
There Can Be Only One Ch5


Chapter 5

As I lay on my bed in my room I couldn’t help but smile to myself, what a day it has been and its only half way through. My hand lay inside my shorts holding onto my flaccid cock. I had intended to have a small nap but who the fuck could sleep when they have just had the first and only three blowjobs of their lives and knew for certain that they were going to lose their virginity in a couple of hours. My cock started to swell in my hand at the very thought. I wonder if Mrs Noakes liked her coffee. I smiled to myself.
Fuck…why did the girls have to go to the mall…I could be sinking my cock into Vicky this very moment. My cock was once again hard as I moved my clenched hand over it. I jumped off the bed and decided to go for a shower so that I didn’t wank myself to a standstill.
The water felt great as it cascaded over me. I just stood with my hands pressed against the wall in a classic ‘spread em’ pose often seen and heard in old movies. My thoughts jumped about from event to event that had happened in those short 5 hours since I woke up this morning. I have three females in my life now that I seem to be able to control sexually. Vicky I know has submissive tendencies and by all accounts doesn’t mind whether it is I or Cathy that has that dominance over her. Cathy I am not sure about…I get the impression that she also likes to take a dominant role and yet she has done what I have asked her…I shall have to test her.   Now mother…I wonder…She is the one that I am getting the most satisfaction out of controlling and humiliating…
I switched off the shower and stepped out, dried myself and got dressed.

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I was as horny as hell. Where the fuck are those girls?
I sat at the computer and started to look at some porn sites. I was stroking my cock looking at the usual fuck and suck pics when the pic I was looking at suddenly changed. Bloody pop ups I swore. This pop up was interesting though. Celebrities as you have never seen them…and there before me was Jennifer Lopez naked as the day she was born. I took the free tour only to realise that half way through it they weren’t the celebrities at all but look alike's or Photoshop altered images.
That’s it…
I closed down the computer and went into Susie’s room. I knew she had one and it didn’t take long to find. Her room is always kept neat and tidy and everything in its place. There on a shelf just above her bed sat the new digital camera that she had just been given for her Christmas present. 3 weeks ago. Grabbing the camera I went back into my room and after a few minutes got the hang of what buttons did what.
As I went downstairs I tried to formulate what was the best course of action. I stood at the bottom of the stairs.

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   I could hear mum and Mrs Noakes talking but not quite what they were saying. Sitting just outside the lounge, on a polished table stood a vase with a large arrangement of flowers. I smiled.
Walking up to it I stared to take a couple of snaps of it knowing fine well that the ladies could see me.
“What are you doing Ross?” mum shouted out.
I stopped and turned, walked the few paces and stood by the door.
“Ohh nothing much mum…just that I thought I would take a few pictures to see if I would be interested in joining the camera club…if you are still going to start it up that is Mrs Noakes”
I watched as both pairs of eyes went straight to my crotch. They could not mistake the outline of my still erect cock.
“Well I thought it was a good idea but for some reason your mother seemed to have changed her mind and has second thoughts about it” I could see Mrs Noakes slowly drag her eyes away from my erection.
I smiled to myself, mum obviously took my remark about seeing Mrs Noakes naked in front of my camera serious…and serious enough to think I could pull it off and try and persuade Mrs Noakes from starting the club.
“Why is that mum…I think it’s a great idea. I could get into it I think”
I saw mum blush
“Well…well I don’t have anything against it…just don’t think many people would be interested” mum tried to give a valid reason for not forming the club.
“Well I would for one” I smiled back.
“See. .

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  . what did I tell you Betty…I am sure we will get a few interested. ” Mrs Noakes spoke with her well refined ‘posh’ accent.
I lifted the camera up and took a picture of them both sitting on the looking at me.
Mrs Noakes smiled
I looked at the picture I had taken.
“Hey…you two could be models”
They both laughed, although mums was a little strained, they looked at each I took three more pics in quick succession as they turned to back on hearing the camera noise. I could see that both pairs of eyes were looking back at my crotch.
“Well you could” I said as I looked at the pics I had taken. These will do nicely I thought to myself. “Want me to make you another cappuccino?”
“Noooo…. no thank you son, but we are just about finished here”
“Thank you Ross but we have to finish this magazine and I have to go soon…but I must admit your mother makes a nice cup of coffee. ”
I wanted to ask her if she could taste my cum but daren’t.
“Ok I am going back up to my room”
I went back up to my room and taking the memory card out of the camera loaded the images onto my computer and started to work on them.
It must have been an hour by the time I heard mum saying goodbye and come back up stairs. I had just finished what I was doing and closed the window just in time as she entered the room without knocking.

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“Ross…what has gotten into you? How dare you embarrass me and what’s more important Claire?
“I didn’t do anything mum. I just took some pictures”
“And that’s another thing. . . what is all that about…you didn’t want a camera when I asked you if you wanted one for Christmas.
“I didn’t THEN…”
Mother came further into the room, shut the door and sat on the edge of the bed.
“What has gotten into you son…you used to be…well a nice well behaved boy…now look at you?”
“What. . . I haven’t changed mum”
“What’s with all this sex stuff…and what you are doing with your sister and Vicky is wrong. You are all way too young to be doing those things…especially with your sister. You have to stop it”
“Why should I…Cathy and Vicky don’t want me to…”
“It’s wrong…” I lifted the camera and took another picture of my mother as she sat there which stopped her in her tracks”
“Ross…now stop that”
“You didn’t come back up while Mrs Noakes was here and put on panties did you”
“Rosssss…this has to stop”
“Show me”
“I will not young man”
“Show me MOTHER”
“I can’t show you…you will see my bare…tickle”
I laughed out aloud…tickle was the word mum used to call Cathy’s pussy when we were little…I hadn’t heard that for ages. Mum grew red in the face on hearing me laugh…I was not sure whether it was through anger or embarrassment.
“Lift up your skirt and show me your CUNT”
“Ross. .


  . stop using that word you know I don’t like it”
I did not say anything but turned around and brought up the screen on my computer.
“Stop that Ross…don’t look at those disgusting pictures…is that where you are getting those thoughts from?”
“Just look at this one mum…you will like it”
“I can see it from here thank you very much and I do not like looking at it”
“Come closer…look at this one and I will close it down after that”
Mum rose and came over to the screen…she gasped out aloud.
“Tha…That’s me and Claire…how…it can’t be. . . we are naked…that’s not me. . . it’s my head…but that’s not me. ”
It had taken a while and looking at a lot of pictures from the mature section but I eventually found one. On the screen was a picture of mum and Mrs Noakes…well their heads superimposed on two ladies that were sat on a sofa with the leg of one lady draped over the other and both with a large dildo each being shoved up their cunts by the other woman. Their bodies were roughly the same size as those of Mrs Noakes and Mum.
“Photoshop is a great programme mum”
Mum kept on looking at the picture. “That’s disgusting…how dare you…delete it…”  I just sat and let her rant for a couple of minutes.

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“I wonder if I could submit this as an example of my photography work when the club starts”
“You wouldn’t dare…”
I smiled but stayed silent.
“Anyway it’s not our bodies…so they will know its not us”
“You know its not your body…Mrs Noakes knows its not…as do I…but don’t you think you are roughly similar in size to those ladies in the photo…so I guess unless you can prove to all those that may see the picture that indeed it isn’t your body then they may well prefer to believe it is you and Mrs Noakes”
I could see mum crest fallen.
“What are you going to do with it…please delete it son”
I turned to face her.
“Lift up your dress mother. ”
“Show me your CUNT…” I emphasised the word cunt just because I knew she didn’t like it.
She looked at me and started to lift the hem of her dress up. She paused half way up her thighs and glanced at me with a pleading look in her eye but continued to raise it on seeing that I was not about to let her off.
I almost shot my load there and then in my pants. Here was my mum showing the fullest dark brown bush I have ever seen…Her inner labia was clearly seen hanging between her puffy lips and they were definitely coated with a fine film of juice.
“You horny bitch”
She said nothing but held her dress high as I gazed upon her hidden charms. I could also smell a much stronger odour than I could when I was close to Vicky and Cathy.
“What made you horny mother. . . flashing your cunt?” She still remained silent… “No couldn’t be that…you were already wet…what was it mum?”
She didn’t say anything.

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“Answer me mum or this picture will be sent all over the internet”
A few seconds pause before she spoke with a tremor to her voice “I. . . I don’t know son…” I gave her a look… “I…I have been excited ever since…well ever since you took out your cock at lunch and made Vicky…”she took a deep breath and looked down at her feet… “and me suck your cock”
“You like sucking mean…yours was the first ever cock I had sucked”
“You mean you and dad have I leaned forward and went to touch mums cunt…she took a step back
“No son” she dropped her dress back into place
“Get back on the bed and lift your skirt…I haven’t finished looking” I almost shouted at her. I was half expecting her to slap me around the face…but surprising me she turned and went to sit on the edge of the bed lifting her dress up exposing her hairy gash once more. I had to fuck that hole.
 I rose and took off my shorts, my cock oozing precum.
“Ross…put that away”
I walked up to her pumping my cock between my fingers. Mum spoke in a voice I could hardly hear…mentioning my name and please don’t…over and over but went silent when I stood between her open legs…my cock just a foot away from her mouth…I think she was half expecting me to push it towards her lips as they slightly parted of their own accord. I was sorely tempted.
I placed my hands upon her shoulder and gently pushed her backwards with me following her. The look of surprise upon her face was classic. Was she disappointed?
 When she was flat on her back…her legs hanging over the side my cock touched with the first cunt it had ever made contact with. Mother gasped. I was not expecting what happened next…I couldn’t control it.

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   I came…I fucking spurted my load right on my mothers cunt as soon as my fucking cock touched her lips. I just collapsed on her…I should have been embarrassed, but in all honesty it was the best cum of my life. I lay there in ecstasy.
“What the fuck”…I heard Cathy’s voice somewhere behind me but I didn’t bother raising my head as my body weight held mum down as she tried to get up…

Comments on or about the story very welcome and suggestions as to where you want the story line to go may be sent to my e-mail addy. Nastymann@hotmail. co. uk 



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