Handmaiden’s Tail
Chaper 1 - The Blessed Fruit Center
“I’m telling you those numbers are wrong” sister Carol was almost shouting. “He claims to have tested over three thousand men. Where would he get that many men to submit to fertility tests unless they lived near the toxic cleanup site and they were pushing a political agenda?”
“The research was done in British Columbia” Calvin replied calmly. His calm voice and relaxed manner only served to fuel her anger. The facts were on his side, and they both knew it although she was struggling to deny it. The research article implied that over sixty percent of the men in North America were sterile and that meant that her position, as head of the handmaiden center, her philosophy, and her teachings were all bogus. His calm in the face of her personal crisis was infuriating. “It’s probably the most pristine place on the planet. The research is sound, and we both know what it means. ”
“You don’t know anything. ” Carol tried to control the anger that was taking control of her but anger was all that was to protecting her from the fear that was taking over. “Pregnancy, the fruit, is all a miraculous gift from our Father in Heaven. These statistics are all meaningless. A husband and wife pray for a child, and if they are in earnest, God blesses the breeding process. We only position handmaidens with God fearing couples and it is God who grants the miracle of fruit…” It was his look that silenced her. She was quoting from her lesson plans.
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It was one of the lectures that she gave the young girls that were found to be fertile. It was intended to convince them that submitting to a strange man while his wife held her down was an honorable, even religious act. Time and again she had heard the questions. ‘If God makes you pregnant, why can’t God make the wife pregnant? Why does it matter if we are fertile? Why, why, always why. . . ’
“We both know what really happens” Cal continued in his calm voice. “We sell these bitches to the couples who can afford them. The husbands use them as whores for a few months and then the wife sneaks them off to one of those underground breeding centers where some man mounts them, rapes them, and knocks them up. How many of your bitches have to cut their wrists before we can start preparing them for the reality of their lives?”
“Get out” Carol screamed. She could control her rage no longer. “Get out!” It didn’t matter that he was the director of the center; her boss. He knew better than to refer to her girls as whores. “We don’t sell them. We ask the couples to make a contribution to show their commitment.
If they cannot contribute to the center, they cannot afford to raise the child that God will bless them with. Our program is blessed by the church…” The last two sentences were shouted at his back and then at the closed door to her office respectively.
She turned and slammed the palm of her hand on the intercom. “Miriam, you and your sister get in her. ” She slumped back into the huge office chair and kicked off her shoes. She slid forward in the seat and put her feet up on the desk. She was just pulling off her panties when the back door of the office opened and the two young twins came in. The girls stepped nervously around the desk. They knew what was expected of them. “Come on Miriam; you take the bottom. ” She reached out for the girl’s hand and pulled her forward as she pulled her foot out of the underwear leaving the silken undergarment hanging from her left ankle.
“Ah… I’m Miriam” the girl in the back stammered. They were identical twins and Carol said she could not tell them apart. The truth was she never tried. She really didn’t care what their names were.
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They were both barren little cunts. They hardly mattered. They had been brought to the center when they were prepubescent girls. They should have been sent to the mines to work, but Carol had taken a fancy to them and argued that they might begin to ovulate if they were allowed to mature. She had put them to work as office assistants. She had tried to convince herself that it was all legitimate, but from the first time Carol had seen the young girls in their night gowns, she had felt her pussy getting moist.
Carol had kept her hands off the girls for nearly a week before she gave in to her needs. Carol was not naturally lesbian, and to get off she always thought about being fucked by a man, but still she loved the feeling of the small young fingers touching her breasts and pussy. Sometimes she even made one of the girls hold a dildo in her mouth and fuck her with it. Most of all she loved the hesitant lips sucking her, licking her, kissing her. The girls hated servicing her, and at first she had to force them, break their will, but that had been almost a year ago. Now they performed without argument. They knew the consequences of refusal.
“Well don’t just stand there” Carol said as she began unbuttoning the dark blue blouse and taking out her breast. Angela was on her hands and knees crawling under the desk to begin work on the older woman’s pussy.
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Miriam stepped forward and helped her master with the buttons.
Carol closed her eyes and let the stimulation push away the bad feeling that Calvin had left her with. Being masturbated by the girls gave her release, and she considered it less sinful than to play with herself. It was far more relaxing than alcohol and in her position, much easier to come by. She put one hand on each of the two heads servicing her and pressed then hard against her as she groaned. She wasn’t actually aroused yet, but she knew she would be feeling it soon. In her mind she visualized men shoving huge cocks into a tiny young pussy. She could almost hear the girl screaming as the men took turns with her pussy and asshole. The fantasy was hard core, but she needed it get off. The girl between her thighs squirmed. She was pressing her young face against her flesh so hard, the child could barely breathe. Carol didn’t care.
She forced them to keep on her until she came. The trembling went through her like a wave hitting the beach. She could feel he cunt muscles spasm and she knew she was flushing.
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She forced the girl’s mouth against her vaginal opening. The girl was gagging on the juice. She release the one at her breast to uses both hands to hold the young head against her cunt.
And then it was over. “Get out” Carol pushed the girls away. It always seemed that the stronger the orgasm, the more disgusted she felt with herself afterwards. The two girls knew better than to wait around to be told twice. Their bare feet made soft clapping sound against the marble floor of the office as they ran out the back door. Carol closed her bra and buttoned the blouse of her dark blue uniform all the way up to the neck. She opened the side drawer of her desk and pulled several tissues from the box to dry her pussy before replacing her underwear. She sprayed the air freshener around the room and then put a couple of shots from the aerosol can up under her dress. She allowed herself the brief hope that it would cover the musky sent of sex that filled the office.
She had a very stressful job. God demanded a lot of her. She rationalized that she could only do her best if she could focus.
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It was Calvin’s fault that she had had to do this. He had upset her with the words of sinful unbelievers. The sin was on his head. She would pray and repent again just in case God did not see it as she did, but she told herself that was not really necessary. Calvin was the one who needed grace.
Carol was just getting back to work when her PDA chimed reminding her of the appointment she had taken for three o’clock. “Damn” she swore. She had forgotten to ask Sister Lydia to take her Righteousness class that afternoon. Normally she taught the afternoon commandments class, but Dr. Landry had asked to meet with her and she had forgotten to ask Lydia to take over for her.
The handmaidens were supposed to get a minimum of sixty hours of study and directed prayer before they were sent to their first assignments. Lately she had been keeping them at the center for almost twice the required indoctrination. Problems with the first timers had prompted her to increase the intensity and duration of religious training. She believed that the religious training was the answer. If the girls prayed; if they really believed in the Savior, then they would see their place and the spirit would make them obedient, but it wasn’t working.
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There had been three attempted suicides just last month; one had nearly succeeded. One of the girls had been pregnant and had miscarried.
“Lydia,” Carol hit the intercom button only a second before she spoke the name of her assistant. “Be sure to emphasize obedience in your lesson this afternoon. ”
“Ah… Pardon me” the timid voice from the box on the desk showed surprise.
“When you do my class this afternoon, I want you to be sure to emphasize obedience” Carol replied sternly. “Make sure they understand the importance of the ceremony and the reverence that must be shown to the scripture reading and the prayers. They need to understand how the intercourse is special, sacred. Be sure to focus attention on Ruth and that other bitch she is always hanging out with.
They really need to be put in their place. ”
“I’m sorry” Lydia asked. “My class is on Wednesdays. ”
“Oh Lydia” Carol sounded disgusted. “Please don’t tell me you forgot. Last week… I asked you to take my class this afternoon.
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You said you would. Please tell me you have the material prepared. ”
“Oh… Of course, Sister Carol” Lydia was obviously lying to cover her perceived ineptitude. “I have my material right here. In fact, I was just headed over. ”
“Stupid cow” Carol whispered as she released the intercom button.
She was still waving her hands through the air trying to spread the air freshener when her secretary knocked on the door to announce her three o’clock. Carol was expecting a man and his wife. It was presumed that the wife was infertile and the couple wanted to fulfill Gods commandment and have children. Following the example of the Prophet Abraham, they were here for the initial interview about accepting a handmaiden. The girl would receive the seed of the man and give them a child. The fact that the child was not the genetic offspring of the woman really didn't matter. The Bible made that clear.
Reverend Landry was a tall nice looking gentleman. His dark suit reflected his religious profession, but the fine material and the superbly tailored fit indicated that he definitely had not taken a vow of poverty.
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His hair was growing fashionably gray at the temples. It was so perfect, that Carol was almost positive that cosmetics were involved in producing the distinguished effect.
“My wife will not be able to join us” Landry announced in response to Sister Carol’s inquisitive look. “She is tied up at the parsonage with a church budgetary meeting. ”
“That is unfortunate” Carol replied nervously. “We feel that the selection of a handmaiden must be a joint decision. I am afraid we will not be able to…”
“My wife and I live a Bible centered marriage” Landry interrupted. “Magdalene is obedient to my decisions as Paul said it should be. She will accept my choice as God commands her to do. ”
“Still” Carol joined. “We have rules, and I am afraid it just won’t be possible…”
“In Christ, all things are possible” Landry interrupted. He reached inside his jacket and took out an envelope and laid it on the desk. “We believe very strongly in the Christian work you do at the center. We feel called by God to make a substantial contribution to support your work. ” Carol almost gasped when she peaked into the envelope and saw the amount on the check.
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She also noticed that the signature block remained blank. “I was hoping that a certain amount of flexibility might be exercised in my case. ” Reverend Landry smiled warmly.
“Well…” Carol forced a nervous smile. “I don’t suppose it would hurt to look at the candidates that we have available. I will need to meet with your wife before the final selection is made, but I see no harm in talking. ” She opened the manila folder and began handing over resumes to the doctor.
Each candidate’s documents included a picture of the woman, and a few specific about age, fertility verification techniques and experience. Landry focused on the pictures looking only briefly at each. Carol could not stop herself from glancing, or even staring, at the small white envelop that lay on the corner of her desk. It was so much money, and the center needed it so badly. Landry separated out three candidates from the two dozen that he reviewed. Each was young; this would be their first assignment. None had had children before. Fertility had been verified by ovulation testing.
He reviewed the three candidates and then selected one.
“Could I meet this one?” Landry said handing back the dossier. “I’d like to pray with her. ”
“Oh, I don’t think… Possibly if your wife…” Sister Carol was at a loss and she knew she was babbling. What he was asking was beyond an exception. Normally she ruled the selection process with an iron hand. Usually she interviewed the applicants and made the selections with very little consideration of the desires of the applicants. Reverend Landry had her off guard. His charming smile and persuasive manner had caused her to do things that she would normally not consider. The applicants never got to meet the handmaidens until the sealing ceremony, and the men were never allowed to be alone with the girls even during the intercourse. The rules were very clear but the check in the envelope on the side of her desk was a major factor. He had shown how far he was willing to go, but until he signed it he had given up nothing. She needed to get back on top of things.
“Obedelia is an excellent young woman” Carol tried to compose herself. “She is healthy and fertile.
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She will produce children you will be proud of. ” Carol was staling, trying to think of what to do. “I don’t suppose it would hurt for you to talk to her. I will send for her. Possibly you might make your contribution official while we wait. ” She took the check out of the envelope and pushed it across the table toward him with one hand offering him a pen with the other.
“Oh certainly” he said taking the pen. “Do you have a private chapel where I might pray with her? Often young people are uncomfortable praying in public. One’s faith is such a private matter. ” He held the pen waiting for her answer. “I have made this out to you personally” he explained. “I was not certain which of the center’s funds should receive the contribution. I assume you will be able to distribute it into the appropriate accounts. ”
He had spelled out the ground rules clearly. He wanted to be alone with Obedelia.
That was the condition on which he would sign the check. Carol knew it was a violation of every rule the center had, but she wanted the money. She glanced over at the check in front of the Reverend who was poised to affix his signature. She read ‘Pay to the Order of Carol Martin’ on the top line.
“We have a small interview room that you can use” she said. “It’s quiet there. You won’t be disturbed. ” The pen touched the paper and the signature made it official as Carol touched the intercom and asked her secretary to have Obedelia brought to interview room 3.
The interview rooms were at the end of the north wing. That section of the complex was nearly deserted. Carol had selected the location in the hopes that no one would notice what she was permitting. She was not concerned about the good minister. He was after all a man of God, but the one thing she did not want was anyone asking questions about the variations in procedures. He could have his little prayer with Obedelia; she would have the contribution and all would be well as long as no one started spreading rumors.
She was already thinking about what she would do with funds he had so generously offered.
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She and the center both needed the money. The church's support for the center was minimal, and when she complained of shortages, all she got form the bishop was “the Lord will provide. ” Her situation was little better. She was paid, but her salary was far less than the stress of the job merited. She deserved more. The Lord was providing, and she was not going to get in the way of the Lord’s will.
Obedelia was waiting nervously in interview room 3 when they arrived. Nervous was an understatement. She was terrified. Sister Carol believed in strict discipline and corporal punishment was both severe and brutal. The young girl did not know what she had done. She prayed both long and earnestly for forgiveness for her sins. She tried to follow every rule of the center to the letter. Unlike most of the others, she really believed that God had brought her to the center to give her a second chance at salvation. She did not know what she had done this time but she had been told by other girls at the center that being guilty was a loosely defined term.
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She also understood that the only part of a woman’s body that was required to be functional was her vagina and womb. There were stories of girls who had had their fingers cut off to prevent them from masturbating. She jumped up as the door opened.
“Rejoice Obedelia, God has blessed you” Carol said as she opened the door. “This is Reverend Landry, and the spirit has moved us to understand that it is Heavenly Father’s will that you be joined with his family. ”
“Blessed be the fruit” Obedelia said without taking her eyes off the floor. She breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still shaking from the fear induced adrenalin rush.
Landry stepped into the doorway but did not move far enough into the room to allow Sister Carol to follow him in. The room was small and much of the space was occupied by the conference table in the center of the room. He eyed the young girl carefully and then closed the door excluding Sister Carol from the interview.
He stepped forward and put his hand on Obedelia’s shoulder, then moved up her neck and lifted her chin. He stared at her face momentarily and then his eyes moved down her body.
“Perhaps Sister Carol was premature” he said. “I have not actually accepted you as my concubine. I wanted to meet with you before making a decision.
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Obedelia opened her mouth to explain that she was a handmaiden and not a concubine, but thought better of it and said nothing. His hand holding her face up made her nervous. His eyes running up and down between her hips and breasts terrified her.
“We are looking for a woman who will be comfortable in a God fearing home” he said. “We believe that God intended people to live as the Bible teaches. My wife is obedient to the priesthood as the scriptures command her. You will be obedient as well. We would prefer that your obedience be given willingly. ” He paused as he turned her head to the side and pushed his thumb between her lips and forced her to open her mouth. He was looking at her teeth and down her throat.
“Yes sir” she mumbled when he finally finished inspecting her mouth and released her jaw. She was not certain he had wanted an answer. His face was hard a stone and she could not read if she was expected to answer.
“You will be staying with us after you’re impregnated” he explained. “We will want to supervise your diet, your lifestyle and your prayers during the pregnancy.
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We want to insure that our child is brought into a Christian world. ” His hands moved around the back of her neck and his fingers went up the back of her head feeling the shape of her scalp, her ears and the bone structure of her face. “After God gives us our child, we will want your milk. God ordained that a woman’s body should feed infants and we believe it is sacrilege to defy God’s plan. You will pump your breasts and my wife will bottle feed the child. You don’t look like you’ve got much in the way of tits. ” It was almost an accusation. He pulled her head up by her hair and looked into her eyes as if expecting an explanation, or at least an apology for the size of her breasts.
“Ah… I’m young” she stammered. “My mother and my sister both developed… well you know… later. ” His left hand griped the back of her neck and his put his right on her breast and began feeling her. She almost screamed. “NO… Stop” she commanded and grabbed his wrist with both of her hands attempting to pull him off her.
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“I want to see your chest. ”
“No” she whined. “It is not permitted. I can’t do that. Please…”
He released her neck. Instead his fingers forced their way into the tight collar of the bright orange dress that all handmaidens wore. He gripped the material and ripped the front of her dress open to her navel. The cloth screamed as it tore down the back as well. Buttons flew in all directions. She frantically tried to close the torn fabric as she attempted to back away from him.
She backed into the table, its edge hitting her thighs just below her ass. He moved with her stepping up to her stopping her retreat and pinning her in place. His fingers pulled the shoulder straps of her bra down her arms pealing the cups off her breasts.
“Your nipples will need work” he said as he continued groping her. “It’s important for an infant to have something solid to suck.
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“Mm… Mmm…” She tried desperately to call for help, but his hand clamped over her mouth stifling her screams. She struggled, but the remnants of the bra and the long sleeved dress pinned her arms to her side.
“Shh…” he said calmly. He brought his face up against her cheek and whispered in her ear. “I bought you today. Just like Abraham bought his little Egyptian slave girl, you have been bought and paid for. You belong to me and I’m going to fuck you. Nothing you do can change that. If you scream, if you struggle, it’ll just be more painful. ”
He turned her around and forced her to bend over the table, his chest pressed against her back holding her in place. His hands grabbed the sides of the torn fabric of the back of her dress and ripped it down past her ass. She shifted and twisted under him. The fabric of the dress and her under pants tangled her legs making it impossible for her to struggle effectively.
“I have been with my wife for nine year” he explained. She felt his hot breath on the back of her neck.
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“I like to fuck, but god, the same pussy over and over for nine years. ” He unzipped his pants and took out his penis while he talked to her. “And there are things I have always wanted to do to a woman that a man just shouldn’t do to his wife. ” His finger worked into the folds of her pussy and forced there way into her spreading her juice and getting her hole ready.
She stopped struggling and her attempted screams and cries for help had degenerated into sobs. She cried out in pain as his cock forced its way into her. This was only the third time she had ever experienced intercourse. Her boyfriend’s mother had caught them in his bedroom and brought the women from the church to examine her. The old ladies had had held her down and pulled her legs open while that old crone stuck a finger into her cunt. The old woman had shaken her head indicating that the young girl had given up her virginity. That was the end of her life as she had known it. She was no longer considered fit for a proper Christian boy to marry. From that moment on, she had lost control of her own destiny.
The Reverend Landry was humping her hard; humping her from the back like a dog. She had been taught that this position was vile.
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It was a sin against God to take it like this. He told her to be a good little bitch and hold still for him. She obeyed because she had no choice. Suddenly she felt him slam into her hard. Her whole body was thrust forward. His legs were shaking. His hands gripped her shoulders painfully. It took her a few seconds to realize what it meant. By then it was over and he lifted off her dragging his penis out of her like a stiff rope.
Sister Carol had not intended to leave them alone. She had expected to be present while the Reverend conducted the interview. She had started to protest when the door closed in her face and she realized that he was not listening to her. She was not at all sure how she now found herself in the hallway separated by a windowless door. She had permitted a man to be alone with one of her girls. She told herself that it was only a minor infraction of the rules.
He was after all a man of the cloth; a minister in God's church. He could certainly be trusted.
She almost opened the door when she heard the first of Obedelia’s screams. She had rationalized that the girl was probably laughing. A handmaiden laughing was frowned upon, but not strictly a cause for alarm. The alternative would have been to open the door and see what was going on. If it was as she feared, there would be questions. How had a man been permitted to be alone with a young girl at the center? He had given her a great deal of money and she had allowed him to get access the girl. She would be seen as having pimped out the little bitch. At best she would be fired from her post. She would be disgraced, excommunicated from the church; at worst, she may be facing jail. Suddenly the full implications of her situation hit her and she took her hand off the door handle as if it were hot.
She prayed that she had not heard what she thought she had heard. She willed Obedelia to be quiet and relieve her of responsibility to take action, but the girl would not be quiet. The noises shifted from screams to cries for help and then sobbing.
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There were other sounds too; the creaking of furniture, the man grunting. Carol desperately wanted to ignore what she knew was happening on the other side of the door. She thought of the check that was made out to her. She focused on it, willing her brain to ignore the auditory input from her ears.
Suddenly the door opened. Reverend Landry stood there pulling up the zipper on his suit pants. Behind him Obedelia slid off the table onto the floor in a heap line like a gallon of spilled honey. She held her face in her hands sobbing silently and trying to cover naked body with the remains of her orange uniform dress.
“Yes” Landry said. “I have decided to take her. Have her delivered to the parsonage on Thursday. ”
“Thursday… Well you see she hasn’t finished her training just yet…” Carol mumbled unable to take her eyes off the pathetic young girl on the floor.
“Training” Landry laughed. “What you need to show her how to lie on her back and spread her legs. Don’t worry about it.
I’ll take her as she is; Thursday… preferably before three. ” With that he pushed past her and strode away down the hallway.
Carol stared for the longest time trying to comprehend how things could possibly have gone so wrong. When no answers came she shifted to what she was going to do about the situation.
“What have you done?” Carol said finally running forward and kneeling beside Obedelia.
The young girl looked up at Sister Carol with red eyes and a tear stained face. “What have I done? He raped me. ”
“No” Sister Carol said. “You tricked him into following you down here. Once you had him alone, you attempted to seduce him. You tried to bring out his baser nature and force him to have intercourse with you, but Reverend Landry is an honorable man and wouldn’t commit this sin. When he refused you, you tore your clothes off and concocted this story about something that didn’t happen. ”
Obedelia looked up at Sister Carol. Her face cloaked in hurt and betrayal. Ever since she had been brought to the center, Sister Carol and the other administrators had promised the handmaidens that they were there to protect them.
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They were promised that the center and the church that stood behind the center were there as the shield to protect the young girls against the things that men would do to them. The handmaidens were all fertile young women who had foolishly given up their virginity out of wedlock. Now they would never be accepted by any except the basest of men. No God fearing Christian man would have them since they had proven themselves unworthy. For months now she had been forced to pray and thank God for this second chance.
Obedelia knew that Sister Carol had had her brought to this remote place in the complex. She had brought a man to her and then left her alone with him so he could use her. Sister Carol had waited outside the door listening to her cries for help and had waited while he fucked her.
“Yes” Obedelia said. “I have sinned. I will pray for forgiveness. I deserve to be punished. ”
“We all make mistakes” Carol said. “Do not add bearing false witness to your sins. No one would believe your word over his and mine anyway.
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” Obedelia nodded. She became aware of the hot semen running out of her vagina over her thigh and onto the floor. “It will be okay” Carol continued. “He wants you despite your attempts to corrupt him. He is a man of God and he will help you. You will have your first assignment with him and his wife. Once you are in his home, his wife will look after you; take care of you. She will insure that the ceremony is strictly adhered to. Go clean yourself up. Hurry now, evening prayers will start in a few moments and you don’t want to be late. ”
Sister Carol was absent from prayers that evening. Miriam and Angela were also absent.