Very nice to meet you, Judy,” John said. “Now, if you don’t mind, why don’t we get straight to the point?” “Certainly,” replied Judy. She felt extremely confused, but went with the flow. She figured she was due some good luck, after the past month. She slung her purse from her shoulder and put it on a small side table. She opened it to get her notepad. “I’ll just get my…” “No need for that,” John interrupted. “But I’ll need…” she tried. “Judy, I don’t mean to be rude here, but this is our show,” John said. His voice was friendly, but there was a note of firmness in it, a note that said this was a man who was used to getting things his way, and knew he had the upper hand this time.

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   “Now, I can assure you that you’ll get what you came here for; we’re many things, but stingy isn’t one of them. OK?” Judy nodded, not sure what to say. She felt a touch of irritation, but choked it down immediately. She was in no position to get touchy about details. Mitchell had been very clear: this story was her way out of the doghouse. John smiled when he saw her nod. “Excellent. Yu just do things the way we want them, and I promise you, we’ll hold up our end. ” “And then some, if you’re professional about this,” the other man, Evan, said from his place on the sofa. Judy put on her most amiable smile. “Sure, guys, whatever you want. We’ll do this your way. ” “That’s the spirit,” John said and reached down to his fly. “Now, why don’t you get down on your knees?” he said as he unzipped his trousers. Judy’s mind went blank.

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   For a moment she could not believe she’d heard him correctly. She stared at him in stunned amazement. John looked calmly back, his hand busy inside his pants. He was smiling confidently at her, his eyes glittering. “I beg your pardon?” was all she managed. John’s smile didn’t waver in the slightest. “You heard me, Judy. I want you to kneel down and suck my cock. ” He stepped closer, close enough to touch her with his free hand. “Or, if you’d like, you can always leave. We can call someone else, no problem. ” Those words cut through the fog in Judy’s mind. That was exactly what had happened that other time with Trenchard. She’d gotten prissy, and someone else had landed her story. This was her way out, her one chance.


   Her career was important to Judy: not as important as her family, but a very close second. Thoughts spun through her head at incredible speed. Did she want this interview? Could she afford to lose it? Would she be able to live with it if she did what this man asked? And would she be able to keep it a secret? Gritting her teeth, Judy made up her mind. This was simply too important to her to let it slide by because of her scruples. If the Trenchard-affair had taught her anything, it was that scruples would get you burned. Drawing a deep breath, she dropped to her knees in front of John. For a moment after her knees touched the carpet, a large part of Judy’s mind screamed at her to get up, to walk away and to hell with the story. In a flash she saw the faces of her husband and sons in front of her mind’s eye. What would they think? What would Jamie think if he saw her now, on her knees in front of a total stranger in a hotel room, about to take his cock in her mouth in exchange for a story? A searing flash of guilt shot through her, and she almost got back up on her feet. Then she stopped herself, visions of a life spent covering cats being rescued down from trees by firemen flashing on that same inner screen, displacing the faces of her family. Jamie would never know, she decided; what happened in this room would be her secret forever. 'I’m sorry, love,' she thought before the man in front of her pulled his cock from his pants. Sitting on her knees in front of John, Judy stared at the massive cock mere centimetres from her face in awe. It was big, far bigger than Jamie’s, with a large head and thick, veined shaft. It still wasn’t fully hard, she saw, but once it was, it would probably be over 8 inches long, and almost as thick as her wrist.

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   “Touch it,” John ordered her softly. “Go on, put your hand around it. ” Judy obeyed wordlessly, reaching up to take the semi-erect cock in her hand. It was thick and heavy and warm in her hand; she could feel it swelling as she closed her hand around it and stroked gently up and down. “Now suck on it,” John commanded. Opening her mouth, Judy leaned forward. For the briefest moment she hesitated, the massive cock poised just in front of her face. Then she pushed all thoughts of her husband out of her head. If this was what it took for her to get the story, then this was what she had to do. Taking a last deep breath, she steered the cock towards her mouth and let it slip inside. The huge, swollen head filled her mouth. God, he’s big, Judy thought to herself. She sucked gently on the head, swirling her tongue around the sensitive glands. Her mouth, dry up until now, was filling with saliva. Judy’s hand was pumping slowly up and down along the shaft, and she felt it swell to full girth in her mouth and between her fingers.

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   “Oh yes, that’s good,” John said as she sucked hard on the head of his cock. He placed both hands on her head, moving his hips and pushing his cock a little deeper into her mouth. Judy felt the shaft slide in and out between her lips, the head plunging a little deeper each time. She stopped working the head with her tongue and kept it flat along the underside of the cock, making as much room as possible in her mouth. Soon she felt the head butt against the back of her throat, and she fought down the gag reflex. John, apparently noticing, made sure not to thrust quite so deep the next time. As the massive shaft moved in and out of her mouth, Judy was surprised to find herself actually enjoying it. Aside from her husband’s, she’d only ever sucked two cocks in her life, both of them at University before she met Jamie. None, though, had been as big as this one, and she found that it was a strangely erotic feeling, to have that sensitive part of her body stuffed full of rock hard cock. Besides, she thought, the man was attractive and pleasant, and his cock was nice and clean. If I’m going to have to do this, Judy reasoned, I might as well enjoy it. With that thought came that old familiar tingle in her nipples that signified the beginning of arousal, and Judy found herself sucking more enthusiastically on the massive organ in her mouth. Evan, in the meantime, was sitting on the sofa enjoying the sight. The hooker had been something of a surprise; she’d been older and classier than he’d expected, dressed more like a businesswoman than an expensive prostitute. Somehow that look excited him more than the standard miniskirt-and-high-heels outfit a call girl would most likely have worn.

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   And the sight of a mature, sophisticated woman on her knees with John’s huge cock in her mouth was more of a turn-on than any Barbie-doll prostitute ever could be. Unzipping his pants, Evan pulled out his already hard cock and started stroking it slowly. Out of the corner of her eye Judy caught the movement on the sofa. When she glanced over, she saw the other man sitting there with his cock in his hand, slowly wanking himself. His cock was a little shorter than John’s, maybe seven inches, and thinner. With a start Judy realised that she would certainly be expected to service Evan as well. 'Oh well, she thought resignedly: whether I suck one cock or two doesn’t really matter, does it. At least I’ll get my story. ' Still stroking John’s shaft with one hand, Judy cupped his heavy balls with the other, gently massaging them as she sucked hard on the shaft in her mouth. She noticed how John’s breath was becoming heavier, and the small twitches in his hips as the cock pumped in and out of her mouth. She wondered idly if he’d let her know before he came, or if he’d just shoot off in her mouth. As it turned out, John did both. “Oh yeah, I’m coming,” he groaned. He took firm hold of Judy’s head with both hands. “Keep going, honey, I’m going to come in your mouth.

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  ” Judy felt a touch of panic, but it was already to late. With a heartfelt groan John came, filling her mouth with hot sperm. “Swallow it, yeah, swallow it all,” he moaned as his cock twitched and jerked, firing shot after shot down Judy’s throat. With him holding her head, Judy didn’t have much choice. She couldn’t spit it out, with her mouth full of cock, so it was either swallow or choke. Needless to say, Judy swallowed. It was her first time; she never let Jamie come in her mouth. The thick, salty fluid slid slickly down her throat, but as soon as she’d swallowed one mouthful, she was full again. Even with her throat muscles working as fast as she could, a couple of big drops of come trickled out the corners of her mouth and ran down her chin. At last John stopped groaning, and stood still, his cock still inside Judy’s mouth. Then he slowly withdrew it, exhaling deeply with intense satisfaction. “That was absolutely great,” he assured her sincerely. In spite of herself, Judy felt a flush of pride. Nobody had ever commented on her sexual prowess in such a blatant, naughty manner before. 'What the hell is wrong with me,' she thought angrily.

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   'Like I need the validation of some stranger who just shot his load down my throat. ' John walked over to an easy chair and sat down, looking content, his thick cock still hanging out of his trousers. Evan, on the couch, looked at her and grinned. “Come on over here,” he said. Judy stood and walked over to the sofa. Knowing what was expected of her, she dropped to her knees between Evan’s legs and bent her head over his cock, her mouth open and ready. As her lips descended, Evan let go of his cock and placed his hands on her head, gently guiding her mouth down on him. The cock penetrated Judy’s mouth, filling her all the way to the back of her throat in a single nod of her head. She sucked hard, slowly pulling her mouth up along the shaft. When she reached the tip of Evan’s cock, she held it there for a moment, her lips squeezing around the glands. Then she bowed down again, letting the wet shaft slide back inside. For maybe a minute or so she kept doing this. Evan seemed quite content with her slow, deep rhythm, as he made no attempt to control her movements. Judy was now acutely aware that this was turning her on; her nipples were like hard pebbles in her bra, and her pussy was getting wet now as well. 'Damn, my own body is betraying me,' she thought, anger and frustration mixing with lust.

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   She felt guilty for Jamie again; sucking other men’s cocks was bad enough, but realising that she was enjoying it somehow felt much worse. Her pussy, however, apparently had a mind of its own; no matter how bad the rest of her felt, that treacherous part of her was enjoying this. Leaning forward, Evan reached down with both hands, slipping them behind Judy’s arms and down to her breasts, which due to her position on hands and knees were straining against the fabric of her jacket. Evan cupped her tits, squeezing them through her clothes, and Judy felt tingles of pleasure running through her nipples. Then she felt something against the inside of her thigh. Throwing a startled look over her shoulder, she saw that John was kneeling behind her, his hand stroking the inside of her thigh, moving slowly up towards her pussy. She wanted to say something, but couldn’t, as her mouth was full of Evan’s cock. All she could do was sit there and wait for John’s fingers to reach her crotch. She didn’t have to wait long. John’s hand cupped her pussy from behind, his fingers massaging her slit through her pants and underwear. Tiny lightning bolts of pleasure shot from her pussy and out in her belly and legs as his fingers rubbed her clitoris, and she felt her own juices soaking the crotch of her panties. “Well well, what have we here?” she heard John murmur behind her. “She’s burning hot down here,” he remarked to Evan as his fingers continued to caress her sensitive pussy. “I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you how you’re supposed to deal with that,” Evan shot back. His voice was sounding a mite unsteady, Judy thought with a certain perverse satisfaction.

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   She intensified her oral efforts on Evan’s long, slender cock, taking it deep in her mouth, but faster than before. Behind her she could feel John’s hand abandon her pussy as his arms went around her hips, his hands starting to fumble with her pants. Judy froze when she realised what John was doing. He was going to fuck her! Giving head was one thing, but to let a complete stranger into her pussy was something else. She began to lift her head from Evan’s cock, but her firmly pushed her head back down. “Keep sucking, sweetie,” he groaned as his cock filled her mouth again. Judy tried squirming, but in her position on her hands and knees she had no leverage. Even if she’d had it, she knew how useless it would be for her to try and fight off two men. With a flutter of fear in her belly, Judy resumed sucking on Evan’s cock, while John unbuttoned her pants. She could hear her fly being opened, button by button, and soon she felt John’s hand snaking its way inside her pants. His fingers slipped deftly inside her panties, down through the thatch of thick blonde pubic hair and to her wet, hot pussy. His middle finger slid over her clitoris and down through her slit, the fingers on either side of it squeezing her swollen outer pussy lips. Then his finger entered her, and slid into her pussy without any resistance. “Jesus, you’re wet,” she heard John say behind her, his voice filled with, what? Surprise? Why would that surprise him? Why wouldn’t she be, with what they’d been doing? His finger moved wetly in and out of her a few times, and Judy felt her pussy twitch and contract around his probing digit. Then, as soon as it had come, the finger was withdrawn.

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   John pulled his hand out of her panties. Then he took hold of her pants and pulled them smoothly over her hips and down to he knees. He didn’t even bother to take them all the way off, but left them around her thighs, as if he was in too much of a hurry to get to her pussy to even be bothered to undress her properly. Somehow, this excited Judy even more. After 18 years of marriage, the days when she’d been an object of lust were mostly over, and it had been a long time since anyone (well, only Jamie, really) had been in such a hurry to fuck her. She knew that a modern, liberated woman such as herself wasn’t supposed to enjoy being treated like this, but even so she did. Evan, Judy saw when she glanced up through her eyelashes, was watching his partner’s actions over her head and back. In a spontaneous fit of sluttiness Judy arched her back, giving him a nice top-down view of her heart-shaped arse. This also served to make it easier for John, as he pulled her panties down to her knees as well. John looked at the now exposed pussy in front of him with a hunger he hadn’t felt in a long time. There was nothing spectacular about it per se, but still there was something. She obviously didn’t shave it, as most escorts (in his experience) did. There were cellulites on the back of her thighs, but both her thighs and arse were firm and in good shape. She wore stockings under her pants; the only concession to her profession so far. John found himself very aroused by the contrast.

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   Prim and businesslike on the outside, and smooth silk underneath. The lady probably wasn’t a full-time hooker, he thought. More likely she was a housewife making a little extra money on the side while her husband was at work. He found it much more attractive than a through-and-through professional call girl would have been. There was something real about Judy they he’d never seen in a hooker before. Judy sensed more than saw John move himself into position behind her. She felt his hands on her naked hips, his knees on the outside of her legs as he knelt behind her. Evan’s breath was hurried and rasping, and he was pushing his hips up from the sofa in an attempt to force his cock deeper into her mouth. Judy pulled her head up a little and held still, letting him do the work, fucking her mouth with his spit-glistening shaft. Behind her, she felt John move one hand from her hip to take hold of his cock and guide it towards her wet orifice. When the massive head of his cock touched her pussy lips, Judy’s pussy gave an involuntary twitch of anticipation. John rubbed the head up and down her wet slit, causing her to moan around the shaft in her mouth every time his cock touched her clit. Then, without further ado, he shoved his cock inside her. The feeling of the huge shaft impaling her pussy was exquisite. After 39 years and two childbirths Judy wasn’t nearly as tight as she’d once been, but the length and girth of the cock invading her from behind made her feel like a virgin schoolgirl again.

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   Her pussy squelched wetly as the large shaft was rammed inside her all the way, filling her in a way she’d never thought possible. She felt John’s heavy balls slap against her pussy, then the empty feeling in her cunt as he withdrew, only to plunge back inside her. Judy heard guttural grunts, and realised she was making those noises as John fucked her with deep, firm strokes, filling her sopping pussy to capacity. She pushed her hips back against him, meeting his every stroke, desperately trying to fill herself up with him. She put one hand on Evan’s cock and pumped it furiously up and down, sucking hard on the head, her tongue rubbing around it in circles. She knew Evan was close to coming, and she wanted to fully enjoy the sensation of having two cocks inside her while it lasted. She felt like a complete slut, kneeling on the floor with her pants around her thighs, one cock in her pussy and another in her mouth. John’s cock was ploughing in and out of her, feeling more like a force of nature than flesh and blood. With a muted groan, Evan pushed his hips up, raising himself clear off the sofa, and his cock jerked in the back of Judy’s throat as stream after stream of warm, sticky come shot into her mouth. Judy sucked and pumped the cock in her mouth with abandon, savouring the taste this time, swallowing happily as her mouth filled. John’s hands had slipped under her blouse, wandering up her soft belly to her breast. He was kneading her tits through her bra as he fucked her. Between his cock in her pussy, his hands on her tits and Evan’s cock shooting in her mouth, Judy was in heaven. There was no room in her mind for anything except lust, now. “Oh, man,” Evan sighed as his wet cock slipped from Judy’s come-coated lips.


   “That was great. ” Judy ha no response for him; she was panting with building passion as John lowered the pace of his cock inside her. She pushed back, rotating her hips impatiently around the huge shaft inside her. “Make room there for the lady,” John grinned, and pulled his cock out of Judy’s wet pussy with a ‘plop’. “I want her on her back. ” When his cock left her, it was as though a cold, aching hole had materialised inside Judy, needing to be filled again. Evan stood up, giving Judy a hand up as he did. John put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around, then pushed her down on the sofa. As Evan stood and watched, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, John knelt down and pulled her pants and panties down over her ankles and off. Then he spread her legs wide, staring with undisguised hunger at her pussy. The outer lips were red and swollen, the pubic hair covering them wet and sticky with juices. He scooted closer, guiding his slick cock towards the opening it had recently vacated, and with a thrust that Judy met with equal passion, he rammed his cock inside her. “Oh God, yes, fuck me,” Judy moaned on the sofa. “Shove that big fat cock inside me. Fuck me like a slut.

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  ” “I will, baby, I will,” John panted. Drops of moisture were trickling down from Judy’s pussy and down the crack of her arse, making a small wet spot on the cushion. John felt the wet pussy opening to his every thrust, then clamping down as he pulled back, as if trying to hold his cock inside her. He looked up at Judy’s face, flushed red, with glazed blue eyes behind her horn-rimmed glasses. Strands of her honey-blonde hair had worked themselves loose from the bun at her neck, and hung down in disarray. While it wasn’t the prettiest face he’d ever seen, the look of all-consuming lust made it attractive beyond any physical beauty. She was moaning steadily as his cock pounded in and out of her, and he swelled with pride that he was giving her such obvious pleasure. He knew most prostitutes could, and would, fake a lust they didn’t feel, but he’d bet his arm this was the real thing. Judy lay there on her back, willingly accepting every thrust of the massive cock buried inside her. John’s hands wandered up to her breasts, gently squeezing them through her jacket and blouse. His fingers then began unbuttoning her blouse. Realising his intentions, Judy’s hands shot down to her jacket, tearing at the buttons, eager to help him undress her. Soon her jacket and blouse were open, John’s hands caressing her soft belly. He took hold of her shoulders and pulled her upright, his hands pulling her clothes down her arms and off. Judy twisted her arms behind her back, eager to be naked before the both of them.

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   John’s lips sought hers, and she met him in a passionate kiss, their tongues swirling around each other’s mouths as his cock pistoned in and out of her cunt. Finally her blouse and jacket were of, flung to the side in a heap. Next to go was her bra, and then she felt her lover’s strong hands cupping her breasts. Her nipples, large after having nursed two infants, poked insistently at his palms, and John eased her back on the sofa, his cock never breaking the rhythm, as he leaned over her and sucked a nipple into his mouth. She’s really enjoying this, he thought to himself as he felt her arch her back, pushing her breasts up against him. Her breasts were not all that big, and sagged a little, but John didn’t care. Her pussy was wet, with real juices and not lubricants, and John was sure his guess about her being a part-time call girl was accurate. Pushing her hips against the man kneeling between her spread legs, Judy felt the first stirrings of her own orgasm begin deep inside her. She no longer cared that she was fucking two complete strangers in a hotel room, that she was cheating on her husband, or that she was in effect prostituting herself for a story. All she cared about now was the feelings the big cock produced in her pussy. She was completely naked now except for her stockings and her glasses. She clutched John’s head to her breasts, both hands locked behind his head, as he sucked and licked her sensitive nipples. She was panting heavily, moving her body against his, impaling herself on his cock. Every time he rammed into her, burying his shaft to the hilt in her pussy, she grunted like an animal, forcing herself a step closer to orgasm. She gorged herself on his shaft like a starving woman at a banquet, caring for nothing or no one but her own pleasure.

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   John raised himself up on his arms, giving himself more leverage to pump his cock in and out of Judy’s pussy. From the look on her face he could tell that she was about to come; a good thing, as he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep going much longer. She had wrapped herself around him, arms behind his neck, legs around his thighs, and every time he pulled out of her wet warmth, he practically lifted her bodily off the sofa. He could feel his balls tighten and his cock swell inside her, getting ready to shoot off the second load of the day. He started fucking her really hard, no longer trying to be considerate or gentle, and heard a guttural moan begin low in her throat and rise in pitch and volume as her orgasm took hold of her. Judy was clinging to John for all she was worth, working towards release with single-minded determination, when she happened to turn her head and look at Evan, who had just returned from a trip to the bathroom and was now sitting on a chair a couple of metres away. He had shed all of his clothes and was sitting there stroking his cock, which was hard again. 'He’ll want to fuck me as well,' she thought, and that notion was what propelled her over the edge. The mental picture of one man being just done satisfying herself with her body and then having the next one step up and take over increased that feeling of sluttiness she’d been feeling all along. A hoarse, subdued scream forced the last of the breath from her lungs, and she felt her pussy contract violently around the shaft inside her as she came hard on John’s cock. She barely registered, through the orgasmic haze, how he groaned and slammed his cock deep inside her one last time before flooding her pussy with come. The feeling of a man she’d only met 18 minutes earlier filling her with sperm only served to fuel the fire inside her, as she bucked and trashed uncontrollably on the sofa, throwing her head from one side to the other, her hair a mess around her head. Lying on her back on the sofa with her legs on the carpeted floor, Judy felt thoroughly sated. It was with a sense of deep satisfaction that she felt John pull his slowly deflating cock from her pussy, substituting a dull but somehow pleasant ache between her legs. The tingling sensation of his come inside her, slowly trickling down inside her pussy towards the opening, was exquisite.

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   A small voice in the back of her head reminded her that she wasn’t using any sort of birth control; Jamie had had a vasectomy after Harry was born, so there had never been any need. A potential pregnancy, however, was far from her mind right now. John rose to his feet, looking a little unsteady, Judy noticed with naughty pride. Stepping over to the nearest chair, he sank into it with a deep sigh of profound satisfaction. He looked at her and smiled, a smile Judy returned as she felt the chill of sweat drying on her body. Then Evan rose from his chair, his long cock bobbing entrancingly in front of him, and came over to the sofa. “That was quite a performance,” he remarked with a smile. “I know; I was there,” Judy shot back, surprised at that bit of mental agility, considering how she was feeling. “I have to warn you, though. I’m feeling just a little sore right now. ” This was true; John’s big cock had left her a little tender between the legs. “Oh, that won’t be a problem,” Evan assured her with complete conviction. “Why don’t you turn around, get on your knees,” he suggested. Judy did as he asked, assuming he’d want to use her mouth again. Use my mouth, she thought.

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   'God, I’m such a slut. I want him to use me, use me like a toy. ' She was kneeling on the sofa now, her elbows on the backrest. Evan got down on his knees next to her, planting a soft kiss at the nape of her neck that made her back tingle with anticipatory goosebumps. Then he began kissing his way down her arched back, trailing her spine with his lips. Judy felt excitement stirring in her sorely used pussy again, and brought a hand up to play with her breasts. She could hear Evan fumbling with something metallic, like a tin or some such. 'Maybe he wants to put on a condom or something,' she thought to herself. 'I hope he’ll be gentle; I’m sore. ' Evan’s lips reached the point where her back ended and her arse began, and Judy felt his tongue push its way between her buttocks, teasing the top of her crack. The insistent tongue kept moving down between her arsecheeks, and Judy spread her legs a little further apart and arched her back, presenting her arse to him. Then his tongue touched her anus, and she gave a little yelp and a start. His mouth stayed on her, his strong tongue pushing insistently against her sphincter until she felt the tight muscle give way, and Evan’s long tongue probed inside her arse. “What are you doing?” Judy gasped, halfway between alarm and arousal. Evan just grunted mischievously, his tongue now licking and teasing just outside her tight arsehole.

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   Somewhat to Judy’s surprise, it felt good, in a kinky and forbidden sort of way. The Evan pulled back again, and Judy got the sense that he was fiddling with something. She was just about to turn her head to look when she felt something slick and cold touch her arse. Again she gave a start, and turned her head just as one of Evan’s now-slippery fingers pushed inside her arsehole. Behind her, Judy saw, Evan was half sitting with one knee on the sofa, his attention fixed on her arse. In his hand, she saw with dawning horror, was a small round tin of Vaseline. He was liberally lubricating her arse, and with a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach Judy also saw that his long cock was already coated with the shiny, greasy substance. “What are you doing?” she asked, hearing a faint tone of hysteria in her own voice. “Just relax,” Evan soothed. “It won’t hurt. ” “I’m not letting you fuck me… there,” Judy stuttered. “What, haven’t you ever tried it up the arse before?” Evan asked as he put down the Vaseline and got up, standing behind her. He wiped the last residue of lube off his fingers, and took firm hold of her hips. “Why…” Judy began, then had to swallow. “Why don’t I suck you instead,” she offered desperately.

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   “Been there, done that,” John added flippantly from his chair. He was following the procedure on the sofa with great interest. “You said it yourself,” Evan went on. “Your pussy is sore. Don’t worry; I’ll go slow, and use plenty of lube. You’ll be fine. ” Judy’s mouth was dry with anxiety, but didn’t try to get away. A part of her wanted this, she realised. 'If I’m going to be a slut,' she thought, 'at least I can go all the way. ' And then, 'this had better be one hell of a story. ' Evan took hold of his greasy cock with one hand, prying her arse cheeks apart with the other. He leaned forward until the Vaseline-covered head of his cock was positioned just outside Judy’s lubed-up anus, then started pushing carefully. Judy felt the head of his cock press against the opening to her virgin arse, and then her sphincter muscle slowly expanded to allow his cock inside. A sting of pain shot through her, and she winced and grunted. Evan stopped, holding perfectly still, the head of his cock just inside the opening.

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   The pain faded, and she gave a sigh of relief. Evan obviously took that as a sign to carry on, and started pushing gently again. Inch by careful inch Evan’s cock slipped inside, her, helped along by copious amounts of Vaseline. Once the initial pain had eased, Judy actually found herself beginning to enjoy it. She wasn’t sure how much of that enjoyment was from the physical sensation of having a cock up her arse, and how much of it was in the circumstances surrounding the event, but either way it felt good. Evan was pushing his slick shaft a little deeper, then pulled slowly out, only to go a little deeper on the next thrust. When about half of him was inside her, Judy found herself pushing her arse back, taking him a little deeper with every thrust. She felt curiously full, stuffed, in a way she never had before. Then she felt Evan’s hips press against her buttocks, and she knew that he was all the way inside her. “Jesus, that feels good,” he said behind her, and she noticed with the same sluttish pride as before how uneven his voice sounded. “You’re so tight. ” “Your cock feels so big inside me,” Judy whimpered. She wiggled her hips a little, getting a better feel for the hard rod inside her, feeling it stretch the walls of her arsehole. “I want you to fuck my arse now. ” Evan needed no further urging.

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   Her arse was so tight around his cock he just knew she had to be a virgin. He pulled his cock out of her arse slowly, watching centimetre after centimetre emerge from her vice-tight hole. When only the head was left inside, he pushed forward, plunging his shaft back inside her arse. As he re-entered her, Evan saw how the Vaseline was squeezed out of Judy’s arse, trickling out around his shaft. He scooped the half-melted Vaseline up with his fingers, re-applying it to his cock as it thrust deep inside Judy’s bowels. Evan slowly increased the tempo of his fucking, and Judy pushed her arse back to meet him, her arse now willingly, even hungrily, accepting his cock. A strange sensation, part pain and part pleasure, began to radiate from her arsehole. It felt a little sore and uncomfortable, but at the same time there was a warmth, both from friction and from something else, that felt very good. It was like her insides were turning liquid, only the rigid shaft in pumping in and out of her arse with long, even strokes remaining solid. Her face was moist with sweat, and Judy pushed her glasses back up on her nose before they could slide off. She then grabbed hold of the back of the sofa with both hands and began pushing her arse back against Evan’s cock in earnest. They had been going at it for maybe 18 minutes, the only sound in the room their grunting and moaning and the slaps of flesh on flesh, when John rose from his chair and sauntered over. He climbed onto the sofa and rested one hip on the back of its backrest, his now semi-hard cock next to Judy’s cheek. She turned her head and opened her mouth, almost like a newborn baby automatically seeking a nipple when something touches its cheek. She parted her lips and let the thick cock fill her mouth.

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   She wished she could see herself from outside, kneeling here with one cock in her arse and another in her mouth. She pictured how it must look, an intensely erotic scene she knew would figure in her masturbation fantasies for many years to come. She sucked harder on John’s cock, feeling it swell in her mouth. For another five or six minutes they kept going. The pain/pleasure warmth in Judy’s arse was beginning to spread into her belly, and she felt something curiously like an orgasm, yet different, begin to build inside her. It was excruciatingly slow, and as it built stronger and stronger she found herself silently praying that Evan would be able to keep going until whatever it was happened. John was moaning with pleasure, his cock in her mouth as her lips and tongue teased him towards another orgasm. Behind her, Evan’s breath was growing increasingly raspy. “Don’t you dare come yet,” Judy panted, lifting her mouth from John’s cock for a moment. “I… I can’t hold on for much longer,” Evan replied, desperation in his voice. “You started this, you son of a bitch,” Judy hissed. “You had better see it through. ” Evan gritted his teeth and tried to think about ice-cold water, boring seminars and dull, dry numbers and accounts. He tried recalling the room service menu from memory, tried to calculate the number of rooms on this floor of the hotel, anything to keep his mind off the sensation steadily growing in his cock and balls. He had no idea how long he kept it up, but suddenly he felt the fist little spasm run through Judy’s arse, tightening it around his cock, and knew she was going to come.


   With a sigh of relief, he concentrated on maintaining his steady rhythm. The orgasm, when it hit her, was like none other Judy had ever experienced. It took forever to begin, feeling just a few thrusts away for the longest time. Then, when it finally came, it sort of trickled slowly, like thick molasses. It began with tiny muscle twitches in her arse, then slowly those twitches increased in strength and duration, until what felt like delicious cramps took hold of her. “Oh God, I’m coming!” she screamed around John’s cock. He grunted and pushed deeper inside her, the head of his cock butting against the back of her throat. She took hold of the base of his cock, fisting it roughly as her lips and tongue concentrated on the head. As the first really serious spasms of her anal orgasm hit her, Judy felt a couple of squirts of thin come shoot from John’s cock and into her mouth. It being his third load in a hour, it wasn’t much, but the taste of his come in her mouth gave her own orgasm a boost. Her whole body was shaking violently, and John prudently pulled his cock out from between her teeth. Judy felt as though she’d been hooked up to an electrical current. Violent spasms racked her body, starting at her arsehole and then travelling up though her belly and down through he thighs. She heard Evan groan and knew he was coming, filling her arse with his sperm. Her hands were clenched so hard on the sofa’s back that she was wondering if it would snap, and sounds she’d never imagined she’d be making were forcing their way through her gritted teeth.

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   After a long, long time the orgasm subsided, and Judy sank down on the sofa. Behind her she saw Evan’s legs give in, and his cock slipped from her thoroughly fucked arsehole as he sank to the floor. She fat with her back against one armrest, looking at John, sitting in a similar posture at the opposite end of the sofa, and Evan on the floor. She thought about saying something, but her mind simply wasn’t working properly. After maybe two minutes of companionable, exhausted silence, John grimaced and got to his feet. Judy watched him with detached curiosity as he walked over to a table and picked up his wallet. Turning to her, he smiled. “I don’t know what you charge, but God knows you’re worth it,” he said. Judy looked at him, confused. “Beg your pardon?” was all she managed. “We said we’d take care of you, and we meant it,” Evan piped in. “Just say how much we owe you. ” “You’re going to pay me money?” Judy said, anger creeping into her voice. Now John was the one looking confused. “Well, yes.

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   Isn’t that why you’re here?” “I didn’t come here for your fucking money,” Judy snarled, clearly angry. The two men just looked at her. “Didn’t the service send you over?” John asked lamely. Judy stared at him, equally pissed off and bewildered. Then Evan spoke, suspicion dawning in his voice. “Ah, do you mean that you’re not the escort we called for?” “ESCORT?” Judy burst out. “I’m a goddamned reporter!” “But you… we… you did…” John was stuttering. Then terrible realisation rose in his face, and the two men stared at each other in horror. “We called for an escort,” Evan explained in a faint voice, John for once being struck mute. “We assumed you were she, so we… well, you know the rest. ” Judy just stared at them, her anger draining away. This certainly explained a lot. “Why would a reporter come to us, anyway?” John asked. “I’m supposed to find out about someone buying into Dunne Technologies,” she explained. My editor had a line on you guys.

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  ” She saw the two of them looking at each other. She hurried on. “Please, I really need this interview,” she said earnestly. “My editor is pissed at me, and this is my chance to make it right. ” They hesitated, still looking at each other. “Come on, you two, you owe me,” she said. John shrugged. “Well, I suppose she’s right,” he conceded. “We do owe her. ” Turning to Judy, sitting naked on the sofa, he asked her. “When exactly would this story be published?” “Tomorrow’s edition,” she replied promptly. John looked at Evan, who shrugged. “The press conference announcing it is tomorrow afternoon,” he said, “but the papers are signed this evening. ” He looked at Judy with a humorous glint in his eye. “How do you think your editor will feel about being the first to know, before even the TV news?” “He’d be fucking ecstatic,” answered Judy.

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   “So, do I get an interview?” “I guess you earned it,” John grinned, handing Judy her purse when she indicated it. “Perfect!” she exclaimed as she fished out her notepad and pen. She settled back on the sofa, wickedly aware of her nakedness. As she readied her pen over the first page of the notepad, she felt a drop of Evan’s come trickle out of her recently fucked arsehole. She looked at the two naked men in front of her. “Well, why don’t we start with your names,” she smiled. She was back in business. The End. .





