
Hey!Why Just Sex Stories?Why not a PRE-SEX Story (I Enjoy the Seduction Angle (This One Stars My Mom!))?


One day, my mother and I were alone together in the home of my (kinda sorta) rich Aunt who could afford an above-ground swimming pool for her back yard.Obviously, being a teenager, I wanted to go swimming, so I went into the bathroom to shed my clothes and don my swimming trunks.From the bathroom I walked to the kitchen where my beautiful mother was waiting, and we walked out to the swimming pool holding hands at my mother’s bidding.(Being a teenager, I didn't’t enjoy this assertion of parental authority, but, being a male, I could hardly find openly walking hand-in-hand with my lovely mother distasteful.)

Now, the fact being that I was wearing only my swimming trunks while my mother was fully clothed, wearing a white blouse with a yellow orlon sweater over it, a full-length red-and-green plaid pleated skirt, nylon stockings and black high-heeled pumps, with her long wavy red hair pulled back into a perfect bun and her eyes, shielded by her black horn-rimmed glasses glaring with amused judgment at my (mostly) naked youthful body, I felt myself to be at a slight disadvantage.Noticing the inferiority of my budding manly power relative to my mother’s unselfconscious (even arrogant) womanly sexuality, and taking some measure of masochistic enjoyment from that sensation of sexual inferiority, my penis became erect.She saw my pitiful offering and averted her eyes involuntarily and instantly, while breaking out into hysterical laughter combined with tears.She said, through her laughter and her tears: “Oh, my God!Oh, that is so sweet!That’s the sweetest compliment a gentleman can possibly present to a lady, because a gentleman’s tongue can always lie (and usually does), but his penis can never lie: its response is involuntary.”Then, my mother’s expression changed into a mischievous brilliance in the smile of her lips and the smile of her eyes, and she said “Oh, sweetheart!You want to fuck me, don’t you?”And I could only answer, “Yes, Mom!”And my mother answered: “I don’t know whether I love you too much to say yes or too much to say no to your very sweet offer of your penis to my pussy, but, all I have to say, besides yes, is that your very angry cannon of a penis is going to meet my very angry flower of a pussy in violent combat, in which you will be the victor right up until the end, when my pussy will drain your penis of is sperm, power, and dignity, and your penis will actually be grateful to my pussy for having inflicted that defeat upon him!”

My mother then joyfully stripped my swimming trucks off from my body, and I stood naked and helpless in my boyish innocence before the shrewdly judgmental eyes of my fully clothed mother’s womanly experience.

“Now, sweetheart, ask me the question that’s on your mind!”

“Mom, can I fuck you?”

“Grammar, sweetie, grammar!When asking permission, we say “may’, not “can”, remember?”

“Mom, MAY I fuck you?”

“Of course you may, sweetheart, of course you may!”





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