Having Hannah.
I had known Hannah for years. I was an old friend of the family, I remember her being a cute little child with the most gorgeous blonde ringlets and blue eyes. I had never taken a whole lot of interest in her though. She was a child and I was a grown up a responsible near college student when I first met the family. I was all of 18 and she was barely a toddler. Needless to say I actually ignored her at the time. She was more of an annoyance than anything else as I hung out with her older brother.
If my life were a film it would be pretty boring through most of it so I’ll just fast forward to when things changed. At the age of 21 I moved into a house round the corner from Hannah and her family so I spent more time with the family as they were about the only people that I knew in the area. I still didn’t take a lot of notice of Hannah herself though I grew to detest her half sister who was a complete bitch. When their older brother moved out I continued to go round to see the family and play with their dogs as I wasn’t allowed one of my own. By the time Hannah was 18 I was 28 and a trusted friend of the family, with my own key to let myself in if no one was home. It was around then that I started taking a bit more notice of Hannah, I was out of work again and suffering with depression so I spent a lot of time playing with the dogs because they cheered me up.
As I spent time round the house I saw a lot of Hannah and began to realise that she was quite lonely and very shy though we both had a passion for the dogs which gradually began to get us talking. She was very hard work to talk to.
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She often stopped conversations dead and never started a conversation. I had to do most of the talking to start with. Slowly she began to open up to me though and we became friends. Shortly after Hannah’s fourteenth birthday her grandmother was taken ill and died quite suddenly. Being the kind of soft hearted guy I am and being her best friend I rushed round to comfort her as soon as I found out. For the first time I enfolded her in a hug as I let her cry without saying anything.
Holding such a perfect young woman in my arms had the same effect on me as it has on most men, I got an erection though I had never thought of Hannah in that way. I knew that she couldn’t fail to notice my problem though it embarrassed me. I was careful to try and hide it though I knew that she stopped breathing for a moment or two before she gave a huge shuddering sigh and snuggled into me more. That night I couldn’t sleep for thinking of that sigh and how good it had felt to hold her, it was the first time that I had ever thought of her in any kind of way other than just my sweet little Hannah, the young woman who was more like a sister to me than a friend.
The more I thought about her tall thin body against mine the harder I got. I tossed and turned in bed both trying to ease my hardon and trying not to think of Hannah. In the end I gave in and jerked myself off as I fantasised about what it would be like to have her in my bed. In the morning of course I was disgusted with myself, after all it wasn’t like anything could come of it, she was still underage and probably wouldn’t be interested in me anyway.
I first began to wonder if I was wrong at the funeral, Hannah had saved me a seat in the family section at the crematorium.
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My seat somehow ended up being next to hers and although she was careful about not getting caught by anyone else, her hand often brushed mine, especially when we were sharing a hymn book. After the service at the crematorium there was one of those strange tense party things for the family to which I was also invited. I was trying to convince myself that the brief touches and little coy looks out of the corner of her eye had been in my head and all innocent. The excuse for my invite to go back to theirs after the funeral had been that they needed someone to look after the dogs and keep them quiet while everyone was there but Hannah spent very little time with her family, opting instead to spend her time with me and the dogs in the back room.
I was just succeeding in convincing myself that I was wrong about the things that Hannah had been doing when she stood behind me and I could swear I could feel her touching the scar on my arm. I turned quickly and just caught the movement of her hand as she snatched it away from its contact with me. In my head my eyebrows rose and I added another note to the growing mental list of subtleties she was putting out.
Nothing else happened that day and I was beginning to convince myself that I had been wrong again when I was round to dog sit while Jean (Hannah’s mother) was covering an extra shift at work. I came out of the bathroom and walked smack into Hannah, nearly bowling her down the stairs, I hadn’t really expected her to be home from school but it was just because I hadn’t thought about it. As I walked into her and she unbalanced I automatically grabbed hold of her to stop her from falling down the stairs. She grabbed onto me too and although it restored her balance neither of us let go. It took me a moment to realise that my hand was just under her arm, almost touching her breast and she was making no move to get it away. She was flushed and I felt awkward as she looked me in the eye and smiled so sweetly I would swear I could see a halo round her head.
“Thanks. ” She said and let go of me.
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I gently let go of her making sure that she wasn’t going to fall and then she giggled, blushed, and darted into her room.
She was downstairs again soon after this to make herself a cup of tea. The dogs were both snoring in their boxes and there was very little for me to do so I sat and watched the TV while Hannah sat at the dining room table and pretended to do her homework. My eyes were half on her and half on the TV when I realised that from where I was sitting I could see right up her short school dress all the way to the crotch of her purple panties. She must have caught me looking because she suddenly asked if I could help her with her homework. I leant over her and explained the sum to her as she leant her head on my shoulder and without thinking I leant my hand on her opposite shoulder. I stood there as she did the next sum and then I massaged her shoulders a little as she did the third. Satisfied that she had got the idea of how to do the sums I left her to it and returned to the TV deliberately putting myself in such a position that the distracting sight of her panties wasn’t in my line of view.
Ten minutes went by before Hannah suddenly threw down her pencil and announced that she was bored.
“What you don’t finish today you’ll have to do in the morning though. ” I told her and she just smiled at me.
“Its ok, I’ll finish it later but I want you to talk to me for a bit. ”
“What do you want to talk about then?” I agreed, flicking the TV off with the remote control.
“We haven’t played the question game for a while. ” She said after thinking for a moment.
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The question game was a form of truth or dare that I had played with her from time to time it had never been all that thrilling a game having no real bite to it as it was basically truth or dare without the dare but I was happy to play along, I always found it harder to come up with dares that I could give her than it was to come up with truth questions.
Ok, I’ll start. Let me see…” I pretended to think while I ordered a row of questions in my mind. “If you could go anywhere in the world for one day where would you go?” I asked.
“The sea side. ” She replied as quickly as she could. I raised an eyebrow and she laughed. “I just like the sea ok?” She justified her answer.
“Ok. I didn’t say anything. ” I smiled holding up my hands as though I were surrendering “Your question. ”
“Ummm, where’s your favourite place in your house?”
“My bed. ” I told her with a little hesitation. I wasn’t lying to her but I was wondering if it was a wise answer.
“Mmm, mine too, it’s the most comfy place.
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” I saw the child in her for a moment and I berated myself for thinking there was anything more to the question.
“If you were offered a cigarette would you have a go at it?” I asked knowing what schools were like and trying to ask questions that she wouldn’t think anything of rather than the ones I half wanted to ask.
“Nope. ” She answered flatly and went on to her question, “Who was your last girlfriend?”
“Lucy. We broke up just after I got fired… Have you ever had a boyfriend?”
“No. Have you kissed anyone since you were going out with Lucy?” I got the impression that she didn’t want to answer questions so much as work up to something that she wanted to ask so wondering where she was heading with the game I continued to play along.
“No. Well not like that anyway, I’m guessing that kissing my granny goodbye doesn’t really count. ” She giggled a girly giggle and shook her head. So I turned the question back on her. “Have you ever thought of kissing someone?” She flushed a little and bit her lip slightly as she nodded once. She gave me no time to wonder though as she blurted out her next question.
“Would you kiss me?” I wasn’t sure if it was a request or a question but I thought it was probably what she had been building up to.
“Would you like me to?”
“No fair, you can’t answer a question with another question. ” She complained and sprang across the room to hit me on the arm.
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As she hit me I grabbed her arm, spun her a little so that she landed in my lap and I kissed her forehead lightly.
“That enough answer for you?” I demanded.
“Nope. I meant a real kiss. ” She whispered with a soft look in her eyes. So I kissed her on the lips softly but fully. She put her arm around my neck and wriggled a little to get more comfortable as though she wanted to stay like that forever. I broke the kiss and expected her to get off my lap but instead she snuggled into my shoulder smiling.
“Why did you want me to kiss you?” I asked, rapidly doing complicated math in my head to try and stop my erection which I know she had to feel already.
“Coz. ” She replied though it was no answer really. “Do you really like me?”
“You know I do. You’re my boo. Where did that come from?”
“I just wondered. Have you ever had sex?”
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” I was cautious not sure what was coming next but beginning to realise that the kiss hadn’t been what she was working up to at all but she was still working up to something more. “Why does that matter though?”
“My friend told me that a couple of months ago her and her boyfriend did it for the first time and that she was surprised I hadn’t because she said that after funerals every one does. ”
“Well it doesn’t quite work like that. ” I told her. “Not every one does have sex after a funeral. ”
“But your whatsit got hard so you wanted to. ”
“Mmmm, not quite. Sometimes when they have a pretty woman in their arms a bloke can’t help it. ”
“Like now?” She demanded and blushed a little realising that I had been trying not to let it be obvious.
“Yea kind of. ” I told her.
“At school they said that when a guy puts it in a woman, she’ll have a baby.
Is that true? Katie doesn’t seem to be pregnant. ” I laughed a little before I explained.
“Its not quite that simple.
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It has to be at the right time of the month and things like that. ”
“So if you put your whatsit in me then I wouldn’t get pregnant?” I was a bit surprised by the wording of her question but I knew that I would have to finish what I had started and more than half of me wanted to see where this was leading.
“No. There are ways to stop you from getting pregnant. ”
“And it feels good right? At school they told us it would hurt and that it was wrong but Katie said it was the best thing ever. ”
“Errm. ” I was somewhat annoyed with the school for not teaching properly so they were scaring the kids but I was also a bit flustered that I was having to explain it all properly whilst having her thin frame curled up on my lap which was definitely distracting. “I believe that the first time can hurt but after that it’s better than anything you have ever felt before. But you don’t need to have sex to feel that. ” I tried to edge round the subject knowing that if this went on much longer then I would end up showing her rather than just telling her.
“Katie told me about that too, she said that sometimes instead of having sex her boyfriend just licks her. I don’t really understand that but she said it’s as good as sex. ” I smiled at her realising that she didn’t understand what her friend had told her. “I don’t really know what’s so good about someone’s tongue on you, I tried licking my arm and it didn’t feel good at all. ”
“She meant that he licks her pussy.
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” I corrected her knowing that things were getting out of hand. Her hand instinctively covered her crotch for a second as she thought about it.
She was sliding off my knee slowly and I had been waiting for her to get off my lap again but now it got to the point where I had to do something or she’d suddenly end up on the floor. I slid one arm under her legs and hoisted her further onto my lap. The only problem with that was that she was then pinning both my arms down, one under her back and one suspiciously close to her butt. I couldn’t move either arm but could move my fingers which I used to tickle her bare leg a little in a random pattern. She shivered a little but didn’t stop me as my fingers roamed in their random pattern occasionally touching the very edge of her knickers.
“Why are you asking me about all of this anyway?” I asked her, filling up a silence that threatened to settle.
“They said at school that it was something that you do with people that you love. And there’s no one else really that I can ask too many things about. If I ask at school, they’ll make fun of me for being naïve, if I ask my parents they will get all mad with me. Who else can I ask?”
“You’re trying not to ask me something else aren’t you?” I said, knowing where she was heading with all this talk but being mean and making her ask outright. She looked scared for a moment and then blushed and looked away. Before she finally spoke.
“Well Katie says they’re teaching us all wrong at school and that I’m missing out, so I need to learn properly.
I thought that you are my best friend so if you knew about it then perhaps you could teach me properly. ”
“You know that you’re asking me to break the law don’t you?”
“The law says that you can’t have sex until you are 18 So if I were to help you I could get into a lot of trouble. ”
“I want you to teach me though and you’ve broken the law before. ”
“Aye I have but not when there was so much at stake. If I help you then you need to promise me a few things. ”
“Go on, I’ll promise anything. ”
“First of all, you can’t go round telling everyone. If anyone says anything to the authorities then I’ll never get to see you again and I’ll be locked up for a long time. ”
“I promise I won’t tell, what else?”
“You have to promise me that you will tell me when you’re having your period so that we can make sure you don’t get pregnant. ”
“Ok. Anything else?”
“You have to think carefully about it one more time, if you have even the slightest doubts then you have to tell me because once we start you won’t be bale to take it back. ”
“I have thought about it lots. I’m sure it’s what I want. ” She smiled and I knew that I was caught like a fish on a hook, I couldn’t back out now. I leaned in and kissed her lips softly again.
“If you’re really sure then I’ll have to help you. ” I offered when we broke the kiss not really knowing what else to say. She yipped with joy and hugged me tight around my neck.
“What’s first?” She demanded.
“First you have to understand that different men like different things, I can only teach you what I like. ”
“Ok, tell me what you like then. ”
“I like things to be slow and romantic, so perhaps I should show you how to kiss first. ”
“But I know how to kiss, we already kissed. ” I smiled at her and shook my head, I moved in for another kiss and she eagerly met my lips. It took her a moment to realise that although our lips were meeting I was also licking her lips slightly, pushing my tongue out to probe her lips and seek an opening. Her lips parted slightly as she moved to renew the kiss and my tongue darted into her mouth to slide over her teeth. She caught on quickly and opened her mouth to let my tongue in and tentatively she used her own tongue to wrestle with mine. To say that she was a natural kisser would be an understatement. She was amazing, her tongue wrestled with mine in a frenetic dance that thrilled us both. I had kissed girls before but none had taken to French kissing the way Hannah did, I didn’t want to stop kissing her.
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The kiss finally ended and I stared into her pale blue eyes completely hooked. I had known that I would do anything for her but I had thought that there might be limits to what I would do. Now I knew that she was like a drug to me and I had to have more. She smiled and gave me an expectant look, clearly asking what the next lesson was but not using words. I think it was then that I decided to use every trick I could possibly think of and take her to the highest height of pleasure I could possibly get her to. I leaned in to kiss her again and she tried to meet my lips but I avoided hers and planted small kisses over her cheek and down to her neck where I nuzzled her, kissing her softly, tracing the contour of her jaw with the very tip of my tongue and very gently nipping her with my teeth. I could feel her rapid little breaths on my own neck as I explored the hollow of her neck. I wriggled my hand out from underneath her legs and traced delicate patterns on her thigh for a while as I unhurriedly explored her throat, neck and face with my lips, from time to time returning to her lips and stealing another taste of her mobile tongue.
I took my time with her and didn’t hurry things, taking no account of time, I knew I had plenty of time, Jean wouldn’t finish her shift till 6pm. It seemed to take forever before I started to move my hand up her body, at fist to her arm and then her chin where I traced the line of her throat, barely touching her but with the lightest of feather light touches tracing her neck, her collar bones and the edge of her shirt. It took her a moment or two to realise that although I was still kissing her I had stopped trailing my fingers over her and started to undo the buttons on her shirt, I had the first one undone and was moving onto the second by the time she realised what I was doing and tried to lean back and help.
She found that she couldn’t lean back and maintain our kiss at the same time which frustrated her so she broke the kiss and leaned back, undoing her own buttons as fast as she could so that she could rejoin our kiss. I was amused by her urgency and though I didn’t intend to rush things didn’t stop her. The same instant the last button on her shirt was undone she put her hands behind my head and brought us together for another kiss where she attacked my mouth with her own with a ferocity that I hadn’t expected. My hand roamed freely over her belly and ribs which made her shiver and squirm slightly as it tickled, I avoided her breasts for a while though I traced my fingers up near them often, keeping her guessing as to where they would go next.
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When I eventually closed my hand over one of the small, bra clad, breasts she sighed and renewed the urgency of her kisses.
Her breast was a little less than a handful and firm, the material of her bra not stopping me from manipulating it but still holding it. I traced the edges of her bra with my fingers and softly massaged her breast as best I could through her bra. She murmured small little moans of approval as I massaged her breast and covered my hand with hers to indicate that I should continue when I stopped. I had other plans though and slid my hand out from under hers and slipped it back under her legs. She thought that I was stopping and made a noise of complaint as she continued to kiss my neck. Instead of stopping though I heaved us both up out of the chair and softly as I could sank us both down to the floor. I sat her down on the carpet and knelt next to her as I allowed my hand to travel up her body from her legs again, this time as I got to her belly though I allowed it to run around her back and join my other hand at her back where I quickly unsnapped her bra clasp. I laid her back and with one arm propping myself up lay on my side next to her.
I took my time gliding my fingers up her torso again and teased her slightly making my caresses aproach her breasts again and then leave the area, gradually getting closer. When I moved my hand up under her now loose bra and closed my hand around the flesh dome of her breast for the first time I thought that I was in heaven. Her skin was so smooth and soft, her nipples erect and hard. I massaged her breast for a moment before tickling her nipples with the edge of a nail, she almost stopped breathing for a moment before she panted for breath as though she’d been running. I couldn’t help myself, as I switched my hand to her other breast I started kissing my way across her collar bone and down. I hooked her bra down with my thumb and kissed between her breasts before trailing up one with my tongue and clamping my lips around her nipple.
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She moaned aloud for the first time and clasped my head to her breast so hard that it dug my teeth in the insides of my lips and hurt a little though I didn’t mind. I flicked her nipple with my tongue and she began to wriggle, squirming around as her body was assaulted by new sensations. I pushed back against her hands and moved to the other breast, sucking it into my mouth as though I were a hungry baby.
I alternated between her breasts making sure that neither was neglected, enjoying the taste of her young flesh, attending both as thoroughly as I knew how. The next move I knew was going to be a big one and I was half afraid that it would put an end to the fantasy but when I stopped attending her breasts she made a noise of disappointment which encouraged me. I let go of her bra and carefully began to pull the sleeves of her shirt as I returned to her lips for another of the electric kisses that she was so natural at. . She broke the kiss and sat up, I thought that the fantasy was over and that she was bringing everything to a shuddering halt. Instead she feverishly tore off her shirt and bra, throwing them aside and clasping my head to guide me back to her breasts as she lay back again.
I gladly returned to teasing her pencil end sized nipples as my finger tips began to glide over her skin again, tweaking and massaging one breast while my lips teased and sucked on the other. Then gliding lightly over her stomach in random little patterns which weren’t quite so random as they seemed. Gradually my fingers got lower and lower down her belly, past her beautiful belly-button and on untill I was playing around the edge of her grey school skirt.
I intended to tease her and continue to arouse her before I did anything near her love box but she couldn’t wait. She let go of my head with one hand and grabbed my hand, guiding it squarely onto her crotch where she held it and rubbed herself against it with small little thrusts of her hips. I was pleased she knew what she wanted even if she didn’t know how really to go about it yet.
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I massaged her crotch as she began to thrust against my hand more, the material of her skirt gliding over the material of her panties smoothly. I wanted to arouse her more but I knew I would have to move at her pace rather than the pace I set so I let up on her breasts and pulled away from her, looking at all of her half naked body for the first time.
She didn’t understand why I had stopped, she looked as though she thought she had something wrong but I didn’t let her wonder for long. I pulled my tee-shirt over my head and cast it aside to where her shirt and bra were heaped, then using both my hands I lifted her butt slightly so that I could find the zipper on her skirt, I undid it and whipped the skirt down in one movement leaving her clad only in her panties. The dark patch of damp on the gusset of her panties was already quite large and glistening with her juices. Dumping her skirt on the pile of other clothes I gripped her legs and dragged her into a new position, where I was between her legs but her knees were in the air. I wasted only a little time looking at her before I stretched out again and lay with my head between her legs, in just the right position for my mouth to connect with the source of her damp panties.
She was surprised and delighted when I started to kiss her inner thighs and soon closed my lips on the damp part of her panties, sucking, licking and kissing all I could. She seemed to be having trouble catching her breath, and her hips thrust into my face uncontrollably. She had no idea what I was doing but that it was the best thing she had ever felt. As her thrusts became almost feverish I pulled aside the material of her panties and for the first time saw the brush of soft, light brown hair that surrounded her pussy, I didn’t wait or take much of a look though the sight of her hair matted with her own juice and my saliva is something that I’ll never forget. I dove in and made contact with her pussy lips directly, nothing between us at all as I kissed, caressed and slurped at them, pushing my tongue between them from time to time.
I was going all out to make it the best experience for her as I lapped at her pussy and found her clit. I treated it as I had her nipples, flicking it, sucking it and generally doing my damnedest to arouse her more. I soon got what I was waiting for.
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She suddenly started telling me to stop and when I asked why she told me that she felt like I was going to make her wet herself. I stopped briefly and used the time to take her panties off then I told her that it didn’t matter and dove back in. She writhed, wriggled and squirmed about making it hard to keep contact with her clit though I did my best until she let out a small scream and came for the first time in her life. She stiffened as she came, every muscle in her body taught and rigid, her back arched and she stopped breathing as pleasure she had never known could exist washed through her senses.
I held her at her high by lapping up everything I could from her pussy and then I let her come down. As she was coming down I moved up next to her again, her muscles went loose again and she collapsed into my arms, melting in body and soul as I kissed her softly. She began to breathe again in short little gasps, sweat beading her brow and top lip. Eventually she responded to my embrace and my kisses, softly kissing me back and holding me close to her.
“That was amazing. ” She finally breathed. “I never knew how it would feel. I feel so good, thank you. ” I kissed her forehead and smiled.
“That’s just part one. ” I whispered back to her and she looked at me with surprise, her gorgeous pale blue eyes wide.
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“You mean it gets better?” She squeaked, not sure that she could believe me.
“Yes, much better. ” I smiled back “You sure you want to go on? We can always leave it till another time. ”
“I want it now. ” She demanded which suited me because I would have been very frustrated to have had to leave things there.
My hand glided down her back and around to my belt. She caught on quickly and moved to help me undo my jeans. She giggled a little nervously as she saw her first “adult” dick with hair spiked all over the balls and a large blue vein running its length.
“I’ve never seen one like that before. I saw a boy from my class once but it wasn’t like that. Can I touch it?” I didn’t reply but I took her hand and placed it on my dick, gently curling her fingers around it in my hand and holding her hand around it as I showed her how to move her hand against it. With her hand in mine I rubbed my solid member for a moment. She marvelled at the soft yet hard feel of it.
“Mmmm, that’s great baby. ” I said feeling her get the rhythm of it “Its not what I actually wanted to show you though.
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“I saw in one of Danny’s mags a woman with it in her mouth, is that what you want me to do?” She asked.
“What were you doing reading Danny’s mags?” I demanded with mock severity and the hint of a laugh in my voice.
“It was on the floor open at that page, I just saw it. ” She said innocently though I didn’t quite believe her.
“No sweetie, I was to show you what it was made for. ” I didn’t give her a chance to ask anything else, I took her hand off my dick and rolled her onto her back so I was above her though I was careful not to actually lay on her. Then I carefully placed the tip of my cock on her pussy which was still slick with my spit and her juices. I allowed my hips to put pressure on my dick and watched it nuzzle into her pussy lips, slowly spreading them open.
It took a supreme effort of willpower not to just plunge straight in but I allowed it to go slowly and let her get used to the intruder. I stopped for a long moment when the tip of my dick was just inside her pussy lips, barely in her hole. She seemed to be a little uncomfortable but not in pain and she said it felt good. I allowed her to get used to the feeling of something extra inside her while I asked her if she was sure she wanted what was coming. She nodded and I pushed in further, feeling her tight pussy clamp around me. I pulled back and pushed in again going in millimetres extra each time untill I hit her barrier, I could feel it at the end of my dick and I paused again, pulled almost completely out and then leaned forward and kissed her lips as I dropped the weight of my hips. My dick shot into her like a bolt being run home, It ripped through her hymen and I was in half way before she could say anything.
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She bit my lip so hard that she drew blood as I ripped through her hymen and she held her breath as she tried to get used to the pain. Tears ran down her cheeks freely but she didn’t make a sound. It seemed like an age that we lay there like that but eventually she took a deep shuddery breath and looked up at me with sparkly wet eyes.
“I love you. ” She whispered “ I can manage now, go on. ” It was perhaps a little callous but I didn’t wait to be asked twice or to check that she was sure, I Was glad to move again, pulling almost out of her and pushing back in a slow rhythm. Her muscles slowly relaxed and allowed me to bury my cock in her completely. When I was fully inside her she looked down to where we were joined and laughed to see a lump in her belly which was the end of my dick.
As I moved in and out of her she began to forget the pain and the pleasure began to return to her, stronger this time. As I speeded up she began to moan aloud and then call out for me to go faster and harder. She soon wrapped her legs around me finding it gave me deeper access and she clung to my shoulders with her hands. She bounced around as I smacked into her at full speed. As she made incomprehensible noises that indicated her enjoyment and pleasure she felt the beginnings of something building deep within her she felt as though she might wet herself again and she tried to find the breath to tell me to stop but she couldn’t form the words in her head let alone find the breath to talk, instead she just moaned more. Whatever it was that had been building inside her suddenly burst like a bubble and washed her over with an incredible feeling, even better than when I had made her cum before. She squirmed and writhed in almost apoplectic fits as her muscles spasmed without control.
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She still clung to me as best she could trying to keep control.
I continued to plough into her as hard as I could though with the strength of her climax I knew I couldn’t hold out long and mine would quickly follow. As her pussy muscles sucked on my member and slid over it, as though they were part of a milking machine and my dick the cows udder, I felt the beginnings of my own climax. I loved every thrust into her tight pussy, it was even tighter as she had her climax and I was half amused to think that maybe my spunk wouldn’t be able to get through my dick because of how tight she felt.
In the midst of her own climax she felt mine as I jerked against her and suddenly stopped, buried as deep inside her as I could possibly get. My climax boiled through my dick and fountained from the end to pulse into her. I collapsed, totally spent. Exhausted and exhilarated as she was, for a little while she continued to squirm around and have paroxysms which slowly faded into little shivering fits. I kissed her forehead and hugged her close to me, basking in the glow as my dick softened inside her.
She clung to me and gave me tiny soft kisses as we lay together, I held her close, just revelling in her proximity to me and the feeling of her skin against mine. I could also feel my depression melting away. We didn’t speak for a long time, it seemed as though words were no longer needed between us. It was me who saw the time though as I moved to make her more comfortable. It was ten past six already and Jean would be home any minute. I swore and leapt up, leaving Hannah in a bewildered heap on the floor.
It took longer to explain to her that her mother would be home soon than I cared to take but eventually I got the message through to her and hurried her up the stairs.
I flicked the TV on again as the dogs pricked up their ears and I heard Jeans car pull up outside. I calmed my racing nerves and opened the door for her as I would have normally. Jean collapsed in the arm chair that I had been sitting in earlier and I asked her if I could get her a drink. While I was making her coffee Hannah slunk into the kitchen walking like she had just gotten off a horse.
“You better not let your mum catch you walking like that. ” I whispered to her.
“I’m bleeding though. ” She hissed back concerned.
“That’s normal, you’re a bit sore too?” She nodded and I continued “That’s normal too, sit in a warm bath for ten or twenty minutes, it will help. ”
“Ok, you staying?”
“No I better not. ” She pouted and I had to smile. “I’ll see you again soon. ” I promised.
“I know you will, I want more.
” She smiled and kissed me softly before she slipped back up the.