Subject 9 (Part 1)
“Wanted: Test subjects for human body experiments. Participants will receive $1,000 for 24 hour participation. Must waive liability and sign non-disclosure agreement. ”
Joe had maxed out his student loans and was struggling to hold down his part time job as a male stripper and go to school full time. He often volunteered to be part of various campus experiments, as long as the pay was decent. Joe was 6’2” and muscular. He worked out 6 days a week and did enough cardio to stay looking pretty ripped. He always had a great body and was used to using it to his advantage, sexually and financially. He was low on cash at the time and thought that $1,000 would really help out. How bad could the experiment be? He had participated in other physical body experiments. He would hop on a treadmill and suck down a sports drink, while all of his vitals were being measured. He sometimes took pills and researchers measured their effects on his heart rate or blood pressure. He even took pills one time that were supposed to increase sexual stamina. The experiment involved taking the pills and then masturbating a few hours later. It was embarrassing, but it paid well. Between campus experiments and stripping on the weekends, he was kind of used to being poked, prodded, and exploited for cash.
Joe called the number at the bottom of the classified ad. It was a recording with an address that instructed him show up when he had 24 hours free. That was it. So on Friday night, Joe showed up at the unmarked door in a neighborhood he had never been in. He was somewhere downtown, in an area with big dreary buildings. Joe hit the buzzer and was immediately greeted by a stunning blond in a latex nurse’s outfit. She looked like she stepped straight out of porno. Joe started looking around for hidden cameras. This had to be some kind of joke.
The ‘nurse’ invited Joe in and had him pull up a seat in the waiting area. She offered him a glass of water and brought him two forms to sign. The first was a waiver. The nurse explained that the experiment was safe, but may cause “some physical discomfort. ” She said that he would not be hurt and was guaranteed no permanent physical damage. However, a very small percentage of subjects had had adverse reactions to the experiment and suffered mild side effects.
As he handed the form back to the nurse, Joe found himself staring at the nurse’s cleavage and having trouble focusing on what she was saying. He felt light headed. His vision began to blur. Then Joe blacked out. . .
A metal collar was firmly clamped onto his neck. It did not choke him, but Joe felt very restrained by the device. It had several blinking lights on it and as many wires running from the collar to the ceiling. It looked like electrical wiring, but Joe couldn’t tell if the wire was designed to monitor or send something to the collar. Similar to the collar, there were arm and leg bands around each of his appendages. They too were metal, with different flashing lights, and wires leading up into the ceiling or into a nearby workstation. Several wires were also stuck to his chest, upper back, and buttocks.
There were three women in the laboratory. They all wore white skintight latex nurses costumes with skirts so short that their white latex g-strings were visible with the slightest movement. They were all incredibly hot.
One of the nurses approached Joe with a syringe. Joe started to protest but instantly felt a shock at the back of his neck. His body tensed in response. Every time he opened his mouth to say something, he received another shock. He quickly learned to keep his mouth shut. The shocks were simultaneously painful and oddly stimulating. His body tingled all over. The nurse injected Joe with a clear liquid.
Another of the nurses approached Joe from behind and shoved a tube up his ass. The tube was bigger than the one coming out of his dick, but easily slid up his asshole. He could not tell how far. This tube seemed to be slowly forcing liquid up his butt. It wasn’t alot of liquid and it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was warm, almost soothing. He heard one of the nurses say “anal delivery mechanism online”. It appeared that Joe was taking in more than just warm water. He thought that he must be absorbing something through his rectum. Drugs.
Suddenly, the flow in the tube in his dick was reversed. Instead of his pre-cum being sucked out, a light blue liquid was now being forced into his dick. Joe’s dick began to swell even more. Some of the liquid seeped out of his dick hole. The liquid was warm. It made his dick tingle inside and out. The pressure build up was incredible. He felt like he would literally explode, but he was not even close to feeling like he was going to cum. The feeling was more intense than sex. The flow was reversed every 18 minutes or so. He was either being filled beyond capacity or sucked dry. The sensations were so overwhelming that Joe passed out once or twice, only to be woken by a mild shock to his balls. He woke to find one of the nurses measuring the length of his dick. Now Joe was a pretty big guy.
The tube was eventually removed from his dick. The nurse then proceeded to suck Joe’s dick. This woman was skilled. She worked Joe into a frenzy. He moaned and grunted through the entire experience. Now, Joe was turned on. He got more feeling in his dick and felt the build up of pleasure. He thought he would come any second now. The nurse shoved the tip of her tongue into Joe’s dick hole. He was extremely sensitive from having the tube in his cock. His body convulsed and he shot his load deep into her throat. The computer monitors in the room beeped and blipped as they recorded data. She easily swallowed every last drop. If Joe hadn’t felt his own orgasm, he would not have know that he had just shot waves of semen down her throat.
Joe was sure that was the end of it. He was never one to orgasm multiple times in one session. He knew that he would need at least half an hour to get it up again. He thought they would let him go now. Ten minutes passed and Joe’s dick was still rock hard. It didn’t seem possible.
Another nurse stepped in front of Joe and peeled off every scrap of latex that she was wearing.
Joe’s body ached. He was spent. Every muscle was fatigued. There was no way he could perform again. He would have collapsed to the floor, if he were not held up by the arm and leg bands.
The third nurse prepared herself for Joe. She peeled off all of her clothing, stood in front of him and bent over. Her bubble but stuck up at Joe and revealed the tightest asshole Joe had ever seen.
The nurse who had originally sucked Joe’s cock was the last one wearing a nurse’s costume. She peeled it away and stood naked in front of Joe. She danced in front of him like a stripper. She was good. Joe found himself lusting for her. He wanted to fill every hole in her body. His dick throbbed. He wanted to cum again. He didn’t know how his body could still have any semen left in it.
The next thing that happened took Joe by surprise. He felt the electrodes on his dick come to life. Small electric pulses were being sent through his shaft, causing the muscles in his dick to pulse. Very carefully, one of the nurses measured Joe at an astounding 12 inches long. The electrical stimulation continued for two hours, while the nude nurses took turns stimulating Joe in other ways. They danced and rubbed their sweaty bodies up against him. Joe shot his load 8 times in the 2 hours. Eventually, he ran out of cum. The last time that Joe orgasmed, nothing came out. He was dry.
“When do I get paid?”