
My Boner turns me Invisible


My boner turned me Invisible-

Hello,my name is John Logan, I know, it’s a pretty cool name. I am a geek, asexually frustrated one at that. I like Star Trek, Game of Thrones andpretty much all sci-fi. I am physically very average, my penis is seveninches, I am not very athletic, I have dark hair, I wear glasses and I’m16 years old. This is a story about my high school days, me trying toget some action. When I’m not watching old episodes of Star Trek, I’mmasturbating to lesbian porn.

It’smy second year at high school and I have one friend, who is more of ageek than me, his name is Jenkins. I have never had sex, but I really,really want to. In fact I need to, or else I will lose my mind. There isthis one girl, a cheerleader, who has the largest tits I’ve ever seen. She is Blonde, Blue-eyed, slender and 18 years old.   Hername is Cassandra; she wears her uniform all day. One day after sittingin class and being bored all day, waiting to go home to watch porn,study and masturbate until I cum, I saw something. I was stretching as Iturned to look out the window when suddenly I saw Cassandra, alsostretching, her nipples poking through her tight uniform. I quicklyturned away, I could feel my erection building but I had to hold ituntil I got home.

Whenthe bell rang ten minutes later I rushed out of the class room, aheadof everyone.

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   I was walking fast when I suddenly stopped, and thought, Ican do this! I turned back and found Cassandra, surrounded by a crowd offaceless students rushing past her to get home. I walked right up toher and said, “Cassandra, I w-want you. ” My courage faded as she tookher head phones off.

“What did you say?”

“I s-said” Trying to avoid her eyes I looked down, I noticed her tits again. I just starred; dumbfounded I let out a sigh.

“What do you think you’re doing?! Pervert!”

Ilooked back up, my boner popped up with me; I looked back down and ranaway as she laughed at me. I ran all the way home. I was so out ofbreath I thought I was going to die.

Thatnight I was angry, I skipped dinner and went to bed early, I had torelease. I ferociously threw my clothes off until I was butt naked. Istood in front of my long mirror; I put up a picture of Cassandra’s faceon it and masturbated hard, trying to imagine myself fucking her out ofrevenge. Show her what she’s missing.

Ithought to myself: Why can’t I talk to girls! Why won’t they give me asecond look! God I just want to fuck someone! I felt myself about tocum; I looked up at the mirror and my target. When suddenly my bodydisappeared. I stopped Wanking.

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   I had turned invisible, I felt myselfcum and all that I could see was Cassandra’s face, covered in my cum. Iwas panicking. I couldn’t see my penis, but I could feel it. What do Ido? Do I call my parents? No, what would Spock do? He would evaluatewhat’s happening scientifically. I looked back at the mirror andsuddenly my reflection started to return. I looked back down at my handsand they came back into view too. I cleaned up my mess and went to bed,but I couldn’t sleep.

Iwas thinking about Cassandra, and how much I wanted to fuck her. I wasthinking about how I turned invisible, what’s happening to me? I beganto wonder if I could do it again, I started to fantasize about using itto see Cassandra naked, I got another rock hard boner and feltfrustrated, maybe I just imagined it. I pulled the covers up to wankagain.

“Ahh!!! My bodies gone!”

My mom came rushing in. “What?! What is it honey?”

I looked up at her, my hands were visible again.

“Oh, nothing Mom, just a bad dream, that’s all. ”


Thenext morning I woke up with an idea. Whenever I get turned on I turninvisible.

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   Today I’m going to see Cassandra naked! I had to wait halfthe day for gym class, which is the class right before lunch, and whenall the girls shower.

My teacher walked in and announced. "Today we have a new Student. Everyone give a warm welcome to Melody. "

Inwalked a girl, with messy, long dark brown hair, deep blue eyes, alittle dark eye shadow. She was chewing gum and was wearing a leathermotorcycle jacket. Her tits were average but her tight jeans made herass perky and firm looking.

Shesat next to me and didn’t say a word to anyone. She isn’t going to fitin, at this small town high school, I thought. She glanced over at meand began to stare.

“Nice Shirt. ”

I was wearing my favorite Ramones shirt, my favorite punk band from the 80’s.

“Oh, um… Thanks. ”

Theclass went by slowly as I waited for Gym class, it was co-ed. Cassandraand the other cheerleaders used this time for practice.

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   When she saw meshe smirked an evil grin. I ignored her. We played Dodge ball. Theother girls in the class had to wear the standard gym attire, gym shortsand jersey type things with the school name on it.

Melody,the new girl, was playing with anger; all the balls she threw landedhard and left a mark. Dodge ball was the one sport I was good at. I wasthe last man standing after dodging and catching. Melody was about tothrow a ball at me when I lightly and quickly sent one at her. It hither just as she was about to throw and lost her aim, it went flying atCassandra. It hit her right in the head, she fell over, and she waspissed off. A crowd of people surrounded her. Melody just shrugged itoff.

“Oh well. ” She said under her breath.

The Gym teacher blew her whistle.

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   “Ok! Early lunch. ”

Theboys and girls divided into the two changing rooms. In the change room Itook off all my clothes and went into the steaming showers. I thoughtabout getting revenge on Cassandra and seeing her naked. I immediatelygot an erection and disappeared. I slithered past all the naked boys andtip-toed out the door. I slowly opened the door to the girls changeroom and crept in. I stuck to the wall. I was met with 20 smoking hotchicks in various stages of undress. Some were taking their trainingbras off to reveal their perky little tits. I searched around forCassandra. I didn’t see her, I started heading to the showers, sneakingpast all the girls, dodging arms and some of the larger boobs that weresticking out like obstacles for me. I turned the corner of the lockersin the change room and was startled by seeing Melody’s naked bodystanding at her locker. She was getting out her towel. She had perfect,small and firm looking tits.

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   She shaved her pussy and was surprisinglyfit.

I decided to follow her to showers. As I thought that’s definitely where Cassandra would be, if she wasn't anywhere else.

When we entered the showers I was surprised to find five different girls just standing there. Cassandra at the center of them.

“So…” Cassandra said seductively. “Melody was it?”

“Ya, that’s right. Hey no hard feelings about earlier, it was just an accident after all. ” Melody had a sexy rasp to her voice.

“Oh,I’m afraid we do things differently here. ” Two of the girls werecircling around behind her. “You see, here when someone does somethingbad they get punished for it. ”

I couldn’t believe what was happening.

“What are you gonna do?”

Thetwo girls, who had circled around her, suddenly grabbed her arms andcarried her forward. Melody struggled as she was brought to her kneesbefore Cassandra.

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“What the fuck are you gonna do to me? You crazy bitch!!”

“Well, we’re just gonna have some fun with you, that’s all. ”

Theother two girls grabbed Melody’s ankles and spread her legs wide forCassandra. One of the girls holding her arms covered Melody’s mouth asshe tried to Scream. Cassandra slowly got down on all fours and startedstroking Melody’s dripping clit. Melody was squirming but it slowlysubsided as she felt the pleasure that bitch was bestowing. Cassandrasuddenly lunged forward and engulfed Melody’s warm pussy. Probing herwith her tongue, cries of pleasure and terror could be heard softly fromMelody.

Isnuck around to the other side to get a better view. I thought ofhelping her but I was so turned on I lost all sense. I stroked my shaftas slowly as I could to elongate this experience.

Melodystopped struggling as hard; as Cassandra inserted one of her fingers. After a few seconds she inserted two fingers, then three, then her wholefist. Melody was screaming through the hand covering her mouth. Cassandra inserted it so far it broke her Virgin Pussy. Melody Screamedout of pain.

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   Cassandra pulled out.

“Bring her over to the showers and clean her up. ”

Theyturned on the water, over her limp body, washing away the blood. Tenminutes later they grabbed her again and she regained consciousness. This time she didn’t try to scream though, she just had a nasty smirk onher face.

“Can I help this time?”

“Of course silly. ”

Thegirls let go of her. Melody lunged forward at Cassandra and startedsucking on her Clit. Cassandra moaned softly. Melody reached for a barsoap and began inserting it into Cassandra’s Pussy, it slipped in andshe moaned ecstatically with pleasure. Melody grabbed one of Cassandra's massive tits and squeazed it. The other girls were masturbating each other as they watched. Melodybegan to pump harder and faster. Cassandra started screaming withpleasure before she released torrents of pussy juice, squirting all overMelody’s face. She collapsed in ecstasy.

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   Melody gave her a few minutesto recover.

TheOther girls were now giving each other head and inserting things intoeach other out of pleasure. Melody grabbed Cassandra’s leg and guided itinto her ready pussy; Cassandra followed her lead, grabbing Melody’sfoot and guiding it inside her too. They pulled each other in and out,in and out, using each other as leverage. They foot fucked each other asthey moaned softly.

Ibegan wanking at light speed. I was going to cum any second. Melody andCassandra both started moaning too and then screaming. They bothstarted squirting torrents of their cum over each other, bursting outafter every thrust. I felt myself about to cum standing over them; Iquickly turned and faced the wall, Cumming harder than I had ever cumbefore. Just as they finished, they glanced over at me. I was stunned. They weren’t looking at me. I turned around, still invisible. Threefreshmen girls were staring, their jaws dropped.

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   Cassandra stillrecovering shouted at her minions to grab them.

Itook this as my opportunity to escape; I slithered back into the boyschange room shower, just as I started becoming visible again. I washedmy cock and got dressed and decided to go home early, I needed torecover as well. I signed out at the office.

Isaw the public bus pull up to the stop across the school’s long parkinglot, I dashed across for the bus. I reached it just as the doors wereclosing and slammed into them. The bus driver opened them and gave me alook like what the fuck are you doing, I shook my self off and got on,embarrassed. I paid and as I turned I saw Melody sitting and laughing atme.

“What? That’s the only way to catch a bus in this town. ”

“It was very affective. ”

I sat down next to her, I felt oddly connected with her after secretly sharing in her dark and lustful experience.

“So, why are you going home early?” She asked me still smiling.

“I just felt beat after Gym class. ”

“Ya, I needed to get away from that bitch, Cassandra. ”

We both laughed secretly taking away a different meaning from that remark.



“Ya, she is Bitch. ”

We both laughed.

“Hey, we should hang out sometime and listen to old Ramones records. ”

I couldn’t stop smiling until I got home, maybe I’ll peep on her again sometime.



NewStories are already being written, and will be posted soon. Please giveme feedback, I am working on making them longer and adding morecontent, including sub-plots.




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